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Unit 9 What does he look like?Period1SectionA(1a-1c)QiJiaWanMiddleSchoolLiLiequnUnit9Whatdoeshelooklike?学习目标(Learning Aims)1.能用英语描述人的外貌,包括身高、体重、发型2.学习完成任务所需要的语言:1)Words:curly,straight,tall,medium,height,thin,heavy,build.2)Phrases:looklike,(be)ofmediumheight,(be)ofmediumbuild.3)Sentences:-Whatdoesshelooklike?-Sheisofmediumbuild,andshehaslonghair.3.重点:Words,phrasesandsentences.4.难点:正确运用is和has.高度高度tallshortofmediumheightHeisbuild体格体格,体形体形heavythinofmediumbuildWhatdoesshe/helooklike?She/Heisstraighthairshorthairhair头发头发longhaircurlyhairShehasWhatdoesshelooklike?Practicereadingthenewwordslonghair/he /长头发shorthair短头发curlyhair /k:(r)li /卷头发straighthair /stret/ 直头发thin/n / adj.瘦的(be)ofmediumbuild/mi:dim/ /bld /中等体形heavy/hevi/ adj.胖的/重的tall/t:l / adj.高的(be)ofmediumheight/mi:dim/ /hat /中等高度short矮的 tallof medium heightshortheavycurly hairlong hairshort hairstraight hairthinof medium build tallmedium heightshortheavycurly hairlong hairshort hairstraight hairthinmedium build123456789101.short hair _2.curly hair _3.long hair _4.straight hair _5.tall _6.short _7.medium height_8.thin _9.heavy _10.medium build _ebaa/fhfgcda/e/gMatch the words with the people in the picture. (1a)tallcurly hairListen and fill in the blanks in the picture. (1b)1c. One of the people in the picture is your friend. Describe your friend. Your partner will find him or her. A:Whatdoesyourfriendlooklike?B:Sheistall,andshehaslongstraighthair.Describeoneofyourgroupmembers.Askyourclassmatestoguesswhohe/sheis.Eg:She/Heistall.She/Hehaslong/shorthair.She/Heisofmediumheight/build.Whoishe/she?What does he/she look like?He/She has short hair. has long hair. has straight hair. has curly hair. is short. is of medium height. is tall. is heavy. is of medium build. is thin.He/She Summary小结小结 I.New words : curly , straight , tall , medium , height , thin heavy, build . 2.Phrases: look like (be) of medium height(be) of medium build 3. Sentences:What do you/they look like?Im I have.TheyreWhat does he/she look like?He/She is She hasExercise:用用is 或或has 填空填空1.He _tall and _beautiful hair. 2.She _of medium height, and she _curly hair.3.She _very short, and she _very young.4.He _straight hair and he _ heavy.5.She _long curly hair. ishasishasisishasishasPan Changjiang is_, but he is a good actor(演演员员).Han Hong is_, but she is a kind and great singer.Dont judge others by their looks. 不要以貌取人。不要以貌取人。shortheavyDo you think your good look is the most important (最重要的最重要的)?A: Reviewwhatyoulearntinclass. B: Describeoneofyourclassmates.He tall.He short.He medium height.tallshortWhatdoeshe/shelooklike?He/She tall.short.mediumheight.heavy.thin.mediumbuild.shorthair.longhair.straighthair.curlyhair.blondehair.abeard.around/longfaceisa hatglasses.wearshas12345678910111213Shelonghair.Heshorthair.Shecurlyhair.Shestraighthair.StraighthairCurlyhairWhos this man?Hes Jackie Chan.What does he look like?Hes medium height, and he has short hair.
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