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How to understand the English HumourA.Theteacher:whatisthechemicalformulaofwater?Astudent:ItisHIJKLMNO.Theteacher:why?Astudent:theotherday,yousaiditwasH20.B:Thebabycornaskedthemummycorn,“whereisthepopcorn?”“Heexplodedinthecinema.”第1页/共34页第一页,共35页。AquiztotestyourpreviousknowledgeabouttheuseofcolorsinEnglishandnamesomecolors:blackbrowngraypinkpurpleredsilverbluewhiteyellowgreenHeisfeelingalittlegreenonthesea.Heisfeelingalittlebluelately.第2页/共34页第二页,共35页。Unit 2 Colorful languageThe use of color terms is very complicated and a lot of expressions contain colors. “青” in Chinese: 青山;青天(qngtin); 青丝Mr. Brown is a white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. When I saw him he was in a brown study. I hope he will soon be in the pink again.第3页/共34页第三页,共35页。Why to learn color terms?Why do we have to study “color terms” in different cultures?People might use different colors to describe the same thing or use the same colors to refer to different things. Translate the following phrases containing color: e.g. green-eyed; blue movies; black tea; brown sugar; give sb. a black look; be beaten black and blue; black coffee Drive with Care! Accident Black Spot! 第4页/共34页第四页,共35页。Color terms are culturally loadedDifferent cultures have developed their different aesthetics and tastes. Every culture has their own favorite colors. The color preference has historical, political and economic origins:It is related to history: “黄袍加身”,“白丁”; White; Black, Yellow, Red (races ): white trash: an insulting term for poor, lazy and ignorant white peopleIt is related to customs: 红白喜事; white wedding 西方传统的结婚服装应该包括“旧的,新的,借来的和蓝色的”.蓝色象征纯洁(chnji),坚贞和爱情的颜色。 第5页/共34页第五页,共35页。vIt is related to politics: v Red Army ( in China/Russia 红军红军(Hngjn) v Red Army=secret and horror party v It is related to economy: v in the red; in the black; gray incomev The tradition is recording profits in black ink and losses in red inkv 第6页/共34页第六页,共35页。Different Color terms across cultures Different cultures might have different basic color systems. How many basic color terms do we have? Its number varies from culture to culture. redbluebrownPeople are born with their color preferences, Which can show their personality. If you like yelow, orange or redyou tend to be an optimist, energetic; lively; a leader; if you prefer grays and blues, you tend to be a pessimist, you probably are quiet and shy, low-key and you would rather follow the lead. White BlackGreen yellowPurplePink Orange Gray 第7页/共34页第七页,共35页。Comparison of the associations(联想(linxing) of color terms in two cultures Now we try to make a comparison of the potential cultural associations/implications of the following color terms in Chinese culture and English culture.(alisteningpractice)Color terms Chinese English Redassociation;examplesListening; take notes Yellow Green Blue WhiteBlack Purple, pink第8页/共34页第八页,共35页。brownout:n.apartialandtemporaryreductionintheamountofelectricpoweravailabletocustomersinaregion;duringthewar,thedarknessresultingfromtheextinctionoflights(asinacityinvisibletoenemyaircraft)部分灯火管制;部分停电(tndin)blackoutn.thefailureofelectricpowerforageneralregion灯火管制;灯火熄灭第9页/共34页第九页,共35页。The associations of “red” in Chinese cultureRedChinese color It is associated with “happiness”, “festivity”and “weddings” e.g. It indicates “prosperity”, good luck e.g. It is associated with “popularity”, e.g. It indicates “health”, e.g.It can be associated with certain emotions, e.g.It is connected with “beauties”, e.g.It is related to “revolution”and “communism”, e.g. It can be used in idioms, e.g. 灯红酒绿(dng hng ji l); 红男绿女第10页/共34页第十页,共35页。The associations of “red” in English cultureIn English culture, people dont like “red” so much and it has several negative associations:It is associated with “anger”, e.g. Red-faced; The bull saw red. It is associated with “danger”, “warning” or “something forbidden”, e.g. red flag: used to warn people of danger示警红旗(hngq) red light, red alert 紧急警报; red cardIt has the implication of “cruelty”, “violence” or “disaster” : e.g. red in tooth and claw (残酷无情) it is related to prejudice: redneck: a poor, uneducated, white person that lives in rural areas, usually in the South of America 乡巴佬Similarity: it is also associated with “喜庆”, e.g. red-letter day(日历上的红日子); roll the red-carpet for sb. ; 第11页/共34页第十一页,共35页。Three idioms concerning redThere is red tape in the government office. :excessive use of formalities/official rules in public business 繁文缛节(fn wn r ji)The U.S government has high red ink this year. deficit She has to take red-eye to London tonight.第12页/共34页第十二页,共35页。The associations of “yellow” in Chinese culturePositive : the skin color of Chinese nationality; the color of our soil; the color of our mother river; the color of gold/once the exclusive color of the king since Tang Dynasty; the color of good omen/luck e.g. Neutral sense in idioms: 黄瓜;黄昏(hunghn);蛋黄Derogatory implication: 事黄了;人老珠黄;人比黄花 It is associated with “pornography, being obscene, vulgar” : 黄色书刊; 扫黄运动黄色书刊: pornographic books/magazines; obscene or vulgar books 扫黄运动: anti-porn campaign In English culture, the color used to indicate “pornography” is “blue”, but we cant say “blue books(名人录, 蓝皮书)” here. We can say “blue jokes”; “blue movies/video”; “blue talk”; “blue software” etc.第13页/共34页第十三页,共35页。 Associations of “yellow”in English cultureIt is associated with “newspapers or magazines of low taste, presenting scandals, love affairs etc. in a sensational/ distorted way”:e.g. yellow press/ journalism: 追求(zhuqi)低级趣味和耸人听闻的报刊It is associated with “being timid, mean”e.g. He is too yellow to stand up and fight. a yellow-belly ; yellow-bellied e.g. yellow dog 卑鄙的人It is associated with people with yellow skin: yellow peril 黄祸(西方诬指所谓来自亚洲的危胁尤指来自中国的危胁)第14页/共34页第十四页,共35页。Two idioms concerning yellow Yellow Pages: a book containing different telephone numbers of different organizations or businessesYellow ribbon: a piece of yellow material that sb. ties around a tree as a sign that they are thinking about sb. who has gone away, esp. a soldier fighting in a war, or sb.taken as a hostage or prisoner and that they hope that they will soon safely return 第15页/共34页第十五页,共35页。Associations of “green” in Chinese cultureIt is associated with “youth” and “energy” and even “spring”, it is similar to its use in English culture:e.g. green old age; in the green It is associated with “army” for the color of the army is green: e.g. It is associated with “environmentally friendly” : similarity green food; green peace; green Olympics It is associated with “permission” : similarity e.g. green light; green card; emergency green path It has special implication associated with “marriage failure” : e.g. 第16页/共34页第十六页,共35页。Associations of “green” in English cultureIt is associated with “jealousy or illness”, 据说妒忌,不悦或疾病会导致人体(rnt)黄色胆汁分泌过多,症状之一就是脸色和眼睛发青或发白. E.g. green-eyed; green with envy; look greenIt is associated with “inexperienced or lack of knowledge”: e.g. green hand=greenhorn=rookie; a boy green to his job.It is associated with “money”, e.g. green back(U.S banknotes)e.g. In American election, the candidates who win are usu. the ones who have green power backing them. It is associated with “gardening”, e.g. have green fingers / a green thumb第17页/共34页第十七页,共35页。 Associations of “blue” in both culturesvIn our culture, it is associated with the color of “sky”, “sea”, implying “peace”, “calmness”. vWhile In English culture, it has rich meanings. v1.It is associated with “depression”: e.g. love is blue; to vhave the blues; in a blue mood; blue/black Monday; Holiday vblue(特指圣诞节来临,飞雪不断,人们被困在家里,感到孤寂。v因经济拮据而无力置办年货(ninhu)和礼物,显得寒碜而郁郁寡欢)vbaby blues: 产后抑郁症v2.It is associated with “pornography/obscenity” and occur in vcertain expressions in this sense: e.g. Blue film ; v3. It is associated with “from a royal/ noble family ”: e.g. blue-bloodedv4. It is associated with “honor and achievement”: e.g. blue vRibbons 西方国家的许多勋章突出蓝色,如法国功绩勋章,美国国会荣勋章v和美陆空军优异服务勋章。 第18页/共34页第十八页,共35页。Idioms containing “blue” in English cultureNo wonder he was promoted so quicklyhe was the presidents blue-eyed boy. AmE: fair-haired boyThe bad news came to him out of the blue. This kind of things happened once in a blue moon. :在天文历法中,当一个月出现两次满月时,第二个满月就被赋予一个充满神秘(shnm)浪漫色彩的名字“蓝月亮”(blue moon)。 第19页/共34页第十九页,共35页。 Associations of “white” in Chinese cultureIt is associated with “funeral”, 治丧人家穿白衣(bi y),白鞋,带白帽,白花,都是久远的民俗。e.g. It is associated with “common people or lower class in feudal society” 中国平民的衣服不带彩, 平民成为“白衣(bi y)”,后为“布衣”,“白衣(bi y)”为贱民,是封建社会最底层的人。没有功名的人称“白丁”,他们的住处为“白屋”。 It is associated with “innocent and pure”: e.g. It is associated with “being useless, in vain” : e.g. It is associated with “terror or reactionary ”: e.g. Idioms: 白菜; 白痴; 白搭; 白手起家第20页/共34页第二十页,共35页。Associations of “white” in English cultureIt is the favorite color of white race: “White house”; “White hall (白厅; 英国政府)”. “Marry a white” 1. It is associated with “purity, trustworthiness”: e.g. the color of wedding; white man忠实的, 可靠的 ; white lie white-handed (廉洁的正直的); 2. It is associated with “good luck, happiness”: e.g. a white day (吉日); days marked with a white stone (happy days) 3. The big block of the building turned out to be a white elephant. Big, useless and burdensome 与(泰国(ti u)、印度视为神象的)白象形成对比第21页/共34页第二十一页,共35页。Associations of “black” in both culturesvIn Chinese culture, it is a solemn color and associated with “death”, “evilness” and “disaster”: e.g. vIt is associated with “crime” and “mafia”: e.g. vIn English culture, it has a lot of derogatory implications:vIt is associated with “dark”, “bad luck”: e.g. Its a black vday for us. 今天(jntin)我们不走运。 e.g. black-letter day (倒霉的); v2. It is associated with “anger”: e.g. look black; v give sb. a black look; look black at somebody v3. It is also associated with “crime” , “mafia” or “evilness”: e.g. black market; black mark; black list; black lie; 第22页/共34页第二十二页,共35页。BF 第23页/共34页第二十三页,共35页。Black in idioms Black Friday: the day that follows Thanksgiving day when stores offer early shoppers discounts and deals for the Holidays. 感恩节后的周五疯狂感恩节后的周五疯狂(fngkung)购物购物 Origin: The day after Thanksgiving got the name Black Friday from the tradition of recording profits in black ink and losses in red ink. Black Friday may be a profitable time for sellers and the start of the christmas shopping season.Good /black Friday: the Friday before Easter , when Jesus was put to death on the cross 耶稣受难日耶稣受难日(复活节前的星期五复活节前的星期五); 第24页/共34页第二十四页,共35页。Associations of “black” in English cultureIt is also associated with “black/African Americans”. In fact, to black people, “black” indicates “strength”,“vigor” while “white” indicates “paleness” and “being not reliable”, therefore, to some extent, some color terms are related to racism. 第25页/共34页第二十五页,共35页。Associations of “purple” in two culturesIn Chinese culture, it is associated with “good omen”, 古人因相传“老子”有紫气,故以紫为“祥瑞”的颜色 , “紫气东来”, 多附会帝王或圣贤出现的先兆It is associated with “Taoism” or “Emperor”, “紫色”为道教和某些朝代的统治者所崇尚的色彩,因而常在其宫室、服饰、用物前冠之以“紫”, 紫衣,紫书(道经;皇帝诏书); 但是从唐代到清代黄色一直(yzh)是历代帝王的垄断色。In English culture, it is associated with the gown worn by “emperor” or “cardinal(红衣主教)” (紫袍加身) It can also indicate the power or position of the emperor or cardinal (王权;红衣主教的职位): raise to the purple 当皇帝 e.g. be born to the purple 生于皇室(贵族); marry into the purple嫁到显贵人家第26页/共34页第二十六页,共35页。The use of “pink” in English cultureBe in the pink = be healthy She got a pink slip yesterday.: a letter given to sb. to say that he/she must leave the job. 解雇通知书Idioms: pinkeye 传染性急性(jxng)结膜炎, 红眼睛 pink-collar : low-paid jobs mainly done by women 粉领的 pink pound/ dollar: 粉红英镑,同性恋者作为一个消费群体的购买力 第27页/共34页第二十七页,共35页。Quick Review of Unit 2brown sugar; black teaIn the pink 健康(jinkng); in the red; in the black see red 突然发怒Red-letter days 吉日Red flag; red-neck (乡巴佬)Red tapeBlue videoYellow press; Yellow PagesGreen fingers; green hand Blue-blooded blue-eyed boygive sb. a black look; look black at sb. Be born to the purple; white elephant; black spot 第28页/共34页第二十八页,共35页。AminiprojectTime: week 2-9Form: group work outside/in class Topic: A survey on the life of todays college students in China (中国大学生生活调查报告,包括(boku)情感,幸福度,心里健康,对未来规划,兼职创业情况,健康(不健康)生活方式等等 Tasks: After collecting relevant information in the first 7 weeks and doing a questionnaire, in the 9th week each group will give a presentation with statistics and conclusions and a report of at least 150 words The Products will be posted and shared in blogs, mixbook or other public platforms 第29页/共34页第二十九页,共35页。A westerner manager was told by his company to reduce staff by firing one of two technicians: John or Bob. Both of them have worked for the company for 5 years and their work performance is about equal. However John is from the town the company is located in and he has many good friends throughout the company-including the manager himself. In addition, his wife has a long-term illness and cant work. In contrast, Bob comes from another part of the country and knows few people in the town or company. He is single. However, Bob has a MA while John only has a BA. 1. Inbothcultures,whoismorelikelytokeepthejob?Why?第30页/共34页第三十页,共35页。possible answersIn the individualist west, Bob has a much better chance of keeping the job than he would in a collectivist culture(Chinese culture) for the following reasons:vA western manager would feel more pressure to base the decision mainly on objective “public” criteria, such as MA.vWesterners dont think it right for the managers personal friendship with John to affect his decision very muchvPersonal considerations (Renqingwei) would be considered private matter rather than public, so it is hard to use Johns family situation as a reason for him to keep the job.vWesterners prefer to have their private life and public life separate from each other. So they have their circle of work acquaintances quite separate from their circle of personal friends第31页/共34页第三十一页,共35页。While in Chinese culture (collectivist culture),Johnhas a much better chance of keeping the job: personal considerations (Renqingwei) are very strong in dealing with both private matter and public affairs. In this case, the managers personal friendship with John together with Johns family situation can help John to keep the job. In Chinese culture, peoples private life and public life are sometimes mixed together. 第32页/共34页第三十二页,共35页。Next unitThe different associations of animals or birds in both cultures Group 1 prepares for a presentation. You choose the topic about 文化(wnhu)对比. You can use audio and visual materials to help you (group leader takes the responsibility and everyone should be involved). 第33页/共34页第三十三页,共35页。感谢您的欣赏(xnshng)!第34页/共34页第三十四页,共35页。内容(nirng)总结How to understand the English Humour。blue(特指圣诞节来临,飞雪不断,人们被困在家里,感到孤寂。:在天文历法中,当一个月出现两次满月时,第二个满月就被赋予一个充满神秘浪漫色彩(sci)的名字“蓝月亮”(blue moon)。e.g.。没有功名的人称“白丁”,他们的住处为“白屋”。感谢您的欣赏第三十五页,共35页。
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