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第三课时名词性从句1.(2016北 京 高 考 )Your support is important to our work._ you can do helps. A.However B.Whoever C.Whatever D.Wherever 答案C句意:你的支持对我们很重要,无论你们做什么都会有帮助。从句动词do需要宾语,且引导主语从句,故用whatever。感 悟 高 考2.(2016北京高考)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is _ one can be entirely free from dust. A.what B.that C.whether D.why 答案B句意:雨季最令人愉快的事情是人可以完全免于尘埃。分析句子结构可知is后的表语从句中不缺少成分,且句意完整,故选B。3.(2016天 津 高 考 )The manager put forward a suggestion _ we should have an assistant.There is too much work to do. A.whether B.that C.which D.what 答案B分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导同位语从句,解释说明suggestion的具体内容,且从句句意和句子成分完整,故用that。4.(2015安 徽 高 考 )A ship in harbor is safe, but thats not_ships are built for. A.what B.whom C.why D.when 答案A句意:船停在港口里是很安全的,但这并非建造船的目的。isnt后跟从句作表语,表语从句中的for后缺少宾语,用what引导,故选A。why和when是连接副词,不能作宾语;whom指人。5.(2015重庆高考)We must find out _ Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him. A.when B.how C.where D.why 答案A句意:我们一定要搞清楚Karl什么时候来,以便我们给他订房间。由句意可知,要给Karl订房间,那么就要清楚他来这里的时间,故选when。6.(2015北京高考)_ we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel. A.Where B.How C.Why D.When 答案B句意:我们怎样理解事物与我们所感觉到的东西有很大关系。 分析句子结构可知“_ we understand things”为主语从句,结合句意可知选B。考点一主语从句考 点 清 单规则 引导主语从句的连接词如下: who,that,which,what, when, where, how, whether, why, whoever,whichever,whatever等。That you are coming to London is the best news I have heard this long time.长久以来我听到的最好的消息就是你要来伦敦。What struck me most in the movie was the fathers deep love for his son.影片中最打动我的是父亲对他儿子深深的爱。规则 主语从句一般放在句首,但有时也可用it作形式主语,而将主语从句移到句子的末尾。常见的句型:(1)Itbe形容词(necessary/likely/important/uncertain等)that从句。It is uncertain what side effect the medicine will bring about,although about two thousand patients have taken it.尽管大约两千名患者已经服用了这种药,但是它会带来什么样的副作用还不清楚。(2)Itbe名词(短语)(a pity/a shame/no wonder/no surprise等)that从句。Its no surprise that our team has won the game.我们队获胜一点都不令人吃惊。(3)Itbe过去分词(said/reported/decided/believed等)that从句。It is decided that the meeting has been put off till next Monday.会议被推迟到下周一召开已经定下来了。考点二表语从句规则 表语从句的引导词主要有: that(不可省略),whether(不能换成if),what,who,which,how,why,when,where,whoever,wherever,as if/though等。The question is whether we can make good preparation in such a short time.问题是我们是否可以在如此短的时间内做好准备。规则 because引导的表语从句强调原因,而why引导的表语从句强调结果。If Im a bit sleepy,its because I was up all night.如果我有点困,是因为一夜没睡。Thats why I object to the plan.这就是我反对这个计划的原因。考点三宾语从句规则 引导宾语从句的连接词:从属连词that,whether,if;连接代词what,who,whose,whatever,whichever,whoever等;连接副词when,where,why,how等;从句用陈述语序。You can write about whatever topic you prefer.你可以写你所喜欢的任何话题。规则 形式宾语it:在动词find,feel,consider,make,believe,think等后面有宾语补足语的时候则需要用it作形式宾语而将that宾语从句后置。I made it clear that I was determined to carry out the plan.我很清楚,我已下定决心实施这项计划。规则 有些动词不能直接跟宾语从句,需要借助形式宾语it。常 见 的 这 类 动 词 有 like, dislike, hate, love, enjoy,appreciate等。He hates it when people play his iPhone 7.他讨厌别人玩他的苹果7。考点四同位语从句规则 同位语从句常放在fact,news,idea,truth,hope,problem,information,belief等词的后面,对前面的名词作进一步解释、说明。The problem whether we should continue to do the experiment hasnt been solved.我们是否应该继续做实验这一问题还没解决。规则 同位语从句的引导词只起引导作用,不在句中作任何成分,一般不可省略。The news that Sun Yang had won the game spread over the whole school.孙杨赢得比赛的消息很快就传遍了整个学校。考点五whether/if(是否)引导的名词性从句规则 whether和if在宾语从句中经常可以互换。但在引导主语从句、表语从句和同位语从句时一般用whether不用if。规则 但与or或or not连用时只能用whether。I dont know whether or not the report is true.我不知道报道是否真的。规则 但从句作介词宾语时只能用whether。I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illness.我担心他是否能熬过这次疾病的关键时刻。1.位置判断法解 题 策 略根据名词性从句的句子特点及其所处的位置,判断出属于哪一种从句,从而确定连词的种类,也有助于对句子的理解。(1)_ some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.A.Whether B.WhatC.That D.How答案B句意:一些人眼中的缺点是别人眼中的优点。从句中缺宾语,只能用what来引导,that引导主语从句不作成分。(2)One reason for her preference for city life is _she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.A.that B.howC.what D.why答案A系动词is之后是一表语从句,而从句的结构完整,不缺少任何成分,所以用that引导。2.语序判断法一般来说,名词性从句中(当然不只是名词性从句,其他从句也是如此),从句的语序要用陈述语序,这样也就很容易作答了。When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning signal to let other drivers know_.A.he is entering which laneB.which lane he is enteringC.is he entering which laneD.which lane is he entering答案Bwhich引导的句子作know的宾语,句子用陈述语序。故B项为正确答案。3.句子成分分析法看从句缺不缺成分,不缺就用that, whether/if,缺成分就用wh-类连接词(包括how, because等)。(1)We havent discussed yet _ we are going to place our new furniture.A.that B.whichC.what D.where答案D句意:我们还没有讨论把我们的新家具放在哪里。题干中空格画在动词discuss的后面,因此考查宾语从句,由句意知,宾语从句中缺少地点状语,因此选择D。(2)As a new graduate, he doesnt know _ it takes to start a business here.A.how B.whatC.when D.which答案B句意:作为一名新毕业生,他不知道需要什么才能在这里创业。空格后的从句中takes是动词,其后缺少宾语,所以引导该宾语从句的连接词要用what。
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