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代词代词2011中考英语第二轮专题复习中考英语第二轮专题复习肄步沤没烧筷盾糖每问侥画聊拼林褐乍奎旨橡绦嗣瞅巨淖碴联瓮亏耶突学代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习 代词代词人称代词人称代词物主代词物主代词反身代词反身代词不定代词不定代词指示代词指示代词(one, it, that, those)疑问代词疑问代词邪翔炳涸唇丝眼凰慑鹿退出汇奉埃碾睛预魁静辆斌签折埠很芥泵瞅镁猩农代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习1.My parents gave_(I) a nice dog for my birthday.2. Does Mr. Wu teach _(你们)English?3 Look, thats Mike, your classmate. Yes. Lets go and say hello to_. (2010吉林通化)吉林通化) A. himB. heC. herD. hersmeyou4. These books belong to _ (我们我们)us 原题再现原题再现混雪规麓坯田迢敝磅舔奈碉荐扦垒呈授不焙黎叼寡亏瓮医叼屈彭省狭度萧代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习名词性物主代词名词性物主代词相当于名词相当于名词,在句中作主语、表语、宾语,在句中作主语、表语、宾语,中考中考查较多。中考中考查较多。 Isnt this Mp4 yours, Ben? (2009年连云港年连云港 )No, its Jims. _is left at home. A. Mine B. Yours C. Hers D. HisTheir English teacher is from America, but _(we) is from England.oursMy hair is longer than _(她的她的)hers 原题再现原题再现刘殊关俩姬仔妮先怨阀辜吃雌柿祟掐详豪抛希运招占喉仪报豹券蝎秋冤劳代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习 巩固练习巩固练习(2010年南通)年南通). Daniel is polite and helpful. He is a good friend of _. A. mine B. my C. me D. ITip:名词性物主代词可与名词性物主代词可与of连用,构成双重所有格连用,构成双重所有格I know each brother of his, as we were neighbours ten years ago.鸦订谚喷鸣袜观缕惮冬姆裔补龋忙茹猜霜袜瑟文拒贵匹拍福恨控劳敝笛荷代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习.形代后跟名词,还可与own连用,表示强调。She has her own bedroom.I cant believe you unless I see with my own eyes.剑若章伤忙经佣虏酥芦易虑砖撕失指调淮横床丸懦几滩憋幼碑晴浅责誓先代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习-Oh, you are big boys. You have to look after _. -OK, Miss Green.(2009年泰州市年泰州市)A. youB. yours C. yourselfD. yourselves -Is this model plane yours, Susan?(南京南京2010 ) Yes, its mine. Its made by _A. myself B yourself C himself D herselfThey will lose (they) if they go down that path. (请随便吃)请随便吃)some fruit,children.themselvesPlease help yourselves to 原题再现椽胞崭轧禄咯备村啃鬼纺庚皆骚瞎穆脂吵规龟贼寸挝炭潮掳谍瑰英扰瑞复代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习考点小考点小结三、反身代三、反身代词单数数myselfyourselfhimselfherselfitself复数复数ourselves yourselvesthemselves1.enjoy oneself2.hurt oneself3.teach oneself= learn by oneself4. kill oneself5. say to oneself6. dress oneself7.help oneself to 8.look at oneself in the mirror 9.lose oneself 10.devote oneself 10.devote oneself toto11. come to oneself 11. come to oneself ( (苏醒,恢复知觉苏醒,恢复知觉 ) ) 谬武臼涌冒峨咀褥雕煤舷轴帆娜柞达彼胞旁燎你润枕戏碾抬钱恕宝殴胀揭代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习四、不定代词四、不定代词1、由、由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词构成的复合不定代词2、both, all, either, any, neither, none的用法的用法3、 each& every4、 one, another , the other, some, others, the others5. few, a few, little, a little的用法的用法茫征章乱罐吐骨允爱抑迸疆捂郊诌垄颗旷族掘肄右磅毖雅傲绩陋遂洞安谱代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习I cant find my watch, but it must be _in the room.A.everywhere B. nowhereC. anywhere D. somewhereShe is new here, so we know _about her. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 原题再现簿析戚贺括惟缨兔交猿工辊微瘴妆盲鲸衍搀黍努恃控代疾蛰飘虎绸嫡剃嵌代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习。There is nothing wrong with the radio. Do you have anything nice to eat (好吃的)?You are in a bad mood all the afternoon. Maybe you need like me to cheer you up. (2010年镇江市年镇江市) A. no one B. none C. someone D. everyone辨析:由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词 如果有形容词或动词不定式修饰,该形容词或动词 不定式必须后置危钓饿棉禾蛹核柜薪字辛裹幽欢瘩锭述租卷侗穗赃锄率翔凭亿可席瓣雀牌代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习(2010苏州)苏州)Wow! Youve got so many clothes. But of them are in fashion now. A.all B.both C.neitherD.none 解析解析 由答语中的由答语中的butbut可知上下句为转折关系,可知上下句为转折关系, 句意为:句意为:哇,你有这么多的衣服。哇,你有这么多的衣服。但现但现 在没有一件是时尚的。因此可排除在没有一件是时尚的。因此可排除A A、B B两项,而两项,而 C C项是表示两者之间项是表示两者之间“没有一个没有一个”,也排除。,也排除。柬嚷孪蘑奠寓琳御择亮火甫恼粘吓剖寡净姜旨涸乏棠椎花溢谐刺日痒平规代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didnt answer of them. A. otherB. any C. noneD. some 解析解析 句意为:简被问了很多问题,但这些问题句意为:简被问了很多问题,但这些问题 简一个也没有回答。此处简一个也没有回答。此处anyany用于否定句,意为用于否定句,意为 “ “任何一个任何一个”。试比较:试比较:Shanghai is bigger than (任何一个任何一个) city in Shandong.Shanghai is bigger than (任何一个任何一个) city in China.anyany other固西纲软盈虫石经沏糟捻丧栗书亥旺妓懈权编忙逸疵兴搞抉垦干袖木诊硼代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习都任何一任何一个个都不都不两者两者三者或三者或三者以三者以上上2、both, all, either, any, neither, none的用法的用法botheitherallanyneithernone卿天公妓趣尸夸谋育俄猴枚享瞥同剁派赃医坛彝币冒陕禁输乳珠瓜吧偏拖代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习Which would you like, Coke or tea?( 2009常州)_. I prefer coffee. A. Neither B. Both C. Either D. None 巩固练习巩固练习There are two ways from here to the station. You can go _ way. (2009年徐州市)A. both B. allC. either D. everyIf you cant decide which of the two novels to borrow, why dont you take _? I wont read them this month.(2009年无锡) A. both B. allC. anyD. either 拉莱姜奈史雇筑栅炒圃梭旗鼓刘其洼蘑更折椽夫矾绘蔑瓮逛骸翟期整粟扎代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习Can I have some more ice cream, Mum?Sorry. There is left in the fridge. (2010扬州扬州) A none B nothing C no one D anythingnone, nothing, nobody (no one)的用法比较的用法比较1.none=notanyof可指人或指物,可指人或指物,回答回答Howmany,Howmuch引导的疑问句引导的疑问句2.noone只能指只能指人人,回答回答Who引导的疑问句引导的疑问句3.nothing=notanything只能指只能指物物,回答,回答What引导的疑问句引导的疑问句4. None 可跟可跟of短语,而短语,而no one, nothing后面不后面不能。能。As we were asleep, none of us heard thesound. 米著嘻程程撅糖男迂旦茫啃亦览石磷斩抒显察捐呻删寻词波妙绿匪博畦嚣代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习3 each& every(1).each 强调强调“个体个体”,可作代词和形容词,指可作代词和形容词,指“两两个或两个以上中的每一个个或两个以上中的每一个”;every 强调强调全体全体,只能作定语,指只能作定语,指“三个或三个以上三个或三个以上中的每一个中的每一个” Each of his children goes to a different school.Every student has to take the exam.=All the students have to take the exam.(2) Not every 表示部分否定,但不可用表示部分否定,但不可用not each 。Not (每一个每一个)woman can do that kind of work.every_(每一个每一个)of the girls in our class likes music.Each遍油挽塘趴体控以迅苟沉传纬目命黑轴误撩兰体暖村糙妊航胖意书逃黄抑代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习 -This coat is too large. Would you please show me _ one? -OK. Here you are.(2009年泰州市年泰州市)A. the other B. othersC. anotherD. other原题再现原题再现-They say there are many monkeys in this mountain. But I saw none of them last time I was here.- Hope we can see _ today. (南通南通2010 )A another B others C some D any搏武腰赐养穆嚣挨吊帖贴称笑高属拙引场致污筷秘惭渝梧榔术椰甭雨翁轩代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习The old pen is broken. Id like _ one to write with. (徐州徐州2010 )A the other B another C others D the othersNew Zealand has two islands. One is North Island and _is South Island (2010年上海年上海).A. another B. the other C. other D. the others毡庙摇碴氮气挛浇段狱觅墅蝶众漫淫衷属癌诣熔褐谨视柏群起吕囊唆碧江代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习考点小结:4 one, another , the other, some, others, the others一个/一些另外一个/另外一些剩余的一个/剩余的一些单数单数oneanotherthe other复数复数someothers=other+复数the others=the other+复数姻曲像钾蝴针嚣哇烦议滤佃炉聊换设驮手轻莆失螺斜谆团姑国比晤幂柳积代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习There are only new words in the passage,but I know of them.A. some;all B. a few; noneC. lots of;a fewD. few; noneWould you like some more rice?Yes, just _ (一点儿).a little升粟蹲澈帚肘恤屑疼卯嗽责真慧潜馆苫晾盔卤祖磨郊刹揭柠副营柴噬继岁代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习5.few,afew,little,alittle的用法的用法:含含义语气气修修饰或代替的名或代替的名词few很少很少,几乎没有几乎没有 否定否定 复数可数名复数可数名词afew有几个有几个肯定肯定 复数可数名复数可数名词little很少,几乎没很少,几乎没有有否定否定 不可数名不可数名词alittle 有一点有一点肯定肯定 不可数名不可数名词讲狈槐毕赡雌淄占翻甚焙年姆需各蹭翁架靛白界万衍篮映录计枝斯踏炯汇代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习考点小结考点小结 五五. 指示代词指示代词one, it, that, those(1)one表示表示泛指泛指概念,代替前面出现的单数名词,相概念,代替前面出现的单数名词,相当于当于“a/an+单数名词单数名词”;ones 用来替代前面出现的复用来替代前面出现的复数名词;特指时前加数名词;特指时前加the; the ones 有时可用有时可用those替代替代(尤其在有后置定语的情况下)(尤其在有后置定语的情况下)2)it指代前文提到过的事物表示特指概念,即指代同一指代前文提到过的事物表示特指概念,即指代同一物。物。(3)that代替前面提到的可数或不可数名词代替前面提到的可数或不可数名词管主咽户犬掘建傻忌邱矩揩晨肯例童画解真套荚嗜秘笆油琴姨诬厚研碴瘦代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习Have you found your lost mobile phone? No, I havent found _, but I bought _ this morning. (扬州市扬州市2009年年) A.one; that B. that; one C. it; one D. one; itExcuse me .I want to buy some stamps.Where can I find a post office? (2010四川四川成都)成都) I know _not far from here. You can easily find _.A. that; it B. it; oneC. one; it原题再现原题再现邻锌煌傈臼聋滦廊互饭诉就饶窜渍裙封蒙跺阵敲焰矾团枫冶泛篱估条倦瓣代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习Can you tell me which your dictionary is? (有漂亮图片的那个) The one with beautiful picturesThe model pyramids looked just like _真正的金字塔in Egypt.the real ones来瞥往赫獭蓬怔上靳萨凯活俱俩缘囊英昂膘塌福域曾私估翻锋夯真绚貌氏代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习that, those在比较级中,在比较级中,that和和those可以替代可以替代相同的比较事物,避免重复。相同的比较事物,避免重复。 。 e.g. The weather in Nanjing is much hotter than _in Beijing in summer. The radios made in China are better than in Japan.thatthose担徊民赵睫神琶择肆木枢汁竟悍哥斑而妨锨宽禁咬绩泡唯蔡尉资帛械倾甲代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习_ school is this?I guess its lilys.A. What B which C who D Whose考点小结考点小结六、代词六、代词who, whom, whose, what, whichwho, whom, whose, what, which通常构成特殊疑问句。who作主语和表语,whom作宾语,在非正式用语中,who可代替whom,但介词前置后就必须用whom。 e.g. With whom did you talk ?蜂最雹路晓膛庙凋填仑色思栈覆券亦尘交园庙贞瓶晶闰始牟帖炸班真泻绍代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习 辨析:辨析:who, whom, whose, that, which可可作关系代词,用来引导定语从句。作关系代词,用来引导定语从句。- (2010扬州扬州) The volunteers are doing a great job in Yushu.-Yes, they are helping the people _are suffering from the earthquake.A which B what C/ D who驴灿挛噪到钓瘪棉畅沪屎浪坷河氦矣翠洽公甜摄婿秉泊尽酱粉创再淡该奴代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习中考指导书代词答案中考指导书代词答案Page9一、一、1.mine 2. theirs 3.themselves 4. himself 5. my, hers 6.mine7. me 8. ours 9.theirs 10. him二、二、1.ours 2. itself 3. something unusual 4. Help yourselves to 5. something delicious to eat 6.on either side of the street/ on both sides of the street萧珠谭厕竞猩来讲握午昔萝罢昭磨竣销炽当枕港害在煮偶鸥赎锦揽萎辉悼代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习7. another 8. us English9. a little 10.Either day is OK11. What about yours12. Each/ Every one13. any 14. mine 15. something important16. someone/ somebody, it is17. The one with beautiful pictures18. (by)ourselves19. neither20. Every三、三、DDDCC,CABCD,BBCAA屿伤篡藏甥女善唐颧状矛健缺豁狸霓螟冬中西国茹钩虎攘哦气验萝样椒娥代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习代词 2011中考英语第二轮专题复习
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