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Fad Sports Yoga 瑜伽是教你如何与自己相处的运动。只有美好的心境才能缔造真正的通透素颜。当你随着优美,舒缓的音乐练习瑜伽时,全身的每个部位,每个地方都得到了释放,你从中获得内心的平静以及无限的精神之美,美和生命力就会散发出来,感染身边的人。当我们改变时,世界也随之而改变。 B11审计学班林笑盈1104112112 Yoga changed my character to some extent . It makes me know how to be grateful . Yoga is a science,and is also a way that people in the physical,mental and moral and spiritual exercise care in your heart and soul art. Most people think that yoga is for girls sports,in fact, this sport is also very suitable for boys In ancient times, yoga is originally designed for men designed, especially the muscle male for sport. 在远古时代,瑜伽本来就是专为男人所设计的,尤其适合运动型的肌肉男。Those are some photo of usLets enjoy a video 最精彩的双人瑜伽表演.flvThrough it to feel Yoga Charm
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