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第第7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 78第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788基础精梳理基础精梳理 类别类别中考考点助记中考考点助记词语联词语联想想1.(1)名词变复数:名词变复数:human_, sandwich_(2)名词变形容词:名词变形容词: danger_, tradition_, salt_ 2反义词:反义词:agree_, possible_, inside_humanshumanssandwichessandwichesdangerousdangeroustraditionaltraditionalsaltysaltydisagreedisagreeimpossibleimpossibleoutsideoutside第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788类别类别中考考点助记中考考点助记词语联词语联想想3.形容词变副词:形容词变副词: probable_, final_ 4动词变名词:动词变名词: pollute_, predict_, travel_, mix_5不规则动词过去式:不规则动词过去式: fall_, dig_ probablyprobablyfinallyfinallypollutionpollutionpredictionpredictiontravelertravelermixturemixturefellfelldugdug第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788短语精短语精选选1._ computers 在电脑上在电脑上2_ station 太空站太空站3_ for 寻找;寻求寻找;寻求4in the _ 在未来在未来5_ bored 感到厌烦感到厌烦6_ of 许多;成百上千的许多;成百上千的7wake_ 醒来醒来 8_ down 突然倒下;倒塌突然倒下;倒塌9agree_ sb. 同意某人的意见同意某人的意见10play a _ doing sth. 参与做某事参与做某事11_ and over again 多次;反复地多次;反复地ononspacespacelooklookfuturefuturegetgethundredshundredsupupfallfallwithwithpart inpart inoverover第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788短语精短语精选选12._ the earth 在地球上在地球上13live to _ 200 years old活到活到 200岁岁14milk _ 奶昔奶昔15_ into 把把倒入倒入16_ this time 在这时在这时17_ to do sth.需要做某事需要做某事18_ on打开;接通打开;接通19_ to 把把加到加到20mix _ 混合在一起混合在一起21fill_ 用用装满装满22cover_ 用用覆盖覆盖ononbebeshakeshakepourpouratatneedneedturnturnaddaddtogetherdtogetherdwithwithwithcwithc第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788重点重点句型句型1.100年后人们还使用钱吗?年后人们还使用钱吗?Will people use money _ _ _? 2.人们会活到人们会活到200岁。岁。People will_ _ _ 200 years old. 3每一个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。每一个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。Everyone should _ _ _ _ _ the earth. 4.现在已经有机器人在工厂里干活了。现在已经有机器人在工厂里干活了。Today _ _ already robots _ in factories. 5你怎样做香蕉奶昔?你怎样做香蕉奶昔?_ _ _ _ a banana milk shake?in in 100100yearsyearslivelivetotobebeplayplaya apartpartsavingsavingtherethereareareworkingworkingHowHowdodoyouyoumakemake第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788语法语法结构结构1.一般将来时。一般将来时。详见详见P111,语法专题,语法专题92可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词和不可数名词。详见详见P81,语法专题,语法专题1第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788考点巧突破考点巧突破考点考点1 yet/already 1 yet/already 巧辩异同巧辩异同yetalready主要用于否定句或疑问句;通常主要用于否定句或疑问句;通常位于句末。位于句末。在否定句中,在否定句中,yet意为意为“还还”;在;在疑问句中,疑问句中,yet意为意为“已经已经”。通常与一般现在时或现在完成时通常与一般现在时或现在完成时连用。连用。主要用于肯定句,一般位于实义主要用于肯定句,一般位于实义动词之前或系动词之后,意为动词之前或系动词之后,意为“已已经经”。通常与完成时或进行时连用。通常与完成时或进行时连用。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788考点考点2 join/join in/take part in/play a part 2 join/join in/take part in/play a part (1)join(1)join表表示示“加加入入某某一一组组织织而而成成为为其其中中的的一一员员”。joinjoin后后可可直直接接跟跟表表示示人人的的名名词词或或代代词词,表表示示“加加入入到到某某人人或或某某些些人人的的行列中去行列中去”。We We are are going going swimming. swimming. Would Would you you like like to to join join usus?我们要去游泳,你愿意和我们一起去吗?我们要去游泳,你愿意和我们一起去吗?(2)join (2)join inin表表示示“加加入入;参参加加( (某某项项活活动动) )”,inin后后接接名名词词或或v.v.inging形形式式;表表示示“参参加加某某人人的的某某项项活活动动”时时,可可用用join join sb. in (doing) sb. in (doing) sthsth. .。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788Will you join us in playing basketball?Will you join us in playing basketball?你愿意和我们一起打篮球吗?你愿意和我们一起打篮球吗?(3)take (3)take part part inin指指参参加加会会议议或或群群众众性性活活动动,重重在在说说明明句句子子主语参加该项活动并在其中发挥作用。主语参加该项活动并在其中发挥作用。Im going to take part in the sports meeting.Im going to take part in the sports meeting.我将参加这次的运动会。我将参加这次的运动会。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788(4)play (4)play a a partpart表表示示“参参与与( (某某事事) )”,后后面面习习惯惯上上跟跟in in doing doing sthsth. .。Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.人人都应该参与拯救地球。人人都应该参与拯救地球。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788考点考点3 man/people/person/human 3 man/people/person/human (1)man(1)man表表示示“男男人人”,复复数数形形式式是是menmen;当当manman前前没没有有冠冠词词或其他的修饰词时,表示或其他的修饰词时,表示“人类人类”。Man cant live without water or air.Man cant live without water or air.没有水和空气,人类就不能生存。没有水和空气,人类就不能生存。 (2)people(2)people是是一一个个集集体体名名词词。它它不不能能表表示示“单单个个人人”,如如果果以复数形式出现,表示以复数形式出现,表示“民族民族”;和定冠词连用表示;和定冠词连用表示“人民人民”。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788There are 56 peoples in China.There are 56 peoples in China.中国有中国有5656个民族。个民族。The Chinese people are very friendly.The Chinese people are very friendly.中国人民非常友好。中国人民非常友好。(3)person(3)person表示表示“单个人单个人”,不分男女。,不分男女。Bill Gates is a famous person.Bill Gates is a famous person.比尔比尔盖茨是一位名人。盖茨是一位名人。 第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788(4)human(4)humanhuman beinghuman being,意为,意为“人类人类”,区别于动物。,区别于动物。Dinosaurs lived long before humans appeared.Dinosaurs lived long before humans appeared.恐龙在人类出现很久以前就存在。恐龙在人类出现很久以前就存在。 第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788考点考点4 hundred/hundreds of 4 hundred/hundreds of (1)hundred(1)hundred前前面面有有具具体体数数词词修修饰饰时时,不不加加“s s”。 如如:two two hundred cows hundred cows 两百头奶牛。两百头奶牛。(2)hundreds (2)hundreds ofof表表示示“数数以以百百计计的的”。如如:hundreds hundreds of of cowscows几百头奶牛。几百头奶牛。 注注意意 类类似似用用法法的的词词:thousands thousands ofof数数以以千千计计的的,millions ofmillions of数以百万计的。数以百万计的。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788句型点击句型点击考考点点1 1 Will Will people people use use money money in in 100 100 yearsyears?100100年年后后人们还使用钱吗?人们还使用钱吗? 点点拨拨 inin意意为为“在在之之后后”,常常用用于于一一般般将将来来时时,用用how soon(how soon(多久以后多久以后) )对其提问。对其提问。 辨析辨析 in/after in/after第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788词条词条用法用法句子时态句子时态in表示以现在为起点的将来某一段时表示以现在为起点的将来某一段时间之后,后接时间段。间之后,后接时间段。用于将来时用于将来时after后可接时间点,也可接时间段。后可接时间点,也可接时间段。用于将来时或过去时用于将来时或过去时(after时时间段间段)Theyll leave for London in two weeks.Theyll leave for London in two weeks.两周后他们将前往伦敦。两周后他们将前往伦敦。She got there after three days.She got there after three days.她三天后到达了那里。她三天后到达了那里。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788考考点点2 2 Today Today there there are are already already robots robots working working in in factories. factories. 现在已经有机器人在工厂里干活了。现在已经有机器人在工厂里干活了。 点点拨拨 “There There is/areis/are名名词词( (人人或或物物) )v.v.ingingsthsth. .地点地点”表示表示“某处有某人某处有某人( (物物) )正在做某事正在做某事”。“There There must/may must/may bebe名名词词( (人人或或物物) )v.v.ingingsthsth. .地点地点”表示表示“某处肯定某处肯定/ /可能有某人可能有某人( (物物) )正在做某事正在做某事”。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788 注注意意 (1)v.(1)v.inging形形式式用用作作后后置置定定语语,修修饰饰前前面面的的主主语语,相当于一个定语从句。相当于一个定语从句。There There must must be be no no students students studying studying in in the the classroom classroom now.now.There There must must be be no no students students who who are are studying studying in in the the classroom now.classroom now.现在一定没有学生在教室里学习。现在一定没有学生在教室里学习。(2)there (2)there be be 句句型型的的一一般般将将来来时时形形式式:There There will will bebe或或There is/are going to beThere is/are going to be第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788智能双提升智能双提升基础过关基础过关.单词拼写单词拼写根根据据首首字字母母及及汉汉语语提提示示,完完成成下下列列单单词词的的拼拼写写,使使句句意意明明确,语言通顺。确,语言通顺。1 1Dont Dont get get close close to to the the big big dog. dog. Its Its d_ d_ ( (危险的危险的) )2 2People People around around the the world world love love p_(p_(和和平平) ) and and hate wars. hate wars. angerousangerouseaceeace第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7883 3Pass Pass me me the the s_(s_(盐盐), ), please. please. I I need need it it for for my soup.my soup.4 4I I only only saw saw her her once once d_ d_ ( (在在期期间间) ) my my stay in New York.stay in New York.5 5It It is is t_(t_(传传统统的的) ) to to eat eat mooncakesmooncakes in in China on MidChina on MidAutumn Festival.Autumn Festival.altalturinguringraditionalraditional第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788.单项填空单项填空1. 1. I I dont dont _ _ you you are are 40 40 years years old. old. You You look so young.look so young.Thank you. But I am really 40.Thank you. But I am really 40.A. say B. believe C. agree D. hopeA. say B. believe C. agree D. hopeB B根根据据“You You look look so so young.young.”可可知知前前句句的的句句意意应应该该是是“我我不相信你不相信你4040岁了岁了”。故选。故选B B。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7882. 2. Come Come on. on. The The movie movie _ _ in in twenty twenty minutes. minutes. We have to go to the cinema by taxi.We have to go to the cinema by taxi.A. start B. starts C. started D. will startA. start B. starts C. started D. will startD D由时间状语由时间状语“in twenty minutesin twenty minutes”可知用将来时。可知用将来时。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7883. 3. When When we we arrived arrived there, there, it it was was _ _ nine nine oclock. So we were late.oclock. So we were late.A. already B. even C. still D. yetA. already B. even C. still D. yetA A根根据据“因因此此我我们们迟迟到到了了”可可知知“我我们们到到那那里里已已经经9 9点点了了”。故选故选already(already(已经已经) )。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7884. 4. Women Women in in that that country country dont dont want want others others to to see see their their faces, faces, so so they they _ _ their their faces faces _ _ veils (veils (面纱面纱) )A. fill; with B. send; toA. fill; with B. send; toC. cover; with D. give; toC. cover; with D. give; toC Ccovercoverwithwith意为意为“用用盖住盖住”。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7885. 5. Its Its _ _ for for Chinese Chinese to to eat eat long long noodles noodles on on their birthday. They are a symbol of long life.their birthday. They are a symbol of long life.A. successful B. dangerousA. successful B. dangerousC. traditional D. difficultC. traditional D. difficultC C第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7881 120142014湖州湖州 Look at the clouds, so beautiful!Look at the clouds, so beautiful!Wow, Wow, so so many many different different _, horses, horses, sheep, sheep, flowersflowersA Asizes Bsizes Bshapes Cshapes Ccolors Dcolors Dstylesstyles中考透视中考透视B B考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。句句意意:“看看那那些些云云, 真真的的好好美美!”“”“哇哇,这这么么多多不不同同的的形形状状:马马、羊羊、花花儿儿”sizesize意意为为“尺尺寸寸”;shapeshape意意为为“形形状状”;colorcolor意意为为“颜颜色色”;stylestyle意意为为“方方式式”。由后文列举的由后文列举的“马、羊、花儿马、羊、花儿”可推知是云的形状,故选可推知是云的形状,故选B B。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7882 220142014南南昌昌 There There will will be be _ _ jobs jobs for for people people because because some some robots robots will will do do the the same same jobs jobs as as people. people. A Amany Bmany Bmore Cmore Cfewer Dfewer DfewestfewestC C考考查查比比较较级级的的用用法法。句句意意:人人们们将将会会有有更更少少的的工工作作,因因为为一一些些机机器器人人会会和和人人们们做做同同样样的的工工作作。人人与与机机器器人人作作比比较较,故故用用比较级。比较级。moremore指指“更多的更多的”,fewerfewer指指“更少的更少的”。故选。故选C C。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7883 3 20142014重重 庆庆 There There _ _ more more and and more more foreigners learning Chinese now.foreigners learning Chinese now.A Ais Bis Bare Care Cwas Dwas DwerewereB B考考查查主主谓谓一一致致及及时时态态。句句意意:现现在在有有越越来来越越多多的的外外国国人人学学习习汉汉语语。根根据据foreignersforeigners可可知知谓谓语语动动词词要要用用复复数数, 再再由由nownow可可知用现在的时态。故选知用现在的时态。故选B B。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7884 420142014云云南南 If If there there _ _ no no buying buying and and selling of animals, there will be no killing in nature.selling of animals, there will be no killing in nature.A Ais Bis Bwill be Cwill be Chas Dhas Dwill havewill haveA A考考查查动动词词的的时时态态。当当主主句句是是一一般般将将来来时时时时,ifif引引导导的的条条件件状状语语从从句句要要用用一一般般现现在在时时代代替替将将来来时时。句句意意:自自然然界界中中如如果果没没有动物买卖,就没有杀害。有动物买卖,就没有杀害。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7885 520142014天天津津 Robots Robots _ _ more more heavy heavy work work for for us in the future.us in the future.A Awill do Bwill do BdiddidC Chave done Dhave done Dwere doingwere doingA A考考查查动动词词时时态态。句句意意:将将来来机机器器人人会会为为我我们们做做更更多多繁繁重重的的工作。根据句中的时间状语,可确定用一般将来时。故选工作。根据句中的时间状语,可确定用一般将来时。故选A A。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7886 620142014安安徽徽 Mr. Mr. Wang Wang has has left left for for Guangzhou. Guangzhou. He He _ a speech there in two days._ a speech there in two days.A Agives Bgives BGave CGave Cwill give Dwill give Dhas givenhas givenC C考考查查动动词词时时态态。句句意意:王王先先生生已已经经前前往往广广州州, 两两天天后后他他要要在在那那儿儿做做报报告告。根根据据句句中中的的时时间间状状语语“in in two two daysdays”可可知知本本句句应用一般将来时。故选应用一般将来时。故选C C。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7887 720142014东东营营 When When he he arrived arrived at at the the airport, airport, Lee Lee Minho Minho found found that that _ _ fans fans were were waiting waiting for for him him there.there.A Ahundred Bhundred BhundredshundredsC Chundred of Dhundred of Dhundreds ofhundreds ofD D第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7888 820142014连连云云港港 A A Bite Bite of of China China 2 2 includes includes eight eight episodes. episodes. It It _ _ the the stories stories of of more more than than 150 150 people, and over 300 types of food.people, and over 300 types of food.A Afinds Bfinds Bproves Cproves Ccovers Dcovers DimaginesimaginesC Ccovercover意为意为“包括,包含,涉及包括,包含,涉及”。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 7889 920142014宁宁波波 I I got got a a message message saying saying my my phone phone number won a prize worth $3number won a prize worth $3,000.000.Too good to be true. Dont _ it.Too good to be true. Dont _ it.A Ado Bdo Bhold Chold Cmake Dmake DbelievebelieveD D考考查查动动词词词词义义辨辨析析。dodo意意为为“做做”;holdhold意意为为“抓抓住住”;makemake意意为为“制制作作”;believebelieve意意为为“相相信信”。句句意意:“我我收收到到信信息息说说我我的的电电话话号号码码获获得得了了价价值值三三千千美美元元的的奖奖品品。”“”“太太好好就就不不真实了。不要相信。真实了。不要相信。”根据句意应选根据句意应选D D。第第7 7课时八年级上册课时八年级上册 Units 7Units 788101020142014昆明改编昆明改编 What terrible weather!What terrible weather!Yes. Yes. I I hope hope to to plant plant trees. trees. _ _ trees, trees, _ air pollution. _ air pollution. A AThe more; the fewer BThe more; the fewer BThe less; the moreThe less; the moreC CThe less; the fewer DThe less; the fewer DThe more; the lessThe more; the lessD D考考查查形形容容词词的的比比较较等等级级。more more 后后接接可可数数名名词词复复数数形形式式或或不不可可数数名名词词;lessless后后接接不不可可数数名名词词;fewerfewer后后接接可可数数名名词词复复数数形形式式。treestrees为可数名词复数形式,为可数名词复数形式,pollutionpollution为不可数名词,故选为不可数名词,故选D D。
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