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LESSON 1 I Am Excited!Danny is excited, too. Why?It s Monday morning. Mrs. Li, Li Ming, Jenny and Danny go to Beijing today. They arrive at the train station.Danny runs to the train.RUNJUMPSINGDANCE run 跑跑walk 走走sit 坐坐stand 站站sit down 坐下坐下stand up 站起来站起来sing 唱唱dance 跳舞跳舞WORDS: run 跑jump 跳walk 走sing 唱歌dance 跳舞stand up 站着sit down 坐下GAME I say, you do.Please do, please dont do.要求别人做某事,要说:要求别人做某事,要说:Please _ .告诉别人不能做某事,要说:告诉别人不能做某事,要说:Please dont _ .Please dont sit down.Please stand up.Please dont run.Please walk.Please dont sing.Please read.Please dont stand up.Please sit down.Please dont sing.Please dance.a. Dont go straight. b. Dont turn left.c. Dont ride a bike. d. Dont swim.e. Dont eat or drink. f. Dont walk on the grass.HOMEWORK1 单词背写过,遍数不限。家长听写。2 背诵图1、5、7。3 作文列出在图书馆(教室里教室里)里不能做的事。以Please dont 开头,写至少四句话。
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