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ReadingUnit1FogWhats the weather like in this Whats the weather like in this picture?picture?ask for helpblindaccidentfearWhat can you think of when the word “fog” is mentioned?get lostdangerconfuse1 1. be covered in a grey mist (L2) . be covered in a grey mist (L2) 笼罩笼罩在灰雾中在灰雾中 2. step out into the fog(L 4)2. step out into the fog(L 4) 踏进迷雾踏进迷雾之中之中3. once (L7) 3. once (L7) 一旦一旦 4. take one4. take ones fare (L8) s fare (L8) 收某人的车费收某人的车费5. that (L11) 5. that (L11) 那样,达到那种地步那样,达到那种地步 = so/ this 6. glance at (L16) 6. glance at (L16) 扫视扫视7. be nowhere to be seen (L17) 7. be nowhere to be seen (L17) 到处都到处都看不见看不见 8. in sight (L20) 8. in sight (L20) 在视眼之内在视眼之内9. set off (L20) 9. set off (L20) 出发,动身出发,动身 10.approach (L22) 接近,靠近接近,靠近11. feel a rough hand brush her cheek (L23) 觉得觉得一只粗糙的手拂了一下她的脸颊一只粗糙的手拂了一下她的脸颊12. feel her heart beating with fear (L25) 感到因害感到因害怕,她的心脏在怦怦乱跳怕,她的心脏在怦怦乱跳13. wish for sb to come along (L28) 希望有人能希望有人能走来走来14. fear held her still (L28-29) 恐惧让她不动恐惧让她不动15. hesitate (31) 犹豫,迟疑不决犹豫,迟疑不决 16. reach out (L32) 伸手拿伸手拿17. find oneself doing (L32-33) 发现自己(处于某发现自己(处于某状态);状态); 不知不觉地来到不知不觉地来到18. stare up at (33) 抬头盯着抬头盯着19. watch out for (L37) 留心,密切注意留心,密切注意 20. at the crossroads (L43) 在十字路口在十字路口21. hold ones hand firmly (L57) 坚定地握着某人的坚定地握着某人的手手22come to my aid (L50) 来帮助我来帮助我 23. in relief (L50) 如释重负如释重负24. pay back (L54) 偿还,回报偿还,回报 25. adapt from (L56) 节选自节选自 1.What is the story about? A young lady in the fog At 86 King Street.2.Where did Polly live?3.How did she usually get home? 4.What was the old man carrying? By bus A stick 1. Why did Polly leave work early?2. Why did Polly take the Underground train to Green park?3. What was the weather like outside the train station?Because there was a thick fog that afternoon and she wondered if the bus would still be running in the fog.Because the fog is too thick for the bus to go to King Street.The fog lay like a thick, grey cloud.4 According to lines 22-24, what made Polly afraid?5. According to line 33, what did the man look like?6. How could the man tell that Polly was young?The rough hand that brushed her face, and the mans voice that was close to her ear made Polly afraid.He looked old.He could tell Polly was young by hearing her voice.Put these events in the correct order.Polly took an Underground train to Green Park. An old man took Pollys hand. A hand reached out and touched Pollys arm. Polly thanked the blind man. A tall man in a dark coat was watching Polly. Polly and the old man turned left at the corner. Polly felt frightened when a rough hand brushed her face. Polly got to King Street safely. Polly left the office at four oclock. The old man went to help others.126593748101. What is the personality(性格特点性格特点) of the old man?2. What can we do to help those disabled like the old blind man?PartsParts Main idea Main ideaPart 1Part 11 1 a fog warning, Polly left work a fog warning, Polly left work 2 2 . .Part 2Part 2As the fog is too thick, she found 3As the fog is too thick, she found 3 was no bus to King Street.was no bus to King Street.Part 3Part 34 4 on the train, she on the train, she 5 5 she was she was being watched by a tall man in the dark being watched by a tall man in the dark coat.coat.Part 4Part 4A man 6A man 6 Polly, 7Polly, 7 made her feel made her feel frightened. She could feel her heart frightened. She could feel her heart beating with fear.beating with fear.Part 5Part 5The 8The 8 stranger helped Polly stranger helped Polly 9 9 her way home.her way home.Part 6Part 6The man did it to 10The man did it to 10 back the help back the help that other people gave him when it issunny.that other people gave him when it issunny.payfindfeltthereForearlierwhichtouchedObservinghelpfulThere are different types of stories. Stories have There are different types of stories. Stories have basic elements as follows:basic elements as follows:WhatWhat happened; happened;WhenWhen it happened ; it happened ;WhereWhere it happened; it happened; WhyWhy it happened; it happened; WhoWho was involved in the event. was involved in the event.A story with aA story with a climaxclimax or a or a surprise endingsurprise ending is usually is usually more more eye-catchingeye-catching. . a plota plota certain time perioda certain time perioda placea placea problem or an issue to be solveda problem or an issue to be solvedmain charactermain characterReading strategy-how to read a storyReading strategy-how to read a storya plota plotmain charactersmain charactersa certain time perioda certain time perioda placea placea problem or ana problem or anissue to be solvedissue to be solveda climax or aa climax or asurprise endingsurprise endingA story - foga woman lost in the fog was a woman lost in the fog was helped by an old manhelped by an old mana woman and an old manone afternoona foggy cityHow she should get homethe old man was blind1. Write an interview between an editor and Polly.2. Read the article in Part B in Reading on page 95 of the workbook.
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