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Complete the tables with the correct nouns, verbs or adjectives.1VerbNounAdjectiveinjuryswollenbleedsprainpoisonousinjureinjuredpoison poison blood/bleedingbloody/bleeding swellswellingsprainsprainedVerbNounAdjectivevarietyorganicchoke waterinfectvaryvarious infection chokeorganizeorganwaterinfected/infectiouswaterychokedComplete the sentences with new words or phrases from the unit.1. When do you need to use your knowledge about _ _? When somebody suddenly _ _ or has an accident.2. What is the _? It is an organ which acts as a _ against disease, poisons and the suns harmful _.2 first skinaid falls illbarrierrays3. Why are the functions of the skin described as _? It keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water and provides you with your _ of touch.4. What can hurt the _ of the skin? Hot _ from pans on the stove; electric shocks, radiation, fire and the sun.complexsensetissueliquid5. What is it _ to do if you have third degree burns? Go to the hospital.6. What are the _ of first degree burns? They are dry, red and mildly _.symptomsswollenvitalComplete the passage using the words or phrases provided in their proper forms.3bandage over and over againunbearable scissorsin place squeeze outblisters temporaryankle cupboard Emma had a mild accident. She burned her _ when she knocked some hot liquid over herself. At first the pain was _ but fortunately Luke knew what to do. He immediately provided some _ treatment using some cloths from the _. He wetted them, _ the cold water and then placed them over her ankle. ankleunbearabletemporarycupboardsqueezed out He did this _ until the pain disappeared. Then he dried the ankle gently to prevent _ from forming. Finally he took a pair of _ and cut a _ to the right length. Then he tied it tightly so that it would stay _. Emma was very grateful to Luke for what he had done for her.over and over againblistersscissorsbandagein placeI. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母,根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母,写出该单词的正确形式。写出该单词的正确形式。1.The wind made the girl pull her woolen scarf t_ around her neck.2. I dont think the chair is f_ enough to stand on.3. Mr. Smith cleared his t_ before he spoke to get the audiences attention.throattightlyfirmII. 将划线部分补充完整。将划线部分补充完整。1. When young, Tom studied Russian.2. What have you been doing? Watching TV.3. Joe wont come. Why? Is he very busy?When he was young I have been watching TV Why will he not come4. It seems that Jack has learned the truth. Yes, he seems to have.5. It is not so hot today as yesterday.6. Do you think it will rain? I guess so.he seems to have learned the truth as it was yesterday I guess it will rain.
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