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学学术英英语(人文社科人文社科类)Unit-4Task 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology. Fill in the blanks according to the text.Text ASuggested answersCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4The Study of Society and PeopleUsing the example of _.mass murder at Columbine High SchoolThe study of sociologyIntroducing the topic of sociologyTask 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology. Fill in the blanks according to the text.Text ASuggested answersCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4The Study of Society and PeopleSociology is the study of _.Using the example of _ to illustrate the _ of sociology.love nature and objectives The study of sociologyWhat is sociologyhuman social life, groups, and societiesTask 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology. Fill in the blanks according to the text.Text ASuggested answersCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4The Study of Society and PeopleSociology studies _ influences.The study of sociologyWhat does sociology study?social historicalTask 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology. Fill in the blanks according to the text.Text ASuggested answersCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4The Study of Society and PeopleSociology shows people the need to _.Sociology teaches people to _ and be systematic in explaining _.behavioral patternsThe study of sociologyWhat function does sociology serve?peoples actions look beyond the surface of identify general patterns of behaviorthe social influences on these Task 1 The tree diagram below shows how the authors develop the text about the study of sociology. Fill in the blanks according to the text.Text ASuggested answersCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4The Study of Society and PeopleCultivate _; “think ourselves away” from _.them anewThe study of sociologyHow to think sociologically?the imaginationthe familiar routines of our daily lives in order to look at Task 2 Answer the following questions.Text ASuggested answersCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4The Study of Society and People1 How does the author describe the world we live in today?2 Why does the author raise the three questions in Paragraph 2?3 Why do people fall in love according to the authors?4 Why did men and women marry in the Middle Ages?The author describes that the world we live in today is intensely worrying, yet full of the most extraordinary promise for the future.The author wants to show us what is the prime concern of sociology.Because love expresses mutual physical and personal attachment two individuals feel for one another.Mainly in order to keep property in the hands of family or to raise children to work the family farm.Task 2 Answer the following questions.Text ASuggested answersCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4The Study of Society and People5 Where did romantic love make its first appearance?6 How were the relations between husband and wife among aristocratic groups?Its first appearance made in courtly circles.The relations are cool and distant. Task 2 Answer the following questions.Text ASuggested answersCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4The Study of Society and People7 What is basic to the sociological outlook?8 What are the differences between ordinary people and sociologists in explaining the mass murder at Columbine High School?Understanding the subtle yet complex and profound ways in which our individual lives reflect the contexts of our social experience is basic to the sociological outlook.Ordinary peoples explanations focus on the social causes of violence in the United States, whereas sociologists can bring an even deeper understanding. For example, sociologists might study other mass murders and consider if there was a pattern in the group characteristics.Language building-upText ASuggested answersTask 1 Specialized vocabulary1Translate the following sociological terms from English into Chinese or vice versa.Unit 4The Study of Society and People1 social division2 social being3 intellectual life4 human emotion5 social class6 人类的社会生活人类的社会生活社会分工社会分工社会人社会人精神生活精神生活人类情感人类情感社会阶级社会阶级human social lifeLanguage building-upText ASuggested answersTask 1 Specialized vocabulary1Translate the following sociological terms from English into Chinese or vice versa.Unit 4The Study of Society and People7 全球的社会进程全球的社会进程8 婚姻幸福婚姻幸福9 公共场所公共场所10 和他人交往和他人交往11 社会环境社会环境12 行为模式行为模式13 文化背景文化背景socialize with othersglobal social processmarital happinesscultural background public placessocial contextpatterns of behaviorLanguage building-upText ASuggested answersTask 1 Specialized vocabulary2Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the terms in the box.Unit 4The Study of Society and Peoplecultural background intellectual life marital happinesspattern of behavior public place social class1 This study examines the effects of _ on the acceptation of information and communications technology in developing countries.2 _ is a judgment made by a spouse that indicates the sense of well-being or satisfaction he or she experiences in the marital relationship.3 When sociologists talk of _, they refer to a group of individuals who occupy a similar position in the economic system of production.cultural background Marital happinesssocial classLanguage building-upText ASuggested answersTask 1 Specialized vocabulary2Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the terms in the box.Unit 4The Study of Society and Peoplecultural background intellectual life marital happinesspattern of behavior public place social class4 If we understand that a child works to perfect the adult she or he will become, then we must look at the _ that emerge in childhood as indicators of the adult personality.5 It is now common practice for smoking to be banned in workplaces suchas offices and in other enclosed _ such as cinemas, buses and trains.6 Yale Law School enhances the _ of its academic community by sponsoring a variety of centers, programs, and workshops, inspired by the interests of its faculty and students.pattern of behavior public placesintellectual life Language building-upText ASuggested answersTask 2 Signpost languageComplete the sentences with the words and expressions listed above. There may be more than one correct answer.Unit 4The Study of Society and People1 A new security system was installed. _, extra guards were hired.2 _, I would like to thank all those people who helped make the conference such a success.3 _ catching errors, object-oriented systems can shelter the user from the complexity of dealing with lots of different kinds of data.4 _, Jack would not allow it, and _, I dont think mom would like it much either.In additionFinallyIn addition tosecondFirstLanguage building-upText ASuggested answersTask 2 Signpost languageComplete the sentences with the words and expressions listed above. There may be more than one correct answer.Unit 4The Study of Society and People5 Here are some quick hints that can help make revision easier. _, set your first draft aside for a while. You can then come back to the draft with a fresh, more objective point of view. _, in revising a paper, you should read and reread it several times, for it is impossible to notice all the errors and things that need changing in one or two hasty readings. _, as you read your paper, add your thoughts and changes above the lines or in the margins of your paper. Your written comments can serve as a guide when you work on the next draft.FinallyFirstSecondLanguage building-upText ASuggested answersTask 3 Formal EnglishReplace the underlined words in the following sentences with the ones that are more daily-life.1 Romantic love first made its appearance in courtly circles as a characteristic of extramarital sexual adventures indulged in by members of the aristocracy.appearedKey:2 A brief example will provide an initial taste of the nature and objectives of sociology.Key:goals3 The theory might assert that high inflation arises when the government prints too much money.Key:appears Unit 4The Study of Society and PeopleLanguage building-upText ASuggested answersTask 3 Formal EnglishReplace the underlined words in the following sentences with the ones that are more daily-life. 4 Sociology demonstrates the need to take a much broader view of why we are as we are, and why we act as we do.showsKey:5 Some countries are industrializing and may suffer some of the disruptions that analogous parts of the West encountered at similar stages of their development early in the 20th century.Key:met6 Learning to think sociologically looking, in other words, at the broader view means cultivating the imagination.Key:developing Unit 4The Study of Society and PeopleLanguage building-upText ASuggested answersTask 3 Formal EnglishReplace the underlined words in the following sentences with the ones that are more daily-life.7 we need to imagine, for example, what the experience of sex and marriage is like for people the majority of humankind until recently to whom ideals of romantic love appear alien or even absurd.strangeKey:8 Studying sociology cannot be just a routine process of acquiring knowledge.Key:gaining9 The sociological imagination requires us, above all, to “think ourselves away” from the familiar routines of our daily lives in order to look at them anew.Key:in a new way Unit 4The Study of Society and PeopleTask 1 Economists and sociologists differ in their explanations of how occupational sex segregationleads to a gender gap in pay. Work in pairs and complete the table about how theydiffer.Text BSuggested answersCritical reading and thinkingUnit 4The Study of Society and PeopleEconomists explanationsSociologists explanationsFocusing on the occupational choices women makeFocusing on _.Endorsing a _ explanation:1 Women intentionally _.2 Women seek _.Critiquing _:1 There are some forces_.2 Human capital theory neglects_.the constraints women facetheoryhuman capital human capital theoryselect occupations that areeasy to move in and out ofundemanding jobschoosing occupationsblocking women from freely societypower differentials between men and women in the workplace and 谢谢!
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