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话题十二健康话题十二健康 (Health)第三部分中考话题综合训练Part 1:话题相关词句话题相关词句重点单词重点单词健康health 健康的healthy / fit 不健康的unhealthy 身体body头head 脸face 眼睛eye 鼻子nose嘴巴mouth 牙齿tooth 耳朵ear 脖子neck肩膀shoulder 胳膊arm 手肘elbow 手hand手指finger 心脏heart 肺lung 胃;腹部stomach腿leg 脚foot 头痛headache 胃痛;腹痛stomachache感冒cold / flu 发烧fever 医院hospital 医生doctor护士nurse 病人patient 疾病sickness / illness / disease 手术operation 药medicine 重量weight 酒wine 酒类饮料alcohol 香烟cigarette 喝酒drinking 吸烟smoking常用词组常用词组头痛have a headache 胃痛have a stomachache发烧have a fever 感冒have a cold / flu住院be in hospital 检查look over量体温take the / ones temperature 吃药take (the)medicine 一日三次three times a day 喉咙痛have a sore throat 心脏病heart attack 加蜂蜜的热茶hot tea with honey看医生see a / the doctor; go to hospital 立刻;马上at once有点问题theres something wrong with. 躺下来休息lie down and have a rest不健康be in poor health 好好照顾 look after.well / take good care of.做早操do morning exercises 习惯于做be / get used to doing拥有健康的生活方式have a healthy lifestyle 吃均衡的饮食eat a balanced diet早睡早起go to bed early and get up early 最好做had better do吃早餐eat breakfast 饭前before meals刷牙brush the / ones teeth 对有害be bad for.放弃;戒掉give up 躺在床上看书read in bed睡八个小时sleep (for)eight hours 熬夜stay up做运动do sports / exercise 保持健康keep / stay healthy典型句子典型句子 1. 我喉咙疼。我想喝点加蜂蜜的热茶。I have a sore throat. I would like some hot tea with honey. 2. 我感觉不舒服。我需要马上去看医生。I am not feeling well. I need to see a doctor at once. 3. 汤姆今天不去上学,他感冒了。Tom wont go to school today. Hes caught a cold. 4. 我的脚有点问题,我想躺下休息一下。Theres something wrong with my foot / feet. I want to lie down and have a rest. 5. 这位老人身体不好,我要好好照顾他,希望他早日恢复。This old man is unhealthy / in poor health. Ill look after him well. I hope he can feel better soon. 6. 医生量了他的体温并仔细检查后,告诉迈克每日服药三次。After the doctor took his temperature and looked him over carefully, he told Mike to take the medicine three times a day. 7. 你应该(通过)锻炼身体来保持健康,比如说,做早操就对身体有好处。You should exercise to stay healthy, for example, doing morning exercises is good for your body. 8. 我习惯了多喝水,这是保持健康的好方法。 Im used to drinking more water. It is a good way to keep healthy. 9. 拥有健康的生活方式是容易的,吃均衡的饮食是重要的。It is easy to have a healthy lifestyle and its important to eat a balanced diet. 10. 我们应该早睡早起,而且最好每天吃早餐。We should go to bed early and get up early, and wed better eat breakfast every day. 11. 我们应该饭前洗手,每天刷两次牙。We should wash our hands before meals, and brush our teeth twice a day. 12. 多吃蔬菜和新鲜的水果对身体有好处。Eating more vegetables and fresh fruits is good for our health. 13. 吸烟有害健康,所以你最好戒烟。 Smoking is bad for health, so youd better give it up. 14. 不要劳累过度。那是不健康的。Dont be stre-ssed out. It is not healthy. 15. 躺在床上看书对你的眼睛有害。Reading in bed is bad for your eyes. 16. 我相信一晚上睡够八小时是重要的。I believe it is important to sleep eight hours a night.
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