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Reading And Vocabulary Reading&Vocabulary-1. Vocabulary Finish the exercise at Activity 3, Page 22.bury disaster feathers fur occur tropical1.You can see this on an animal _2. Describing the hottest parts of the earth, north and south of the equator _ 3. A terrible event _furtropical disater 4. You can see these on a bird _ 5. to place in the ground or tomb _ 6. to happen _ feathers bury occur1. What is a current? A. A kind of electricity B. A movement of water C. A kind of wind2. What kind of things flow? A. Water B. Time C. Money3. If two places are on the same latitude, they are on the same line_. A. east/west B. north/south BAAReading&Vocabulary-2 Read the Gulf Stream and check the meaning of the words1. How strong are tornado winds?More than 400 Km/h.2. What can happen to the furniture when a house is destroyed by a tornado? It stays where it was.Reading&Vocabulary-3. Fast-reading read the passage, then finish the exercise at Activity 2, page 22.3. How many Tornadoes are there in the US Every Year? About 800.4. How many people died in the worst tornado of all time? More than 700.5. What happens at sea during a huricane?It has huge waves.6. When was the worst hurricane of all time? 8th September, 19007. Was the actor Charles Coghclan killed in it?No, he wasnt.8. What happened to him after the hurricane?His coffin was dropped in the sea by a hurricane and carried to Canada by the Gulf Stream.1. All tornadoes have winds of more than 400 kilometres per hour.2. There are more tornadoes occurring in the US thanin other parts of the world.3. Tornadoes cant destroy furniture because they arenot violent enough.4. In the US, there are usually about 80 people killedin tornadoes every year.5. The worst tornado in history killed at least 700people.Reading&Vocabulary-4. Detailed-reading True or False.FTFTT 6. Every year there are six Atlantic hurricanes. 7. Both the worst tornado and the worst hurricane occurred in the US. 8. The worst hurricane of all time killed about one-sixth of the population in the US. 9. Charles Coghlan didnt become famous until he moved to New York. 10. Coghlans coffin was destroyed by the 1900 Galveston hurricane. TTFFFA tornado is a _ _of air from a_ to the ground. On (the) average, there are _ tornadoes each year, _ about 80_ and 1500_. The worst occurred in_, _ three US states and making 700_ and 2700_. rotating column thunderstorm800causingdeathsinjuries1925affectingdead/killed injuredReading&Vocabulary-5 Do a thorough reading and fill in the blanks.Part1: What is a tornado?TornadoHurricaneDefinitionSpeedPlaceDamageThe worstexamplea rotating column of airstrong tropical stormsover 400km/h120km/h or morein the USin the Atlantic Ocean.pick up,putdown, takeoff , destroykilldestroy1925 US1900 GalvestonPart2: What is a hurricane? Put these events in order, according to the time.he moved to Galveston he moved to New York the hurricane happenedhe died in1899he went to live in Canada32541Part3: An extrodinary eventRead and fill in the blanks _the late 1890s, he _ _ to Galveston, _ he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane _. The cemetery _ Coghlan was buried was_ by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin _ _ in the sea. Byhad moved wherestruckwheredestroyedended upHomework: writing根据下面的提示写一篇根据下面的提示写一篇120-150词的短文,词的短文,可适当增添细节。可适当增添细节。2008年年5月月12日,一次特大地震袭击了汶川,日,一次特大地震袭击了汶川,数以万计的人员伤亡,更有许多人无家可数以万计的人员伤亡,更有许多人无家可归。震后,交通阻断,水电供应也中断了,归。震后,交通阻断,水电供应也中断了,灾区情况严峻。消息传出后,全国人民纷灾区情况严峻。消息传出后,全国人民纷纷伸出援助之手,众多国际组织和外国政纷伸出援助之手,众多国际组织和外国政府实施紧急救援,帮助灾区人们渡过难关。府实施紧急救援,帮助灾区人们渡过难关。Can you use the expressions in your writing?be in ruins in a flashas a resultbecome homelesswhats worselose ones lifetake actiondonate moneyraise/collect moneycall on sb. to doshare pains and sorrows with.in a short timemake contributions to变成废墟变成废墟顷刻间顷刻间结果结果无家可归无家可归更糟糕的是更糟糕的是丧生丧生采取行动采取行动捐钱捐钱筹集资金筹集资金号召某人做号召某人做与与分担痛苦与伤悲分担痛苦与伤悲在短时间里在短时间里为为做出贡献做出贡献some useful sentences for writingThey call on people to do anything in their power to help those in need.Many people are doing their part to help poor people out.What we can do will make much difference to our society.I am firmly convinced that they will overcome their difficulty and build a new future with the help of us.Thank you 82.人若有志,万事可为。69.压力、挑战,这一切消极的东西都是我取得成功的催化剂。88.我们总是对陌生人太客气,而对亲密的人太苛刻。50.如果你能够放得下过去,过去也一定能放下你。45.我TM竟然以为我竭尽全力了。9.梦想是靠自己一步一步走出来的,梦想不是光靠想,只想不做,那终究是个梦。60.前行的征途中,拄着双拐的人虽然步履艰难,但只要有一颗奋发不息的心则可以登上成功的峰巅。98.竹笋虽然柔嫩,但它不怕重压,敢于奋斗、敢于冒尖。98.最后的措手不及是因为当初游刃有余的自己。24.不是想成为,而是要成为。8.将来的你,一定会感谢现在拼命的自己!25.天上下雪地上滑,自己跌倒自己爬!8、如果这世界上真有奇迹,那就是努力的另一个名字。9.不下水,一辈子不会游泳;不扬帆,一辈子不会撑船。43.不能天生丽质就只能天生励志!54.年轻是我们唯一有权力去编织梦想的时光。90.没有过不去的坎,只要你还活着。
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