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Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor applied to direct-drive generators for wind turbinesMaxime R. DuboisLEEPCI, Dept. of Electrical EngineeringUniversit Laval, Qubec, CanadaHenk PolinderLab. of Electrical Power ProcessingDelft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands诀淖纸森阁混芯阮贩焉萤惕诗私项烦邱熬罗蕊蟹音妨琅酷灰谜泄歌则瓤侥Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Overview1- Introduction2- Advantages of TFPM machines and review of main topologies 3- TFPM machine with toothed rotor4- Optimization of TFPM machine with toothed rotor and conventional PM synchronous machine5- Comparison between TFPM machine with toothed rotor and conventional PM synchronous machine6- Conclusion拴耕冀居叁容鬼瓶碳垣呸蹋辨淬丸肝油藩瓷波兼韵瞻逼纷犊蓝绚砍宰份向Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究IntroductionDirect-drive Geared drive-train- avoided costs of the gearbox- no oil change- lower number of bearings less greasing- less moving parts increased reliability - less acoustical noise and vibrations - avoided friction losses of the gearbox- lower generator mass, size and costs - power electronics converter rated 30% of nominal power, with related cost and losses檄舞韧负革响蔚丑蹄疟囚尺砂跳南余证天拦武爵粗粒话触椅篡呼暴刺位五Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究IntroductionDirect-drive Geared drive-train- avoided costs of the gearbox- no oil change- lower number of bearings less greasing- less moving parts increased reliability - less acoustical noise and vibrations - avoided friction losses of the gearbox- lower generator mass, size and costs - power electronics converter rated 30% of nominal power, with related cost and lossesMOST IMPORTANT ARGUMENT (for now)斋雁幕滤枕袖涎岗诱刑善评雾卫稻吱茨壤分薯侨沤性从已浅陆吃蒲蔗努价Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Advantages of Transverse-Flux PM machines- According to literature: TFPM machines obtain lower cost of active material- NORPIE 2000: summary of machines designs taken from literature- However: Numerous Machines = Numerous Constraints !忆乔郁澜印业腋牡潭论烷阮花线甥惶戴漏肘牲澈凰馏思奏准殊莹抽殿寸束Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Review of main TFPM topologiesSurface-Mounted TFPM vs Flux-Concentrating TFPM-High Current loading in both cases (typical 300 kA/m)-Strong leakage flux between magnets in surface-mounted TFPM-Higher magnetic loading and torque/mass in flux-concentrating TFPM糖带猩孩窍盘掳科课索坐星泵撞祈依敲廷午谜曼贪度萨句鳞崇真肉陨璃灵Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Review of main TFPM topologiesSurface-Mounted TFPM vs Flux-Concentrating TFPM-High Current loading in both cases (typical 300 kA/m)-Strong leakage flux between magnets in surface-mounted TFPM-Higher magnetic loading and torque/mass in flux-concentrating TFPMPreferred for cost reduction刹耀聊绍撰垄狠冠桅佯糠厚馈括咬磁霹劈菩凝踌生壶满良誓关颗闸松衷削Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Review of flux-concentrating TFPM topologiesProblemsDouble-sidedDifficult rotorStackingA lot of powderediron癌每春补起巫冉窍盘烧挎爹女苍楔坝般植廉驯谷哑杨污链有远藕赵消感镣Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究TFPM machine with toothed rotorSingle-sidedEasy rotorinsertionLaminated Stator械砌九才人键枣村旧促芬入夺刽倔宙致芹候亥缎犹哉境隶顷筐患氰袜蛋版Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究TFPM machine with toothed rotorStator before windingStator completed and 1 rotor Phase mounted段僵祥耐畅蔼惦盔桂译恢跪番旷慨秘束滦础附躁橙忆韩杨龚予嘿禾脏扣躇Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Optimization of TFPM machine with toothed rotor & conventional PM synchronous machineMachine rotational speed as a function of the generator outside diameter.Generator outside diameter (m) turbine power range (kW)10 - 3030 - 100100 - 200400 - 600Nominal rotational speed (rpm)130754634For a thorough comparison, we optimize both machine types with the same constraints:- machine outer radius- efficiency h at full load- rotational speed米罢段滦锭锣莎于饯量槐江布把地育卯掷旗丙签壤抠适椰将题驴贵皿满咀Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Optimization of TFPM machine with toothed rotor & conventional PM synchronous machineOptimization procedure:-Optimization program calculates cost/torque of thousands of designs of TFPM machines with toothed rotor for h = 90% and 95%. -The program identifies the design having the lowest cost/torque.- Best design is fed into a 3-D finite element software for validation. -Torque and efficiency are adjusted accordingly.-Optimization program calculates thousands of designs of conventional PM synchronous machines having the same torque value as optimized design of TFPM machine with toothed rotor-Identification of the conventional PM synchronous machine with the lowest cost of active material. 锻沸吩惨拔统啤吞韶散龟红宿翅及幂踏恩喇嚎岔捶止畏担贵悸脚概杏旅革Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Optimization of TFPM machine with toothed rotor & conventional PM synchronous machineMain assumptions of the optimization procedure:- copper: 6 Euros/kg / lamination and powdered iron: 6 Euros/kg / PM: 40 Euros/kg- Manufacturing and magnetically-inactive material are not considered in the cost calculations- Number of phases is 3- In Convent. PMSM. : slots are deep (hs/bt = 4), q =1 and winding is double layer full-pitched- Sinusoidal terminal voltage v(t), no-load voltage e(t) and phase current i(t)- Sufficient forced air or liquid cooling is provided- PM = Nd-Fe-B with Br = 1.1 T - steels have linear B(H) characteristics mrFe = 1000 up to the point of saturation of 1.8 T- the air gap thickness g is equal to 1/1000th of the machine outside diameter- the slot fill factor is set to 0.6 for diameters larger than 2 m and to 0.4 for diameters below 2 m. - the specific eddy current losses in Fe-Si laminations at 50 Hz/1.5 T are set to 1.0 W/kg- the specific hysteresis losses in Fe-Si laminations at 50 Hz/1.5 T are set to 4.0 W/kg专靡杨毕骄丈刷焉玉苹折矫碎蹋戒毅裙候戏烤足毗丽滩排哨绪悦维学储囤Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Modeling of the TFPM machine with toothed rotorConventional PM Synchr. Mach.: flux lines are straight in the air gapTFPM machine modeling: bending of flux lines cannot be neglected. We use lumped reluctances and equivalent magnetic circuits Aligned position露腥吸兽路疾忱针惨铭哺俞觉崔揽更区挪郴雷威抵蠕蝗钉白糯糯疆豺隐巩Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Modeling of the TFPM machine with toothed rotorUnaligned positionFsmax, Fpnl, Rap, Rup are determined from the equivalent magnetic circuit崩券虚岁歹辅纯曹肉妹价聊坷漾刚湾汀偶喘绕降幂咨础橙函捏星缘瓮早圃Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Comparison between TFPM machine with toothed rotor and conventional PM synchronous machine壬炼紧卸芍友庙巴液舱云挑蜀惯秤曰谁猩氦嚣阿辆益此辽蝎朴贝陶铺僧旦Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Comparison between TFPM machine with toothed rotor and conventional PM synchronous machineFor DD WEC of 600 kW, active material = 23,000 Euros.about 4% of WEC cost !厌字顽饼矫羚方爹救扼仁丈钻看磨足墒蔷遁齐擎恼壁芍啪彼继婆椭洒绢眉Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究ConclusionThe cost/torque comparison between TFPM machines with toothed rotor and conventional PM synchronous machines was investigated,using innovative optimization and modeling tools. For diameters of 1.0 m and below, lower cost/torque is obtained with the TFPM machine with toothed rotor. Diameters larger than 1.0 m favor conventional PM synchronousmachines, when air gap is set to 1/1000th of machine diameter. Efficiency plays a dominant role in the cost/torque of both machinetopologies. More attention must be paid to the optimization of the mechanical design and to manufacturing costs.哨崖柏奉矛鹏智傍碗高晚彤迟蹄每或勇屎澡榴过热桩菇炮恬蕴撅逾浩椅奖Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究Study of TFPM machines with toothed rotor appled to 带齿转子施加横向磁场永磁电机机的的研究
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