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Module 3 Unit 2Point to the windowStep1: Warm-up1、 GREETINGS.2、 SING A SONG GOOD MORNING, SAM3、LETS CHANT WINDOW, WINDOW, WINDOW, OPEN THE WINDOW. DOOR, DOOR, DOOR, OPEN THE DOOR.windowwindowwindowwindowdoordoordoordoordeskchairblackboardTask 2: Lead-in Task 2: Lead-in windowTask 3: New words Task 3: New words Learn & SpellDOORDESKchairTask 3: New wordsTask 3: New words Please look at me and guess whats word I said. Lets see, whos the best!看口型猜单词,比比看,谁最棒!Play games windowchairDESKdoorbirdpandaRead and matchRead and match ( (完成完成完成完成学学学学习习目目目目标标p62)p62)Task 3: New Task 3: New wordswords(Practice)(Practice)Fingers. Point.Task 4: Phrases Task 4: Phrases POINTTask 4: Phrases Task 4: Phrases Play games Please look at me, I say point(大声小声), you say point(小声大声)。 Lets see, whos the best!大小声游戏,比比看,谁最棒!Task 4: Phrases Task 4: Phrases Point to the windowDESKdoorchairTask 4: Phrases Task 4: Phrases (Pair work) Point to Task 4: Task 4: PhrasesPhrases(More practice (More practice & Pair work) & Pair work) Roll play Roll play LETS CHANTWindow, window, window, point to the window.Door, door, door, point to the door.Desk, desk, desk, point to the desk.Chair, chair, chair, point to the chair.LOOK AND READ1、看动画跟读句子2、Open your books and turn to page17. Read after me.Task 5: Text Task 5: Text TASK 5: TEXT TASK 5: TEXT 学习目标学习目标学习目标学习目标Listen and tick.(看动画,听课本第17页录音,完成学习目标P61(2))1)( )( )( )( )2) Task 5: Text Task 5: Text 学习目标学习目标学习目标学习目标Listen and tick.(看动画,听课本第17页录音,完成学习目标P61(2))3)4)( )( )( )( ) 1 1、盲人摸象游戏(幸运转盘)盲人摸象游戏(幸运转盘)盲人摸象游戏(幸运转盘)盲人摸象游戏(幸运转盘) LETS SEE WHICH GROUP IS LUCKY. LETS SEE WHICH GROUP IS LUCKY.2 2、下蹲与、下蹲与、下蹲与、下蹲与STAND UP(STAND UP(指到的指到的指到的指到的STAND UP, STAND UP, 没指到的下蹲)没指到的下蹲)没指到的下蹲)没指到的下蹲)Task 6: 拓展拓展练习Roll playPoint to (the)!整理一下,你整理一下,你学会了什么?学会了什么?Look for Make sentences doorTask 7: SummaryTask 7: SummarywindowdeskchairNow, Lets see what we have learnedNow, Lets see what we have learnedPoint to theLets see, which group is the best.Task 7: SummaryTask 7: Summary 1、 Listen, point, read(课文). 听磁带,指着跟读。 2、Listen, sing and record(学生目标P63). 3、画一画自己的教室或者房间,然后与同学交换标 出各部分的名称。 Task 8: HomeworkTask 8: HomeworkTask 9: Sing a song.Task 9: Sing a song. Stand upStand upThank you!Thank you!
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