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.Unit 1 The lion and the mouseUnit 1 The lion and the mouse一、单词一、单词mousestrong安静地loudlybiteaskhappilycheergroundreach二、词组二、词组1. in the forest在森林里2. very large很大3. large and strong又大又强壮4. one day一天5. walk by走过6. wake the lion up吵醒狮子7. be angry生气8. want to eat the mouse想吃老鼠9. help you帮助你10. some day某一天11. say quietly小声地说12. so small and weak这么小而弱13. laugh loudly大声地笑14. let the mouse go让 老 鼠走15. the next day第二天16. two men两个男人17. catch the lion with a large net用一张大网捉住狮子18. bite the net咬网19. his sharp teeth他锋利的牙齿20. get out出去21. ask sadly伤心地问22. just then就在那时23. make a big hole弄了个大洞24. in the net在网里25. say happily开 心 地说26. from then on从那时起27. become friends变 成 朋友28. get out from the net从网里出来29. help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事30. a happy boy一个开心/幸福的男孩31. talk excitedly兴奋地交谈32. the sweet shop糖果店33. want to buy想要买34. a lollipop一个棒棒糖35. Aesops Fables伊索寓言36. find many animal stories找到许多动物故事.老鼠 large强大的, 强壮的 quietly大声地咬问开心地, 高兴地欢呼, 加油地面, 地上够得着 net sharp soon weak hit deep大的小声地,网锋利, 尖的不久, 很快弱的, 软弱的打, 击深.37. a Chinese idiom book一本中国成语书38. play table tennis happily开心地打乒乓39. be good at table tennis擅长打乒乓40. cheer for them loudly为他们大声地欢呼41. too excited太兴奋42. hit the ball hard用力打球43. find the ball找到球44. find a hole in the ground在地上找到一个洞45. in the hole在洞里46. too deep太深47. cant reach it够不着它48. have an idea有一个主意49. bring some water quickly很快拿来一些水50. pour it into the hole把它倒进洞里51. so many balls这么多球52. go to a shopping centre去购物中心53. see a small boy看见一个小男孩54. on the floor在地板上55. take him to an office带他去办公室56. give him a sweet给他一颗糖57. become happy变得高兴58. like helping people喜欢帮助人们59. make a study plan制定一个学习计划60. read quietly安静地看书61. a weak animal一个弱小的动物62. a sharp knife一把锋利的刀63. walk by走过, 路过64. wake . . . up吵醒, 叫醒65. some day某一天66. the next day第二天67. just then就在那时68. get out出来, 出去69. from then on从那时起70. pour into把. . . 倒入三、重点句型三、重点句型1. One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up.一天, 一只老鼠走过 , 吵醒了狮子。2. How can you help me?你能怎样帮助我呢?3. Then, he let the mouse go.然后, 他让老鼠走了。4. The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net.第二天, 两个人用一张大网抓住了狮子。5. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth, but that did not help.狮子用他锋利的牙齿咬那张网 , 但是没有用。6. Just then, the mouse saw the lion.就在那时 , 老鼠看见了狮子。7. Soon, the mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.很快, 老鼠用他的牙在网上弄了个大洞。8. The lion got out.狮子出来了。.9. From then on, the lion and the mouse became friends.从那时起 , 狮子和老鼠变成了朋友。10. The lion could not get out from the net.狮子从网里出不来。11. The mouse helped the lion get out.老鼠帮助狮子出来了。12. The lion asked sadly.狮子伤心地问。13. The lion laughed loudly.狮子大声地笑。14. The mouse said quietly.老鼠小声地说。15. The mouse said happily.老鼠高兴地说。16. Hes a happy boy. He laughs happily.他是一个开心的男孩。 他笑得很开心。17. Here comes the lion.狮子来了。18. Who is it for? The boy over there.它是给谁的? 那边的男孩。19. What will he say? It doesnt matter.他将会说什么? 没关系。20. Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis happily.山姆和波比正在高兴地打乒乓。21. Youre really good at table tennis.你确实擅长打乒乓。22. Billy and Willy cheer for them loudly.比利和维利大声地为他们欢呼。23. Sam is too excited and he hits the ball hard.山姆太兴奋了 , 他用力地打球。24. He brings some water quickly and pours it into the hole.他很快拿来了一些水, 把它倒进了洞里。四、语法知识四、语法知识一、副词副词一般主要用来修饰动词、形容词和副词。副词一般放在动词之后。形容词变成副词的方法:1. 一般直接加 ly如: sad sadly loud loudly quiet quietly2. 以 y 结尾的, 把 y 变 i, 再加 ly如: happy happily3. 特殊单词: good well high high fast fast late late early early二、动词过去式的不规则变化say said do did bite bit let let wake woke.五、短文欣赏五、短文欣赏The fox and the craneThe fox and the craneThere was a fox in the forest. He was very bad.One day, he was eating a squirrel. Suddenly a bone stuck in his throat. Oh,a bone is in my throat. He went to see a doctor, Please help me. The doctor, Mr. Bear said, Sorry! I cant help you. The bone is inside. What can I do? The fox cried sadly.Just then, a crane came. The fox said to her. Oh, dear crane. Please help me.A bone is in my throat. I will pay for your help. The crane thought a few minutes. She said, OK. Let me have a try. She pulledout the bone. Now I will go. You should pay me. Remember your words. She saidhappily.Well. Pay you! I remember! The fox said quickly. With the words, the fox bitoff the cranes neck and ate her up.生词小助手crane kre n 鹤squirrel skw rl 松鼠suddenly sdnli 忽然地stuck stk 刺bone bn 骨头throat rt 咽喉inside nsa d 里面的pay pe for为付钱pull pl out拔出remember r memb 记住.
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