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Cultural relicsCultural relics1 1look into somethinglook into something (1)调查 (investigate)Police are looking into the disappearance of two children. 警察正调查两个孩子的失踪事件。 (2) 朝里面看,往深处看The child looked into the big box and jumped back with fright. 小孩朝大盒里一 看,吓得往后跳了回来。 2 2in search of = looking for in search of = looking for 寻找寻找 相关短语相关短语 search for sb./sth. search some place for sth./sb. Mark went in search of water. 马克跑去找水。 Scientists are still searching for a cure. 科学家们仍在寻找治疗的方法。 He was searched by the guards for weapons. 他被警卫搜查看是否带有武器。3 3in return (for in return (for sthsth.) .) 作为(作为(的)交换,作为的)交换,作为 (的)回报的)回报 相关短语 on ones return = when one came back in turn 依次;轮流 He sent me a bike and in return I presented him with a vase. 他送我一辆自行车,我赠送花瓶作为回报。 On his return, he found the door locked. 他回来,发现门锁了。 Lets answer the questions in turn. 我们依次回 答问题吧。 用return的相关短语填空。We offer an excellent all-round education to our students. ,we expect students to work hard. from Canada, he joined the army.Liz agreed to look after the baby_ a free room.Each of us had to describe how alcohol had affected our lives.In returnOn his returnin return forin turn4.at war 4.at war 交战状态交战状态 at 的用法之一就是表示人或物处于某一特定状态; “在从事中” 如:_和平状态 _在休息_在用午餐 _身处险境 _自在,随便 _在求学_在上班 _玩耍中的孩子 at peaceat restat lunch at riskat easeat schoolat workchildren at play5.belong to somebody/something5.belong to somebody/something 属于(不用于被动语态和进行时)The house belonged to my grandfather. 这房子是我祖父的。 He belongs to the golf club. 他是高尔夫俱乐部的成员。 She recognized the voice as belonging to the man who had attacked her. 她认出声音是那个曾经 袭击她的人的。belong in 适宜于;有利于; 应该在某处A telephone belongs in every home. 电话对家家户户都有用。A man of his ability belongs in teaching. 具有他这种才能的人适宜于教书。用与belong连用的介词填空。Hunting dogs belong the country, not in the city.As a writer, he really belongs the 18th century.into6.think/speak highly of 6.think/speak highly of 赞赏;赞赏; 高度评价高度评价 (have a (have a good opinion of good opinion of sb./sthsb./sth.).)I think highly of those who are searching for the Amber. 我很欣赏那些为寻找琥珀而努力的人。 对think 提问时用what : What do you think of your teacher of English? 你觉得你的英语老师怎样? He is honest and hard-working. 他诚实、勤奋。相关短语think highly/ well/ much/ a lot of 反义:think little/ ill/ nothing of 1 1Although it Although it feelsfeels as hard as stone, it as hard as stone, it easily melts easily melts when heatedwhen heated. . (1) feel 在这句的作用是link-v. , “摸起 来”(不用于被动,后跟adj. 作表语) Her hands felt rough. 她的手摸起来很粗糙。 Its nice fabricit feels like velvet. 这是上好的面料,摸起来像是天鹅绒。 (2)When heated = when it is heated When heated 通常可以看作是一种省略句,省略的部分总是“主语+ be”,省略句的主语应与主句的主语相同。分词可以用-ing/-ed; 之前可以加上 when, while, before, once, since, though, even if 等等。 Even if (he is )invited, he wont go就算有人邀请他,他也不会去。When (it is) heated, water changes into steam水加热后变成水蒸汽。翻译句子。完成后,这将会是亚洲第二高的建筑物。_When completed, the building will be the second tallest in Asia. 2 2FrederichFrederich William I, the King of Prussia, William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imaginedcould never have imagined that his that his greatest gift to the Russian people would greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange story. have such a strange story. 情态动词 + have done 表示对过去发生事情的 推测。 You might have met Mr. Smith yesterday. 昨天你可能已见到了史密斯先生吧。 You dont look well; you must have caught a cold. 你气色不太好,很可能患了感冒。翻译句子。你面对300人讲话时,一定感到很紧张。 _ _这盒子被移动了,昨晚一定有人来过。 _ _When you spoke in front of 300 people, you must have felt very nervous. The box has been moved. Someone must have been here last night.
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