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第13讲八年级(下)Modules 34广西专用外研版重点词汇拓展1.reach (v.) _(三单)到达2.discover (v.) _(n.)发现3.impossible (adj.) _(反义词)可能的4.communicate (v.) _(n.)交流5.ill (adj.)_ (n.)疾病 _(比较级) _(最高级)6.take (v.) _(过去式) _(过去分词)7.health (n.)_ (adj.)健康的_ (adv.)健康地8.active (adj.) _(n.)活动9.weak (adj.) _(n.)虚弱 reachesdiscoverypossiblecommunicationillnessworseworsttooktakenhealthyhealthilyactivityweakness重点短语1.be _ to 忙于;从事;正在做2. _to 为了3._ for 搜索;搜查4.more _多于5.finish _ sth. 做完某事6.catch _ 感冒7._ ones _测量某人的体温8.take _参加;参与9. _ excellent _健康状况良好10.all _浑身;到处upin ordersearchthandoinga coldtaketemperaturepart inin healthover重点句型 1.I havent_.我还没开始呢。2.Astronauts _ the moon.宇航员已经去过月球了。3.It _ there,but it _ come back yet.它已经去那里了,但它还没有回来。4.I _ made a model spaceship.我刚刚做了一个宇宙飞船模型。5.Scientists think that there _ life on the earth _hundreds of millions of years.科学家们认为数亿年以前地球上已有生命存在了。began/started yethave already been tohas gonehasnthave justhas beenfor6.How long have you _ this?你这样多久了?7. _ then,it _ part of my life.从那时起,它就成了我生活的一部分。8.How long _ you _ your bike?你买自行车有多久了?Ive _ it _ about two years.我买它大约有两年了。9.I _ much _I _ my computer last year.自从去年买了电脑,我就没做很多锻炼。10.The doctor _ him _ more exercise.医生叫他多进行锻炼。 been likeSince has beenhavehadhadforhavent takenexercise sincegotaskedto do语法1.含有already,just和yet的现在完成时用法2.含有for,since所引导时间状语的现在完成时 exercise【典例在线】I want to exercise more tomorrow morning.明天早晨我想多锻炼一下。If you dont take exercise,you will get fat.如果你不锻炼,你会发胖的。I have two exercises to do today.今天我有两个练习要做。【拓展精析】exercise作不可数名词时,意为“锻炼(运动)”;作可数名词时,意为“练习;体操”;作动词时,意为“运动;锻炼”。【活学活用】1)To keep healthy,many people take _(锻炼) every day.2)He did morning _(体操) then began to do _(练习) in the book.3)You should do more _(锻炼) instead of sitting there.exerciseexercisesexercisesexerciseThere have/has been.已经有【典例在线】There has been life on the earth for hundreds of millions of years.数亿年前地球上已有生命存在了。There must be something wrong with your computer.你的电脑一定出了毛病。【拓展精析】“there be.”意为“有”,表示“人或事物的存在”或“某地有某物”。它可以用于不同时态,也可以和情态动词连用。如:there is/are.;there was/were.;there have/has been.;there is/are going to be.;there will/must/may be.;there used to be.等。【活学活用】1)There _ still some apple juice in the fridge.Its not necessary for us to go to the supermarket now.(2017,百色预测)Awas Bwere Cis Dare2)Last winter it was very cold and _ was a lot of snow in the north.Ait Bthis Cthat DthereCDSince 1989 Project Hope has built schools all over China.自从1989年以来,希望工程已经在全国建了学校。【典例在线】He has studied very hard since he came to our school.自从来到我们学校,他学习就非常努力。The film has been on for an hour.电影已经开始一个小时了。Its ten years since he became a volunteer.自从他成为志愿者开始到现在已有10年了。【拓展精析】现在完成时:for后接表示一段时间的词或短语;since后接表示过去某一时间的词或短语(如since last month),也可接表示过去的句子(如since he came to China)。即:for时间段;since时间点。当与how long,for,since连用时,句中的动词要用延续性动词;短暂性动词须换成延续性动词或表状态的形容词或介词短语。如:comebe in;leavebe away;openbe open;closebe closed;begin/startbe on;borrowkeep;buyhave等。It is时间段since从句(一般过去时),意为“自从到现在已有多长时间了”。【活学活用】3)How long have you _?Since 1990.Abought the MP3Bjoined the armyCbecome a midfield playerDlived in the town4)I _ my uncle for a long time,so I plan to visit him this summer holiday.Ahave seen Bhavent seenCsee Ddont see5)How long have you lived in the new flat?_ 2010.(2017,柳州预测)AIn BAfter CSince DBeforeDBChave been to,have gone to与have been in/at【典例在线】He has been to Beijing.他去过北京。He has gone to Beijing.他去北京了。He has been in Beijing for ten years.他在北京待了十年了。【拓展精析】have been to,have gone to与have been in/at都是现在完成时,用来表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。三者区别如下:have gone to意为“去了某地”,表示某人不在说话的地方,还没有回来havebeen to意为“去过某地”,表示某人到过某地,现在已经回来了,常和ever、never和次数连用havebeenin/at常与一段时间连用,意为“来/去/到某地多长时间了”【活学活用】1)Where is your mother?She _ Guilin.Ahas gone to Bhas been toChas been in Dwent to2)A number of tourists _ Yangzhou many times because it is such a beautiful city.Ahave been to Bhas been toChas gone to Dhave gone to3)Where is your father?He _ Australia and he _ Sydney for two weeks.Ahas been to;has been inBhas gone to;has been inChas been in;has been toDhas gone to;has been toAAByet,ever,already与still【典例在线】I havent finished reading this book yet.我还没有读完这本书。Have you ever been there?你去过那里吗?I have already seen the film.我已经看过这部电影了。Tom is still here.汤姆还在这里。【拓展精析】yet“已经”,与现在完成时连用,用于疑问句或否定句中,通常置于句末。也可与not连用,意为“还没有”ever“曾经”,用于现在完成时,多用于疑问句、否定句、或if从句already“已经”,常用于肯定句中,与现在完成时连用。already一般不用于否定句中,但可用于疑问句中,表示期待对方作出明确答复或表示惊讶,此时already常置于句末still“至今还,现在仍然”,常用于肯定句中【活学活用】4)Have you found him_?No,he has _ gone home.5)Have you finished your homework_?Not_. I was playing computer games.6)This is the most beautiful butterfly I have _seen in my life.7)It was very late,but the teachers were _working hard in the office.yetalreadyyetyeteverstillill与sick【典例在线】Li Lei was ill/sick last week.李磊上周生病了。She wanted to help sick people.她想要去帮助生病的人。【拓展精析】ill表示“生病的”这一意思时,一般作表语,不能作定语。名词为illness作定语修饰名词时,意为“坏的;邪恶的”sick表示“生病的”这一意思时,既可作表语,也可作定语作补语时,意为“恶心的;厌倦的”【活学活用】8)Jack is _ in bed.9)She must stay at home to look after her _ mother who was _ a week ago.10)Tom didnt go hiking with his classmates because of his _illsickillillness一、根据句意及所给单词的汉语或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。1I have lived here (自以来) January.2He cant drive (还)3There is the earth,the sun,the moon and many other stars in the 4Im afraid youve got a your temperature is very high.5I feel very I want to go to bed.sinceyetuniversefeversleepy二、单项选择。6Its _ for him to finish so much homework in so little time.Aimportant BimpossibleCinteresting Dhumorous7I can stand my parents.They always ask me to learn this and practise that.(2017,南宁预测)Why dont you sit down and _ them?Acompete with Binstead ofCget on with Dcommunicate withBD8Are you going to further your studies after graduation?Well,I _ yet.I might make some other choices.(2017,南宁预测)Adidnt decide Bhavent decidedCdont decided Dhadnt decided9Are you going to take part _ the first test?(2017,百色预测)Aon Bto Cin Dfor10If you want to be in good _,you should eat _ food.Ahealthy;healthy Bhealth;healthChealthy;health Dhealth;healthyBCD三、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。(原创题)People have known a lot about the 11. from space missions.12. first landed on the moon in 1969,more than 40 years ago.The men travelled to the moon in a 13. The journey there took two days.The astronauts 14. many interesting things,but they didnt find any life 15. the moon.Scientists dont think there has ever been life on the moon.moonAstronautsspaceshipdiscoveredon 评价与建议【话题分析】近年来中考试题更关注考生的逻辑思维和综合能力。在书面表达上则体现为对某现象加以评价或提出建议。其考查力度强,范围广,形式多种各样,但内容多是评价校园生活中发生的现象。如:青少年的感受Teens Feelings(2015,潍坊);中学生如何减压(2015,资阳);开展课外活动(2015,随州);开创特色课(2015,衢州);对“说英语”的不同态度(2016,河北);对合理安排学习时间的建议(2016,广东);你愿意住校吗Would you like to live in school(2016,绍兴);对新生的学习生活提建议(2016,武汉);交流学习方法How to develop our good learning habits(2016,南宁);对学校运动会的感受和建议(2016,宜昌)等。【常用句式】开头句:As middle school students,its very important for us to develop our good learning habits.Its important to find good learning methods first.Theres a sports meeting in our school every year.We had a survey about it and heres the result.I found it hard to speak English.中间句:When my English improves,Ill enjoy speaking it.We should get ready for new lessons before class.I have no enough time to sleep.Im really tired.I expect to do what I want.In order to make the school life more colorful,I suggest you join some clubs.结尾句:Always remember:practice makes perfect!I think if we keep on doing these,well be successful in the future.I have to keep a balance between study and rest.I believe that you will have a wonderful life and get much progress in the school.As for me,I would like to live in school.【真题剖析】现在很多学生不能好好管理时间以致影响了学习。请你就此写一篇短文谈谈你的看法。内容包括:1.你或你的同学一次未能按时完成学习任务的经历(任务内容、拖延的原因及后果);2对如何管理好时间提出两点建议。作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名;2语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数。Nowadays,many students cant make good use of their time and this has a bad influence on their study._ 【审题指导】本篇书面表达的话题是“如何管理好时间”,写作要点主要有两个:一是描述自己或自己的同学一次未能完成学习任务的经历,介绍这项任务的内容、拖延的原因及其后果;二是通过这次经历提出如何管理好时间的两点建议。写第一个要点时应以一般过去时为主;写第二个要点时应以一般现在时为主。Possible version 1:Nowadays,many_students_cant_make_good_use_of_their_time_and_this_has_a_bad_influence_on_their_study.Last Sunday our teacher told us to write a report in two days.But I lost myself in computer games and I couldnt hand it in on time.So,I was left behind after class to finish it.From this,we know its important to manage our time well.Here are two tips.First,make a timetable for the tasks we are going to finish.Second,carry out the timetable without any delay and never put off todays work till tomorrow.If we can follow these tips,we can manage our time well.Possible version 2:Nowadays,many_students_cant_make_good_use_of_their_time_and_this_has_a_bad_influence_on_their_study.Last summer vacation,my English teacher asked us to recite some passages we had learned.I planned to recite one passage a day.However,I spent much time chatting with my classmates on WeChat.Then I had to stay up to finish the task on the last day.But I couldnt make it and was punished by the teacher.To manage our time well,we should try to keep away from our mobile phones so that we can put our heart into our task.Secondly,we should make a good plan and follow it strictly.【名师点评】这两篇范文都严格遵守了写作要求。文章结构完整,要求无遗漏,有明确的建议。举例紧扣文章论点,建议中肯可行,语言流畅,句式丰富。人称和时态运用正确,长短句交错使用,使文章生动有趣。【小试牛刀】初中生活即将结束,学校英语俱乐部特邀你写一篇英语短文,给七年级新生的学习生活提几点建议。内容要点如下:1初中科目更多,好的学习方法很重要;2锻炼身体,保持健康;3参加社团活动,使学校生活丰富;4多读书,多交朋友;5补充一两点个人想法。注意:1.文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;2词数:6080;3内容连贯,不要逐条翻译;4短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:method n方法;club n社团;colorful adj.丰富的One possible version:Welcome to our school!In junior high school,you will have more subjects to learn,so it is important to find good learning methods first.At the same time,youd better do some exercise to keep healthy.And in order to make the school life more colorful,I suggest you join some clubs.Besides those,it is also good to read more books and to make new friends.I believe that you will have a wonderful life and get much progress in our school.
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