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飓飓飓飓风风风风营营营营救救救救Bryan Mills played by Liam NeesonThe leading character -Bryan, first Bryan in the film is a retired agent , he love his daughter deeply but own to the reason of his job so it is difficult to give normal love to daughter , so he tried to make up for lost time with his daughter kim , Bryan was trying to be a good father But his career experience rendered his cautious to everyone, and he afraid that his daughter was hurt by the darkness of the society , his behavior made it difficult to get close to his daughterKim, Bryans 17-year-old daughter, played by Maggie GraceSeventeen year-old Kim is the pride and joy of her father Bryan MillsLenore, Kims mother and Bryans ex-wife, by Famke Janssen Plot outline Retired state agent Brain bent on being a competent father, to make up for the lost father love of his daughter Kim.Seeing his ex-wife and daughter are now re-established with others, a wonderful family, Brain fell into deep remorse.已退役的国家特工布赖恩一心想做一名称职的父亲,弥补过去对女儿肯姆所失去的父爱。看着前妻与女儿现已与他人重新组建了美满的家庭,布赖恩深深陷入了自责中 During Kims 17th birthday, he buys her an expensivekaraokemachine only to be upstaged by Stuart , his wealthy step-father, who surprises her with a horse.Just turned 17 year old, Kim bent on going to Paris with her friend Amanda who is 19.Looking her daughter first holiday from her parents, Brian trapped in a blue funk.After Kim and her companion arrived in Paris apartment, gang kidnappers burst into the room hijacking the two girls. 刚满17岁的女儿肯姆执意要与朋友19岁的阿曼达去巴黎度假,看着女儿第一次离开父母,布赖恩心中忐忑不安。就在肯姆与同伴抵达巴黎寓所后,一伙绑匪冲进房间将二人劫持。 she was hiding under the bed and giving the physical discription of the intruder,but,immediatelyKim is pulled out from under the bedI dont know who you are.我不知道你是谁I dont know what you want.我也不知道你想要什么If you are looking for a ransom,I can tell you,I dont have money.如果你想要赎金,那么我可以告诉你,我没有But what I do have are a very particular set of skills.我有的只是一些特别的手段Skills I have acquired over a very long career.是在我漫长的工作生涯中学会的手段Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.这些手段足以成为你们这种人的噩梦If you let my daughter go now,thatll be the end of it.如果你们现在放了我女儿,那这件事就这么了结I will not look for you.我不会寻找你们I will not pursue you.我不会追查你们But if you dont ,I will look for you .但如果你们不放,我会去寻找你们I will find you.我会找到你们and I will kill you.并且,我会杀了你们The next day, Brian arrived in Paris apartment and found Kim have met a man named Peter after her arrived in Paris airport. Originally Peter is the childcare of this gang crime group has sent to entice and tracking the teenage. 事发第二天,布赖恩赶到女儿在巴黎出事的寓所,在残破的手机卡里查到肯姆抵达巴黎飞机场后曾遇到一名叫彼特的男子,原来彼特就是这伙犯罪集团专门派来引诱并跟踪未成年少女的托儿。 Brian found an old friend -Jane, who is in current national security in France . After several adventure bugs, Brian finally knew that Kim has been sold to others. 布赖恩找到了老朋友-目前就任于法国国家安全局的简,几经冒险打探后得知肯姆已被卖予他人。Seeing the girls who were deep in drugs, Brian thought Kim might be out-played. At this time, however, for fear of Brian causing excessive reduction events, Jane sent someone after him. Brian steady Jane, after many setbacks, finally learned that where Kim was sold. But at the moment, Kim has been sold, and Brian also is caught. 布赖恩看到深陷毒品侵害的少女们,越发觉得女儿肯姆凶多吉少。但就在此时,简因为怕布赖恩引起过大事件,简派人跟踪他。布赖恩稳住简,几经周折,终于得知肯姆被卖的地点。但此时肯姆已被卖出,布赖恩也被抓住。 However, Brian managed to escape, and killed the principal of organizing women auction and overtook the buyer. After a bloody fight, Brian rescued his daughter, and obtained the forgive of his daughter and re-established affection with his daughter. 然而,布赖恩设法逃出,并杀死组织女性拍卖的负责人,追上买家。一番殊死较量后,特工布赖恩救出了女儿,并得到了女儿的原谅,父女之情重新建立。 Electrocute the man finally He tried to get his old friends helpfeaturesFast-pace rhythmexciting fight and car-racingFather love for his daughterThrilling and stimulatingWhat is the right relationship between the father and the What is the right relationship between the father and the daughter? daughter? There is no certain answer. But the love of Brains to his There is no certain answer. But the love of Brains to his daughter must be one of the best ones.daughter must be one of the best ones.his love to his daughter is not evident but deephis love to his daughter is not evident but deepNo matter how hard and stressful the situation was, and how dangerous things he faced, he never went back just because of the greatest love of a simple father. He is a hero, but as a hero, his task isnt to save the nation , save other people . what he saves , is his best love daughter In the movie, we are all moved not only his actions of save daughter, but also his insistence and the greatest of all- a fathers love, and the spirit of sacrifice Thanks
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