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Unit4 Body LanguageWarmingup&ReadingBody Language is a form of non-verbal communication. It uses movements or positions of our body to show other people what we are thinking or feeling, such as eye contact, facial expressions, gesture, and posture.What is body language?Eye contact ( touch) I love you ! angry sad happyfearful / scaredfacial expressionsDescription:GestureActions(动作)(动作)Meaning A v-shape of the fore finger and middle fingerA handshakeYou are welcomeA clap of handcongratulation, welcome. Victory ! May you succeed! Thumb up Thumb downBad!/ Look down upon sb.Waving your hands .Good! Well done!Bye ! Hello!Come here!Good luck!I dont know!GestureYoure great!Come and join us!Im listening carefully!What are they trying to tell us?Please stop!Nice to meet you!Im sorry!I give up.OK!Give me a little time!inspired/confidentregretfulconfused/worriedDifferent ways to meet or part:handshakea loving huga kiss on the cheeknose- kisstwo palms togetherbowingDifferent countries have different body languages.Different body languages may have the same meaning.Same body language has the different meanings.ReadingCommunication: No problem?Which is the main idea of the text?A. There are different customs in different countries.B. Foreigners should follow the customs of the country where they are visiting.C. Different body languages have different meanings in different countries.D. The importance of knowing customs. Fast reading :Find out the main idea of each part.Part 2(Para2-4)Part 1(Para1)Part 3(Para5)Meet the visitors at the airportPeople from different countries express greetings in different ways.The importance of learning international customs.speakingringingwritingtypingSpoken languageWritten languageBody languageWays of communicatinggesturing1 . Who will be present at the meeting?2 . Why are they visiting China? Careful reading : Part 1 (para.1)purposeTo studymeetinternational studentsHow many international studentsare mentioned in the passages? Who are they? Where do they come from?Part 2 (Para2-4)u Tony Garciau Julia Smith u Akira Nagatau George Cook u Ahmed Aziz uDarlene Coulon ColumbiaBritainJapanCanadaJordan FrancePart 2 (Para2-4)SB P27 1.Try to find out more information of them and complete the chart. Name Description Body LanguageTo WhomTony Garcia everyoneno touching man from Japan man from Colombiakiss on the cheekJulia Smithwoman from BritaineveryoneAkira Nagatabowing everyone How many international students are there in the story? Who are they and where do they come from? Name Description Body LanguageTo WhomGeorge Cookto men to womenshake hands and kiss twice on each cheek man from Canadashaking hands everyoneAhmed Azizman from Jordanshaking hands noddingDarlene Coulonwoman from Francepeople she knowsCan you describe the two mistakes in greeting the author noticed? Tony Garcia Julia SmithThe first mistake:(Columbia )(Britain)He approached Julia, _ _ _and _ her on the _.She _ _ appearing _ and put up her hands, as if _ _.shouldertouchedherkissedcheekstepped backsurprisedin defenceAkira Nagata(Japanese)George Cook(Canada)He _ so his nose _Georges _ _.bowedHe _ his hand _ to the Japanese student.touchedmovinghandreachedoutThe second mistake:Para 3 Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know?The author is male. Ahmed Aziz will not shake hands with women, but he shakes hands with the author. How did Tony and Darlene greet each other? They shook hands and then kissed each other twice on each cheek, and this is the French custom when adults meet people they know.Para4_moreinternationalfriends,Ilearnmoreaboutthisculturalbodylanguage._culturesgreeteachotherthesameway,_aretheycomfortableinthesamewaywithtouchingordistancebetweenpeople.Inthesamewaythatpeoplecommunicatewith_,theyalsoexpresstheirfeelings_unspokenlanguage_physicaldistance,actionsorposture.Englishpeople,forexample,donotusuallystandveryclosetoothersortouchstrangersassoonastheymeet.However,peoplefromplaceslikeSpain,ItalyorSouthAmericancountries_otherscloselyandaremore_totouchthem.Mostpeoplearoundtheworldnowgreeteachotherby_,butsomeculturesuseothergreetings_,suchastheJapanese,whoprefertobow.As I get to knowNot allnorspoken languageusingthroughapproachlikelyshaking handsas wellPara 5 What does the writer suggest we do to avoiddifficulities?writers opinion1.These actions are not good or bad.2. Not all members of a culture behave in the same way.3.Studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads. Different countries have different bodylanguage.When you are in foreign countries what should you do ?When in Rome, do as the Romans do! (入乡随俗)(入乡随俗) Following the customsFollowing the customs will will help you communicate with help you communicate with people and make your stay people and make your stay there much more pleasant and there much more pleasant and comfortable.comfortable.Another student and I went to the Capital International Airport to _ some_ students from many parts of the world. I saw these students from different countries expressing _ in different ways. These are examples of learned or cultural “_ _”. Not all cultures _ each other the _ way, Retell the text by filling in the following blanks.Quiz Inor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or _ between people. In the same way that people _ with spoken language, they also _ their feelings using unspoken “language” through _ distance, actions or _. In a word, body language differs in different _ and is widely used in _. Another student and I went to the Capital International Airport to _ some_ students from many parts of the world. I saw these students from different countries expressing _ in different ways. These are examples of learned or cultural “_ _”. Not all cultures _ each other the _ way, internationalgreetmeetgreetingsbody languagesameAnswer:nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or _ between people. In the same way that people _ with spoken language, they also _ their feelings using unspoken “language” through _ distance, actions or _. In a word, body language differs in different _ and is widely used in _. expresscommunicatedistanceposturecommunicationphysicalculturesAn Englishman and a man from Jordan meet for the first time, an interesting thing happens.Discussion:Guess why?.English people usually do not stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. .People from Jordan often move close to others (man), and shake their hands.Body language is very general, and not all members of all cultures behave the same way. Discuss in groups and discuss the importance of body language . Each group writes down the key points. The group leader reports their key points to the class. Discussion:Writing:“Importance of body language” These questions may help you: These questions may help you: u How can we know others feelings, even if How can we know others feelings, even if they do not speak to us?they do not speak to us?u Why should we be careful of our own body Why should we be careful of our own body language?language?u Why is it important to watch others as well Why is it important to watch others as well as listen to them?as listen to them?
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