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科技英语中部分否定句的汉译n在英语的否定结构中,由于习惯用法问题,其中部分否定句所表示的意思是不能按字的 面顺序译成汉语的,因此,翻译时要特别注意。 的英语中含有全体意义的代词和副词如all、的every、的both、的always、的altogether、的entirey等统称为总括词。它们用于否定结构时不是表示全部否定,而只表示其中的一部分被否定。因此,汉译时不能译作“一切都不”,而应译为“并非一切都是的 ”,或“一切不都是”。(1)All of the heat supplied to the enginc is not converted into useful work.,并非供给热机的所有热量都被转变为有用的功。错译:所有供给热机的热量都没有被转变为有用的功。(2)Every one cannot do these tests.并非人人都能做这些试验。错译:每个人都的 不能做这些试验。(3)Both instruments are not precise.两台仪器并不都是精密的。错译:两台仪器都不是精密的。n4)This plant does not always make such machine tools. n这个工厂并不总是制造这样的机床。错译:这个工厂总是不制造这样的机床。但是当这些总括词 + 肯定式谓语 + 含否定意义的单词时,则是表示全部否。例如:n(1)All germs are invistble to the naked eye.n一切细菌都是肉眼看不见的。n(2)Every design made by her is impossible of execution.n她所做的一切设计都是不能执行的。 n(3)Both data are incomplete. n两个数据都不完整。的n(4)In practice,error sometimes always seems unavoidable.n在实践中,差错有时似乎总是不可避免的。定语从句的汉译n1、的只要是比较短的,或者虽然较长,但汉译后放在被修饰语之前仍然很通顺的,一般就放在被修饰语之前,这种译法叫作逆序合译法。例如:n(1)The speed of wave is the distance it advances per unit time.n波速是波在单位时间内前进的距离的n(2)The light wave that has bounced off the reflecting surface is called thereflected ray.n从反射表面跳回的光波称为反射线。n(3)stainless steel,which is very popular for its resistance to rusting,contains large percentage of chromium.n具有突出防锈性能的不锈钢含铬的百分比很高。n2、定语从句较长,或者虽然不长,但汉译时放在被修饰语之前实在不通顺的就后置,作为词组或分句。这种译法叫做顺序分译法。例如:(1)Each kind of atom seems to have a definite number of“hand”that it can use to hold on to others.的每一种原子似乎都有一定数目的“手”,用来抓牢其它原子(顺序分译法)n每一种原子似乎都有一定数目用于抓牢其它原子的手。(逆序合译法)这句限制性定语从句虽然不长,但用顺序分译法译出的译文要比用逆序合译法更为通顺。n(2)Let AB in the figure above represent an inclined plane the surface of which is smooth and unbending.n上图中AB代表一个倾斜平面,其表面光滑不弯。(顺序分译法)的n设上图中AB代表一个其表面为光滑不弯的倾斜平面。(逆序合译法)n3、定语从句较长,与主句关联又不紧密,汉译时就作为独立句放在主句之后。这种译法仍然是顺序分译法。例如:的(1)Such a slow compression carries the gas through a series of states.each of which is very nearly an equilibrium state and it is called a quasi-statictor a“nearly static”process.n这样的缓慢压缩能使这种气体经历一系列的状态,但各状态都很接近于平衡状态,所以叫作准静态过程,或“近似稳定”过程。n(2)Friction wears away metal in the moving parts,which shortens their working life.的n运动部件间的摩擦力使金属磨损,这就缩短了运动部件的使用寿命。的4、There + be句型中的限制性定语从句汉译时往往可以把主句中的主语和定语从句溶合一起,译成一个独立的句子。这种译法叫作溶合法,也叫拆译法n1)There are bacteria that help plants grow,others that get rid of dead animals and plants by making them decay,and some that live in soil and make it better for growing crops.的n有些细菌能帮助植物生长,另一些细菌则通过腐蚀来消除死去的动物和植物,还有一些细菌则生活在土壤里,使土壤变得对种植庄稼更有好处。n(2)There is a one-seater which you could learn to drive in fifty minutes.的n有一种单座式汽车,五十分钟就能学会驾驶。
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