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Period 2Look and see3Oxford EnglishModule 1 Using my five sensesLets guessIt is black.It always follows you.You can see it in the daytime, but not at night.What is it?What is it?sh_d_ _ao wLets guessLook at the shadows.Look at the shadows.Who are they?Who are they?HumfHumfs dadDoes the shadow change from morning to evening?How does it change?The sun rises in the morning. The shadow is long.At noon, the sun is high in the sky. The shadow is short.The sun goes down in the evening. Look at the shadow. It is long again.Read and matchABCHow does the shadow change?The shadow is long.The shadow is short.The shadow is long again.Think and sayThe sun rises in the morning.The sun is high in the sky.The sun goes down in the evening.The shadow is long.The shadow is short.Look at the shadow.It is long again.The sun rises in the morning.At noon, the sun is high in the sky.The sun goes down in the evening.Look and say_, the sun is high in the sky. The shadow is short.The sun rises _. The shadow is long.The sun goes down _.Look at the shadow. It is long again.Read and choosein the morningat noonin the eveningin the eveningAt noonin the morningWhat is high in the sky? When can we see them?Look and thinkThe moon and the stars are high in the sky. Do we have shadows at night?The sun _ in the morning. The shadow is long.At _, the sun is _ in the _. The shadow is short.The sun goes down in the _. Look at the shadow. It is long again.At _, the _ is _ in the _.risesnoonhighskyeveningnightmoonhighskyRead and writeWhy does the shadow change?Look and thinkA tree/a plantA Flashlight or a torchLets playLook at my shadow!How is the weather?Its sunny.When is it? Its in the morning.Where is my shadow? Why?Its cloudy.How is the weather now?Its rainy.Can you find my shadow? When we are at home at night, do we have shadows?When there is light, we have shadows. When there isnt any light, we have no shadows.When do we have the shadows?Look at the shadows. What are they?Can you make the shadows?Homework1. Copy the words below. evening night moon2. Read the passage on page 10 twice.3. Sing the song on page 11.4. Complete Workbook 4B pages 14 and 17.
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