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Unit 6 BirdwatchingComic strip & Welcome to the unitcolorful feathers parrotcan speak and singeaglebroad wingsbrownish feathersstrong, fly over the clouds, coola hooked beakbrown and grey featherssparrowsmalleat bad insects a forked taillong-pointed wingsfly to northern countries in summer / fly to the south in winterswalloweat bad insects forkswanwhite feathersa long thin neckswim beautifully walk like dancersa long necka long beaklong legstalla red crownred-crowned craneseagulls long-winged web-footedwhite and grey or black feathers fly over the sea, brave seagull It has long pointed wings and forked tail.It has many long things like a beak and a neck.It is small and has brown and grey feathers.It has white feathers and a long thin neck.It has web-footed feet.It has broad wings and hooked beak.Tell the names of the birdsUnit 6 Let us have a talk.Which bird do you like best?A: Which bird do you like best?B: I like . best.A: What do they look like? B: They are .and which bird do you like best? A: I like . best.B: Why? A: Because they . What is Eddie going to do tomorrow?1.Does Eddie really like birdwatching? No, he doesnt.2.Where does Eddie think is the best place to watch birds? At the market.3. Why does Eddie think so? Because he thinks birds at the market are yummy.1.Make bird reserves bigger.2.Build more nature reserves.3.Plant more trees and forests for wild birds to live in.4.Encourage people not to hunt birds.5.Dont eat endangered(濒危的濒危的) birds.6.Encourage our government(政府政府) to make laws(法律法律) to punish(惩惩罚罚) bird hunters.ADV I C E
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