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第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册自 学 反 馈重 点 突 破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册自 学 反 馈类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1. centre_ adj.2. high_ n.3. sheep _ (复数复数)4. like_ (反义词反义词)5. general_ adv.6. add_ n.7. winner_ v. heightsheepgenerallyhatecentral自学反馈重点突破additionwin类别类别课标考点要求课标考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展8. feel_ n.9. recent_ adv.10. pollute_ n.11. hopeful_ (反义词反义词)12. magic_ adj.feelingrecentlyhopelesspollutionmagical自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册短语短语归纳归纳1.根据;按照根据;按照_2. (使使)不靠近;不靠近;(使使)避开避开_3.把某物从某物上刷掉把某物从某物上刷掉_4. (与与)相比相比_5.有可能;有机会有可能;有机会_6.处理处理_7.即使;尽管即使;尽管_keep sb./sth. awaybrush sth. off sth.compared withbe in with a chancedeal/do witheven though自学反馈重点突破according to第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册短语短语归纳归纳8.8.保护保护;使;使不受不受_9.9.朗读;宣读朗读;宣读_10.10.剪掉;切掉剪掉;切掉_11.11.写日记写日记_12.12.祝贺某人祝贺某人_13.13.扔掉;丢弃扔掉;丢弃_14.14.把把变成变成_protect sth. against sth.read outcut offkeep a diarycongratulations to sb.自学反馈重点突破throw awaychangeinto第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册短语短语归纳归纳15.15.采取措施采取措施_16.16.属于属于_take stepsbelong to自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册句型句型再现再现1.这块岩石叫艾尔斯岩这块岩石叫艾尔斯岩This is a rock _ Ayers Rock2. 澳大利亚拥有的海滩比其他任何国家的都多澳大利亚拥有的海滩比其他任何国家的都多Australia has more beaches than _ _ country3. 邦迪海滩是我所见过的最美丽的海滩。邦迪海滩是我所见过的最美丽的海滩。Bondi Beach is the most beautiful beach _ I have ever seen.calledany otherthat自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册句型句型再现再现4.澳大利亚的食物怎么样?澳大利亚的食物怎么样?What _ the food_ in Australia?5. 他就是去年赢得摄影比赛的男孩!他就是去年赢得摄影比赛的男孩!Hes the boy _ _ the photo competition last year!6. 没关系。没关系。It _ _.islike自学反馈重点突破who wondoesnt matter第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册句型句型再现再现7. 今晚我非常开心地宣读摄影比赛获胜者名单。今晚我非常开心地宣读摄影比赛获胜者名单。Tonight I am _ _ happy to read out the winners of the photo competition.8. 与往年相比,我们收到了更多的与往年相比,我们收到了更多的(参赛参赛)照片。照片。_ _ other years, we received many more photos.more than自学反馈重点突破Compared with第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册句型句型再现再现9.谈论我们不能做的事情是没有用的。谈论我们不能做的事情是没有用的。Its no use_ _ things we cant do.10. 尽管现在污染很严重,但我认为它并非毫无希望。尽管现在污染很严重,但我认为它并非毫无希望。_ pollution is heavy now, I dont think its _.talking about自学反馈重点突破Thoughhopeless第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册语语法法结结构构1. 1. that, that, whichwhich和和whowho引引导导的的定定语语从从句句 详详见见P105P105,语法互动,语法互动( (十三十三)2. 2. 构词法构词法自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册词 汇 点 睛1 height n高度;身高点拨 height的形容词形式为high。注意:be数词metresinheight/length/widthbe数词metreshigh/long/wideOne of the buildings in Hefei will be 550 metres in height. 合肥将有一座550米高的大楼。重 点 突 破自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册 2 sheep n羊;绵羊点拨 sheep为可数名词,复数形式是其本身。There are many sheep in Australia.澳大利亚有很多羊。拓展 类似的单复数同形的名词:fish(鱼),deer(鹿),means(手段,方法),Swiss(瑞士人),Chinese(中国人),Japanese(日本人)等。自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册 3 add v添加点拨 addto意为“把加到中”。Add the cheese to the sauce.把奶酪加到调味汁里。拓展 add to意为“增加,增添”;add up to意为“加起来总和为”。The bad weather added to our difficulties. 恶劣的天气增加了我们的困难。All these figures add up to 2,000.所有这些数字加起来总和为2000。自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册 4 present v授予;呈递点拨 present sth. to sb.present sb. with sth.意为“给某人颁发某物;把某物交给某人”。I presented a book to my pen friend.I presented my pen friend with a book.我把一本书送给了笔友。/我送给笔友一本书。拓展 (1)present作形容词,意为“出席的;现在的”。at present意为“目前”。(2)present作名词,意为“礼物”。自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册 5 congratulations n祝贺点拨 congratulation作名词,常用复数形式。congratulations to sb. on sth.意为“因某事向某人表示祝贺”。Ive passed the driving test.我通过了驾照考试。Congratulations!祝贺你!拓展 congratulations后常接sb.;而celebrate后常接sth.。自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册中考典例2014黔西南 Mum, Ive got the first prize in the photo competition._A. Good luck!B. Not at all.C. Good idea! D. Congratulations!D自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册巧 辨 异 同1表示位置关系的词: off, to, on与in自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册(1)in表示“包含”关系。Guangzhou lies in the south of China. 广州位于中国南方。(2)on表示“相邻/接壤”关系。Shandong lies on the east of Henan. 山东位于河南东部。(3)to表示“相隔”关系。Shanghai lies to the south of Beijing. 上海位于北京南部。(4)off表示“相离”关系。Many islands lie off Chinas east coast. 许多岛屿位于中国东海岸。中考典例2014苏州 The castle stands in a quiet place _ the main road at the far end of the river.A. toB. forC. offD. outC自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破 2 thanks to与thanks forthanks to 意为“幸亏;由于”,相当于because of,后接名词或代词。thanks for 意为“因而感谢某人”,后接名词或动名词。第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册中考典例2014遂宁 _ free education, more and more poor children can go back to school in the mountain.A. WithoutB. Thanks toC. Instead ofB自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册 1 Australia has more beaches than any other country澳大利亚拥有的海滩比其他任何国家的都多点拨该句是比较级句式,却表达最高级含义。试比较结构:“比较级thanany other单数名词”结构常用于同一范围内的比较,所以须用other将其本身排除在范围之外;该结构可与“比较级thanthe other复数名词”相互转换。Tom is taller than any other student (any of the other students) in his class.汤姆比他班上其他任何同学都高。句 型 透 视自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册“比较级thanany单数名词”常用于不同范围内的比较。China is larger than any other country in Asia.中国比亚洲其他任何一个国家都大。(同一范围)China is larger than any country in Africa. 中国比非洲任何一个国家都大。(不同范围)自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册2 It doesnt matter. 没关系。点拨 “It doesnt matter.” 是常用的情景交际用语,通常用来回应别人的道歉。试比较“道歉”与“感谢”的答语:自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册Sorry, I am late again. Thank you!It doesnt matter.Never mind.Forget it.Thats OK.Thats all right.Youre welcome.Thats all right.Not at all.Dont mention it.My pleasure.Forget it.中考典例2014宁波 Im so sorry about last night. It was all my fault._.A. Forget itB. No wayC. Go ahead D. My pleasureA自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册3 What does Tony think of Damings suggestion?托尼觉得大明的建议如何? 点拨句型“What do/does sb. think of?”用于询问某人对某人/事的看法,类似的句式还有How do/does sb. like/How do/does sb. feel about?等。What do you think of the book called Gone with the wind?你觉得飘这本书怎么样?自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册4 Tonight I am more than happy to read out the winners of the photo competition.今晚我非常开心地宣读摄影比赛获胜者名单。 点拨 (1)more than形容词/过去分词,表示“十分,非常”。Im more than glad to see you again.我很高兴再次见到你。(2)more than数词,表示“多于,超过”。(3)more than名词,表示“不仅仅是,不只是”。He is more than a scientist.他不仅仅是位科学家。自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册 5 at that time, people were not used to seeing photos of the earth like this.那时,人们还不习惯看到这样的地球照片。点拨 (1)“sb.be/get used to (doing) sth.”是固定句式,意为“某人习惯于(做)某事”,其中to为介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。I am used to having four meals a day. 我习惯于一天吃四顿饭。自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册(2)试比较以下句型:自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册sb. used to do sth. 意为“某人过去常常做某事”,to后接动词原形。sb. be/get/become used to doing sth. 意为“某人习惯于做某事”,to后接动名词。sth. be used to do sth. 意为“某物被用来做某事”,to后接动词原形。中考典例2014枣庄 Liu Huan, a famous male singer, has long hair, because he _ long hair.A. used to haveB. is used to havingC. is used for having D. is used to haveB自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册6 Its no use talking about things we cant do. 谈论我们不能做的事情是没有用的。 点拨 Its no use doing sth.是固定句式,意为“做某事是没有用的”。在这个句式中,it 是形式主语,动词ing形式是真正的主语。类似的句型如下:It is no good doing sth. 做某事是没有好处的Its a waste of time/money doing sth. 做某事是浪费时间/金钱Its fun doing sth. 做某事很有趣自学反馈重点突破第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册1. Tony is taller than _ in his class.A. any boyB. any other boyC. other boy D. any boys2. 2014温州 Mike, thank you for driving me home._. Have a nice day!A. Thats right B. Im afraid notC. Youre welcome D. Its a good ideaB自学反馈重点突破C第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破3. 2014遂宁 Dale used to _ to office in his car, but he is used to _ the bus now.A. going; taking B. going; takeC. go; taking4. Please _ the numbers and make sure they will _ more than 100.A. add; add up B. add up; add up toC. add to; add up D. add up; addCB第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册自学反馈重点突破5. Sorry, Im late._ We have just begun our class.A. It doesnt matter. B. Thats a shame!C. Im afraid not. D. You are welcome!A第18课时Modules 1012 九年级上册主题写作(九)语言学习篇命题者通常列举语言学习过程中出现的某一现象,要求考生就该现象进行描述,提出合理的建议,阐述自己的观点。主要涉及教学方式的变化、课堂学习方法、英语学习方法等,此类试题一般利用要点提示的方式来考查。主题写作主题写作( (九九) )语言学习篇语言学习篇1 I enjoy learning English, but I am not good at it.2It is hard for me to understand other people when they talk.3I find English grammar very hard to learn.4Could you please tell me how to improve my spoken English?5In English class, we should listen to the teacher carefully and take notes when necessary.6We should take part in all kinds of activities,such as reading, writing, having discussions and playing games.7Its very important to be confident when you learn a foreign language.8I think that doing lots of listening, speaking,reading and writing practice is the secret of becoming a good language learner.主题写作(九)语言学习篇 假如你是韩梅,对英语有浓厚的兴趣,但不知如何提高听、说、读、写技能,同时语法对你来说也是个难题。因此,你打算给加拿大的笔友Kate发一封电子邮件,向她倾诉这些问题并征求她的建议。注意:1. 80词左右;2文中不能出现真实的人名和校名;3邮件开头、结尾已给出,不计入总词数。主题写作(九)语言学习篇Dear Kate, Im writing to you for some problems about learning English._ Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Han Mei主题写作(九)语言学习篇【审题思路】1找准关键点:对英语学习感兴趣,但面临困难,希望得到方法建议。2写作方式:email3时态:一般现在时4人称:第一人称和第二人称主题写作(九)语言学习篇【写作模板】主题写作(九)语言学习篇【佳作赏析】 Dear Kate, Im writing to you for some problems about learning English.I enjoy_learning(enjoy的用法) English, but (转折词的使用使文章自然流畅) I dont do well in it(结合要点:学习英语很棘手). It isnt easy for me to understand other people when they talk. So(副词so的使用使文章衔接自然) I feel worried. I_think(引出个人的看法) that doing_lots_of_listening,_speaking,_reading_and_writing_practice(动名词作主语) is the secret of becoming a good language learner. Do you主题写作(九)语言学习篇agree with me? Another thing that I find very hard(that引导的定语从句) is English grammar(结合要点:学习英语语法很难). However(副词的使用使文章自然连贯), it is necessary for me to master English grammar.Could you please tell me how you learn English in Canada(结合要点:提出问题)?Are you the same as us Chinese students? Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Han Mei主题写作(九)语言学习篇 某英语报开展 “How to deal with the exam stress” 征文比赛,请你根据表格中的提示内容,简要描述并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇90词左右的英语短文。主题写作(九)语言学习篇适当的压力积极思考,认真学习;及时复习,防止遗忘;过重的压力无法入睡,非常疲倦;害怕考试,导致失败;应对的措施合理计划,准备充分;(至少2条)One possible version:How to deal with the exam stress Everyone may have the exam stress. A little bit of stress can be a good thing to us. If we have proper stress, we can think actively and work harder. Besides, it can remind us to review our lessons in time to remember them. So we can pass the exams easily. However, if we have too much stress, we cant sleep well at night and we may feel too tired. We may fear the exams too much and fail in the end. In my opinion, to deal with stress, wed better plan and prepare well. We should also form some good habits, such as enough exercise and healthy diets. Then well feel relaxed and do well in the exams.主题写作(九)语言学习篇
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