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Unit 6 I am going to study computer science New words and phrasesLearning Goals:一、语言知识和语言功能:1. 能争取使用下列词汇(Curriculum words) cook doctor engineer violinist driver pilot pianist scientist college education medicine university article send team foreign able question meaning discuss promise beginning improve physical themselves hobby paint weekly schoolwork own personal relationship 2. 能争取使用下列常用短语(Useful expressions)grow up computer programmer make sure make the soccer team be able to at the beginning of write down have to do with take up3. 能认读下列词汇(non-curriculum words)resolution self-improvement 4. 理解、翻译并复述运用本节课的新词汇所编写的故事,利用故事记忆单词。STEP II. LEARN TO READ THE WORDS ON PAGE 126-127.1. Students manage to read the words using the phonetics by themselves and mark the difficult words. 2. Especially read the difficult words in groups.3. .Get one or two middle-level students to read all the words. Ask the good students to correct the wrong pronunciations. If necessary, the teacher corrects them.4. Read after the tape.5. Read aloud and the teacher walks around to see whether students have any questions.engineern.工程师工程师Mybrotherwantstobeanengineer violinistn.小提琴手小提琴手Theviolinistisverybeautiful.drivern.驾驶员,司机驾驶员,司机Thedriverissmiling.sheisnice. pilotn.飞行员飞行员IwanttobeapilotwhenIgrowup.Pianistn.钢琴家钢琴家Heisafamouspianist.scientistn.科学家科学家Allthescientistsarehard-working.theyhavealotofinventions.university n . 大学,高等学府 He is going to study something special at a university2. REMEMBER THE WORDS ACCORDING TO THEIR SIMILAR PRONUNCIATION. / pig rich sitcom similar in discuss / e / educational expect successful question resolution / / plan stand happen action character / hope joke own/ comedy common hobby college/ i: / meaningless reason team/:/ cartoon army article/ / culture unlucky London3. REMEMBER THE WORDS BY COMPLEX WORDS (合成)CONVERSION(转换),COMPARISON (对比) AND DERIVATIVE(派生)1. complex words (合成)school + work = schoolwork 学校作业 功课(2) Conversion(转换):一个单词(或短语)由一种词类用作另一种词类He planned (v. 打算,计划) to making a plan ( n. 计划)(3) comparison (对比) 两个单词的意思截然相反,也叫反义词。More serious(更稳重的)- less serious ( 不太稳重 )(4) Derivative(派生): 在词根上加前缀或后缀构成另一个与原意略有变化或截然相反的词1). educational adj. 有教育意义的 education n. 教育educate v. 教育educator n.教育者2).discussionn.讨论讨论discussv.讨论讨论3).personaladj.自己的自己的本人的本人的personn.个人个人4).drivern.司机司机drivev.驾驶驾驶5).appearv.出现,露面出现,露面appearancen.出现,露面出现,露面disappearv.消失消失disappearancen.消失消失6).Weekn.周周weeklyadj.adv.每周的每周的每周地每周地7).meanv.意义意义meaningn.意义意义意思意思8).unluckyadj.不幸的不幸的unluckilyadv.不幸地是不幸地是luckyadj.幸运的幸运的luckilyadv.幸运幸运地是地是luckn.运气运气5. REMEMBER THE WORDS AND PHRASES BY MATCHING THEIR MEANINGS.厨厨师医生医生工程工程师小提琴手小提琴手 司机司机飞行行员钢琴家琴家科学家科学家 编程人程人员名名词:药,医学,医学 大学大学学校作学校作业教育教育学院学院业余余爱好好关系关系 开开头决心,决定决心,决定诺言言意意义队,组B) REMEMBER THE PHRASES ACCORDING TO THEIR CHINESE MEANINGS. 1.Ihopeto_(记录下记录下)whatsgoingonaroundtheworld.2.Mybrother_(擅长英语擅长英语).3.Myfatherwantstobe_(工程师工程师)4.Hewantstobeasingerwhenhe_(长大长大)5.Sheisgoingtogetgood_(成绩成绩)6.Theywantedus_(get)upearly.STEP VII : EXERCISES: THE END-OF- CLASS TEST一根据首字母及句意完成单词一根据首字母及句意完成单词1.Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup?Iwanttobeane_.2.Howareyougoingtodothat?Imgoingtostudymathr_hard.3.Whereareyougoingtowork?Imgoingtom_toShanghai.4.Whenareyougoingtostart?ImgoingtostartwhenIfinishhighschoolandc_.二翻译下列短语1.确信确信_2.确保确保_3.能够做某事能够做某事_4.在在开始开始_5.记录记录_6.关于关于_7.学着做学着做_8.长大长大_ STEP VIII. HOMEWORK1. Ask the Ss to review the wordsespecially the words and phrases they havent grasped on their notebook. ( )2. Ask the Ss to make sentences with the following words and phrases: ( ) educational, plan , hope, expect ,meaningless ,famous , culture , simple, successful ,unlucky,find out , be ready to , dress up, take sb;s place, do a good job.3. Preview Section A (1a2d ).
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