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Unit 3 Understanding each otherWelcome to the unitTo get a general idea of what we are going to learn in this unitTo find out different ways of greeting in different countriesTo learn to discuss different ways of greeting11月月21日是日是“世界问候日世界问候日”,对于每个人来说这都对于每个人来说这都是一个温馨的节日,我们是一个温馨的节日,我们需要做得很简单,只要对需要做得很简单,只要对遇到的人发出真挚的问候,遇到的人发出真挚的问候,或是传递一个甜美的微笑,或是传递一个甜美的微笑,就会把快乐带给整个世界。就会把快乐带给整个世界。这个温馨浪漫的节日,让这个温馨浪漫的节日,让城市中忙碌的人们感受到城市中忙碌的人们感受到别人的关别人的关怀。怀。various ways of greetingcalltext messagessmilesend flowersshake handshugwavekissE-mailbowAsk students to show some different ways of greeting each other.Warming-up How do people usually greet each other? - saying “ Hello” - patting on the back - waving hands - nodding heads - sounding the horns - and so on.People from different countries have different ways of greeting each other. Look at the following pictures. Chinese / American wayArabian wayJapanese wayDutch waySouth American way WAYS OF GREETINGS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES4When people from the Netherlands meet, they kiss each other on one cheek and then the other. If you are a close friend or relative, then you get three kisses!Look at the pictures on Page 33, and read the captions (说明说明) under them.Can you match the ways of greeting with the countries?1.The Netherlands a. putting their hands together and bowing slightly2. Thailand b. kissing each other on one cheek and then the otherc. greeting each other by touching noses3. South America d. hugging each other4. The Middle East 1. Are these ways of greeting the same as the ways Chinese people greet each other?2. What would you think if you saw Chinese people doing these in China?3. If someone greets you in these ways, what will you do then?Questions Do you know of any other ways of greeting around the world? Country GreetingChinaHave you had your meal?Where are you going? America Hello, nice to meet you.Hi, there. Hows everything? England Good morning, Mr Blair. How are you?Australia Gday (Good day)Why do people in different countries greet each other in different ways?There are various reasons for different ways of greeting in different countries: different cultures different greetings towards different people (eg. to peers or to superiors) different living environment different values Can you think of any other customs that are different in different parts of the world?Lets enjoy the video.Keep to the leftKeep to the rightJapan, India, England, New Zealand, Australia,Thailand, SingaporeChina, America, Brazil,Canada, Germanynumberscountriesmeaning4China, Koreabad luck, deathThailandfavor 好感好感,affection 友爱友爱Araba long life 6Japanuseless person8Singaporeunlucky1. What about an Arab and a Japanese meeting for the first time? Pair work2. As a Chinese, if you are not familiar with the ways of greetings in other countries, what might happen?Maybe we would feel embarrassed; we might be involved in awkward situations like Table mannersWhat differences are there between China and western countries about table manners?Should we offer more food to our foreign guests when they are full?1.Whats the common topic when western people first meet?2. Do you know the meanings of the okay sign in different countries?Further thinking 3. Do you know the history of shaking hands?Back in the ancient times, it was meant to let others know there were no weapons in your hands. They held out hands to be touched by the opposite to ensure safety.Language points1. below (1) adv. 在或向较低处,较低位置在或向较低处,较低位置the valley below 下面的山谷下面的山谷(2) adv. (数量、年龄、价格数量、年龄、价格)以下以下(4) adv. 在较低级别在较低级别 上尉以下的军官上尉以下的军官 captain belowchildren below 3三岁以下的孩子三岁以下的孩子(3) adv. 零下零下 零下零下10 10below注:注:below 也可以作也可以作介词介词,意思同上。,意思同上。2. following(1) adj. next (to be mentioned) 随后的随后的The child was sick in the evening, but on the following day he seemed well again.这个孩子晚上生病了这个孩子晚上生病了,但第二天似乎又好了。但第二天似乎又好了。the following afternoon/month/page/chapter/example/way(2) prep. after an event or as a result of 在在之后;由于之后;由于Following the speech, there will be a few minutes for questions.演讲之后,将会有几分钟的时间提问题。演讲之后,将会有几分钟的时间提问题。由于内战爆发由于内战爆发,数以千计的难民离开了该国。数以千计的难民离开了该国。Thousands of refugees left the country following the outbreak of civil war.(3) n. C a group of people who support or admire sb 追随者追随者这支乐队在中国有一大批崇拜者。这支乐队在中国有一大批崇拜者。The band has a big following in China.the following: the people or thing that you are going to mention下列的人下列的人/事物事物3. touch: V. T (1) be or come together with sth. else so that there is no space between 接触接触,触及触及One of the branches was touching the water. 其中的一根树枝触及水面。其中的一根树枝触及水面。(2) make sympathetic or sad 感动感动(某人某人); 触动触动(某人的感情某人的感情)We were all deeply touched by his tragic experience.我们都被他的悲剧性的经历深深地打动了。我们都被他的悲剧性的经历深深地打动了。touch 用作名词的相关短语用作名词的相关短语:get in touch with 与与取得联系取得联系 keep in touch with 与与保持联系保持联系 lose touch with 与与失去联系失去联系out of touch with 与与不联系不联系 Homework1. Search more information about different ways of greeting and some unique customs in some countries.2. Write your search into a short passage.
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