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Section Introduction & ReadingLanguage points课前自主预习课前自主预习答案:答案:1.D2.G3.E4.H5.A6.C7.F8.Bcut downbe caught inprevent sb./sth.(from) doing sth.go outas a result ofwake upone after anothersweep away课内研析探究课内研析探究.单词拼写单词拼写1With a (大量的;大规模的大量的;大规模的) of business to deal with,I wont be able to visit my grandparents.答案:答案:mass2More and more people are taking part in the (战役;活动战役;活动) against drugtaking.答案:答案:campaign3I had a (可怕的可怕的) encounter with a poisonous snake.答案:答案:frightening4He has enough (力气力气) to lift the box.答案:答案:strength5 (沙漠化沙漠化) has become one of the most serious environmental problems of the world.答案:答案:Desertification6Repetition can help the learning (过程过程)答案:答案:process.选词填空选词填空sandstorm,inland,frighten,strength,cycle 1The sight was so that all the people stood there,unable to move.答案:答案:frightening2The city has been suffering terrible air quality because of the effects of in Northwest China.答案:答案:sandstorms3Most people agree that is good for our health.答案:答案:cycling4The car turned away from the coast and headed .答案:答案:inland5He tried to lift the huge stone with all his ,but just couldnt make it move.答案:答案:strength.完成句子完成句子1我认为他放弃那份工作是愚蠢的。我认为他放弃那份工作是愚蠢的。I think that job.答案:答案:it foolish for him to give up2我很累,不能继续工作了。我很累,不能继续工作了。I was I couldnt go on with the work.答案:答案:so tired that3为了阻止女儿网上聊天,他们用尽了办法。为了阻止女儿网上聊天,他们用尽了办法。 ,they have tried all kinds of means.答案:答案:To prevent their daughter from chatting online4他好像已经得到了那份工作,因为他很开心。他好像已经得到了那份工作,因为他很开心。He ,for he is so happy.答案:答案:appears to have got the job.句型转换句型转换1I got up early this morning to catch the early train.I got up early this morning I could catch the early train.答案:答案:so that2It was difficult for us to arrive at the airport on time because of the heavy rain.The heavy rain for us at the airport on time.答案:答案:made it difficult;to arrive3The boy is so honest that we all trust him.He is a boy that we all trust him.He is boy that we all trust him.答案:答案:so honest;such an honest谢谢观看!谢谢观看!
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