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Unit 2Unit 2Wish you were hereWish you were here( (主题语境主题语境: :人与社会人与社会物质与非物质文化遗产物质与非物质文化遗产) )-3-高频单词重点短语难点句型1.arrange vt.& vi.安排;排列;整理高考佳句 She arranged for a flight on a small plane.(2016全国卷,阅读理解)她在一架小型飞机上安排了一次飞行。(1)arrange sth.for sb.为某人安排某物arrange for sb.to do.安排某人做arrange with sb.(to).与某人约定(做)arrange+that (clause) 安排(2)arrangement n.准备,布置,整理come to an arrangement达成协议make arrangements for为做好安排make an arrangement with与(某人)商定或约好,(和某人)达成协议-4-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)Id appreciate it if you can your manufacturer.如果您能安排我参观你们的生产厂家,我将不胜感激。(2)Parents and spare no effort to pave the way for their success.父母为他们的孩子安排一切,并且不遗余力地为他们的成功铺平道路。(3)I my parents that we could borrow their car.我和父母说好我们可以借用他们的汽车。arrange for me to visit arrange everything for their children arranged with -5-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.advance n.前进;预先vi.前进;进步高考佳句 Since then,I have taken courses like Data Science and Advanced Mathematics.(2016北京卷,阅读理解)从那时起,我开始学习像数据科学和高等数学这样的课程。(1)in advance预先;提前in advance of在前面;事先with the advance of随着的增加;随着(时间)的推移(2)advance on/upon/towards朝前进(3)advanced adj.高等的;先进的;后期的advancement n.前进;进步;促进;提前;升级-6-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)To catch the early flight,we ordered a taxi and got up very early.为了赶上早班飞机,我们提前预订了一辆出租车并且早早起床。(2015北京卷,单项填空)(2)The horse is a frequent theme in Chinese painting,indicating a kind of.在中国绘画中马是一个常见的主题,它象征着一种进步。(3)The troops were finally given the order .部队终于接到了前进的命令。in advance advancement to advance -7-高频单词重点短语难点句型3.supply vt.提供,供给,补给n.供应品;供给高考佳句 She survived because of a plentiful supply of fresh water.(2015陕西卷,阅读理解)由于充足的淡水供应,她活下来了。(1)supply sth.to sb.=supply sb.with sth.给某人提供某物(2)be in short supply供应短缺-8-高频单词重点短语难点句型易混辨析supply,provide与offer(1)supply v.供给;补给supply+gas,water,etc.用在公用事业方面的居多,着重表示替换或补足所需之物,满足要求;还可用作名词,意为“供给(量),物资,存货”。(2)provide v.供给,提供;装备provide+services,etc.强调有预见,并通过储存或准备的方式为某事做准备,以在需要的时候提供所需物品。常用搭配:provide sb.with sth./provide sth.for sb.(3)offer v.提出,提供;呈现;出价offer+drink,paper,etc.向别人提供帮助、服务或物品,可能是对方要求的也可能是自己主动提供的。常用搭配:offer to help sb./offer sb.sth./offer sth.to sb.-9-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)The port is vital to relief to millions of drought victims.这个港口对向数百万旱灾灾民提供救援物资是至关重要的。(2)Water is ,pollution is worsening, and there is no affordable housing left for them to buy.水资源短缺,污染越发严重,而且没有可供他们购买的经济适用的住房。supply in short supply -10-高频单词重点短语难点句型用offer,supply,provide填空(3)He persuaded other people to money or to give help.(4)In Britain milk is to each house in bottles.(5)These local citizens have to balance their traditional lifestyle with the lifestyle by the modern French Republic.(2016四川卷,阅读理解)provide supplied offered -11-高频单词重点短语难点句型4.scare vt.使恐惧,惊吓高考佳句 Some of us enjoy activities that would surprise and scare the rest of us.(2016北京卷,阅读理解)我们中的一些人喜欢给其他人带来惊喜和恐惧的活动。(1)scare.away/off把吓跑scare sb.into doing sth.威胁某人做某事scare sb.out of doing sth.威胁某人不要做某事(2)scared adj.害怕的be scared of/to do.害怕be scared to death吓得要死be scared that.害怕(3)scary adj.可怕的,吓人的(4)scare n.惊恐;恐慌-12-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)At night,we lit a fire to .晚上我们点了一堆火,以吓退狼群。(2)Dont take me to watch thrilling movies in the futureI was .今后再也不要带我看恐怖电影了,我简直吓得要死。(3)Our plane ran into a thunderstorm over the Atlantic Ocean and bumped so hard that I was .我们的飞机在大西洋上空遇上雷雨,上下颠簸得很厉害,简直把我吓死了。(4)What a you gave me,appearing suddenly in the dark!你突然在黑暗中出现,可真吓了我一跳!scare wolves off scared to death scared to death scare -13-高频单词重点短语难点句型5.view n.观看;视野;景色;观点vt.看;(彻底地)检查,考虑;仔细观看,察看高考佳句 Unfortunately,just as I took out my camera,a woman approached from behind,and planted herself right in front of my view.(2017天津卷,阅读理解)不幸的是,就在我拿出相机时,一位妇女从我身后走了出来,恰好站在我的前面挡住了我的视野。-14-高频单词重点短语难点句型(1)be in view=be in sight在视野中be on view=be on show在展览,在陈列着in view of鉴于,考虑到,由于in ones view=in ones opinion在某人看来point of view观点come into view进入视野out of view不在视野中(2)view.as.将视为-15-高频单词重点短语难点句型易混辨析view,sight,scenery与sceneview指在远处或高处以人的角度看到的景色(scenery)的一部分。sight风景,名胜,多用复数形式,指人文景观。scenery集合名词,指某地区的整体风景,是由多个风景(scene)构成的景色。scene普通名词,指一眼可以浏览的风景,不限于自然景色。-16-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)She waved until the train was .她一直挥着手,直到火车从视野中消失。(2),it was a waste of time.依我看,这是浪费时间。(3) the above-mentioned facts,we wish to make the following proposals.鉴于上述情况,我们提出以下建议。(4)You never really understand a person until you consider things from his .直到你从他的角度去考虑事情,你才能真正了解一个人。out of view In my view/opinion In view of point of view -17-高频单词重点短语难点句型用view,scene,scenery或sight填空(5)The from the back of the classroom was also splendid.(2015浙江卷,短文改错)(6)All the way we were chatting,singing and laughing,enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful .(7)The Public Square is an eye-catching of the city.(8)At the end of the story,my mind continued the final of reunion.(2015天津卷,阅读理解)view scenery sight scene -18-高频单词重点短语难点句型6.bury vt.埋葬,掩埋;隐藏高考佳句 Dirt practically buried the first floors of every building in Chicago.(2015湖南卷,阅读理解)这些垃圾实际上掩埋了芝加哥每一座大楼的第一层。(1)be buried in=bury oneself in=devote oneself to/be devoted to埋头于;专心于be buried alive被活埋(2)burial n.埋葬-19-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)She her hands and wept when she heard the bad news.当她听到那个坏消息时,她掩面而泣。(2)Once he something,he would close his ears to anything else.一旦他专心于某事,他就会对任何别的事充耳不闻。buried her face in was buried in/buried himself in -20-高频单词重点短语难点句型7.announce vt.通告,宣告高考佳句 One day,armed with a basket of vegetables,he announced he was going to make stew.(2015四川卷,阅读理解)一天,他挎着一篮蔬菜,宣布要开始做炖菜了。(1)announce sth.(to sb.) (向某人)宣布/发布某事announce (to sb.) that.(向某人)宣布,通知It is announced that.据称(2)announcement n.宣布;公告,通告make an announcement发通知-21-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)It has been officially that he will pay a second visit to China soon.据官方消息,他不久将再次来中国访问。(2)He his resignation to staff members on Wednesday.他在周三向员工宣布辞职。(3)Attention,please!I have an to make.大家请注意!我有事要通知。announced announced announcement -22-高频单词重点短语难点句型8.reflect vt.反射;映出;思考;反省高考佳句 This is reflected in an up-to-date dictionary.(2015湖南卷,阅读填空)这一点在新版词典中都反映出来了。(1)reflect.in.在中反映出/映照出reflect on思考;反思(2)reflection n.反射;反映;思考be lost in reflection陷入沉思之中-23-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)She was looking at her face .她看着自己在镜子中照出的脸。(2)What he said .他说的这番话反映出了他的真实想法。(3)I need time your offer.我需要时间来考虑你的建议。reflected in the mirror reflected what he really thought to reflect on -24-高频单词重点短语难点句型1.up close靠近地,近距离地(相当于closely)经典例句 (1)When he looked at the paintings up close,he saw brush strokes,texture and fields of colour.当近距离看这些画的时候,他看到了笔触、纹理和色段。(1)get/be close to靠近close down倒闭,使停止close up关闭,靠拢(2)up to达到-25-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练用close down,close up,up close填空(1)The lady was even more beautiful than she had been from a distance.(2)The company has decided to its three branches in Europe.(3)We mustnt the old well.Its too dangerous.up close close down close up -26-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.in case万一(后接从句);以防万一(常用在句末,与just连用)高考佳句 Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move in case she injured her neck.(2016全国卷,完形填空)拉里告诉她,他已经把火扑灭了,并嘱咐她不要乱动以免伤到脖子。in case of如果,假使in the case of就而言in this/that case要是这/那样的话in no case决不,在任何情况下都不(置于句首时句子应采用倒装语序)in any case无论如何,不管怎样as the case may be视情况/根据具体情况而定as is often the case (with.) (对于)这是常有的事-27-高频单词重点短语难点句型用法点拨(1)in case可单独使用,也可后接句子,跟句子时,从句中可用虚拟语气(should)do。(2)当case做先行词且定语从句中不缺少主干成分时,要用where引导定语从句。-28-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1) you cannot finish the task in time,be sure to let me know.万一你不能按时完成任务,务必告诉我一声。(2)The company makes a promise that in no case the quality of products be cheapened.公司承诺无论在任何情况下都不降低产品的质量。(3)A spokesperson in London told us shed never heard of a case _her company had insured someone for a drug overdose.一位发言人在伦敦告诉我们,她从未听说她公司的被保险人对因吸毒过量投保的。(4) an emergency,break the glass and press the button.遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃并摁下按钮。In case will where In case of -29-高频单词重点短语难点句型3.be tired of对厌倦经典例句 That rich man is tired of city life,so he is content to live in the country.那位富人厌倦了城市生活,所以他愿意在乡下生活。be tired of sth./sb.=be sick of sth./sb.=be bored with sth./sb.对感到厌倦;对感到厌烦get tired of变得厌倦be tired of doing sth.厌倦/厌烦做某事be tired from/with因而感到疲劳be tired out精疲力竭-30-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练用tired相关短语的适当形式填空(1)He the long walking.As a result,he didnt go to the concert.(2)I was all his negative remarks.句型转换(3)I am bored with watching television.Lets go for a walk.=I am watching television.Lets go for a walk.=I am watching television.Lets go for a walk.was tired from/with getting tired of tired of sick of -31-高频单词重点短语难点句型4.in harmony with与融洽,和睦经典例句Human life is regarded as part of nature and,as such,the only way for us to survive is to live in harmony with nature.人类生活被看作自然的一部分,因此我们生存下去的唯一途径就是与自然和谐相处。(1)live/work in harmony (with sb.) (与某人)一起生活/工作得十分融洽(2)harmonious adj.和谐的-32-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练用harmony的适当形式或相关短语填空(1)I enjoy colour in nature.(2)His taste is mine.(3)Your suggestions are not the aims of this project.(4)We are trying to build a society.the harmony of in harmony with in harmony with harmonious -33-高频单词重点短语难点句型5.be home to是的产地/栖息地经典例句Corbett is home to about 135 Bengal tigers,but the forest seemed to be guarding their whereabouts.科比特是大约135只孟加拉虎的家园,但是森林似乎在保护着它们的行踪。feel at home感觉自在feel/make yourself at home请自便;别拘束at home in sth.熟练掌握某事物(both) at home and abroad国内外-34-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练用home相关短语的适当形式填空(1)She always in her friends house.(2)Zhongguancun is many high-tech companies.(3)She gives frequent performances of her work,both and abroad.(4)Is it difficult to feel in a foreign language?feels at home home to at home at home -35-高频单词重点短语难点句型1.Wish you were here 如果你在这里就好了(Page 21)动词wish后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气。表示与现在事实相反的愿望,从句中谓语动词用过去式;表示与过去事实相反的愿望,从句中谓语动词用“had+过去分词”;表示与将来事实相反的愿望,从句中谓语动词用“would/could+动词原形”。(1)wish to do sth.希望做某事(2)wish sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事(没有hope sb.to do sth.的用法)(3)wish sb.sth.祝愿(某人某事)-36-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)Ellen is a fantastic dancer.I wish I as well as her.埃伦是一个了不起的舞蹈演员。真希望我能跳得和她一样好。(2)It was my turn to recite.How I wish I able to say the rules without a mistake!轮到我背诵了。我多么希望我能够一点也不错地把那些规则说出来啊!danced had been -37-高频单词重点短语难点句型2.Well live with the local people in their villages,and eat and drink whatever they do,including cows blood!我们要跟当地的居民一起住在他们的村庄里,不管他们吃什么、喝什么,我们也一起吃、一起喝,包括牛血!(Page 23)(1)whatever做关系代词,表示“凡是的,所的”,引导名词性从句,相当于有定语从句做后置修饰语的名词词组。(2)whatever做连词,表示“无论什么”,引导让步状语从句。(3)whatever做定语形容词,表示“不管怎样的”,引导让步状语从句。(4)whatever意为“无论什么,不管什么”,可用来引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和让步状语从句。引导让步状语从句时相当于no matter what。(5)however做连词,意为“无论以何种方式,不管怎样”,后面接形容词、副词,however可以做副词,意为“无论如何,不管怎样,然而”。类似的词还有whoever,wherever等。-38-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)our circumstances are,we generally still have dreams,hopes and desires.不管情况如何,我们通常仍有梦想、希望和渴望。(2) breaks the law,he will be punished.无论谁违反法律,都会受到惩罚。(3)To look for a better life,the girl would rather go together with him he will go.为了追寻更好的生活,那位姑娘愿意与他一起到他将去的任何地方。(4)Standing uneasily before me,she bit her lip and nodded at _I asked her.她不安地站在我面前,咬着嘴唇,并对我所问的一切都点头。Whatever Whoever/No matter who wherever/no matter where whatever -39-高频单词重点短语难点句型3.Colin was about to get off the camel when a child ran towards him.科林刚要从骆驼上下来,这时一个小孩儿向他跑来。(Page 30)本句含有“be about to do.when.”句式,表示“正要做某事,这时(突然)”。when在此为并列连词,意为“就在这(那)时”。when常用于以下句型:was/were doing.when.正在做这时(突然)was/were on the point of doing.when.刚要做这时(突然)had just done.when.刚做完这时-40-高频单词重点短语难点句型四维热练(1)Tom close the window when his attention was caught by a bird.汤姆正要关窗户,这时他的注意力被一只小鸟吸引住了。(2)They football on the playground it rained.他们正在操场上踢足球,这时天下雨了。(3)She was leaving her house one of her friends came.她正要离开家,这时她的一个朋友来了。was about to were playing when on the point of when -41- .单句语法填空1.It is clear that the primary duty of parents is to provide _ (protect) for children.2.You must have noticed how (tire) I looked.3.I need a fine place for a good rest after such a tiring day might carry on tomorrow.4.I was looking for my handbag,which was (bury) under a pile of old newspapers.5.My own (view) is absolutely clear.What I did was right.6.Her sad looks (reflect) the thought passing through her mind.protection tired which buried view reflected -42- 7.Everyone was silent as he (announce) the winner of the competition.8.(explore) space will help China to take part in the international competition in the future.9.The President (official) announced the news yesterday.10.We have made all the (arrange) for the conference.announced Exploring officially arrangements -43- .单句改错1.In case should you tell anybody about this._2.Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report so that her boss reads it the next morning._3.It is the first time that I had ever been abroad._4.Burying in the film,she didnt hear the sound._5.Ive arranged a car to meet you at the airport._In后加noreadsreadhadhave或iswasBuryingBuriedarrange后加for-44- 6.Cowles loved the story and bought it on spot._7.The pool is surrounding by beautiful circular paths._spot前加thesurroundingsurrounded-45- .话题微写作翻译下面5个句子,然后通过合理想象,用恰当的修辞手段整合成一篇短文。1.校长安排我下周末带外教去参观附近的一个旅游景点。(tourist spot)2.我决定去猛洞河漂流。(white-water rafting)3.我先制订了一个出行计划,早上8:00出发,9:30到达目的地。(schedule)4.我们需要提前做好充分准备。(in advance)5.我们要遵守景点规定,服从救生员的指挥,穿好救生衣,戴好头盔。(life jacket)-46- My headmaster arranged for me to show a foreign teacher around a surrounding tourist spot next weekend.After much consideration,I have decided to go white-water rafting on the Mengdong River.First of all,I have made a schedule as follows.We will set off at 8:00 am and arrive at the destination at 9:30 am.We need to make full preparations in advance.While travelling,we should obey the regulations there,and listen to the lifeguards instruction.In addition,we must wear life jackets and helmets.
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