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牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块八模块八 高二下学期高二下学期) )Advance with EnglishTask 1Unit1Writing a review of a book or story板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Unit 1 课件描述:课件描述: 本本节节课课是是以以听听和和写写为为主主的的语语言言综综合合技技能能训训练练课课,以以学学习习写写文文学学评评论论为为话话题题,分分两两部部分分进进行行教教学学。教教师师在在教教学学中中要要给给予予学学生生充充分分的的听听和和读读的的时时间间。对对于于课课本本上上的的如如何何听听关关键键词词的的指指导导性性的的文文字字,要要给给学学生生理理解解及及热热身身的的时时间间;而而对对于于如如何何做做笔笔记记、提提炼炼要要点点,也也可可作作一点温故知新的工作。一点温故知新的工作。 Skills building 1: Listening for key words In order to _ about something, we often use key words, which are the most important words in a sentence or a paragraph.give useful hints Key words are often _ , _ , or _ with a _ before them.stressedrepeatedsummarizedpauseListen for the key words. Just as a proverb says, life is filled with twists and turns. One cant gain any success if he or she never experiences difficulty and failure. In other words, trouble exists from beginning to end during our lifetime. Students may fail in their exams, scientists may fail in their experiments, and players may be defeated in their matches.Step 1: recognizing key words Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4author, title, category, settingplot, characters, character developmentthemes, symbolspersonal opinion, Listen and check notes on the story .TitleAuthorGenreCharactersPlotThemeSymbolsYour opinionThe home-made ballJerry Johnsonshort storyKevin, Mike, StevenKevin and Mike are good friends and play soccer with their home-made ball every day. However, when Kevin gets new sneakers and a new soccer ball, things change .friendshipThe old home-made soccer ball and the new soccer ball, the old bench and the new sneakers.okay我们一看到他奇怪的衣服都笑了。我们一看到他奇怪的衣服都笑了。 (at the sight of/catch sight of)Words & phrasesWe all laughed at the sight of his strange clothes. We all laughed when we caught sight of his strange clothes.不要把我丢了工作一事泄露出去,行吗?不要把我丢了工作一事泄露出去,行吗? (let out)Words & phrases Dont let it out about me losing the job, will you? When did you buy this computer? It looks completely brand new.你什么时候买这个电脑的?它看上去还你什么时候买这个电脑的?它看上去还全新的呢。全新的呢。 (brand new)
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