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Unit 1 Space ExplorationIn this unit you will:1. learn about how the universe works and mans exploration of outer space;2. familiarize yourself with words and expressions related to the theme of this unit;3. learn to use these words and expressions;4. learn the ABCs of news reporting and listen for key details in news reports;5. practice listening with other non-theme-related audio and video materials;6. learn how to accept or refuse an offer using the proper expressions and sentence structures.Learning objectivesPart I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart Part II II Listening Strategies Listening Strategies Part III Extensive ListeningPart III Extensive ListeningPart IV Communication SkillsPart IV Communication SkillsPart V Assessment LogPart V Assessment LogPart I Theme-Related ActivitiesPart I Theme-Related Activities Section I Science Report Section II Science Report Section III Talk1. Do you want to have an experience of viewing the earth from outer space? Why or why not?2. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that space exploration is propelling the advancement of modern technology?Lead-in questions:Unit 1 Part I Section I Lead-in questionsWord Banksurge /sd/ n.汹涌,澎湃汹涌,澎湃planetary /plntr/ adj.行星的行星的alignment /lanmnt/ n.调整调整( (成直线成直线),),准线,定向准线,定向dire /da(r)/ adj.可怕的,悲惨的可怕的,悲惨的Biblical /bblkl/ adj.圣经的圣经的cosmic /kzmk/ adj.宇宙的宇宙的ultimate /ltmt/ adj.终极的,根本的,极限的,最后的终极的,根本的,极限的,最后的astronomy /strnmi/ n.天文学天文学astrology /strldi/ n.占星术,占星学占星术,占星学immemorial /mmril/ adj.太古的,极古的,久远的太古的,极古的,久远的baffling /bfli/ adj.令人困惑的令人困惑的usher /(r)/ vt.引导,护送引导,护送usher in引进,开创引进,开创Unit 1 Part I Section I Word Bankdivine /dvan/ adj.神的,神圣的神的,神圣的grid /rd/ n.格子;网格子;网intact /ntkt/ adj.完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的完好无缺的,原封不动的,未经触碰的constellation /knstlen/ n.星座,星群星座,星群zodiac /zdik/ n.黄道带,十二宫图;(中国的)属相,黄道带,十二宫图;(中国的)属相,十二生肖十二生肖canopy /knpi/ n.苍穹,天篷苍穹,天篷continuity /kntnjuti/ n.连续性连续性reign /ren/ v.统治,支配统治,支配recurring /rkri/ adj.循环的,再发的循环的,再发的in the way of在在 方面方面ascribe /skrab/ v.归因于,归咎于归因于,归咎于Unit 1 Part I Section I Word BankNotesUnit 1 Part I Section I NotesTask 1 Watch the video clip and then decide whetherthe following statements are true or false.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section I Task 11. Richard Noone is moving his family from Florida to Georgia because he likes mountains better than oceans.2. The rare formation of the five planets on the fifth day of the fifth month is a sign of disaster to Noone.(He is moving because he believes that a major surge of the Antarctic ice sheet triggered by a unique planetary alignment will produce tidal waves that will destroy his house and other buildings.)TF_3. Ancient people were so confused by some heavenly events that they turned to supernatural forces for explanations.4. The constellations of the zodiac were used by ancient civilizations to predict the coming of disasters.5. The recurring cycle of light and darkness formed the basis of the first religious belief of worshiping the sun.FT_(The constellations of the zodiac were thought to exercise a mystical influence over human lives.)_Unit 1 Part I Section I Task 1F_(The recurring cycle of light and darkness formed the basis of the first organizing principle of our natural world, day and night.)Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then complete the following sentences.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section I Task 21. On May 5th of the year 2000, a planetary alignment will that will destroy coastal areas.2. Astrology is the belief that the heavens life on Earth.3. From the dawn of history man began to observe nature: disappearing with the light and its warmth, the rising moon , and a light show of distant stars slowly .trigger/produce the surge of the Antarctic ice sheet exercise a supernatural influence overthe setting sunushering in the cold, dark night materializing_ _Unit 1 Part I Section I Task 24. Systematic observation of the heavens begins . For primitive man the sun .5. Our earliest ancestors had little . Therefore, it is natural for them to to natures most basic questions.before recorded timereigned supremein the way of knowledge ascribe supernatural answers_ _1. Do you agree that what happens in the heavens above influence life below on Earth? Please give examples to support your point of view.2. What is your zodiac? Do you think it decides what you do and who you are? Why or why not?3. Is astrology science or superstition? Please give reasons for your answer.4. Do you sometimes wonder if there are other life forms in outer space? Why or why not?Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then have a group discussion based on the following questions. After the discussion, each group will give a brief report to the classTaskUnit 1 Part I Section I Task 3【Script】ScriptUnit 1 Part I Section I ScriptWord Bankhabitation /hbten/ n.居住,住所居住,住所premise /prems/ n.居住,住所居住,住所Martian /mn/ adj.火星的火星的domed /dmd/ adj.圆屋顶的,半球形的圆屋顶的,半球形的enclosure /nkl(r)/ n.围墙,围绕围墙,围绕ultraviolet /ltrvalt/ adj.紫外线的紫外线的terraform /terf:m/ n.创建仿地球生存环境创建仿地球生存环境nitrogen /natrdn/ n.氮氮eon /i:n/ n.千万年,永久千万年,永久Unit 1 Part I Section II Word Bankarid /rd/ adj.干燥的,不毛的干燥的,不毛的earthling /l/ n.凡人,俗人凡人,俗人preposterous /prpstrs/ adj.荒谬的,可笑的荒谬的,可笑的mimic /mmk/ vt.模仿模仿vessel /vesl/ n.容器,器皿容器,器皿simulate /smjulet/ vt.假装,模仿假装,模仿terrestrial /trestril/ adj.地球的,地上的地球的,地上的microorganism /makr:nizm/n.微生物微生物Unit 1 Part I Section II Word Bankcarbonate /kbnet/ n. 碳酸盐碳酸盐scheme /skim/ n.方案,计划方案,计划drilling rig钻机钻机; ; 钻探设备钻探设备probe /prb/ v.探测探测water table地下水面地下水面visionary /vnri/ n.梦想家,预言家梦想家,预言家Obayashi Corporation大林组株式会大林组株式会社社 ( (日本五大建筑公司之一日本五大建筑公司之一) )Unit 1 Part I Section II Word BankNotesUnit 1 Part I Section II Notes1. Colorado A US state. It encompasses most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau.2. While the visionaries perfect their fantasy Martian colony they grow frustrated at what they see as government foot dragging. While those who have ambitions and visions for the future make their imaginary project to colonize Mars better, they feel frustrated because they believe the government is deliberately slow in supporting them and their project.1. What is driving the Japanese company to develop permanent human habitations on Mars? A. Sophisticated technology available that enables humans to travel vast distances. B. Funding from the Japanese government for outer space colonization. C. The belief that water can be obtained from ice lying in the soil on Mars. D. The conviction that Mars can be terraformed into a blue planet like the earth.Task 1 Watch the video clip and choose the best answers to the following questions.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section II Task 12. What could threaten human beings once they move to live on Mars? A. Lack of crops and fuel. B. The deadly atmosphere on Mars. C. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun. D. Human ambition to colonize the entire planet.3. In thousands of years, what will Mars be terraformed into? A. A planet covered entirely by water. B. A planet with earthlike life supporting systems. C. A planet surrounded by greenhouse gases. D. A planet accommodating millions of people.Unit 1 Part I Section II Task 14. According to scientist Julian Hisscocks, what are the Mars jars used for? A. To grow organisms under simulated Martian conditions. B. To test the level of carbon dioxide organisms can put up with. C. To see how many stages are required to make Mars habitable. D. To prove the feasibility of various terraforming projects.5. What do the speakers mainly talk about? A. Planetary engineering. B. The arid planet Mars. C. Rediscovering a watery Mars. D. Terraforming Mars.Unit 1 Part I Section II Task 11.Why does the Japanese company Obayshi want to establish large, domed enclosures?2. What will Mars ultimately be like in the eyes of the visionaries?Task 2 Watch the video clip for the second time and then give a short answer to each of the following questions.TaskTo protect human immigrants from the suns deadly ultraviolet radiation and violent Martian dust storms.It will be transformed into a planet adapted to human life._Unit 1 Part I Section II Task 2Unit 1 Part I Section II Task 23. What is terraforming?4. How long will it take to change the face of the whole planet?5. How can the dry planet Mars be turned green?6. Who is working on terraforming projects?It refers to the process of providing Mars with a life-supporting atmosphere similar to earth so that humans and animals can breathe freely.Eons / thousands of years.Water will be released from rocks and soil under the surface of Mars as well as from polar caps.Both professionals and enthusiastic amateurs from American and Europe._Task 3 Watch the video clip again and then make a two-minute-comment on the topic of the video clip. Prepare to answer one or two questions raised by the class or your teacher after your presentation.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section II Task 3For Reference:Unit 1 Part I Section II Task 3【Script】Questions:1. How do you like the idea of turning Mars into a green planet and making it habitable for human beings?2. Suppose scientists could colonize the moon and make it suitable for man to live there. Would you like to move to the moon? Why or why not?3. A British company is planning to take travelers into outer space. Would you consider taking such a space trip in the near future? Please give your reasons.4. China has quickened its pace in outer space exploration. For example, it has launched manned space flights and sent probes to the moon. What is your attitude towards these programs?5. Are you interested in space exploration projects? Why or why not?ScriptUnit 1 Part I Section II ScriptWord Bankevolve /vlv/ v.进展进展, , 进化;展开进化;展开capacity /kpsti/ n.能力能力, , 容量容量, , 容积容积; ; 资格资格, , 职位职位disposal /dspzl/ n.处理处理, , 处置处置, , 布置布置, , 配置配置atlas /tls/ n.地图集地图集chart /tt/ vt.制成图表制成图表Hayden /hedn/ n.海登海登planetarium /plnterim/ n.天文馆天文馆internship /ntnp/ n.实习生实习生Linkoping University林雪平大学林雪平大学Sweden /swidn/ n.瑞典瑞典Lower East Side下东区下东区 (位于纽约市曼哈顿岛)(位于纽约市曼哈顿岛)Manhattan /mnhtn/ n.曼哈顿区(美国纽约市区名)曼哈顿区(美国纽约市区名)Unit 1 Part I Section III Word Bankcollaborative /klbrtv/ adj.协作的协作的, , 合作的合作的realm /relm/ n.王国王国, , 领域领域galaxy /lksi/ n.银河银河containment /kntenmnt/ n.控制控制, , 遏制政策遏制政策afterglow /ftl/ n.晚霞晚霞, , 夕照夕照exoplanet /eksplnt/ n.(太阳系以外的)外部行星(太阳系以外的)外部行星magnitude /mntjud/ n.大小大小, ,光度光度, ,(星星)等级(星星)等级update /pdet/ v.更新更新, , 补充最新资料补充最新资料trajectory /trdektri/ n.轨道轨道ingeniously /ndinjsli/ adv.巧妙地巧妙地Titan /tatn/ n.泰坦泰坦Unit 1 Part I Section III Word BankMercury /mkjri/ n.水星水星divert /davt/ vt.转移转移sub-Saharan /sbsh:rn/ adj.撒哈拉沙漠以南的撒哈拉沙漠以南的Ghana /gn/ n.加纳(非洲国名)加纳(非洲国名)ghetto /et/ n.贫民区贫民区Columbia /klmbi/ n.哥伦比亚(南美洲国名)哥伦比亚(南美洲国名)Cambodia /kmbdj/ n.柬埔寨柬埔寨( (亚洲国名亚洲国名) )aqua /kw/ n.水水( (液体液体, , 溶液溶液) )Nepal /npl/ n.尼泊尔尼泊尔( (亚洲国名)亚洲国名)Lhasa /ls/ n.拉萨拉萨( (中国西部城市名中国西部城市名) )Tibet /tbet/ n.西藏(中国一自治区)西藏(中国一自治区)haze /hez/ n.薄雾薄雾Ganges /gdiz/ n.恒河恒河Unit 1 Part I Section III Word BankNotesUnit 1 Part I Section III Notes1. Why was the Digital Universe created? A. To help position the earth, the solar system and the galaxies in the universe. B. To better understand how man and the earth are related to the universe. C. To keep up in pace with the latest development in digital technology. D. To better illustrate the speakers point of view.Task 1 Watch the video clip and then do the following comprehension exercise.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section III Task 12. Why do people associate the flat horizon with infinite, unbounded resources? A. Human beings are not intelligent enough to see beyond the horizon. B. The vastness of the earth suggested by the flat horizon is too overwhelming. C. A flat horizon gives people the false impression of an abundance in resources. D. The flat horizon stretches peoples imagination and association.3. What is Uniview? A. It is an interactive software. B. It is a digital camera. C. It is a comprehensive map. D. It is the name of a company.Unit 1 Part I Section III Task 14. What does the speaker mean when he says “as we move out” into the universe? A. He means “as we move back to the initial stage of the universe”. B. He means “as we move backward into history”. C. He means “as we move away from the earth”. D. He means “as we move towards the center of the universe”.5. What is the speakers purpose in giving this talk? A. To show what digital technology can do in mapping the universe. B. To call on the audience to put human beings and the universe in perspective. C. To redefine what home and the universe mean to us. D. To convince the listeners of the vastness of the universe.Unit 1 Part I Section III Task 1Task 2 Watch the video clip a second time and then complete the following sentences.TaskUnit 1 Part I Section III Task 21. This actual flight path and movie that we see here was actually flown live. in a cafe called Earth Matters on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, where I live. And it was done with the Rubin Museum of Himalayan Art .2. And so as we move out, we see continuously from our planet as we see here, light travel time, how far away we are.I captured this live from my laptopfor an exhibit on comparative cosmology as a collaborative projectall the way out into the realm of galaxiesgiving you a sense of_ _Unit 1 Part I Section III Task 23. These are the paths of Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Pioneer 11 and Pioneer 10, the first four spacecraft . Coming in closer, picking up Earth. Orbit of the Moon, and we see the Earth. . And we can add in new data.4. Here we see the complex trajectory of the Cassini mission , ingeniously developed so that 45 encounters with the largest moon, Titan, which is larger than the planet Mercury, into different parts of mission phase. to have left the solar systemThis map can be updatedcolor coded for different mission phasesdiverts the orbit _Unit 1 Part I Section III Task 25. Were actually with the first sub-Saharan planetarium in Ghana as well as new libraries in Columbia and a high school in Cambodia.6. Id like to just say that what the world needs now is in this much larger condition now and a much larger sense of what home is. Because our home is the universe, .sharing tours of the universethat have been built in the ghettosa sense of being able to look at ourselves and we are the universe, essentially_ _【Script】ScriptUnit 1 Part I Section III ScriptPart II Part II Listening StrategiesListening Strategies Section I NewsBasicsNewsBasicsUnit 1 Part II Section IAccording to the Dictionary of Canadian English, news is the “information about something that has just happened or will soon happen.” Look at the following two examples. The first one informs readers of an earthquake which occurred in the recent past, while the second one tells of an upcoming fireworks concert.e.g. A magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck near the coast of Papua New Guinea early Sunday, the US Geological Survey said, but no Pacific-wide tsunami warning was issued.e.g. Thousands of people are expected to flock to Edinburgh center to watch the fireworks concert to mark the end of the Edinburgh International Festival. News has such different genres as business, technology & science, politics, world, local, entertainment, sports, health, etc. Regardless of the variety of genres, news reports have some important features in common. They include elements of when, where, who, what, why, and how. A news report more or less conveys to readers information related to the above six elements. They are organized in an objective way and should never be fabricated or falsified.Unit 1 Part II Section IListening SkillListen for When, Where and WhoWhen, where and who are the first three important features of a news report because they give readers the basic framework or setting of a news event. When sets up a temporal framework, that is, the time when the event occurs. Where establishes a location for the event. Who involves actors and recipients in an event. In the following example, “for more than four hours” and “late Sunday” tell us the time, “man”, “truck driver” and “police” tell us the participant, and “the side of Interstate 20” tells us the location.e.g. A man who held a truck driver hostage for more than four hours surrendered to police late Sunday after they fired tear gas into the cab of the 18-wheeler as it sat disabled by gunfire on the side of Interstate 20.Unit 1 Part II Section IRule of Thumb 1:whenTime in the news has various expressions such as for three hours, on Wednesday, yesterday, 2010, next month, tomorrow morning, this summer, within a few years, every year, in the 1990s, in November, over the last 10 years, etc. Make yourself familiar with these temporal expressions.Rule of Thumb 2:whereLocation (the where in an article) also has various expressions. Examples of common place names are house, city, street, bar, theatre, museum, bridge, etc. Examples of proper place names are the White House, the State of New Jersey, Capitol Hill, the Pacific Ocean, the Persian Gulf, Los Angeles, Osaka Prefecture, Mexico, etc. You should enlarge your vocabulary of proper nouns.Unit 1 Part II Section IRule of Thumb 3:whoWho in the news usually refers to animated beings such as humans, animals and even microorganisms; however, you can also find inanimate objects, concepts, and entities such as typhoon, car, hurricane, death, deforestation, report, survey, CNN, FBI, FDA, etc. Pay due attention to these three things that can function as the actor in the news.Unit 1 Part II Section Ihigh-profile /haprufa/ adj.高姿态的;立场明确的高姿态的;立场明确的seal off封闭;封锁封闭;封锁debris /debri/ n.碎片;残骸碎片;残骸implicate /mplket/ vt.暗示暗示custody /kstdi/ n.监禁;羁押监禁;羁押Indonesia /ndni/ n.印度尼西亚印度尼西亚Brigadier General准将准将venue /venju/ n.发生地点发生地点cleric /klerk/ n.宗教领袖;宗教领导人宗教领袖;宗教领导人Jemaah Islamiyah伊斯兰祈祷团伊斯兰祈祷团Bali /bli/ n.巴厘岛(印度尼西亚城市巴厘岛(印度尼西亚城市)Word BankUnit 1 Part II Section I Task 1 Notes1. Bali bombing The 2002 Bali bombings occurred on 12 October 2002 in the tourist district on the Indonesian island of Bali. The attack was the deadliest act of terrorism in the history of Indonesia, killing 202 people (including 88 Australians and 38 Indonesian citizens). A further 240 people were injured.2. Megawati Sukarnoputri an Indonesian politician, and leader of the opposition party PDI- P. She served as the President of Indonesia from 23 July 2001 to 20 October 2004 and was the countrys first female President. Megawati is the daughter of Indonesias first president, Sukarno.Unit 1 Part II Section I Task 1 Task 1 Listen to the news report for key words indicating when , where and who, and then answer the following questions.Task1. When did the blast at the police headquarters occur?2. Where was a black bag filled with explosives placed?3. What was the damage of the blast?4. In the October bombing how many people were killed?It occurred early Monday.It was placed in front of the lobby of a community hall within their headquarters compound.It blew out some windows and damaged part of the side of the building.More than 190 people were killed._【Script】Unit 1 Part II Section I Task 1 ScriptUnit 1 Part II Section I Task 1 overwhelming /vwelm/ adj.势不可挡的;压倒的势不可挡的;压倒的hard-line /hdlan/ adj.强硬派的;强硬路线的强硬派的;强硬路线的bulldozer /bldz(r)/ n.推土机推土机curfew /kfju/ n.宵禁宵禁flashpoint /flpnt/ n.触发点触发点ambush /mb/ n.埋伏埋伏sniper /snap(r)/ n.狙击手狙击手incumbent /nkmbnt/ adj.现任的;在职的现任的;在职的Word BankUnit 1 Part II Section I Task 2 Israeli /zreli/ adj.以色列的;以色列以色列的;以色列人的人的Hebron /hi:brn/ n.希伯伦(以色列城市希伯伦(以色列城市)Palestinian /plstnin/ adj.巴勒斯坦的;巴勒斯坦人的巴勒斯坦的;巴勒斯坦人的Jewish /du/ adj.犹太人的犹太人的Gaza Strip加沙地带加沙地带Unit 1 Part II Section I Task 2 Task 2 Listen to the news report for key words of when , where and who , and then finish the multiple-choice exercises.TaskUnit 1 Part II Section I Task 21. Where did Israeli soldiers go in search of Palestinian militants? A. Hebron. B. Gaza Strip. C. Rafah. D. Ramallah.2. How many Jewish settlers live in Hebron? A. 120,000. B. 100,000. C. 50,000. D. 450.3. When were three Israelis injured? A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday. D. Thursday.4. When did Israeli voters give Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the Likud Party a victory? A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday. D. Thursday.5. How many seats does the Likud Party hold in the parliament? A. 120. B. 83. C. 50. D. 37.Unit 1 Part II Section I Task 3Task 3 Read the following passage after the clip. Pay particular attention to pronunciation and intonation.Task Police in Indonesiasay a blast at their national headquarters early Monday was caused by explosives, but no injuries were reported. Authorities have no suspects yet, but the attack comes after the national police chief fingered a high-profile terrorist group in the Octobers Bali bombing. Police say they suspect a black bag filled with “low explosives was placed in front of the lobby of a community hall within their headquarters compound. The blast blew out some windows and damaged part of the side of the building. No injuries were reported. Police have sealed off the area while investigators examine and collect pieces of debris.【Script】ScriptUnit 1 Part II Section I Task 3Part III Part III Extensive Listening I News Reports II Talk III Dialogue IV Conversations V Passage Listening VI Compound Dictationlong-haul flight长途飞行长途飞行approximate /prksmet/ v.接近接近, , 约等于约等于mock-up /mkp/ n.实验或教学用的实物实验或教学用的实物大模型大模型, , 实物复制品实物复制品interplanetary /ntplntri/ adj.行星之间的行星之间的lander /lnd/ n.着陆舱着陆舱shift /ft/ n.轮班轮班mission control控制中心控制中心simulator /smjulet(r)/ n.模拟器模拟器group dynamics团体动态团体动态hanger /h(r)/ n.飞机棚飞机棚Word BankUnit 1 Part III I News Reports I1. What is the purpose of the experiment sponsored by the European Space Agency and Russias Institute of Biomedical Problems? A. To test how long man can live in total isolation. B. To test mans creativity in solitary confinement. C. To test whether man can survive in Martian conditions. D. To test the psychological impact of a manned flight to Mars.Listen to the report and then do the following exercise.Unit 1 Part III I News Reports I2. Where will the astronauts spend their days of isolation from the outside world? A. In a space exploration lab in a European country. B. In a warehouse in the suburbs of Moscow. C. In a mock-up Mars lander. D. In a 550 cubic meter room.3. According to Dr. Aderin-Pocock, what could be the problem of this valuable experiment? A. The astronauts may lose their initial motivation. B. The six astronauts may not get along well. C. The astronauts may not take the experiment seriously. D. The six astronauts may not be representative of all astronauts.Unit 1 Part III I News Reports I【Script】ScriptUnit 1 Part III I News Reports Idownright /danrat/ adj.明白的,明显的明白的,明显的asteroid /strd/ n.小行星小行星speck /spek/ n.斑点,灰尘斑点,灰尘fiery /fari/ adj.火的,炽热的,火红的火的,炽热的,火红的streak /strik/ n.痕迹痕迹clock in纪录纪录zip /zp/ v.飞射飞射galactic /lktk/ adj.星系的,银河系的;巨大的星系的,银河系的;巨大的Word BankUnit 1 Part III I News Reports II1. According to the speaker, what is in the space around earths orbit? A. Vast emptiness. B. Meteors. C. Debris. D. Suns.2. What does the speed of meteors movement tell us? A. The faster the meteors move, the longer the distance theyve come from. B. The faster the meteors move, the bigger they are likely to be. C. The faster the meteors move, the lighter they are. D. The faster the meteors move, the more likely they will fall into earths atmosphere.Listen to the report and then do the following exercise.Unit 1 Part III I News Reports II3. Where do meteors come from according to scientists? A. From nearby star systems. B. From dusty areas between stars. C. From outside the galaxy. D. All of the above.Unit 1 Part III I News Reports II【Script】ScriptUnit 1 Part III I News Reports IIat odds with与与 不一致不一致gravity /rvti/ n.重力重力expansion /kspnn/ n.扩大扩大, , 膨胀膨胀, , 扩充扩充astrophysicist /strfzsst/ n.天体物理学家天体物理学家observatory /bzvtri/ n.天文台天文台, ,气象台气象台Cambridge /kembrd/ n.坎布里奇(又译坎布里奇(又译“剑桥剑桥”,马萨诸塞州马萨诸塞州, ,城市名)城市名)Massachusetts /mstusts/ n.(美国)马萨诸塞州(美国)马萨诸塞州cluster /klst(r)/ n.群群, , 丛丛, , 簇簇Word BankUnit 1 Part III I News Reports IIIedge out取代取代, , 挤掉挤掉accelerate /kselret/ vi.加速加速crucial /krul/ adj.关键的关键的, , 决定性的决定性的dimension /damenn/ n.维度维度, , 范围范围, , 方面方面underlie /ndla/ v.位于位于 之下之下, , 成为成为 的基础的基础massive /msv/ adj.巨大的巨大的, , 大规模的大规模的, ,大范围的大范围的conceptual /knseptul/ adj.概念上的概念上的Unit 1 Part III I News Reports IIIListen to the news report and then answer the questions orally afterwards. Compare what you have said with the reference answers provided.1. According to some astrophysicists, what is the force behind the expansion of the universe?2. What does astrophysicists research prove? Energy generated by mysterious dark matter is behind the universes expansion.Dark energy does exist in the universe._Unit 1 Part III I News Reports III3. Is it worthwhile to spend huge sums of money on outer space exploration?Outer space exploration with its huge cost and occasional disastrous consequences has been controversial, but Im convinced that the exploration is highly necessary and is important on several levels. First, space missions may help the advance of technology because more sophisticated technology is required for many ongoing space projects. Second, the earth has become an ever increasingly crowded habitat with the surge in world population. Space exploration could find a way out for the problem of overpopulation. Most important of all, space exploration embodies one essential dimension that makes human beings who they are the mind to face the unknown, the curiosity to explore the unknown, the desire to push the boundary, and the courage to challenge ourselves._Unit 1 Part III I News Reports III【Script】ScriptUnit 1 Part III I News Reports IIIon the way即将到来即将到来precedent /presdnt/ n.先例先例landscape /lndskep/ v.美化景观美化景观timber /tmb(r)/ n.木材,木料木材,木料astroturf /strtf/ n.人工草皮,阿斯特罗特夫尼龙草皮人工草皮,阿斯特罗特夫尼龙草皮scoreboard /skbd/ n.记分板记分板tugboat /tgbt/ n.拖船拖船hanging-out 某人常去的地方某人常去的地方pyramid /prmd/ n.金字塔金字塔trophy /trfi/ n.奖品,战利品奖品,战利品bask /bsk/ vi.沐浴于沐浴于Word BankUnit 1 Part III II TalkWatch the video clip and then do the following exercise.1. When did Martin get the idea to create a space for himself? A. When his son Ford was born. B. When he became a freelance writer. C. When he took interest in building a house. D. When he was going to have his second son.2. Why did Martin research man spaces? A. To see what space other people were creating. B. To look for plans to build his space. C. To find like-minded people. D. To search for practical tips.Unit 1 Part III II Talk3. Why was Martin surprised by his findings after he did his research on man spaces? A. Manspaces can be as diversified in design as there are people. B. Manspaces are created mostly for recreational purposes. C. Manspaces accommodate various functions like working, playing and hobbies. D. Manspaces includes both indoor and outdoor spaces.Unit 1 Part III II Talk4. What does the example of a boxing ring inside a garage illustrate? A. Its creator was a professional, silver medal-winning boxer. B. The man space was created out of the owners professional experience. C. Memory of ones past achievements needs to be materialized. D. Boxing could be a very expensive and time-consuming hobby.5. What is the common feature Martin detected in the 50 or so spaces he found? A. The spaces bear strong personal marks. B. The spaces reflect the owners need for freedom. C. The spaces resemble museums. D. The spaces have rich cultural connotations.【Script】Unit 1 Part III II TalkScriptUnit 1 Part III II TalkTask 1 Spot Dictation Directions: In this dialogue, there are 15 blanks. Fill in the missing words after listening to the dialogue twice.TaskUnit 1 Part III III DialogueDon: Hey, Yael. Have you heard? Weve discovered 1) ?Yael: Where?Don: On Mars. Well, they arent there 2) , but they were there a few billion years ago.Yael: I thought scientists werent sure if Mars had oceans or not.two new oceansany longer_Don: They werent. The Mars Opportunity Rover found sulfates and other salts in the soil that were left behind 3) . It also discovered cross-bedding in the soil which 4) and tiny mineral deposits called blue berries that only appear 5) . The northern lowlands of Mars looked like there might have been an ocean there, but 6) .Yael: So, what changed their minds?Don: Gamma Ray evidence.Yael: 7) .when standing water evaporatewas created by water rippleif water is presentthere wasnt definite proofThat sounds exciting_Unit 1 Part III III DialogueDon: It is. The Mars Odyssey spacecraft had a gamma-ray spectrometer onboard 8) buried as much as a third of a meter, or thirteen inches, 9) . Scientists used the spectrometer to 10) potassium, thorium, and iron above and below 11) the shoreline of ancient oceans. They expected to see 12) concentrations below. 13) that the elements had been leached out of the soil by the water.Yael: So, what did they find?Don: They found 14) about ten times the size of the Mediterranean Sea and an older ocean 15) .Yael: Its too bad those oceans still arent there.Don: Yeah. It sure would be a great spot for a cruise.that could detect elementsbelow the soilmeasure the amount ofwhat they thought to below concentrations above the shorelineThat would indicatethe shorelines of a younger oceantwice that size_Unit 1 Part III III DialogueTask 2 RepetitionDirections: Repeat the five sentences in the video clip. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation for each word and sentence.Task1. They arent there any longer, but they were there a few billion years ago.2. The Mars Opportunity Rover found sulfates and other salts in the soil that were left behind when standing water evaporated.3. The northern lowlands of Mars looked like there might have been an ocean there, but there wasnt definite proof.4. The Mars Odyssey spacecraft had a gamma-ray spectrometer onboard that could detect elements buried as much as a third of a meter, or thirteen inches, below the soil.5. They found the shorelines of a younger ocean about ten times the size of the Mediterranean Sea.Unit 1 Part III III DialogueTask 3 Listen and WriteDirections: Listen to the dialogue again and then write a summary with your brief comment in about 180 words. Exchange summaries with a classmate, and then read the summary to the class.TaskFor reference【Script】Unit 1 Part III III DialogueScriptUnit 1 Part III III DialogueConversationsDirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and choose the best answer.1. A. Treat the woman to dinner. B. Order some food for both of them. C. Ask for a drink. D. Pay the bill.Unit 1 Part III IV Conversations2. A. They can find their way to the restaurant. B. They can meet April some other time C. They have to do without April. D. They have to cancel their restaurant reservation.3. A. People tend to move around a lot. B. People often change their contact information. C. Personalities change over time. D. Friends can become foes sometimes.4. A. His poor health. B. His sleeplessness. C. His boss. D. His loneliness.Unit 1 Part III IV Conversations5. A. He can put up with the toothache. B. He has chickens to take care of. C. He finds the dentists chair uncomfortable. D. He is afraid of going to the dentist.6. A. He drank too much beer. B. He couldnt understand German films. C. Tom Hanks spoke German poorly in a film. D. English-language films were spoiled when dubbed into German.Unit 1 Part III IV Conversations7. A. He had been held up in the traffic. B. He had to wait for another 15 minutes. C. His friends were stuck in traffic. D. His friends failed to show up as agreed.8. A. His friend Garys short temper. B. His worsening popularity. C. The difficulty in getting friendly advice. D. A souring friendship.【Script】Unit 1 Part III IV ConversationsScriptUnit 1 Part III IV ConversationsQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A. A friend of hers. B. A remote relative. C. A leasing agent. D. An advertiser.10. A. $650 plus utility. B. $650 plus electricity. C. $950 plus utility. D. $950 plus electricity.11. A. Tomorrow. B. In two weeks. C. In a week or so. D. Not yet decided.【Script】Unit 1 Part III IV ConversationsScriptUnit 1 Part III IV ConversationsQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Nurse and patient. D. Friends.13. A. An itching leg. B. Pain in the neck. C. A broken arm. D. An uncomfortable neck brace (支架支架).14. A. As soon as possible. B. In a week. C. The next day. D. In several weeks.15. A. Hell take a ride on his motorcycle. B. Hell be sent back to the hospital again. C. Hell stay in bed for a couple of weeks. D. Hell take a long holiday in the mountains.【Script】Unit 1 Part III IV ConversationsScriptUnit 1 Part III IV ConversationsPassage Listening Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Passage 11. A. It is off the west coast of Scotland. B. It has miles and miles of white sand. C. It is a favorite resort of celebrities. D. Prince Charles once planted potatoes there.Unit 1 Part III V Passage Listening 2. A. Put it on the dinner table of every British household. B. Bottle it and sell it to cooks across the UK. C. Make it the cleanest water in Europe. D. Market it as a healthy beverage.3. A. It would bring tourists to the island. B. It would bring fame to the island. C. It would bring well-know chefs to the island. D. It would bring job opportunities to the island.Unit 1 Part III V Passage Listening 【Script】ScriptUnit 1 Part III V Passage Listening Passage 24. A. Libraries in the digital era. B. Easy access to a digital library. C. The worlds biggest library goes online. D. The biggest library on the Internet.5. A. About 15 years ago. B. About 40 years ago. C. About 50 years ago. D. Only recently.Unit 1 Part III V Passage Listening 6. A. A TV program sponsored by the Library of Congress. B. The librarys project to present American history in digital format. C. An effort to relate people of various origins to Americas past. D. A show of history books and documents at the library.7. A. The library is short of hands to turn everything digital. B. Some historical documents are not accurate. C. Music and films cannot be moved onto the Internet. D. The library usually doesnt digitize books for fear of copyright difficulty.【Script】Unit 1 Part III V Passage Listening ScriptUnit 1 Part III V Passage Listening 8. A. Everyone can contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable Earth. B. Energy conservation should be on the top of our agenda. C. Everyone is expected to help with waste management. D. Climate change is threatening life throughout the world.Unit 1 Part III V Passage Listening Passage 39. A. To call on businesses to invest more in clean energy. B. To secure everyones confidence and trust in the US government. C. To ensure the Americans that his administration is on the right track. D. To inform the media about the latest progress made on environmental issues.10. A. It is quite simple to produce biofuel. B. Waste material can be properly used. C. Environmental protection starts at home. D. Cooking oil can do more than fry potatoes.【Script】Unit 1 Part III V Passage Listening ScriptUnit 1 Part III V Passage Listening Compound Dictation Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is for read the first time, listen carefully for the general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. When the passage is read for the third time, check your answers.Unit 1 Part III VI Compound Dictation On Christmas Eve, 1968, astronauts aboard craft issued a live television broadcast from space. Lunar module 1) William Anders read from the Bible. “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form . . . pilot_Unit 1 Part III VI Compound Dictation Millions of people around the world saw the broadcast, which included the first live images taken from space of the Moons surface and the Earth. Magazines and newspapers 2) photographs of the Earth from a distance, showing blue oceans, swirling clouds and the 3) . The images became a lasting memory of the first 4) space mission to leave Earth orbit and circle the Moon. The Apollo 8 mission also played a key role in preparing for future space missions, including the first manned lunar landing by the crew of Apollo 11, less than a year later.reprintedcontinentsmanned_Unit 1 Part III VI Compound Dictation At a recent event in Washington, Apollo 8 5) module pilot James Lovell recalled that his crew was trained to study the Moons surface. “The mission of Apollo 8 was really to check the navigation and check for landing spots, the 6) areas, the sea that would give the people who would attempt the first landing the greatest chance of 7) . he said. Even after many months of training, the decision for Apollo 8 to visit the Moon was made only four months ahead of 8) . NASA officials had planned for the crew to conduct a low Earth orbit flight, similar to earlier Apollo missions. 9)commandflatsurvivallaunch But officials revised the mission following the success of recent missions unmanned probes by the Soviet Union._ _Unit 1 Part III VI Compound Dictation Apollo 8 Commander Frank Borman said the rivalry between the two nations was a major motivation. “NASA now likes to talk about scientific exploration and our lunar experts talk about picking up all the rocks in the world. 10) . he said. In 1957, the Soviet Union became the first country to launch an artificial satellite; the United States was the first to land a man on the Moon, in 1969. The space race between the United States and Soviet Union is over. Today, NASA and the Russian space agency are 11) The reason we went to the Moon on Apollo 8 was to beat the Russianskey partners on the International Space Station. That partnership may be crucial in years to come as the United States prepares to send manned missions back to the Moon. _Part IV Part IV Communication Skills Useful Expressions for Accepting and RefusingUnit 1 Part IVPart IVAcceptingRefusingYes, please.Sure. Thanks.Okay. Thank you.Okay. Sounds good.Sure. Id love to.Yeah. Good idea.All right. Thanks.Looks good. Thanks.Okay, if its no trouble for you.No, thank you.Id better not.No, but thanks for offering.No, Id rather not.Im sorry, but I cant.No, but thanks for inviting me.No, thanks.Im really full. Thanks anyway.Looks delicious. But Ill have to pass.Sorry, Im busy this weekend.Useful Expressions for Accepting and RefusingAcceptingRefusingGreat. What time?Sounds like fun.All right. When and where?When is it?What time does it start/end?Lets meet at What date/day is it?I dont think I can.How about some other time?Im sorry, but I have to Thanks, but I have another appointment at that time.I cant. Im sorry.Im afraid not.Unit 1 Part IVPart IVAcceptingRefusingYes, I love it/them.Thats a good idea.Thatll be great.Thats a great idea.Thats a splendid idea.What a good idea!Unit 1 Part IVPart IVTask 1 Blank FillingDirections: Listen to the audio clip twice and complete the following dialogues.TaskUnit 1 Part IV Part IV Task 1Task 1Dialogue 1 A: Would you like a drink?B: A: Are you sure?B: Yes. Im quite sure. Thank you very much.A: B: Oh, alright. Lemonade would be fine.No, thank you. I dont drink.What about a soft drink then?_Dialogue 2 Unit 1 Part IV Part IV Task 1Task 1A: Would you like any help?B: My car ran out of gas.A: Sorry to hear that. I happened to carry some. I hope it can help.B: Its very nice of you.A: Lets see whether I can start the car.B:A: My pleasure.Sure, if it is no trouble for you.Im really very grateful for your timely help._Dialogue 3 Unit 1 Part IV Part IV Task 1Task 1A: What shall we do this weekend?B: A: Where shall we go, then?B: Lets go to the new park. We havent been there for a long time.A: Ill pick you up at about half past ten. Is that alright?B: See you tomorrow, then. Goodbye.Lets go for a walk.Thats a good idea.Thatll be splendid._Dialogue 4 Unit 1 Part IV Part IV Task 1Task 1A: Could I do something to help you with that heavy box?B: A: Are you sure you do not need help?B: Yes, Ill ask for help if its really needed.A: Ok. See you.B: See you.You are very thoughtful, but I think I can manage._Task 2 Situational Dialogue1. Pair yourself with another student in the class. One of you will invite the other to some activity on the weekend. You can either accept or turn down the invitation.TaskUnit 1 Part IV Part IV Task 2Task 2Student A: _.Student B: _.Student A: _.Student B: _.Student A: _.Student B: _.Student A: _.Student B: _.Unit 1 Part IV Part IV Task 2Task 22. Pair yourself with another student in the class. One of you will play the role of the host/hostess at a dinner party and the other a guest at the party. The host/hostess offers to get more food/drinks for the guest.Student A: _.Student B: _.Student A: _.Student B: _.Student A: _.Student B: _.Student A: _.Student B: _.Unit 1 Part IV Part IV Task 2Task 23. Pair yourself with another student in the class. One of you will play the role of a stranger in a city who cant find his/her way to their destination and the other a local resident who offers to help. You can either accept or turn down the help. Student A: _. Student B: _. Student A: _. Student B: _. Student A: _. Student B: _. Student A: _. Student B: _.Part V Part V Assessment Log1. Write down the words you hear and check their spelling. How many points can you get?1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10_11_ 12_ 13_ 14_ 15_16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_21_ 22_ 23_ 24_ 25_26_ 27_ 28_ 29_ 30_31_ 32_ 33_ 34_ 35_36_ 37_ 38_ 39_ 40_41_ 42_ 43_ 44_ 45_46_ 47_ 48_ 49_ 50_Unit 1 Part V Part V 1 11. concentration2. trophy3. deposit4. rover5. mineral6. precedent7. gigantic8. bask9. massive10. underlie11. accelerate12. cluster13. crucial14. dimension15. observatory16. expansion17. gravity18. meteor19. debris20. simulate21. ingeniously22. weird23. divert24. haze25. lander26. interplanetary27. shift28. update29. galaxy30. magnitude31. collaborative32. realm33. capacity34. evolve35. disposal36. terrestrial37. drag38. probe39. habitable40. vessel41. ultimate42. cosmic43. tidal44. surge45. astronomy46. constellation47. divine48. reign49. recurring50. ascribeUnit 1 Part V Part V 1 12. Review the content covered in this unit. How well can you do each of the following?Very wellFairly wellNot very wellI learned some basics of news reporting.I can identify the when, where and who in news reports.I can make up a situational dialogue with a partner.I can use expressions of accepting and refusing offers properly.Unit 3 Part V Part V 2 2
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