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英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五 常见表达常见表达 1 1如何征求意见和提供建议如何征求意见和提供建议征求意见和提供建议的方式有很多,在不同的场合所运用的征求意见和提供建议的方式有很多,在不同的场合所运用的句式也各不相同。如:句式也各不相同。如:What should I/we/he/she/they doWhat should I/we/he/she/they do?专用?专用于征求意见。回答此句式,我们常用于征求意见。回答此句式,我们常用“You/He/She/They You/He/She/They should/couldshould/could”来回答。除了使用来回答。除了使用should, couldshould, could以外,我们还以外,我们还可以使用以下句式来征求意见或提供建议。可以使用以下句式来征求意见或提供建议。(1)Shall I/we(1)Shall I/we?意为?意为“好吗?我好吗?我( (们们) )可以可以吗?吗?”既既可以用来征求意见也可以用来提供建议,后跟动词原形。可以用来征求意见也可以用来提供建议,后跟动词原形。 英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五 Shall we have a party?Shall we have a party? 我们举行一次聚会如何?我们举行一次聚会如何?(2)Lets(2)Lets!意为!意为“咱们咱们吧!吧!”,用于提供建议,后跟动,用于提供建议,后跟动词词 原形。原形。 Lets go to the parkLets go to the park!我们去公园吧!我们去公园吧!(3)Why not(3)Why not?/Why dont you/Why dont you?意为?意为“为什么不为什么不?”用于提供建议,后跟动词原形。用于提供建议,后跟动词原形。Why not sell your CDs?Why not sell your CDs? 为什么不把你的为什么不把你的CDCD卖了卖了( (来筹钱来筹钱)?)?英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五(4)How/What about(4)How/What about?意为?意为“如何如何/ /怎么样?怎么样?”用来提出用来提出建建 议,征求意见,询问看法,后跟名词或动名词。议,征求意见,询问看法,后跟名词或动名词。How/What about a dressHow/What about a dress?一条裙子怎么样?一条裙子怎么样?How/What about playing tennis?How/What about playing tennis?打网球怎么样?打网球怎么样?(5)Youd better(not)(5)Youd better(not)意为意为“你最好你最好( (不不) )”。用于提供。用于提供建建 议,后跟动词原形。议,后跟动词原形。Youd better see a doctor.Youd better see a doctor. 你最好去看医生。你最好去看医生。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五(6)Would you like(6)Would you like?意为?意为“你想要你想要吗?吗?”表示有礼貌地表示有礼貌地提出请求、邀请或建议。提出请求、邀请或建议。Would you like a cup of coffee?Would you like a cup of coffee?你想要杯咖啡吗?你想要杯咖啡吗?2 2如何用如何用couldcould和和shouldshould提建议提建议在陈述句中,在陈述句中,couldcould用于委婉客气地陈述看法和建议,向对方用于委婉客气地陈述看法和建议,向对方提供一个选择的内容,可译成提供一个选择的内容,可译成“可以可以”“”“不妨不妨”。shouldshould表示义表示义务和责任,说话者语气较肯定,常译成务和责任,说话者语气较肯定,常译成“应该应该”。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五在疑问句中,在疑问句中,couldcould用于以委婉的语气向别人提出要求、建用于以委婉的语气向别人提出要求、建议或劝告,此时议或劝告,此时couldcould不表示过去时,肯定回答用不表示过去时,肯定回答用cancan或或suresure。shouldshould只用于第一人称,表示征求意见或建议,语气比只用于第一人称,表示征求意见或建议,语气比shallshall委婉。委婉。3 3如何应答意见和建议如何应答意见和建议对别人提出的意见和建议,表示接受的应答语为:对别人提出的意见和建议,表示接受的应答语为:Great./Wonderful./Thats a good idea./GoodGreat./Wonderful./Thats a good idea./Good!/Certainly./All right./Yes, please./Thank you./Certainly./All right./Yes, please./Thank you.拒绝接受意见和建议的应答语为:拒绝接受意见和建议的应答语为:Im sorryIm sorry,butbut/Im /Im afraid(that)Iafraid(that)I/Id love to, but/Id love to, but/No, thanks./No, thanks.英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五4 4如何对事物作出评价如何对事物作出评价 (1)Thats too boring.(1)Thats too boring.那太没意思了。那太没意思了。 (2)Thats OK.(2)Thats OK.可以。可以。 (3)Thats too expensive.(3)Thats too expensive.那太贵了。那太贵了。 (4)Thats too personal.(4)Thats too personal.那太个人化了。那太个人化了。 (5)Thats cool.(5)Thats cool.那很酷。那很酷。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五(6)Thats not interesting/beautiful/creative/(6)Thats not interesting/beautiful/creative/ special.special. 那不够有趣那不够有趣/ /漂亮漂亮/ /有创意有创意/ /特别。特别。(7)Good idea.(7)Good idea.好主意。好主意。 It sounds good.It sounds good.听起来不错。听起来不错。 She/He will like it.She/He will like it.她她/ /他会喜欢的。他会喜欢的。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五 应用提高应用提高. 用用“Would you mindWould you mind?” 或或“ Could you pleaseCould you please?” 提提 要求或建议要求或建议1 1Your neighbors bike is in front of your door.Your neighbors bike is in front of your door. Would you minWould you mind _d _?2 2The shop assistant gave you a large size hat.The shop assistant gave you a large size hat. Could you pleaseCould you please _ _?moving your bikegive me a smaller one英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五3 3Your friends room is very dirty.Your friends room is very dirty. Would you minWould you mind _d _?4 4Its 10 in the eveningIts 10 in the evening,but your sister is playing but your sister is playing the music loudly.the music loudly. Could you pleaseCould you please _ _?5 5Its crowded in the waiting room and its hot.Its crowded in the waiting room and its hot. Would you mindWould you mind_?cleaning your roomturn down the musicopening the door/window英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五. 根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1 1_( (为什么不为什么不)come and sit next to me?)come and sit next to me? OK.OK.2 2_( (怎么样怎么样)going together?)going together? Im afraid not.Im afraid not.3 3_( (咱们咱们)fly kites.)fly kites. Good idea.Good idea.Why notHow/What aboutLets英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五4 4Shall weShall we _ _( (去散步去散步)?)? All right.All right.5 5YouYou _ _( (最好不要最好不要)watch TV.)watch TV. OK.OK.6 6_( (你愿意你愿意)to go shopping with me?)to go shopping with me?go for a walkhad better notWould you like英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五. 补全对话补全对话 A AC C从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话( (方框中有两项是多方框中有两项是多余选项余选项) );D DE E根据语境填入适当的词语或句子补全对话。根据语境填入适当的词语或句子补全对话。 A AA: Its a nice day, isnt it?A: Its a nice day, isnt it?B: 1.B: 1. _ _ It is very sunny.It is very sunny.A: Would you mind opening the window?A: Would you mind opening the window?B: 2.B: 2. _ _ By the way, what are you going to do this By the way, what are you going to do this Sunday?Sunday?AE英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五A: I am going to a job interview.But I dont know what A: I am going to a job interview.But I dont know what to wear. to wear. B: 3.B: 3. _ _A: Thats a good idea.4.A: Thats a good idea.4. _ _B: Yes, I have.I found a partB: Yes, I have.I found a part time job last vacation.time job last vacation.A: 5.A: 5. _ _B: Yes, a little.Dont worry.You are the best!B: Yes, a little.Dont worry.You are the best!A: Thank you!A: Thank you!BDF英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五A.A. Yes, it is.Yes, it is.B BWhy dont you wear your new skirt?Why dont you wear your new skirt?C CNo, it isnt.No, it isnt.D DHave you ever been to a new job interview?Have you ever been to a new job interview?E ENot at all.Not at all.F FDid you feel nervous during the job interview?Did you feel nervous during the job interview?G GYes, I am.Yes, I am.英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五 B BA: Joe, long time no seeA: Joe, long time no see!Where have you been?Where have you been?B: Hi, Judy! Ive just traveled to AmericaB: Hi, Judy! Ive just traveled to America;1.1. _ _A: Tour guideA: Tour guide?It sounds interesting.It sounds interesting.B: I love traveling.It is an important part in my B: I love traveling.It is an important part in my life.The only problem is that I have to stay in life.The only problem is that I have to stay in hotels all year round.hotels all year round.A: OhA: Oh,I nearly forgot! I have just won a prize at workI nearly forgot! I have just won a prize at work a free vacation.a free vacation. 2.2. _ _DE英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五B: ReallyB: Really?CongratulationsCongratulations!3.3. _ _ Next month I will Next month I will take a tour group there.take a tour group there.A: SingaporeA: Singapore?Thats my favorite place to visit.Thats my favorite place to visit. 4.4. _ _ It must be fun to play in the park.It must be fun to play in the park.B B:Its true.Singapore is a great place to take a Its true.Singapore is a great place to take a holiday.holiday. 5.5. _ _A A:How wonderful! I cant wait to go there. I hope I How wonderful! I cant wait to go there. I hope I can join your tour group to Singapore.can join your tour group to Singapore.B B:OK.OK. ABF英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五A.A. Well, how about going to Singapore?Well, how about going to Singapore?B BIve heard that there is a cool amusement park in Ive heard that there is a cool amusement park in Singapore.Singapore.C CId like to go there one day.Id like to go there one day.D DIve been a tour guide in a travel ageney(Ive been a tour guide in a travel ageney(旅行旅行 社社)for three years.)for three years.E ECan you give me some advice?Can you give me some advice?F FAnd you can enjoy shopping and eat all kinds of And you can enjoy shopping and eat all kinds of nice food from all over the world, too.nice food from all over the world, too.G GHow are you going to spend your vacationHow are you going to spend your vacation?英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五 C CA: I want to spend my holidays in Dalian.1.A: I want to spend my holidays in Dalian.1. _ _B: Yes, I have been there many times.B: Yes, I have been there many times.A: 2.A: 2. _ _B: YesB: Yes,I like the city very much. Its one of the most I like the city very much. Its one of the most modern cities in the world.modern cities in the world.A: 3.A: 3. _ _B: The city is clean and beautiful.The people are kind B: The city is clean and beautiful.The people are kind and the football team is strong.and the football team is strong. DFG英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五A: 4.A: 4. _ _B: No, not very hot.You may have a swim in the sea.B: No, not very hot.You may have a swim in the sea.A: How coolA: How cool!Swimming in the sea must be more wonderful Swimming in the sea must be more wonderful than in the lake.than in the lake.B: Im sure youll have a good time there.B: Im sure youll have a good time there.A: Would you please go with me?A: Would you please go with me?B: 5.B: 5. _ _A: What a pity!A: What a pity! BE英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五A AI like the city very much.I like the city very much.B BIs it hot there in summerIs it hot there in summer?C CCan you swim hereCan you swim here?D DHave you ever been thereHave you ever been there?E ESorrySorry!I have no time.I have no time.F FDo you like the cityDo you like the city?G GWhat do you think of the cityWhat do you think of the city?英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五 D DA: Hello, Linda.A: Hello, Linda.B: Hi, Thomas. What are you doing this afternoon?B: Hi, Thomas. What are you doing this afternoon?A: Would you like to go swimming with me?A: Would you like to go swimming with me?B: 1.B: 1. _ _.Tomorrow is my mothers .Tomorrow is my mothers birthday.birthday. Im going to buy presents for her this afternoon.Im going to buy presents for her this afternoon. 2.2. _ _?A: How about a new scarf?A: How about a new scarf?B: No, its too boring.B: No, its too boring.Sorry,I cantWhat should I get for her英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五A: Well, has she ever been to an amusement park?A: Well, has she ever been to an amusement park?B: 3.B: 3. _ _. .A: Well,A: Well, 4.4. _ _a ticket to the parka ticket to the park?Shell Shell have a good time there.have a good time there.B: Thats a good ideaB: Thats a good idea,but the ticket is a little but the ticket is a little expensive and 5.expensive and 5._. . A: OhA: Oh,what a pity! But everything you buy will make what a pity! But everything you buy will make her happy.Just do it.her happy.Just do it.B: Thanks a lot.B: Thanks a lot.A: Thats OK.A: Thats OK.No,never/she hasntwhat aboutI dont have enough money英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五 E EA: 1.A: 1. _ _?B: Im going to find some soil.B: Im going to find some soil.A: 2.A: 2. _ _?B: I need it because I want to plant some flowers.B: I need it because I want to plant some flowers. I I will put it into this box, and cover the seed with will put it into this box, and cover the seed with soil.soil.A: 3.A: 3. _ _?What are you going to doWhy do you need soilWhats the box made of英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习五专题归类复习五B: Wood.I have made a wooden box.B: Wood.I have made a wooden box.A: 4.A: 4._?B: I will put it near the window.B: I will put it near the window.A: 5.A: 5._?B: Because plants need sunshine. B: Because plants need sunshine. Where will you put itWhy will you put it near the window
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