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英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练. . 单项选择单项选择( )1.My friend, Henry, was born _ June 10, 1997.( )1.My friend, Henry, was born _ June 10, 1997. A Ain Bin Bon Con Cat Dat Dforfor( )2.We cant pass the exam, _we study hard.( )2.We cant pass the exam, _we study hard. A Abecause Bbecause Band and C Cunless Dunless Doror( )3.( )3.Why dont you go out to play, Rose?Why dont you go out to play, Rose? Im afraid I cant. I have much homework Im afraid I cant. I have much homework _ _ A Ado Bdo Bdoes does C Cdoing Ddoing Dto doto doB BC C能力提升训练D D英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )4.( )4.Have you heard of _ about Jeremy Lin (Have you heard of _ about Jeremy Lin (林林 书豪书豪)?)? Yes. He did quite well in the last NBA Yes. He did quite well in the last NBA basketball match. basketball match. A Aanything exciting Banything exciting Bsomething interestingsomething interesting C Canything humorous Danything humorous Dsomething importantsomething important( )5.Tell the children _ unhealthy food. Its ( )5.Tell the children _ unhealthy food. Its bad for their health. bad for their health. A Anot to eatnot to eat B Bnot eatingnot eating C Cto eatto eat D DeatingeatingA AA A英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )6._ get off the bus before it stops.( )6._ get off the bus before it stops. A ADontDont B BDoesntDoesnt C CDidnt DDidnt DNot to Not to ( )7.I like these photos and they can _ me ( )7.I like these photos and they can _ me _ the life living in the countryside. _ the life living in the countryside. A Athink; of Bthink; of Bremind; of remind; of C Clet; down Dlet; down Dwake; upwake; up( )8.The little girl didnt stop crying _ she ( )8.The little girl didnt stop crying _ she found her mother. found her mother. A Aafter Bafter Buntil Cuntil Cbecause Dbecause DwhenwhenA AB BB B英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )9._ interesting book it is!( )9._ interesting book it is! A AHow BHow BWhat What C CWhat an DWhat an DHow a How a ( )10.Ill go to visit my aunt in England ( )10.Ill go to visit my aunt in England _ the summer holidays start. _ the summer holidays start. A Awhile Bwhile Bsince since C Cuntil Duntil Das soon asas soon asC CD D英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练. . 用方框中所给词用方框中所给词( (组组) )的适当形式填空的适当形式填空begin, work on, continue, instead of, begin, work on, continue, instead of, different, call, more than, interest, different, call, more than, interest, fall in love with fall in love with 1 1A man saw his family when they were A man saw his family when they were _ moving the mountains. _ moving the mountains.2 2The boy is playing computer games _ The boy is playing computer games _ watching TV. watching TV.3 3The beautiful story _ a long time ago.The beautiful story _ a long time ago.4 4The girl _ Molly is over there.The girl _ Molly is over there.workingworking ononinsteadinstead ofofbeganbegancalledcalled英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练5 5There are _ 1There are _ 1,000 students in our 000 students in our school. school.6 6Many children all over the world are Many children all over the world are _ in reading the story. _ in reading the story.7 7The old man said that his family would The old man said that his family would _ to move the mountains. _ to move the mountains.8 8We have _ opinions about the story.We have _ opinions about the story.9 9They _ each other when they They _ each other when they met for the first time. met for the first time. more more thanthaninterestedinterestedcontinuecontinuedifferentdifferentfellfell inin lovelove withwith英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练.阅读理解阅读理解 In China, people who were born in and after In China, people who were born in and after the 1980s are called the postthe 1980s are called the post 80s generation (8080s generation (80后后) )Most of them come from Most of them come from singlesingle childchild families.Howeverfamilies.However, this generation are playing a , this generation are playing a more and more important part in China, and their more and more important part in China, and their image(image(形象形象)in peoples minds is )in peoples minds is changing.Hanchanging.Han Han, Han, a popular writer, is one of them.a popular writer, is one of them.英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练 Han Han HanHan was was born born in in Shanghai Shanghai in in 1982. 1982. His His talent talent for for writing writing was was clear clear at at an an early early age.Atage.At the the age age of of 17, 17, Han Han HanHan was was noticed noticed by by the the public public because because of of the the article article ViewingViewing thethe PeoplePeople ThroughThrough thethe ClassClass.He.He won won first first prize prize in in the the National National New New Concept Concept Composition.LaterComposition.Later, , Han Han HanHan again again surprised surprised the the public public by by leaving leaving high high school.school.“I I did did poorly poorly when when I I was was in in the the first first grade grade of of high high school school and and failed failed to to go go up up to to the the next next grade.Igrade.I tried tried my my best best to to improve improve my my studies, studies, but but I I failed.Atfailed.At last last I I gave gave up up my my subjects subjects at at school.Howeverschool.However, , I I didnt didnt give give up up learning.Ilearning.I am am always always learning, learning, since since learning learning and and going going to to school school are two different are two different things.things.”HanHan Han said. Han said.英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练 Han Hans first novel Han Hans first novel ThreeThree FoldedFolded GatesGates( (三重门三重门)sold very well in )sold very well in China.LaterChina.Later the book was translated the book was translated into several languages and sold to other countries.into several languages and sold to other countries. In the following years, Han In the following years, Han HanHan wrote a lot of wrote a lot of books.Allbooks.All of them were very popular and sold very of them were very popular and sold very well.Inwell.In 2006, he started 2006, he started bloggingblogging ( (写网络日志写网络日志) )Since Since then he has had great then he has had great success.Todaysuccess.Today, Han Hans , Han Hans blogblog has received over 200 million clicks and has become has received over 200 million clicks and has become one of the hottest one of the hottest blogsblogs on the Internet. on the Internet.英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )1.The post( )1.The post 80s generation _80s generation _ A Ahave changed Chinas imagehave changed Chinas image B Bare playing a great part in Chinaare playing a great part in China C Care very good at writingare very good at writing D Dare all very cleverare all very clever( )2.What can we learn from Han Hans words in the ( )2.What can we learn from Han Hans words in the second paragraph? second paragraph? A AHe never studied hard at school.He never studied hard at school. B BHis school life was interesting and colorful.His school life was interesting and colorful. C CThough he gave up his studies, he didnt stop Though he gave up his studies, he didnt stop learning. learning. D DStudents can give up studying like him.Students can give up studying like him.B BC C英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )3.When did Han ( )3.When did Han HanHan begin to write his begin to write his blogblog? ? A AIn 1992. BIn 1992. BAt the age of 17.At the age of 17. C CWhen he was about 24. DWhen he was about 24. DIn 2008.In 2008.( )4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the ( )4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? passage? A AHan Hans Han Hans blogblog is very popular on is very popular on theInternettheInternet. . B BMany people expected that Han Many people expected that Han HanHan would leave would leave high school. high school. C CThreeThree FoldedFolded GatesGates was mainly sold in China. was mainly sold in China. D DAfter After ThreeThree FoldedFolded GatesGates Han Han HanHan never wrote never wrote any books. any books.C CA A英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练( )5.The passage mainly talks about _.( )5.The passage mainly talks about _. A Athe postthe post 80s generation80s generation B BHan Han HanHan, a popular young writer, a popular young writer C Cpopular books written by Han popular books written by Han HanHan D Dwho were the postwho were the post 80s generation80s generationB B英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练. . 补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项补全对话,方框中有两个多余选项A: Hello, this is Xiao A: Hello, this is Xiao HuiHui. Is that Wendy?. Is that Wendy?B: 1._B: 1._ _ Oh, Xiao _ Oh, Xiao HuiHui, Im very glad to hear your , Im very glad to hear your voice. I miss you very much. voice. I miss you very much.A: Me, too. 2._A: Me, too. 2._ _B: Not too bad. My grandparents were very happy to B: Not too bad. My grandparents were very happy to see me when I came back from China. see me when I came back from China.A: Thats nice. How about your school?A: Thats nice. How about your school?B: 3._B: 3._ _ What about you?_ What about you?A: Im OK. I won the first prize in the A: Im OK. I won the first prize in the EnglishEnglish speakingspeaking contest last month. contest last month.B: 4._B: 4._ _ By the way, my parents miss you, too. _ By the way, my parents miss you, too. They hope you can come to America during your They hope you can come to America during your summer vacation. summer vacation.E EA AD DG G英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练A: OK, 5._A: OK, 5._ _B: Thats great! We hope to see you soon.B: Thats great! We hope to see you soon.A: See you then.A: See you then.A AHows everything going?Hows everything going?B BYes, Im Wendy.Yes, Im Wendy.C CI will go to America to see you as soon as the I will go to America to see you as soon as the vacation comes. vacation comes.D DIm in a new class, but the teacher and classmates Im in a new class, but the teacher and classmates treat me very well. treat me very well.E EYes, this is Wendy speaking.Yes, this is Wendy speaking.F FWhats the matter?Whats the matter?G GYoure great!Youre great!C C英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练.短文填空短文填空用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,有两项多余。用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,有两项多余。much; that; ill; no; stop; seem;start; some; I; friend; time; with About three years ago, I felt very lonely. I About three years ago, I felt very lonely. I didnt like my classmates, my parents or anyone didnt like my classmates, my parents or anyone else.Myelse.My classmates didnt want to talk 1._ me and classmates didnt want to talk 1._ me and my parents were always saying that other kids were my parents were always saying that other kids were better than me. I thought I was the 2._ unlucky better than me. I thought I was the 2._ unlucky person in the world.person in the world.withwithmostmost英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练 One day I had a big fight with one of my One day I had a big fight with one of my classmates. I was so angry 3._ I hit him in classmates. I was so angry 3._ I hit him in the face. Just at that moment, a boy stood up and the face. Just at that moment, a boy stood up and 4._ the fight. He was the monitor of our 4._ the fight. He was the monitor of our class.class. After that, he often helped me and we became After that, he often helped me and we became good 5._.Whenever I got angry or sad, he good 5._.Whenever I got angry or sad, he would help 6._ to cool down. My life began would help 6._ to cool down. My life began to change because of the boy, my best friend. We to change because of the boy, my best friend. We spent a lot of interesting days together. As spent a lot of interesting days together. As 7._ goes by, I have become happier with 7._ goes by, I have become happier with thatthatstoppedstoppedfriendsfriendsmemetimetime英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练people and things. And it 8._ that people around people and things. And it 8._ that people around me have changed, too. My parents dont shout at me me have changed, too. My parents dont shout at me 9._ more and my classmates become friendly to me.9._ more and my classmates become friendly to me. But now I cant often see my best friend because he But now I cant often see my best friend because he is seriously 10._ and is staying in hospital. How I is seriously 10._ and is staying in hospital. How I miss the days when we were togethermiss the days when we were together!I hope he will be I hope he will be all right and come back to school soon.all right and come back to school soon.seemsseemsanyanyillill英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练. . 书面表达书面表达 假设你是江华,下周一你所在班级将举行英语课外阅读交假设你是江华,下周一你所在班级将举行英语课外阅读交流会。请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文。向同学们介绍流会。请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文。向同学们介绍The The Famous Famous RabbitRabbit TortoiseTortoise Race Race 这个故事。这个故事。Rabbitwin the second race be good at runningTortoisewin the third race swim across the rivertake turns to put on the back reach togetherWhat I have learned; 英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练要求:要求:1 1文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,可作适当发挥;文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,可作适当发挥;2 2文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;3 3词数:词数:9090词左右词左右( (开头已写好,不计入总词数开头已写好,不计入总词数) )。We all know that the rabbit lost the first race We all know that the rabbit lost the first race against the tortoise. against the tortoise. _英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 能力提升训练能力提升训练One possible versionOne possible version: WeWe allall knowknow thatthat thethe rabbitrabbit lostlost thethe firstfirst racerace againstagainst thethe tortoisetortoise. . TheThe rabbitrabbit paidpaid moremore attentionattention toto theirtheir secondsecond racerace. . HeHe didndidn t t sleepsleep atat allall. . AtAt lastlast hehe wonwon thethe racerace becausebecause hehe waswas goodgood atat runningrunning. . Today Today thethe rabbitrabbit andand thethe tortoisetortoise hadhad thethe thirdthird racerace. . AtAt firstfirst thethe rabbitrabbit ranran fasterfaster thanthan thethe tortoisetortoise. . ShortlyShortly afterafter therethere waswas a a widewide riverriver aheadahead itit. . TheThe rabbitrabbit hadhad nono ideaidea howhow toto crosscross thethe riverriver. . TheThe tortoisetortoise gotgot toto thethe riverriver bank, toobank, too. . HeHe putput thethe rabbitrabbit onon hishis backback. . TheyThey swamswam acrossacross thethe riverriver. . TheyThey reachedreached thethe finishfinish lineline atat lastlast. . I I cancan learnlearn thethe spiritspirit ofof teamworkteamwork fromfrom thethe storystory. . IfIf wewe helphelp eacheach other, theother, the worldworld willwill bebe moremore beautifulbeautiful. .英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )1.I didnt go to bed_ 2 oclock last night ( )1.I didnt go to bed_ 2 oclock last night because of too much work. because of too much work. A Asince Bsince BuntiluntilC.whileC.while D Dwhen when ( )2.You have just read the newspaper. Did you find ( )2.You have just read the newspaper. Did you find _ in it? _ in it? A Ainteresting anything interesting anything B Banything interesting anything interesting C Cinteresting something interesting something D Dsomething interesting something interesting B BB B英语新课标(RJ)Unit 6 易错点针对训练易错点针对训练( )3. ( )3. _ weather it is! We cant go boating on _ weather it is! We cant go boating on the the XuanwuXuanwu Lake. Lake. Dont worry. Lets go to the Science Museum Dont worry. Lets go to the Science Museum instead. instead. A AWhat good BWhat good BHow good How good C.HowC.How had D had DWhat hadWhat had( )4.( )4.Jim, _ read books while you are walking in Jim, _ read books while you are walking in the street. Its very dangerous. the street. Its very dangerous. OK, thank you.OK, thank you. A Adont Bdont Bdoesnt Cdoesnt Cwont Dwont Dcantcant( )5.Li Na is _ famous _ all the tennis ( )5.Li Na is _ famous _ all the tennis fans in China know her. fans in China know her. A Atoo; to Btoo; to Benough; to Cenough; to Cas; as Das; as Dso; thatso; thatD DA AD D
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