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Unit ThreePart A教学重点:教学重点:掌握词汇及短语掌握词汇及短语:friends,thin,strong,quiet,longhair,shorthair运用本单元句型描述自己周围的人运用本单元句型描述自己周围的人Myfriendisstrong.Hehasshorthair口语表演下面句子:A: Good morning, Whats in your schoolbag?B: Many books and a pencil-case.A:How many books do you have?B:Ihave6books.A:What colour is your pen?B:Its yellow.A:May I have a look?B:Sure ,here you are.A:Thank you.New wordsfriendsXiyangyangandFeiyangyangarefriends.Meiyangyangismyfriend.quietshorthairlonghairstrongthinLookatthepicture.Readafterthetape.根据图片,读出单词或短语Shehasshorthair.Shehaslonghair.Heisstrong.Sheisthin.1. A: My friend is very nice. She has long hair. Who is she? B: _.2. A: My friend is a girl. She has short hair. Who is she? B: _.3. A: My friend is thin. He has short hair. Who is he? B: _.4. A: My friend is strong. He has short hair. Who is he? B: _.5. A: My friend is very quiet. She has long hair. Who is she? B: _.Lets find outLets find outABCDShe has long hair, big eyes and ears. “她有长头发,大眼睛和耳朵。”has“有”的意思,是have的第三人称单数形式,它在表示“有”时,表示所属“有”,表示归某人所有。如:He has a blue pen. 他有一支蓝色的钢笔。点点 拨拨 :将下列短语翻译成英语1. 长头发 _2. 你最好的朋友 _3. 大眼睛 _4. 小鼻子 _5. 她是长头发的 _6. 他是小眼睛的 _longhairyourbestfriendbigeyessmallnoseShehaslonghair.Hehassmalleyes.假如下面几位同学是你的朋友,向同学们描述一下他们吧!Friendship is everywhere!友情无处不在!Treasure our friendship!珍惜我们的友谊!Homework:用学到的单词和句子来描述家人和朋友。See you
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