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Unit 5 Graceful Handsvuneven a. 不平坦的;不平均的v分布不均的资源vthe uneven distribution of recoursesv资源分布不均。vThe resources are unevenly distributed.veven a. vroyal road 坦途;捷径v在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。 卡尔马克思vThere is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits. Karl Marxvfeel for 摸索;寻找v他在黑暗中摸索着寻找电灯开关。vHe felt for the light switch in the dark.vscarcely/hardlywhenvno soonerthanv我一到家就下雨了。vI had scarcely/hardly got home when it began to rain.vI had no sooner got home than it began to rain.vScarcely/Hardly had I got home when it began to rain.vNo sooner had I got home when it began o rain.vease vt. 减轻;缓解v他服用了一些止痛药来缓解牙痛。vHe took some painkillers to ease his toothache.vease n. vbe/feel at (ones) ease 感到自在v他们都如此平易近人,我一点也不拘束。vThey were all so approachable that I felt completely at ease. vgo about 开始做;忙于v这事咱们分头去做吧。vLets go about the work separately.v这家人照常忙着自己的事。vThe family were going about their business as usual.vset aboutvremovefromv他命令他们把货物从大厅搬走。vHe ordered them to remove the goods from the hall.v从他的伤口里至少取出了三颗子弹。vAt least three bullets were removed from his wounds.vswell n. 强烈的情感v一股自豪感掠过我的心头。vA swell of pride swept over me.vswell vi. (情绪)高涨;充满v她心中恨意油然而生。vShe swelled with hatred. vHatred swelled inside her.vspare vt. 使不受伤害v把钱拿走,饶我一命。vTake the money away and spare my life.vspare sb. sth./doing sth.v如果你事先预约,就不必等候了。vYou could spare yourself waiting if you book in advance.v这个国家迄今为止还没遭受过暴力事件。vThe country has been spared violence so far.vsample vt. 品尝v本店各类葡萄酒皆可品尝,欢迎先试后买。vYou are welcome to sample any of our wines before making a purchase. vwage a war/campaign (against)发动战争;掀起运动v政府下决心要进行一场消灭贫穷和疾病的斗争。vThe government has resolved to wage a war/campaign against poverty and disease.v下决心:determine to do; be determined to do; make ones mind to do; make a firm decision to do; set ones mind on doing; steel oneself to dovworthlessvvaluelessvvaluablevinvaluablevpricelessv珍贵的:valuable; invaluable; pricelessv不值钱的:worthless; valuelessvvain a. 徒劳的vin vain 徒劳地v她转过身去,想要掩饰自己的眼泪,可惜白费力气。vShe turned away in a vain attempt to hide her tears.vShe turned away in vain to hide her tears.vrelieve vt.v止痛药是用来缓解疼痛的。vPainkillers are used to relieve pain.vrelieve sb. of sth.v单调重复的工作,机器人可以代劳。vRobots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work.vhave an appetite forv我喜欢读书,对知识有一种不能满足的渴求。vI love reading and have an inexhaustible/ insatiable appetite for knowledge. vhave sympathy forv大家都很同情水灾受害者。vEveryone had/felt great sympathy for the victims of the flood.vin sympathy with 支持;与一致v出租车司机不载客,以支持正在罢工的公共汽车司机。vTaxi drivers refused to pick up passengers in sympathy with the striking bus drivers.vqualify vi.& vt.vvi. qualify as sth. v他花了5年时间才有资格成为一名兽医。vIt took him five years to qualify as a vet.vvi. qualify for sth.v中国国家男子足球队取得了世界杯决赛的资格。vChinese Mens National Soccer Team has qualified for the World Cup Final.vvt. qualify sb. for sth./qualify sb. to do sth.v我获得了教英语的资格。vI am qualified to teach English.v(the) chances are (that) v明天很可能下冰雹。vChances are that it will hail tomorrow.vdeprived a. 贫困的vdestitute a. 赤贫的v该慈善机构关心赤贫儿童。vThe charity cares for destitute and deprived children.
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