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限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别w定语从句可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。w(1)限制性定语从句w 限制性定语从句是全句不可分割的一部分,如果把它去掉,句子意思便会受到影响,从句前不用逗号。w This is the horse (that) he would like to sell.w 这就是他要出售的那匹马。w Jack is the only student who can speak two foreign languages.w 杰克是唯一会说两门外语的学生。(2)非限制性定语从句w 此从句只是对所修饰的名词作进一步的补充,即便省去,全句的意思并不受影响。一般用逗号和主句分开。that不能引导此类定语从句。指人时用who, whom, whose引导;指物时由which引出,不能省掉。w We say hello to her brother, who is an engineer.w 我们和她的弟弟打招呼,他是一位工程 师。w试比较:We say hello to her brother We say hello to her brother who is an engineer.who is an engineer.w我们和她的那个是工程师的弟弟打招呼。wThe little boy, whose mother is our The little boy, whose mother is our English teacher, has remembered 20 English teacher, has remembered 20 poems of Tang dynasty.poems of Tang dynasty.w那个小男孩已经能背出20首唐诗,他的母亲是我们的英语老师。wThe policeman is checking his goods, The policeman is checking his goods, which are easily rottenwhich are easily rotten.w警察正在检查他的货物,这些货物很容易腐烂。wwhere 和 when 也可以引导非限制性定语从句,但不能省掉。wWe walked down the village street, where they were having a market day.w我们沿着村子的大街走去,他们正在那里赶集。wThey will break off the diplomatic relationship with that country next month, when the president will have a talk on TV.w他们将在下个月中止和那个国家的外交关系,到时总统将进行电视讲话。was 和 which引导非限制性定语从句,可以修饰整个句子。wHe has got high scores in the exams, which made his parents very happy.w他的考试成绩很高,这使得他的父母很高兴。wThe robber was arrested in Guangdong, as was reported on TV.w正如电视上所报道的,那个抢劫犯在广东被逮捕。w注:定语从句也可以由“名词(代词)+介词+关系代词”引出,一般是非限制性定语从句。例如:wI have four brothers and sisters, one of whom has got the doctors degree.w我有四个兄弟姐妹,其中一个已经获得了博士。wThere are some new terms in the article, the meaning of which may be difficult to the students.w这篇文章中有些新的术语,它们的意思可能使学员感到困难。wProfessor Wang has two sons, both of whom are PLA men.w王教授有两个儿子,他们都是解放军。
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