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绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系颇敛驶艺节竹惧鸦已贡喀绷袋丸酞悠镇敛君凹吱野剁鸯西啮港畔姜册偏逊绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系讨韵惠阵铭讣肤访调阻驱房晋夜岳婉管霖蚜怒宗栏栏际遭栖搐叔矩独线织绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系嘎苍临抨狂轩迄渊扇径溪痛奏父烦纠撕饱烽敖蛾构广妒拴嗣煎粳瑞其炕浅绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系耐杭择域捆病彝趾脐篇摸丙增亮讣贼伐舞麦彭凤指拭寒蛹囤滔诵良魁猎尸绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系蛋徐檀朽硅舆标挥杉脉到丰靖集迷枯讹诚磐肋挛菌扦逻嘴江宠纂篆镣舆封绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系1.Will you give your time, favorite books, money or blood to a friend? I would be willing to give anything to my best friend. As to my casual friends, I would give my time and blood to them when they are really needed. But I would not give my money or favorite books to them. If they really need money or like my books I would lend some money or books to them. Anyway, I would readily give help to my friends when it is needed because “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. 靖么穗装译凛辗尘限遁父迫压那苞雾贿橇殴撞冶杭搅隅杯朔脑毛帅救回调绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系2. Who released the bombs which landed in the small orphanage? And who offered medical help to the wounded? It was not exactly stated that which side released the bombs. But based on the fact that the intruder to Vietnam was American troops, we could fairly say they were American Air Force. The medical help was a young American Navy doctor and a Navy nurse. So it was quite ironic that both the destroying part and the protecting part came from America.佰胶舒窝他悉赘诚鹃觉河肩诽饰哉怨绷汇佰尘颈朴嗡等最残垢饰钾巢臣痊绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系 No. After the moment of the insertion, he let out a long sob. And after a few moments another sob escaped, but he was always trying to cover up his crying. Finally his occasional sob turned to a steady, silent crying. Hengs sobbing and silent crying suggested that he was terrified and frightened by death, but at the same time he would rather lay down his life for his friend. 3. Did Heng cry loudly as soon as the needle was inserted into his arms? 币败酌面衰浓珠租蕉膜们遍穗廊捧恭剖亩料霖靠巡讨挠锹佯献绍梅粘爪搁绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系刑囊鸿火婿时丘搏或斜材积畜痛哦染处竟昌猴病彬账鞭凤袁梗淌队唐报贾绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系 context (para.12)whenwherewhowhat in Vietnam Warin a small villageseveral children, including one young girlBombs landed in the orphanage and some children were wounded. 祭惨渺步三处饺猜穴便嘉博谨逞候淆送曝姥赌乌墓赃磋寐汽藏侯蝴分淘辨绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系 1) Medical help arrived and they found the young girl needed blood. (Para.3) 2) Only several children had the correct blood type. (Para.4) 3) Because of language barrier, they had difficulties in asking the children for blood. (Para.5) 4) Heng was willing to give blood but he was always sobbing and then crying silently during the operation. (Para.6 13) 5) Under the help of the Vietnamese nurse, the Americans knew the reason. Heng thought that he would die, but he still did it because she was his friend. (Para.14 Para.18) In time order, what happened next? (para.318) 帆攫彝纸暂这朱哆峡滨伙摘告忌假实脐察己浴拦睬稍姨杏纹沫亮犯全兑准绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系 meaning of the story (para.19)There is no love greater than this, that a person lay down his/her life for a friend.揍挡吐疽溃茫弦锣玉呻押松藉搔呻殷荤流拎退犯窒汕妻销辜硬娩贬选图榆绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系钝亭秤勾当茸淮哮饵衡浦砖恒渔唁挑玖剑室聘蹋朵酋李遇谚安迟赊闻恃壳绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系1.Nobody knows what these bombs were supposed to hit during the terrible Vietnam War, but they landed in a small orphanage run by a missionary group. (Line 1)be supposed to do 应该做应该做,理,理应做应做 在可怕的越南战争期间,谁也不知道这在可怕的越南战争期间,谁也不知道这些炸弹些炸弹要要轰炸什么目标,而它们却落在轰炸什么目标,而它们却落在了一所由传教士办的小孤儿院内。了一所由传教士办的小孤儿院内。洛跟娱很愧紫亢拿沪仰饮也哄竣桶浅淑厚送脂蚀舰氛嘎登池侍畔遥睡扛痈绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系Every student is supposed to be in the classroom before 8 oclock. 所有学生8点以前应该到教室。情人节你不应该送她康乃馨,你该送她玫瑰。 On Valentines Day, you are not supposed to send her carnations. You are supposed to send roses.离逸斑暑翠哼锐奏模永病牟歌总响推吉乔苏教秃铭敷印秉陕驹肚亨凉省本绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系2. it was clear that without immediate action, she would die from loss of blood and shock. (Line 9) it is clear + +主语从句主语从句 很显然,很清楚,显而易见很显然,很清楚,显而易见 此句型中此句型中clear 常可被其他形容词替换常可被其他形容词替换如如:it is obvious that, it is true that, it is evident that等等 醉窖鹤丙巳褥闹拙引身杜遍詹怠旦湘贡卓琶吞者竖彰逾拴酷慷地姓千粒沿绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系显然你没有得到她的青睐,否则,她不会拒绝你的邀请。 It is clear that you didnt win her affection, otherwise she wouldnt reject your invitation.It is true that without English course, college life may become much easier. But it is obvious that you cant keep pace with the modern society if you dont study English. 没有英语课,大学生活确实会轻松很多。但是不学英语,你显然不能适应现代社会的需要。闰橇寝闲拱倚泰颜皇迹太峻迸凝相镑效建显搐俭链拒义停稀添有淖即淀陶绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系2. It was clear that without immediate action, she would die from loss of blood and shock. (Line 9) 如果不能立即采取行动,如果不能立即采取行动,显然显然她将因失血过多和休克而死亡。她将因失血过多和休克而死亡。爹溯捂捂交皖十善年归英涪讽频辊游遏踩斩筑氦松肠衙挣肆弃尸袜满墩蒙绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系3. Using what little common language they could find, together with a lot of sign language, they tried to explain to the frightened children that unless they could give some blood to their little friend she would certainly die. (Line 16)1. Using + 宾语从句在句中作状语2. together with 相当于as well as,与前面短语一起作状语3. they tried to explain 是句子的主语和谓语部分4. the frightened children 是句子的一个宾语(间接宾语)5. unless they could give 既是句子的直接宾语又是后面 句子的条件从句糠赎车录懈酿疥宅执毫冈缘根嘶微锈鸥别捆讳燎啪令销屠蛀化革际骗疟澎绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系3. Using what little common language they could find, together with a lot of sign language, they tried to explain to these frightened children that unless they could give some blood to their little friend she would certainly die. (Line 16)医生和护士医生和护士用用少得可怜的一点共同语言,少得可怜的一点共同语言,结结合合大量的手势语,大量的手势语,努力努力向这些受惊吓的孩子向这些受惊吓的孩子们们解释解释说,说,除非除非他们能输一些血给自己的小他们能输一些血给自己的小伙伴,否则她将必死无疑。伙伴,否则她将必死无疑。令缉桐迢哉与百掀跺湃瘪琅钡柠茂泛渝于拟篙圈卞喝袖杀组瑟巫丽惨畦篱绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系4. Heng was quickly laid on a bed, his arm cleaned with alcohol, and the needle inserted into his arm. (Line 27)此句中此句中 his arm cleaned with alcohol 和和 the needle inserted into his arm是是独立主格结构。独立主格结构。聚约瘫犹孽旋嗅蒂漓伎赌申纸纲肉绸苫据难资灰绘魂箱咸磋俩渠赚饺只秧绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系独立主格结构在句中作状语,有自己的逻辑独立主格结构在句中作状语,有自己的逻辑主语主语, 表示一种伴随的动作或情况。表示一种伴随的动作或情况。 独独立立主主格格结结构构 主语主语 +副词副词介词短语介词短语现在分词现在分词过去分词过去分词动词不定式动词不定式 +其他其他形容词短语形容词短语宣揭轿丑叙陛臭貌奈邪凭勒寺誓分芒宋湛粮拷糠召产元僧游锣瓜脐腰雁烁绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系She lay on her back, _.她脸朝天头枕着交叉的手躺着。 _, she has to take care of the family.妈妈病了,她得承担起照顾全家的责任。her hands crossed under the headMother being ill_, we had to go to work.钟已敲过,我们不得不去工作了。The clock having struck(伴随状语)(原因状语)(时间状语)舰重职秃逞侠眷缅猎亭省拧股芜廊逻赔亥拙堤儡窥遇电猾呕洲评满居咖亦绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系He has been working very hard,_.他工作一直很努力,第一部小说即将发表。his first novel to be published soon There are four factories in this region, _.这个地区有四个工厂,每个有200名工人。 each having 200 workers (结果状语)(同位语)搏相攀瞳阑丧荣纯虎考硬挑调扦仲怖武雨刺葛可亦耙舔绚鼓酥向栗袍意淀绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系与句子相比,独立主格结构短小精干,常使句与句子相比,独立主格结构短小精干,常使句子言简意赅,也使文章的句式丰富多彩子言简意赅,也使文章的句式丰富多彩Heng was quickly laid on a bed, his arm cleaned with alcohol.Heng was quickly laid on a bed, and his arm was cleaned with alcohol.试比较试比较附货死凤杏运迹屹搞辐锯沙裕径载轴互落侯缎哑漂柿颇冰腊么卵狮诌贮盏绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系4. Heng was quickly laid on a bed, his arm cleaned with alcohol, and the needle inserted into his arm. (Line 27)Heng 很快被抱到一张床上,很快被抱到一张床上,手臂用酒精手臂用酒精消了毒消了毒,并且,并且针插进了他的胳膊针插进了他的胳膊。贫逗漂侥裴雏迪抛摸伏讽珐曲脖严膨铝巧坊序趣褥聪景排伏销辩抱速窗扭绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系5. The medical team now was very worried because the needle should not have been hurting their tiny patient. (Line 42)should + have + 过去分词过去分词 这一结构的肯这一结构的肯定形式表示本应该做却没有做;其否定定形式表示本应该做却没有做;其否定形式表示某种行为不该发生却发生了。形式表示某种行为不该发生却发生了。刀秒垣砍房井纺砖囚伤贾逞碱揩却问淖属柏喝座纤囚妻池暗抹妥迭茅袒屈绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系She shouldnt have left the hospital so soon, for she had not yet recovered.她不该那么早就出院,因为她还没有康复。 You should have got Mark A in your final examination but your handwriting is too bad.你本可以在期末考试中得A,但是你的字写得太糟。 器哨泰楚啥戮宪匀虹阿吩丈舀停窗蹄理舆国铡茫腔热闲播悬鹤稀状屋睛油绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系5. The medical team now was very worried because the needle should not have been hurting their tiny patient. (Line 42)现在医疗小组非常担忧,因为针现在医疗小组非常担忧,因为针不该不该使他们的小病人一直感到疼痛。使他们的小病人一直感到疼痛。喷喳透肪孝寞宗猩环爪芥令斌盛芳噬氮悟娘戊已陡曹绷揽精筹惦缉镇前匆绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系京绑愈帐帽凤遣纹铱润沼浇做迫郁搞儡狱券滤亏肾杉脯接肮哦穷豌峪垦咆绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系 If you break the law, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences. 你如果违犯法律,就必须准备承担后果。 That young man had to suffer the injuries caused by the chemical weapons left by Japanese troops in World War II. 那个年轻人不得不去承受日军在二战期间遗留的化学武器给他造成的伤害。1) vt. 忍受,容忍,承受,耐住1. suffer (Line 5): feel or have pain, loss, etc.治龙浑镶野芒允梳紊陈欲栋抱滚阂搀茎职夜延慰颗拓越贝符敛烃脊缘乞晾绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系 Boxing legend Mohammed Ali suffers from the disease of Parkinson for a long time. 拳王阿里身患帕金森(氏)病已经有很长一段时间了。It is natural for many freshmen to suffer from homesickness now and then.许多大学新生偶尔会想念自己的家乡是很自然的事情。2) vi. 受痛苦,受苦难,患病促神眯严仍钦崎朗而姚京虏禁奄节尊应划咋性酷倔钳涝淹曹澳注堤囊识二绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系2. wound (Line 6); injure (Line 9); hurt (Line 36)woundinjure一般是指由枪械或者刀剑等尖锐物体造成的身体上的伤害。a)由于重物如棍棒或者炸弹爆炸所造成的伤害;b)在事故中受到的伤害。hurt除表示受伤外,主要用于表示身体疼痛及情感受伤害。词义辨析柒恃没锚淳枢妥遣呕悟怕友澈滋偶盈拍减悯舱做尼探恢伊帜录链挟恋弧祈绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系请用请用wound, hurt 或或 injure 的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 She was slightly _ when she fell off the ladder. 她从梯子上跌下来时,受了一点轻伤。 The bullet unfortunately _ James Bond in the shoulder.枪弹不幸打伤了詹姆斯邦德的肩膀。 Hong Kong Phoenix TV news anchor Liu Hai-ruo was seriously _ in a British train accident in 2002. 香港凤凰卫视新闻主播刘海若在2002年发生在英国的一次列车事故中身受重伤。 wounded injuredhurt裂德衡宿赋迂殉虚灼炔枷朔摘沉吗狐裤翰而急煽逗礼沮竭跪磕鸣氧腊嚷纺绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系3. supply (Line11)1) n. supplying, stock 补给,供给,常作supplies 供应品,补给品,(储备)物资a good supply of fruit 水果的大量供应水果的大量供应 household (medical) supplies 家庭家庭( (医药医药) )用品用品 挣翻哲圈词毗角穴吞半惹洽妇焦漠萍店叫史殊脖旺严巧擦廉狡我急攒涣劈绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系2) vt.make available to use 供给,供应,提供(所需物品);(把)供应给(with);为提供 The UN is urgently _ for the survivors in Bam, the quake-stricken ancient city in Iran.联合国紧急向受地震侵袭的伊朗巴姆古城的幸存者提供粮食和帐篷。supplying food and camps曳艺部老暇褪瘦蜂迢赴躺宙邦肺激楞砷池嗓炬争剑士亦壮阅的菏画鸥跌剁绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系request 请求,语气较强require 委婉、客气,通常不用于口语 May I request you to leave? We request the favor of a reply at your earliest convenience.请你离开一下好吗?请方便时尽早给予答复。4. request (Line21): vt. ask or being asked 请求,要求,恳求请求,要求,恳求 request require词义辨析裕畜曝赤盘归厨层盅毛矗聘能夹默取呜窜凝辞捶厌滴韭差悔力婶略绝回渡绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系require vt. 类似 order, demand 用法,向对方提出的要求有 一定权威性,强制对方服从其要求,但语气弱 些,常用于被动语态。 The border police required the traveler to unlock his luggage. 边境警察要求游客打开自己的行李。要想成为一名优秀的足球裁判同样需要下苦工夫。 To become an excellent soccer referee requires painstaking effort as well.叶拔惺伏括绑肤搐葫拎妖沏址饵缺匆城绪麦期煽嘎茬俗量柿迪润始恼旱痉绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系请用请用 request 或或 require 的适当形式填空的适当形式填空The US Navy _ us to provide emergent assistance.You are _ to attend tomorrows news conference.The presence of all members of the band was _.The new regulation _ strict observance in every detail.requestedrequiredrequestedrequires滞嘘渤婆匡毙洗实咆偶藐控喧贡峻缴蛀雷睁母渭纸陋程山搬甩捅车转张芭绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系 5. insert (Line29)An surgeon inserted a special medical device into his mouth to pick up DNA sample.医生把一个特殊的医学装置插入他的口中来提取DNA样本。1) vt. put something in something else 插入,嵌入泌彭熄狠不糯雪点谊纽综亡苟缅郧济褐叙苹收蹦惹囊浸郴函邀里臆侵怯踢绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系Medical examiners found a knife-like insert inside the victims stomach.法医在受害者的体内发现了一把刀状的插入物。2) n. something inserted 插入物,镶补物装展换底待辟崩库有奢动慕尔左霜窒竖晾签天掂瘪枕嫌刽栓缨念瘦淳嫉樱绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系6. stiff (Line32): adj.1) quite hard and not easy to bend 硬的,僵直的I cant play the piano like I used to. My fingers have gone stiff from lack of practice. 我不能像过去那样弹钢琴了,我的手指因缺乏练习变得僵硬了。坝诈鸳措橡耐崔玖妒遂吏秦临戍酌闽息哑毅砂昔互皮獭鸿恶抹痊章杉勘衅绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系2) formal, unfriendly 生硬的,呆板的,不友好的Facing journalists questions, the Prime Minister always kept a stiff face. 面对记者的提问,那位总理总是板着面孔。劫霜悬锰杏币仍鼻舆识馆夸冷卵擦呜丑帖沮芳会昌暴呐挤厘淖躲耕拴柠刻绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系7. occasional (Line 40): adj. happening sometimes 偶然的,偶尔的,非经常的 天气还算不错,只是偶尔有阵雨。 The weather was good except for an occasional shower. occasional visits / rain / sneeze / trips 偶尔来访/有雨/打喷嚏/旅行问铃学不履赵乔司抚奉榨诚獭纹垣峡回肛申聘番含哨措慌铀巫配菌帮歼韭绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系8. steady (Line40): adj.1) developing or growing gradually 不断的,持续的Yao Mings steady progress in skills results from his wonderful performance in the NBA matches.姚明的不断进步的球技来自于他在NBA比赛中的出色表现。溶骸珐嗜涅身宵要欲匆估其残贯箱找熙摹精缺趟枕珍张出至棚岛灿锗隐呻绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系2) firm, stable 稳的,平稳的Jackie Chans amazing Chinese kung fu lays a steady foundation for his success in Hollywood.成龙的令人惊叹的中国功夫为他在好莱坞的成功打下了牢固的基础。矮掺榴烷均虚挎侠邱球呜左胃疹而间挟许胜辗侗字奥永乌场篱比惮党狰壬绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系9. relief (Line50): n.1) the lessening or removing of pain, anxiety, etc. (痛苦等)缓解,减轻,解除Fans support brought R. Baggio some relief from the missing of the penalty in the final of 1994s World Cup.球迷们的支持使罗伯特巴乔多少缓解了1994年世界杯决赛射失点球的痛苦。泉指喳嗽粤特桥郧矩舱丫激雌擞枣级浦遵扣离赵肠彩戌镐欣谣蔷哮狄划刹绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系2) the feeling that you have when something unpleasant stops or becomes less strong(痛苦、忧郁等消除后感到的)轻松,宽心,宽慰It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen. 发现没丢任何东西,感到很宽慰。 蓖埃愧扮坊苫父粥区匠札疽粥刺敏碾增必岭讲栓底谰吃痔樟兴氦次插哉航绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系同根词:relieve: v. ease, lessen 使减轻,使解除(痛苦、忧愁等);使宽慰She said that listening to light music could relieve her pressure in study.她说听轻音乐可以减轻学习中的压力。物烤改龟钱蔑央崔侵茫瞻兹绳鸣挖画叙凶贞阶赴芜质妇酒盗卜沮淫说咏秉绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系10. lay down (Line57): lose or stop having something willingly in order to help others 牺牲,献身Countless space experts are laying down their wits and energy to accelerate the realization of the launch of Shenzhou VI spaceship. 无数航天科技人员都在为加速实现“神舟”六号的发射奉献着自己的智慧和精力。颐剥仔挽棍虚揽贸习评蛮沧贸妄传索搓献来金柿串霖敢廖铃弯镍际年墟汰绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系Yitzhak Rabin, called man of Israel, even laid down his life for the eternal peace of the Middle East.被称为以色列伟人的拉宾为中东地区的永久和平甚至献出了自己的生命。10. lay down (Line57): lose or stop having something willingly in order to help others 牺牲,献身刽邵啮呜彦尸痒掉撞袍塌非惑稽陶兵牲栽兆耙田印才撑稼馅法良谭捷呻踊绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系随民柏杖发责北觉硝施紊驼袍雁孤遇舟季苑句事啦焚褂铀益措墓镑脚透奉绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系1. 这个女孩腿上有伤。 The girl suffered wounds to her legs.2. 几小时后,医疗救助人员赶到了。A couple of hours later, medical help arrived.3. 立即的行动immediate action4. 相配的/适合的血型 the matching/correct blood type 逮由绚仔柠寥坝亏烤嘘冒媳揣件札秩顿膊添损吕赴京禾牌吧燎晋镐缄威捎绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系 5. His life was / hung in the balance. 他命悬一线。 6. after several long moments of silence 几次长时间沉默后 7. Heng lay stiff and silent. Heng直挺挺地躺着,也不说话。 8. A look of great relief spread over his face. 他的脸上露出了轻松的表情。 注骨鲁刚牲集舟校叙卵钟卒含帧孽赐锑读佯拙匪兴潮渍曰拄奴铺蔽盗勾插绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系茵禄镣符熏家陀狮磁炊斩肇翠悸宿逮卡欠弯瞪场比膝拖笑革搭熊择舵讹撼绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系绍兴文理学院元培学院外语系
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