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Module 3 Unit 2 Can you help me, please?Revision1. 用英语写出下列电话号码用英语写出下列电话号码1.121 _2.119_3.995_4.114 _5.283612_6.13819975501 one two one one one nine nine nine five one one fourtwo eight three, six one two one three eight, one nine nine, seven five five, zero one-Whats this in English?-Its an eraser.-How do you spell “eraser”?-E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.- Whats this in English?- Its a flower.- Flower?- Sorry, its a football.-How do you spell “football”?-F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L, football.Guessing game Whats this in English? Guessing game Whats this in English? Guessing game Whats this in English? Whats this in English? Its .a computerCan you spell it, please?Yes, C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R.Whats this in English? Its .a basketballCan you spell it, please?Yes, B-A-S-K-E-T-B-A-L-L.Whats this in English? Its .a monkeyCan you spell it, please?Yes, M-0-N-K-E-Y.Whats this in English? Its .a pandaCan you spell it, please?Yes, P-A-N-D-A.Whats this in English? Its .a chickenCan you spell it, please?Yes, C-H-I-C-K-E-N.Whats this in English? Its .a blackboardCan you spell it, please?Yes, B-L-A-C-K-B-O-A-R-D.Say and spell thempandachickenblackboardcomputermonkeybasketball1. Where are they?Look and think:2. Who are they?Now listen and find out two things:Who wants help and who helps.1. Listen and readDaming: Can you help me, please, Lingling?Lingling: Yes, of course.Daming: How do you spell “classroom”?Lingling: Im sorry. I dont know.Miss Zhou: Its C-L-A-S-S-R-O-O-M.Daming: Can you say that again, please?Miss Zhou: Yes. Its C-L-A-S-S-R-O-O-M.Daming: Thank you.Miss Zhou: Youre welcome.Language points1.Can you help me, please? 请问你能帮我一下吗?请问你能帮我一下吗?(向他人请求帮助的时候用语)(向他人请求帮助的时候用语)2.Yes, of course. 可以,当然可以。可以,当然可以。(能够提供帮助)能够提供帮助)3. Youre welcome. 不用谢。(对不用谢。(对Thank you. 的回答)的回答)4. Sorry, (Im sorry.) I dont know. 抱歉,我不知道。抱歉,我不知道。(不能提供帮助时用语)不能提供帮助时用语)5. Thank you all the same.仍然很感谢你仍然很感谢你 (用于请求帮忙但别人没有帮到自己时)(用于请求帮忙但别人没有帮到自己时)2. Listen and point. a b c d e f-5-1-4-2-6-33. Read and match.1.Can you help me, please?2. How do you spell “desk”?3. Can you say that again, please?4. Thank you.a)Youre welcome.b) Yes, D-E-S-K. c) Its D-E-S-K.d) Yes, of course.Now listen and check.4. Listen again and say1. Can you help me, please? Yes, of course.2. How do you spell “desk”? Its D-E-S-K.3. Can you say that again, please? Yes, D-E-S-K.4. Thank you. Youre welcome.New wordskitebikeclockcrayoncardesk5.Work in pairs. Ask and answer.A: Can you help me, please?B: Yes, of course.A: Whats this in English?B: Its a crayon.A: How do you spell it? A: Thank you.B: Youre welcome.B:C-R-A-Y-O-N, crayonA: Can you help me, please?B: Yes, of course.A: Whats this in English?B: Its a_.A: How do you spell it?B:_. A: Thank you.B: Youre welcome.Work in pairs. Ask and answer. 6. Write. (first write then listen and check).A:_ you help me, please?B: Yes, _ _.A: How do _ spell “_” ?B: Its D-E-S-K.A: _ _say that again, please?B: Yes, _.A: _ you.B: Youre _.Can of courseyoudeskCan youD-E-S-K.ThankwelcomeExercises 根据句意及提示完成单词1.This is my c_. There are some desks and chairs. 2. There is a c_ of China on the wall.3. I have one pen and five b_.4.- What is t_? - Its an e_.5.There are s_ days in a week6.-Can you say that a_? - Yes.7.- Thank you. - Youre w_.8.- Can you help me, p_? - Yes, of c_.lassroomlockookshisraserevengainelcomeleaseourseHomework1.Listen to the tape and read Unit 2.2. Copy the new words.
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