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Unit 1Friendshipupsetignorecalmconcernlooseadj.心烦意乱的;不安的;心烦意乱的;不安的;vt.使不安;使心烦使不安;使心烦vt.不理睬;忽视不理睬;忽视vt.&vi.(使使)平静平静;(使使)镇定镇定adj.平静的平静的;镇定的镇定的vt.(使使)担忧;涉及;关系到担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心;关注;担心;关注;(利害利害)关系关系adj.松的松的;松开的松开的Wordspreviewaddupcalm()downhavegottobeconcernedaboutwalkthedog合计合计(使使)平静下来平静下来;(使使)镇定下来镇定下来不得不不得不;必须必须关心关心;挂念挂念遛狗遛狗PhrasespreviewQuestions:1.Doyouthinkfriendsareimportanttous?Whydoyouthinkso?2.Doyouhaveanygoodfriends?Whatdoyouthinkofthem?Words about friends:lovelyhelpfulquick-minded(思维活跃的思维活跃的)honestbravewiseloyalsmarthandsomeprettykindheartedtalkative(爱说话的爱说话的)silentcarefulgenerous(大方的大方的)unselfish(不自私的不自私的)diligent(勤奋的勤奋的) activecreativethoughtfulhumorousresponsiblefunnykindoutgoing.Brainstorming-I-words (3m)Make sentences about your own friends, using the given adjectives.Example: My friend Alan is . He once saved the life of a little girl who had fallen into a lake. My friend Bob is . He wouldnt talk to Charles whom I dont like at all.honest braveloyalMy friend Jack is . He never tells lies.My friend David is . He always gives me the best advice. My friend George is a boy, but he doesnt like to study and always dreams of becoming a model.My friend Harry is a student. He always asks good questions in class. wisehandsomesmart / cleverSay something about your best friend.I have a good friend. He is always dressed neatly and cleanly.He looks like Zhou Runfa. He never tells lies, and he is always ready to help. He is not afraid of danger or difficulty. He always has very clever ideas when others do not know what to do.Good friend honestkindfriendlyhelpfulhumorous responsibleloyalpatientThe qualities of a good friendAre you a good friend? Lets do a survey.Areyouagoodfriend?Dothesurveyonpage1.Addupyourscoreaccordingtothescoringsheetafterthesurvey.Youdonthavetotellyourresults,youcankeepitasecret.Scoringsheetforthesurvey1A1B3C22A1B2C33A1B2C34A3B2C15A0B3C047 points: You are not a good friend. You either neglect your friends needs or just do what he/she wants you to do. You should think more about what a good friend needs to do.Values of friendship 812 points: You are a good friend but you sometimes let your friendship become too important, or you fail to show enough concern for your friends needs and feelings. Try to keep a balance between your friends needs and your own responsibilities. Values of friendship 13+ points: You are an excellent friend who recognizes that to be a good friend you need balance your needs and your friends. Well done.Values of friendship What should we do to become a good friend? Help him/her when he/she is in trouble.Share each others happiness and pains.Often play and meet together.Respect each other.1.复习本节课内容并写一篇有关 朋友的短文 2.预习任务:Whos Anne Frank? (用英语介绍)Whats her friend?3.预习课文新单词并完成 page4,Ex1练习Pre-readingDoes a friend always have to be a person? What else can be our friend?Do you think a diary can become our friend? Why or why not?Pre-reading-I-questions (2m)Now observe the text carefully to find out:howmanypartsitcontainswhatthetwopartsareaboutItcontainstwoparts.OnepartisthebackgroundknowledgeaboutAnneandherdiaryandtheotherisonepageofAnnesdiary.Pre-readingPart APart B Annes Best FriendDoyouknowhername?AnneFrank安妮日记的背景 安妮日记是以一个小女孩的视角记述二战期间密室里的人的生活实录。第二次世界大战的后期(19421944年)战争境况对于德国纳粹越来越紧迫,他们对于犹太人的大肆屠杀也是不断加剧。安妮.弗兰克随着家人躲藏到父亲公司的顶楼上,同时还有父亲的朋友万达安一家和一位犹太医生。从一九四二年七月躲藏之日始,那天安妮刚刚过完十三岁的生日,八个人在密室里生活了25个月之久。白天他们不能说话不能穿鞋不能有任何动静包括严禁上厕所,只有到晚上才能打破禁忌,他们只能依靠父亲公司的同仁帮助供给食品生活用品,和获知外界的一切。在漫长的25个月内,唯有安妮用她的笔,用她要做个作家的梦想,支撑她记录下顶楼内每一天的事情和自己的成长,思考战争、反犹太人主义、思考与父母关系、自然、上帝、宗教等等,成长为一个成熟的对生命有很深感悟的人。1944年8月4日因遭检举,密室中的人们被德军逮捕,并送往奥斯维辛集中营,安妮和姐姐随后被送往贝尔根贝尔森集中营。密室中八人除安妮的父亲得免大劫之外,其余人均惨死在纳粹集中营。1947年,安妮父亲将日记整理出版。迄今为止,安妮日记已有50多种文字的版本,销售2000万册以上。23Anne Frank1929 Born in Germany241933 Moved to Amsterdam25From 1942 Hidden in a building for two years, writing diary261944 Discovered and was killed the next year27Her diary was published after the warAnnesfather:OttoFrankAnnesmother:Mrs.FrankAnneFrankAnnesoldersister:MargotPeter,wholivedwiththeFranksintheatticMain charactersTheystayedonthetopfloor,withcurtainsdrawnsoasnottoattractunwantedattention.curtainatticconcentrationcamp安妮在自己生日那天收到了一份礼物安妮在自己生日那天收到了一份礼物一本日记本,并将其化名为一本日记本,并将其化名为Kitty,以,以书信的形式记日记。从日记的内容我们可书信的形式记日记。从日记的内容我们可以知道,安妮与朋友相处融合,是一个很以知道,安妮与朋友相处融合,是一个很普通的女孩子,日记上还记录着她在过着普通的女孩子,日记上还记录着她在过着隐秘生活时与彼得得以接近,并喜欢上彼隐秘生活时与彼得得以接近,并喜欢上彼得的过程,以及她对战争的看法,从侧面得的过程,以及她对战争的看法,从侧面表现出安妮的成熟与乐观。表现出安妮的成熟与乐观。安妮日记安妮日记终于,不幸的事情发生了,他们被盖世太终于,不幸的事情发生了,他们被盖世太保们发现,被分散收容了。安妮于保们发现,被分散收容了。安妮于1945年年3月在纳粹集中营永远地闭上了眼睛。月在纳粹集中营永远地闭上了眼睛。安妮安妮弗兰克的弗兰克的安妮日记安妮日记后被译成后被译成55种文字,它的文学价值得种文字,它的文学价值得到了世界各国读者的认同,到了世界各国读者的认同,并被改编成电影和话剧。并被改编成电影和话剧。World War IIin Amsterdam,the NetherlandsKittywhenwherewhoSkim Passage A 1.Anne kept a diary because2.She felt very lonely because3.They have to hide because4.Anne named her diary Kitty becauseA.She couldnt meet her friends.B.Jews were caught by Nazis and put away.C.She could tell everything to it.D. She wanted it to be her best friend. Join the correct parts of the sentences.Scanning:What did Anne say about keeping a diary? I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend and I shall call it Kitty.Thursday 15th June,1944Dear Kitty, Yours, Annea lettera diary1.How long had Anne stayed in the hiding place when she wrote this diary?2.What were her deepest feelings and thoughts?Nearly two years.1.How long had Anne stayed in the hiding place when she wrote this diary?b _ open a windowa _ nature2. What were her deepest feelings and thoughts?c. The dark rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds _.crazy about everything to do withdidnt dare held her entirely in their powerd. Nature is one thing _.that really must be experienceda. Ive grown crazy about everything to do with nature.in the past, _.There was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound(迷住迷住).Im very interested in nature.I was not interested innature at allb. I didnt dare open a window.Why?I was afraid that I might be discovered by the German Nazis.c. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,全然将我镇住了。全然将我镇住了。I was surprised and attracted by the power of nature.2. What were her deepest feelings? Use some words to describe her feelings?l_sadfrightenedf_hopeless/helplesslonelys_hopes to experience n_ and f_h_naturefreedom/friendship1.What a poor girl! She couldnt even experience nature in two years!3. If people all over the world are friends, the world will be in peace.2. A life without a friend is a life without the sun.RetellingIlivedin_inthe_during_.Myfamilywere_,sowehadto_forayearandahalfinorder_bytheGermanNazis.DuringthattimeIwasntabletogo_forsolongthatIhad_abouteverythingto_nature.Once,Idecidedtolookatthemoon_bymyself.AmsterdamNetherlandsWorldWarIIhideawayJewishnottobecaughtoutdoorsgrownsocrazydowithatmidnightRetellingButIdidnt_openthewindowtoseethenight_becauseIwasafraidofbeingdiscoveredbytheNazis.Ifeltvery_withoutseeingmyoldfriends.SoIhadtomakeanewfriend-_,whomIcouldtell_to.Sadly,atlastmyfamilywasdiscoveredandcaughtby_sometimelater.daretofacetofacelonelymydiaryKittyeverythingtheGermanNazisThank you for your attention!Well done!
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