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预习案预习案一轮阅读做题目3. b 4. b 5. (1)a (2)a (3) b (4)a (5)c2. Read the passage on P69, answer the questions.1.Who wrote the book? When ?An Englishman called Aldous Husley wrote it in 1931.2.On appearing ,what happened to it ?It became a subject of much discussion.3.Why is it so famous?Because it describes a terrifying future world that is becoming more and more possible. 预习案预习案二轮阅读找难点1. scientific facts 2. be open to the public 3. living dinosaurs 4. knock out 5. get out of control 6. as far as we know 预习案预习案二轮阅读找难点 7. break down 8. vice versa 9. be ready for 10. ethnical and human rights issues 11. bring back to life 12. be / get used to 2.补充下列句子。 1)as soon as 2)so that 3)cloned 4)As a result探究点一探究点一 语篇探究语篇探究1.When does the new world take place ?600 years in the future.2.How many types of clones are there?Five.3.Who is the leader?Alphas.4. Why scientists havent created thousands of identical clones?Because they have not yet learnt how to do this.5.How will the government keep its people happy with their position?As small children, each cloned group is taught to like and dislike certain things and people.探究点二 重点词汇用法1.He accompanied us to the park.2.维生素D被人体吸收是较为缓慢的。 The students were absorbed in their reading.3.词句是一个由and连接的一个并列句,其中knocking out the power supply做前一分句的结果状语,so that he can.做后一分句的目的状语。探究点二 重点词汇用法4.所有学校统归教育部管辖。所有学校统归教育部管辖。 这个把手调节电流。这个把手调节电流。5.分解;破裂;抛锚;改变;分解;破裂;抛锚;改变; 精神、身体等垮掉精神、身体等垮掉 B6. catch the early bus 巩固练习 1-5 ACCCA 6-10 ACDCA
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