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形容词或副词比较级的构成:形容词或副词比较级的构成: 3. 重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,先双写辅音字母再字母时,先双写辅音字母再 + er 4. 以辅音字母以辅音字母 + y 结尾的单词,变结尾的单词,变 y 为为 i + er 2. 以不发音的字母以不发音的字母 e 结尾的结尾的 + r 1. 一般在词尾一般在词尾 + er 5. 多音节词和部分双音节词前加多音节词和部分双音节词前加 moreGong Hanlin is _ _ Liu Huan.Liu Huan sings _ _ Gong Hanlin.better thanthinner thanGao Yuanyuan is as _ (漂亮漂亮) as Sun Li.Sun Li works as _ (努力努力) as Gao Yuanyuan. hardbeautiful形容词和副词的比较级的用法形容词和副词的比较级的用法1.表示两者表示两者(人或事物人或事物)的比较,常用的比较,常用句型为句型为“比较级比较级+than”, than后可后可以跟名词、代词等,如果为人称代以跟名词、代词等,如果为人称代词时,多用宾格形式。词时,多用宾格形式。 1. A + be + 形容词比较级形容词比较级 + than + Be.g. Im more outgoing than you.两者进行比较两者进行比较, ,表示表示“一方比另一方更一方比另一方更”2. A + 实义动词实义动词 + 副词比较级副词比较级 + than + Be.g. Tom jumps higher than Jack. 汤姆比鲍勃跳得更高。汤姆比鲍勃跳得更高。我比你更外向。我比你更外向。2. 形容词和副词的比较级可以单独使用形容词和副词的比较级可以单独使用。e.g:Are you feeling better today?Try to do better next time.3.形容词和副词的比较级前可以用形容词和副词的比较级前可以用a little,much,a lot等词语修饰等词语修饰。Eg: The jacket is a little cheaper (cheap)than the sweater.Can you speak much more loudly?(loudly)1. “比较级比较级+and+比较级比较级”或或“more and more+原级(多音节和部分双音节词)原级(多音节和部分双音节词)”意意为为“越来越越来越”特殊用法特殊用法:Eg: Spring is coming, and days are gettinglonger and longer.春天来了,白天越来越长了。春天来了,白天越来越长了。Eg: The little girl is more and more beautiful.这个小女孩越来越漂亮了。这个小女孩越来越漂亮了。2. “the +比较级,比较级,the +比较级比较级”意为意为“越越就越就越”Eg: The harder you study, the bettergrades you will get.你学习越努力,你得到的成绩就越好。你学习越努力,你得到的成绩就越好。3. 当表示当表示“是两者中更是两者中更的的”时,常时,常用用“the +比较级比较级+of the two”结构,定冠词结构,定冠词the不能省略。不能省略。Eg: Liu Li is the taller of the two.刘丽是这两个人中较高的。刘丽是这两个人中较高的。4.同一类人或物在某一范围内进行比较时,同一类人或物在某一范围内进行比较时,常用常用“形容词比较级形容词比较级+than any other+名词名词单数单数”结构,意为结构,意为“比其他任何比其他任何都都”。Eg: I think Suzhou is more beautiful thanany other city in China.我认为苏州比中国的其他任何一个我认为苏州比中国的其他任何一个城市都漂亮。城市都漂亮。5.表示对两个人或事物进行对比,并进行选表示对两个人或事物进行对比,并进行选择时,常用句型择时,常用句型:Which(What/Who)+be+形形容词比较级,容词比较级,A or B?Eg: Which is better, the blue one or the red one?蓝的和红的这两个哪个更好?蓝的和红的这两个哪个更好?单项选择:1. This watch is than that one. A.more cheaper B. much cheap C. more cheap D. much cheaper2. Tara is of the two girls.A.smarter B. the smarterC. the smart D. the smartest 3. Is Shanghai than any other city in China?A. large B. smallest C. largest D. larger DBD4. Jerry studies this term.A.harder and harder B. more and more harderC. more harder and more harderD. hard and hard5. The more you smile, the you will feel.A.happy B. happier C. happily D. more happily6. -Our hometown has changed a lot. -Yes, it will be .A.beautiful and beautiful B. the more beautifulC. more and more beautifulD. more beautiful and beautiful ABCas . as . 意为意为“像像 / 和和一样一样”,两个两个as中间用形容词或副词的原级中间用形容词或副词的原级。e.g. The bag is as expensive as that one. Li Ling sings as well as Lucy.1. A + be + as 形容词原形形容词原形 + as + Be.g. Jack is as funny as Mike. 克莱尔与苏起得一样早。克莱尔与苏起得一样早。杰克与迈克一样滑稽。杰克与迈克一样滑稽。e.g. Claire gets up as early as Sue. 两者进行比较两者进行比较, ,表示表示“一方与另一方一方与另一方一样一样”2. A + 实义动词实义动词 + as 副词原形副词原形 + as + Bas . as . 的否定形式为的否定形式为not as / so . as .,意为,意为“不像不像那样那样”。e.g. My computer is not as / so good as hers. Tom doesnt jump as / so high as Jim.
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