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板块一板块一ModulesModules1 13 3.词汇认知1 adj.热心的2 adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 adj.吃惊的,惊讶的 vt.使大为惊奇,使惊愕 n惊奇,诧异3 n(常作复数) 指示;说明4 n方法Module 1My First Day at Senior Highenthusiasticamazingamazedamazeamazementinstructionmethod5 adj.厌烦的,厌倦的 adj.令人厌烦的 vt.使厌烦,烦扰6 adj.尴尬的,难堪的,困窘的 adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的 vt.使尴尬;使不好意思 n尴尬,难堪;使人为难的人(或事物)7 n态度8 n行为,举止 vi.举止,行为9 vt.使印象深刻 n印象 adj.给人深刻印象的,感人的10 adj.失望的,沮丧的 adj.令人失望的 vt.使失望,使沮丧 n失望;沮丧;使失望的人;令人扫兴的事boredboringboreembarrassedembarrassingembarrassembarrassmentattitudebehaviourbehaveimpressimpressionimpressivedisappointeddisappointingdisappointdisappointment11 vi.消失 vi.出现;显露;似乎,看来好像12 vt.包含13 换句话说14 期待;盼望15 与相似16 毫不相似,完全不像17 独自地,单独地disappearappearcoverin_other_wordslook_forward_tobe_similar_tonothing_likeby_oneself.语境助记What and us most is his and . He never feels and he has an talent for technology.He doesnt want to anybody caring for him, so he tries his best to well every day.impressesencouragesattitudeenthusiasmboredamazinginformationdisappointbehave1amazing adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的It was amazing how much we were able to accomplish.我们能完成这么多的任务,真令人吃惊。Visitors are often amazed to discover how little the town has changed.旅游者经常会惊讶地发现这个小城几乎没有什么变化。To_my_amazement,he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.使我大为惊奇的是,他把这首诗从头至尾背诵了出来。(1)以ing结尾的形容词常译为“令人的”,一般修饰物;而以ed结尾的形容词常译为“感到的”,一般修饰人。与amaze 用法相同的动词还有:2instruction nU讲授;教育;指导C(常作复数)指示;说明(书)Follow the instructions printed on the back of the box.按照盒子背面印的说明去做。Under the teachers instruction,weve made great progress in our physics study.在老师的指导下,我们的物理学习取得了很大的进步。Our staff have been instructed to offer you every assistance.我方工作人员已被指示为您提供一切帮助。3attitude n态度;看法;姿态I guess that was the turning point of my attitude towards it.我猜那就是我对这件事态度的转折点。The government has taken a positive attitude to this problem.政府对这个问题已经采取了积极的态度。What is your attitude_to/towards senior high students taking up a parttime job?你对高中学生做兼职有什么看法?4impress vt.使留下深刻印象;使铭记;让明白(的重要性等);盖(印)于As they were leaving,he noticed an umbrella on an empty seat,impressed by its beauty.当他们正准备离开时,他注意一个空位是有一把伞,它的美给他留下了深刻的印象。We were deeply impressed with the heros courage.The hero impressed us deeply with his courage.英雄以其勇气给我们留下深刻印象。His victory speech made_a_strong_impression on his audience.他的胜选演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。5cover vt.盖,掩盖;行走(路程);(记者)采访/报道;占用(一段时间或空间);包含,涉及;(钱)够用n封面(底);盖子This book is said to be a special one,which covers many events not found in other history books.据说这本书很特别,里面涉及到许多在其他历史书籍中找不到的事情。A piece of news about a waste cars injuring people was covered yesterday.昨天新闻上报道了一起碴土车伤人事件。During the summer camp,children will be instructed to cover 30 miles a day.在夏令营期间,孩子们将一天行走30英里。We need $700 a month to cover the rent.我们每月需要700美元来支付租金。The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket covering the desert.那些野花看起来就像一个橘黄色的毯子,覆盖着沙漠。6nothing like一点不像,完全不同;没有什么能比得上;远远不像那样This cellphone is nothing like the one they advertised.这个手机跟在广告中说的完全不一样。There is nothing like a hot bath when you are tired.当你累了的时候,什么也比不上洗个热水澡。That film about climbing Mount Everest was pretty amazing.Have you ever thought about doing something like that,Don?那部关于攀登珠穆朗玛峰的电影真是太让人感叹了。你考虑过做些类似的事吗,敦?Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?$4,000,or something like that.你计算出这次旅行花了多少钱了吗?4 000美元或者4 000美元左右。7in other words换句话,换言之Youd better not be late again for the class.In other words,you are expected to be on time next time.你最好不要再次迟到,也就是说,你下一次要准时。He spoke so fast that no one could get in a word.他说的太快了,以致没有人能插进话。Word_came_that Steve Jobs,the founder and former CEO of Apple,died on October 5 at the age of 56.消息传来说苹果创建者,前CEO史蒂夫乔布斯于10月5日去世,享年56岁。8look forward to 期待;盼望We are looking forward to receiving your emails.我们盼望收到你的电子邮件。He always devotes himself to helping the homeless children.他总是致力于帮助那些无家可归的孩子。He objects_to_being_treated like a child.他讨厌被当成孩子看待。在定语从句中常考查look forward to,而其后的动词与to无任何关系。The holiday we had been looking forward to came at last.我们一直期盼着的假日最后终于到来了。look forward有时表示“向前看”,to为不定式标志。He stood up and looked forward to see what was happening outside.他站起来向前看外面发生的事。9take part in参加,参与The most famous games of all,the Olympic Games,bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competition.最著名的赛事奥运会,使来自世界各地的运动员一起参加友好竞赛。Besides dieting,exercising plays an important part in losing weight.除了节食之外,锻炼对于减肥也起着重要的作用。For_the_most_part,things are as difficult or easy as we determine them to be.在很大程度上,事情的难易程度关键看我们的决心大小。1(2012年高考山东卷)My first _ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.Aexpression BattentionCsatisfaction Dimpression解析:句意:我对他的第一印象是,他是一个友好且体贴的年轻人。本题考查名词辨析。A:表达;B:注意力;C:满意;D:印象。答案:D2(2013年烟台模拟)Does it rain a lot in this area?_,it hardly ever rains;the climate is like that of a desert.AWhats worse BIn other wordsCOn the contrary DAs a result解析:句意:这个地区雨水多吗?正相反,几乎不下雨;就像沙漠气候。on the contrary恰恰相反;whats worse更糟糕的是;in other words换言之;as a result因此。答案:C3Swimming is my favorite sport.There is _ like swimming as a means of keeping fit.Asomething BanythingCnothing Deverything解析:句意:游泳是我最喜爱的运动,没有比游泳更好的锻炼方式了。nothing like“没有什么比得上”,符合题意。答案:C4 Do you have enough to _ all your daily expenses?Oh yes,enough and to spare.Acover BspendCfill Doffer解析:cover在此表示“(钱)够用”。句意:你有足够的钱来支付你的日常花销吗?是的,足够并且还有结余。答案:A5 The questions the reporter asked sometimes were _ and they made me _.Aembarrassed;embarrassingBembarrassing;embarrassedCembarrassed;embarrassedDembarrassing;embarrassing解析:embarrassing常指物“令人尴尬的”,embarrassed常指人“尴尬的”。句意:记者有时问的问题是尴尬的并使我感到尴尬。答案:B6He looked forward to _ who was making a loud noise in the crowd.Asee BseeingCseen Dhave seen解析:在此题干中,look forward意为“向前看”,后面动词不定式表目的。这道题很容易迷惑人,受思维定势的影响,很容易选B。因此做题时应注意句子结构和句意。答案:A7What do you think of your new English teacher?She was well prepared for her first lesson and left us a good _.Aexpression BinstructionCappearance Dimpression解析:句意:你认为你的新英语老师怎么样?她对她的第一节课做好了充分的准备,给我们留下了好印象。expression表情,表达;instruction指导;appearance外貌,出现;impression 印象。此处是关于impression的词组leave/make an impression on sb.给某人留下的印象。答案:D8Would you like to _ us?We are going to _ the schools 20th anniversary celebration.Ajoin in;take part in Bjoin in;joinCtake part in;join Djoin;take part in解析:第一个空表示加入我们,应用join;第二个空表示参加周年庆典,应用take part in。答案:D9 We were absolutely amazed _ his attitude _ our appeal.Aat;of Bwith;ofCwith;on Dat;to解析:考查介词。be amazed at/with.对感到吃惊;attitude to/towards对的态度。答案:D10(2012年高考辽宁卷)If youre buying todays paper from the stand,could you get _ for me?Aone BsuchCthis Dthat解析:句意:如果你从报亭买今天的报纸,你能帮我买一份吗?考查不定代词的基本用法。one用来替代前面出现的表示泛指的单数名词,相当于a/an单数名词,以避免重复。在本题中one替代a paper。答案:A11Mr.White expressed his hope that he would look forward to _ the town and _ the people there once more.Avisiting;seeing Bvisit;seeCvisiting;to see Dvisit;seeing解析:look forward to中的to是介词。visiting和seeing是并列成分,共同作to的宾语。答案:A12(2013年福州模拟)When you study the local map,youll find this town is _.Atwice the size of that oneBtwice as a large town as thatCtwice as larger as that oneDtwice as larger a town as that解析:句意:当你研究当地的地图时,你会发现这座城镇是那个的两倍大。倍数的表达方式:A is 倍数the 名词(如size/length)of B;B项中不定冠词位置错误;C、D项中第一个as后应用形容词原级。答案:A1The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.老师是一位(被)称为沈老师的很热情的女士。知识提炼本句中的called Ms.Shen是过去分词短语作定语,与所修饰的词之间存在着逻辑上的被动关系,相当于定语从句who/that is called Ms.Shen。句式仿写被邀请来参加聚会的大多是南非艺术家。Most_of_the_artists_invited_to_the_party_were_from_South_Africa.2Were using a new textbook and Ms Shens method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.我们使用的是一套新课本,沈老师的教学方法一点也不像我在初中时老师的教学方法。知识提炼本句中that是指示代词,指代前面出现过的method。that作替代词时,常用来代替前面出现的单数可数名词或不可数名词,以免重复。句式仿写这周的天气比上周的天气更糟。The_weather_of_this_week_is_worse_than_that_of_last_week.3Would you mind answering the questions for me?你介意回答我几个问题吗?知识提炼Would you mind.?用来委婉地提出请求,意为“请你做好吗?”或“做某事你不介意吧?”mind后除跟doing外,也可跟形容词性物主代词doing sth.或if I do sth.的形式。句式仿写我用一下你的新车你不介意吧?Would_you_mind_my_using_your_new_car?4The school year is divided into two semesters,the first of which is September through December,and the second January through May.一学年分为两个学期,第一学期是从九月份到十二月份,第二学期是从一月份到五月份。知识提炼句中的the first of which is September through December,and the second January through May是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词semesters。此处关系代词which不能被that代替,因为其前有介词of。句式仿写她有许多书,其中只有一本有趣。She_has_many_books,only_one_of_which_is_interesting.1In other words,there are three times as many girls as boys.换句话说,女生人数是男生人数的三倍。该句型为Abe倍数as many/muchn.asB,为倍数表达的一种常用句型,意为:A 是B的多少倍。This room is three times as big as that one.This room is twice bigger than that one.This room is three times the size of that one.这个房间是那个房间的三倍大。(比那个房间大两倍)The box is one third bigger than that one.这个盒子比那个大三分之一。There are four times more books in our library than in yours.我们图书馆的藏书是你们图书馆的四倍。The price of this house is three times what it was two years ago.这座房子的价格是两年前的三倍。表示“两倍”时要用double或twice,三倍或三倍以上用“基数词times”。有时我们也用分数、百分数、half等代替倍数。2Oh really?So have I噢,真的吗?我也去过。“so助动词/情态动词/系动词主语”表示“也是如此”,指上句中主语的情况也适合于第二句主语的情况。Frank adores dogs and so does his wife.弗兰克非常爱狗,他妻子也一样。If I see an old man falling to the ground,I will help him up.So will I.见到摔倒的老人我会去帮助。我也是。You seem to like tea.你似乎喜欢喝茶。So I do.是的,我确实喜欢。He said he would go to play football and he did so.他说要去踢足球,他真去了。Mary likes playing the piano,but she cant play it well.玛丽喜欢弹钢琴,但是她弹不好。So it is with her brother./Its the same with her brother.她的哥哥也是这样。1(2012年高考四川卷)This is not my story,nor _ the whole story.My story plays out differently.Ais there Bthere isCis it Dit is解析:句意:这不是我的故事,也不是一个完整的故事。我的故事是不一样的。本题考查倒装句。nor也不,位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装结构,故排除B项和D项;there be表示“有”,不符合句意;it is与前半句中的this is形成呼应。答案:C2The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be _ the present one.Aas three times big asBthree times as big asCas big as three timesDas big three times as解析:考查比较句型。此处用到了as.as.的原级比较,倍数位于第一个as之前,故选B。答案:B3(2013年陕西五校模拟)Come on,Maria!You can also enjoy _ you have been dreaming of,if you dont lose heart.Aas a convenient life as Bas convenient a life asCas a life convenient as Dconvenient as a life as解析:句意:加油,Maria!你若不灰心,你也能享受到你梦想中的便利生活。as/so/how/too等修饰单数名词短语时的语序是:as/so/how/too形容词a/an单数名词,所以B项正确。答案:B4Michael has changed beyond recognition._!How did he manage to lose so much weight?ASo has he BNeither has heCSo he has DNeither he has解析:句意:迈克尔变得都认不出来了。确实如此!他是怎么做到减了这么多重量的?So he has 他的确如此,此结构用于肯定前面的情况;A:他也一样,用以说明后者与前者情况相同,表肯定意义;B:他也不,用以说明后者与前者情况相同,表否定含义。答案:C5I dont suppose he could have done well in the exam last week,_ he?_,he almost failed to pass the exam.Ahad;Yes Bhas;NoCcould;No Ddid;No解析: I dont suppose后面的反问句应根据宾语从句构成,并且用肯定形式,但该题宾语从句中could have done是对过去的推测,并且有具体的过去时间last week,所以第一个空应用一般过去时的did构成反问句;由he almost failed to pass the exam判断他没有考好,所以第二个空用No,表示“没有考好”。答案:D
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