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Unit 9 Wheels学习目标:学习目标:1.1.掌握本单元的核心单词、短语和重点句型。掌握本单元的核心单词、短语和重点句型。2.2.学会运用所学仿写文章,做到输入和输出相学会运用所学仿写文章,做到输入和输出相结合。结合。【自主学习自主学习】一、完成句子一、完成句子1.convenient 2. therefore 3. vocabulary4. responsibility 5. reliable 6. appreciate7. sensitive 8. rely 9. addicted10. occupied二、词组填空二、词组填空1. argue with 2. work out 3. is content with4. benefit from 5. pulling out 6. took place7. so far 8. fed up with【课内探究课内探究】I. Translate the following sentences:1.1.作为现代文明的产物,私家车一直在人们的日常生活中作为现代文明的产物,私家车一直在人们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。起着重要的作用。( (现在完成进行时;现在完成进行时;civilization文明)文明)2.2.尽管私家车对人们来说是方便的,但是它们引起了一些尽管私家车对人们来说是方便的,但是它们引起了一些问题,比如空气污染和交通拥堵。问题,比如空气污染和交通拥堵。(as/though倒装;倒装;be convenient for)3.3.更多的汽车意味着更多的能源使用,这就直接导致了地更多的汽车意味着更多的能源使用,这就直接导致了地球上能源的短缺。(非限制性定语从句)球上能源的短缺。(非限制性定语从句)4.4.骑自行车不仅节能而且能保护环境,因为它们不会释放骑自行车不仅节能而且能保护环境,因为它们不会释放废气。废气。(not only倒装;倒装;energy-saving节能节能)5.5.骑自行车的人们可以省钱,保持健康,甚至长寿。骑自行车的人们可以省钱,保持健康,甚至长寿。(who引导的定语从句)引导的定语从句) 1. As the product of modern civilization, private cars have been playing an important part in peoples daily life. 2. Convenient as private cars are for people, they also cause some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams. 3. More cars mean using more energy, which directly results in a lack of energy on the earth. 4. Not only is riding bicycles energy-saving, but also it can protect the environment, because they wont give off waste gas. 5. People who ride bicycles can save money, keep fit and even live longer.1.1.作为现代文明的产物,私家车一直在人们的日作为现代文明的产物,私家车一直在人们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。常生活中起着重要的作用。( (现在完成进行时;现在完成进行时;civilization文明)文明)2.2.尽管私家车对人们来说是方便的,但是它们引尽管私家车对人们来说是方便的,但是它们引起了一些问题,比如空气污染和交通拥堵。起了一些问题,比如空气污染和交通拥堵。(as/though倒装;倒装;be convenient for) Convenient as/though private cars are for people, they also cause some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams. As the product of modern civilization, private cars have been playing an important role/part in peoples daily life.3.3.更多的汽车意味着更多的能源使用,这就直接导致更多的汽车意味着更多的能源使用,这就直接导致了地球上能源的短缺。(非限制性定语从句)了地球上能源的短缺。(非限制性定语从句) More cars mean using more energy, which directly results in a lack of energy on the earth.4.4.骑自行车不仅节能而且能保护环境,因为它们不会骑自行车不仅节能而且能保护环境,因为它们不会释放废气。释放废气。( (not only倒装;倒装;energy-saving节能节能) ) People who ride bicycles can save money, keep fit and even live longer.5.5.骑自行车的人们可以省钱,保持健康,甚至长寿。骑自行车的人们可以省钱,保持健康,甚至长寿。(whowho引导的定语从句)引导的定语从句) Not only is riding bicycles energy-saving, but also it can protect the environment, because they wont give off waste gas. II. 随着私家随着私家车越来越多,越来越多,带来的来的问题也越来越多。也越来越多。请写一篇写一篇题目目为“Lets Ride Bicycles”的文章的文章(about 100 words),呼吁人,呼吁人们通通过骑自行自行车来建立一个低来建立一个低碳城市。主要内容包括:碳城市。主要内容包括:1.目前私家目前私家车带来的空气来的空气污染和交通堵塞等染和交通堵塞等问题。2.骑自行自行车的益的益处,如能,如能环保有利健康等。保有利健康等。注意:注意:1.1.书写规范,字迹清楚,做到美观大方;书写规范,字迹清楚,做到美观大方;2.2.把握好时态;把握好时态;3.3.表达规范,尽可能使用高级词汇和复杂句型;表达规范,尽可能使用高级词汇和复杂句型;4.4.合理分段,把握文章整体结构。合理分段,把握文章整体结构。 Lets Ride Bicycles Nowadays, more and more families own private cars. As the product of modern civilization, private cars have been playing an important role in peoples daily life. Convenient as private cars are for people, they also cause some problems such as air pollution and traffic jams. Besides, more cars mean using more energy, which directly results in a lack of energy on the earth. As far as Im concerned, riding bicycles is a good solution. Not only is riding bicycles energy-saving, but also it can protect the environment, because they wont give off waste gas. Whats more, people who ride bicycles can save money, keep fit and even live longer.Therefore, lets take action to build a low carbon city by riding bicycles. Lets Ride Bicycles Nowadays,. As, private cars. Convenient as, they also cause. Besides, more cars, which As far as Im concerned, Not only, but also, because Whats more, people who.Therefore,
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