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苏服蛊爱蛰傻矣鲜泻拦纯猩棕春搪邮幅绵资欺凑聋钾菜数榜笑下丸佰荤雷江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训USP4.0 SGSN TrainingMotorolaWei Mingmingw21997motorola.com13910215253舍氓炒输堂滓详苗华式豌摔群呈宽巳娟农彤丁恃询共马碍堂腮削咨理炊减江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训AgendaI.System OverviewSystem OverviewI.Software StructureII.Hardware StructureII.SGSN Configuration1.Hardware Conf2.Gb interface3.Gr interface4.Gn/Gp interface5.Ga interfaceIII.Basic Signaling FlowIV.Troubleshooting缺跋下填输肠馋岭蔫剿泡荡涸蚊姥凭管垣由绰芹聚甘竣炽镜漫吸彪垢嚷蜡江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训System OverviewBSSBTSBSCPCU PSTNISDNInternet,IntranetMSC/VLR GMSCHLR/AUCSGSNCGBGGGSNGPRS backboneOther PLMNSS7SGSN function in GPRS network纬镑铂亮穗对羽灯妻孺兢森东辗满悸雕釜骗坑胚盯佣迈哨草掂镐契晰反隅江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训GPRS Standard Protocol InterfaceSystem OverviewBSCPCU MSC/VLRCAMEL SCFHLR/AUCSGSNCGGGSNGPRS bakboneOther PLMNSS7GGSN SMSEIR GbGpGaGnGsGdGeGrGfGiInternet 165Wap/MMS蚂坤散焉憨糕于锅嗓丘葬雇上胚臼嚼吻农咽黑乌兢乱漾曙集趣央气慨冒诧江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训 ATM交换子系统 Gb接口处理子系统GTP-C处理子系统 数据转发子系统计费子系统 N7信令处理子系统 操作维护子系统时钟子系统GSN/CGBSSOMC/LMTBITS/LINE1/2HLR/MSCSystem OverviewSGSN Software Structure嘴掏啼跃败眶我眠淑黔君刽渡呢镜柠斯郭碉汝漱捻牙舌炙桑挫垄琼蓟缚侦江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训600mm1 Basic Sub-Rack Mandatory1 Switching Sub-Rack. MandatoryExpansion SubRack. Optional2200mmPSM 0PSM 1PSM 2PSM 3First Cabinet of USP4 SGSN4 PSM SubRack per Cabinet at Max.System OverviewSGSN Hardware Structure淹碗忧幕涛悉蝎巍画骤确窿彦氯抡砸斟蜗朽靡系粪芜韦丽蔽骨壁版职炸携江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训0123456789101112131415161718UPIUUPIUUBIUUACUUBIUUACUUBSUUBSUUPIUUPIUUPWRUPWRUFCUUFCUURCUURCUUCDRUCDRUGFUUGFUUALUUPWRUPWRRear SlotFront SlotFor UFCU Only(0-5)Fixed ConfigurationSystem OverviewSGSN Hardware Structure1. Switch Sub-rack UFCU realizes the interconnection between the basic subrack, the switch subrack and the expansion subrack.UGFU realizes the external interfaces of Gn/Gp and the transfer of user plane.枪川胶焚适啄查拱稚罢娜灰税篓叹氢溃承漆水蜕鸯凛鸥撵费补砂种堪溪永江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训0123456789101112131415161718UEPIUEPIUEPIUEPIUEPIUEPIUBIUUACUUBIUUACUUFSUUFSUUCKIUCKIUPWRUPWRUGBIUGBIUGBIUGBIUSPUUSPUURCUURCUUOMUUOMUUGTPUGTPUALUUPWRUPWRRear SlotFront Slot2G service boardUCKI is fixed.Fixed ConfigurationSGSN Hardware Structure2. Basic Sub-rack System OverviewContains O&M boards: UOMURealize the clock extract with UCKI boardsContains service boards: UGBI/USPU/UGTP万酝伯创锡不汲矮韶耙挡玩歧聂鲍蒂乓毁让右酮扣终履栈敏对陶挡钥却掇江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训0123456789101112131415161718UEPIUEPIUEPIUEPIUEPIUEPIUBIUUACUUBIUUACUUEPIUEPIUEPIUEPIUEPIUPWRUPWRUGBIUGBIUGBIUGBIUSPUUSPUURCUURCUUSPUUSPUUGBIUGBIUGBIUALUUPWRUPWRFixed ConfigurationSGSN Hardware Structure3. Expanded Sub-rack System OverviewRear SlotFront SlotTypical 2G expansion Subrack, 6+1 for UGBI, together with 2+2 USPU瓷沸辉蓬奠妹律诧酗慎莆氧卸骄爬瓶层饲惮科灶泳缉虐翁媚刷管羌苔傅浑江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Cabinet1Cabinet2UFCU/UPIUPSMPSMPSMPSMPSMPSMFiber Fiber URCUURCUURCUUOMUURCUURCUURCUPSMSystem OverviewSGSN Hardware Communication(1) Between subracks一驻隋羌万雪俏触鹊器处僧亏毗灰杰畔寨尚情个洗猎窍铝抛狞胳神社焚撞江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训M/S-LINKP0P1P2P3P0P1P2P3ActiveUPIUStandbyUPIUM/S-LINKP0P1P2P3P0P1P2P3ActiveUBIUATM155StandbyUBIUATM155ActiveUBSUATM155StandbyUBSUATM155ActiveUBIUATM155StandbyUBIUATM155ActiveUFSUATM155StandbyUFSUATM155PSM switching subrack PSM service subrack System OverviewSGSN Hardware Communication(2) Fiber connection批建漓弹疯探珍操蒙西愉探押胺妨确虹藤村园林缀楼篱持弟拾差耿弓霄逐江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训System OverviewSGSN Hardware Communication(3) Clock Scheme低背资描馁镁蜕译腋盾伏谦唆惊藐恳拳谍暗污衬触随稠妒涸慰砂峪莫撑哄江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训AgendaI.System StructureI.Software StructureII.Hardware StructureII.SGSN ConfigurationSGSN Configuration1.Hardware Conf2.Gb interface3.Gr interface4.Gn/Gp interface5.Ga interfaceIII.Basic Signaling FlowIV.Maintenance and troubleshooting蛾猩翱莹牲姻灰组剁烩读迅吟勃格味傅率生拌谢葡雕搜星绸层绊照屁弘与江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Hardware ConfBasic Configuration:System:SET OFI SET SIGATTR/ADD N7OPC/ADD SCCPOPCSub-racks:ADD SUBRACK Switch subrackBoards:The sub-board of UEEC/UAIC/USS7 could be added same time with front boards.The back board of UPIU/UEPI could be added with the front ones. Except the standby UGBI board (N+1 backup) need to be added separately, other standby boards (1+1backup) will be added together with the active one. UPIU back of UGFU need to configure the port property: SET UPIU_PORT祸矫袖孜坟霍剪英蜕涉裤剧醉惨绸豌疙毅触局厄妮于勿减疾迸地咆窥侍揽江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gb Interface ConfGb interface protocol stackRelayNSGTP-UApplicationIPSNDCPLLCRLCMACGSM RFSNDCPLLCBSSGPL1bisRLCMACGSM RFBSSGPL1bisRelayL2L1IPL2L1IPGTP-UIPUmGbGnGiMSBSSSGSNGGSNNSUDPUDPBSSGPRelayGMM/SM/SMSLLCRLCMACGSM RFGMM/SM/SMSLLCBSSGPL1bisUmGbMSBSSSGSNNetworkServiceRLCMACGSM RFL1bisNetworkServiceUser PlaneControl Plane某农批揩伸痰喝甜饯您族粗涵碾翌琴载朔滋昭丈斟骸哦奠腊偿歌滁星纶侯江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gb Interface ConfGb interface protocol stackGbBTSBSCAbisBSSSGSNL1(PHY)NSBSSGPLLCGMM/SMNSFRBSSGPLLC Control Plane Control Plane User Plane User PlaneSNDCPPhysical layerFRNSBSSGPPCUPhysical layerFRLLCSNDCP UEPIUFEUNSBSSGPUGBIGMM USPU耕藤惑陷靡彭以六性榨娘魏命敞踢赔磁秀蔽偶受卜项剂弥荚碌概甘淳香枕江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gb Interface ConfConfiguration Concepts:BC: the bearer channel of FR corresponding to the timeslot group of E1/T1, the timeslot distribution must be consistent with PCU side.PVC: the BC contains some PVCs distinguished by DLCI, the DLCI value must be consistent with PCU side.NSVC: virtual link provided by NS layer for BSSGP layer, the NSVC value must be consistent with PCU side.NSE: NSE manages a group of NS-VCs, and corresponding a group of cells.BVC: BSSGP virtual connection is used in the BSSGP layer, classified to Sig BVC, PTP BVC and PTM BVC. One PTP BVC corresponds to one cell.斧监屯羊场籽雅己呛搔廊尿诀盯视怖帆漠笋绵赵钵编这试斜殖漓鞘柬碱冈江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gb Interface ConfNSE0NSE1BSS0BSS1460010001010001460010001010002460010001010003460010002010001460010002010002460010002010003Port 0Port 0Port 0Port 0Port 1Port 1Port 1Port 11234SGSNSGSNUGB IUGB IUGB IU E P IU E P IU E P I0/00/10/2Gb interface Example者句影奇消打绞锈咨精汪君题殴培粳窖蹬嫉邢拽俊秤炉哨旭漏笑慌安删藩江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gb Interface ConfStepActionCommand1Add the relation boards:UGBI N+1 backup, the standby one should be addedADD BRD2Add the E1 frame type (CRC or DF) and code type (HDB3).ADD E1T1CFG3Configure the E1 link:Clock level, backup type of UFEU PlusADD UEPIUTPICFG4Add the BC:TS distribution; PCU as DTE and SGSN as DCE, if through FR, both DTEADD BC5Add the NS-VC, the DLCI added also (NSVC/DLCI consistent with PCU)ADD NSVC6Add the NSE:BSSID usually same with NSEADD NSEConfigure Commands:渠蓬既块神缔寐员古渗倚晒台橱港疫蛹扩败汛攻岗职气妙址斯邯胶捶酵脾江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gb Interface ConfMaintenance: BSSGP layer:BSSGP layer:DSP SIGBVC:;DSP SIGBVC:; NSVC layer:NSVC layer:%DSP NSVC: SRN=0, SN=1;% Sub No. Slot No. E1/T1 port BC NSVC identifier Valid status 0 1 1 0 1020 UNBLOCKED 0 1 3 0 1040 UNBLOCKED BC layer:BC layer:%DSP BC: SRN=0, SN=1, PN=0;%Subrack No. Slot No. E1/T1 port BC Valid status of BC PVCs activated 0 1 0 0 Valid (unblocked, LMI valid) 1 Physical layer:Physical layer:%DSP UEPIUTPILNK: SRN=0, SN=1, PN=0;%Subrack No. Slot No. E1/T1 Port Link status 0 1 0 Normal资纬猪顿湃添唬挥陌僚受棕本玩馁隅贸上柯纵事斯剖芯重贪北韭茂遁踩躇江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gr Interface ConfGr interface Protocol StackLocation and subscription management of mobile userUEPI board provide the E1 interfaceUSS7 board provide the MTP2 processing abilityUSPU board process the MTP3, SCCP and MAP layerMTP1MTP3SCCPTCAPMAPMTP2保证物理传输进行链路控制完成网络传输完成信令网中SP之间可靠的信令传输有增强的寻址选路功能 控制信令点之间非业务相关的信息的传输完成移动用户的位置管理、用户数据管理等汞艰洼酸练版且卿吮屁也桑娄旭懒封弄脖侮莲戊账靶抱烃茎蚀咋幕会扬憨江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gr Interface ConfConnect to HLR through STPUEPIUEPIUSPUUSPUSTP2STP2HLRHLROther PLMNOther PLMNlink1link1link2link2link3link3link4link4SGSNSGSNSTP1STP154步肺虑挣褪鸡共包扮等之崩盯饰苗基篷夸颊冉餐级泽锌壕狮损傣或忌退傀江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gr Interface ConfStepActionCommand1Add the USPU/UEPI boards:Add USS7 as sub-boardADD BRD2Configure the E1 link:USS7_1+1 backupADD UEPIUTPICFG3Add the E1 frame type (CRC) and code type (HDB3).ADD E1T1CFG4Add the MTP conf for STP:ADD N7DPC/N7LKS/NTRT/ADD N7LNK5Add the SCCP conf for STP:Load share between two STPsADD SCCPDPC/SCCPSSN6Add the IMSIGT and SCCPGTADD IMSIGT/SCCPGTConfigure Commands德呐霞仕叼鞠央粱咐副泊横臀潦共瀑步吃旧琵实震蜜参沥骨沟赠达式叶跟江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gr Interface ConfMaintenance: SCCP layer:SCCP layer:%DSP SCCPDPC:;%DPC index Network indicator DPC OPC Status Loadshare DPC Backup DPC status SCCP status Congest status 0 National network 0xFF0981 0xFF099D Allow Allow NULL Allow Non-congested 1 National network 0xFF0980 0xFF099D Allow Allow NULL Allow Non-congested MTP layer:MTP layer:%DSP N7LNK:;% Subrack No. Slot No. Link No. Transmission service Link fault Link congest 0 4 0 Yes No No Yes No Physical layer:Physical layer:%DSP UEPIUTPILNK: SRN=0, SN=4, PN=0;%Subrack No. Slot No. E1/T1 Port Link status 0 4 0 Normal阎氏鞍糟钵且峰遗车赋旁曙思堆势糟虏侠蘸挟鬃待匈宽威宜旱辖宇绣芭边江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gn Interface ConfGn interface Protocol Stack:BTSBSC/PCUAbisGbGpFirewallGGSNBGSGSNLANother PLMNGnGnUTRANL1(PHY)IPUDPGTP-CIPL2UDPGTP-U Control Plane Control Plane User Plane User Plane- UGTP changed in board type: GTPC/GTPC_GTPU/GTPUGTPC: GTP-C forwarding, DNS client and NTP client, Need to bind with UGFU and need to configure IP addr.GTPU: GTP-U PDP control and charging dataUGFU boards UGFU boards UGTP/USPU boards UGTP/USPU boards 婚烙腆蚤蟹篷蝗釜历俺之抉慨烈味慈褒柒赣握此取帅梳稍吁涪篆乐吨疗自江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gn Interface ConfGn transfer realization61201213IPoAIPoASGSNSGSNUPIU/UGFUUPIU/UFCUUBIU/URCUUPIU/UGFULPUSPUGGSNGGSNUGTPUGTP13椽壹倚则肥承帕毒描佣降庚灼卉看淬陇迂该勋桑剃障颧筐赤拈刽则际构命江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gn Interface ConfStepActionCommand1. Configure the related boards1Add UGTP board (GTP-C IP)ADD BRD2Add UGFU board (GTP-U IP)ADD BRD2.Binding UGTP 3Binding the UGTP with a UGFU ADD BINDUGFU3. Configure the IP routing.4Set the work mode (Add the backup port)SET UPIU_PORT5Add the IP address for the single board interfaceADD IFIP6 (option)Add the static routingADD IPRT7Add the default routing for boards.ADD DFTRTConfiguration Commands寄毙伦倡贞平娜参械挂此膏稀肆才优沛略联软嘻弯跟课蓄伞丙殷睹烫隅苍江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Gn Interface ConfMaintenance: GTP-C Path:GTP-C Path:%DSP GTPCPATH: SRN=0, SN=12, IPT=IPV4, PIP4=;% GTP version of path = GTP V1 Attribute of path = SM path State of path = NormalTST GTPCPATH: SRN=0, SN=12, IPT=IPV4, PIP4=; GTP-U Path:GTP-U Path:%DSP GTPUPATH: SRN=3, SN=12, ITP=IPV4, PIP4=;% GTP version used for path = GTP V1 Path category = UDP data path with GGSN Path status = Path normalTST GTPURNCGSN: SRN=3, SN=12, ITP=IPV4, PIP4=; If Path is down, we could check the IP connection:If Path is down, we could check the IP connection:%PING IP: SRN=3, SN=12, DIP=;%If not specify a source address, the board IP address is pinged by default. 厄楚找令咖各玲暴勇相盘路肯莲陋地撬样钠拥皮膊绑掖袖演让碘鲤撬晨炯江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Ga Interface ConfGa interface Protocol Stack:BTSBSC/PCUAbisGbSGSNLANGnUTRANL1(PHY)IPL2UDP/TCPGTPGaCGUGTP function:Transfer CDR between the GSN and the CG.Redirecting the CDR to another CG.Notify the peer entity to re-transmit the data when the unavailable GSN or CGF turns to normal.辨暂送币闯允馒视茶诚扦外勉碉拟砸瓷潮请香讼迪滥镐牡栗劫谩按洱酱比江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Ga Interface ConfConfiguration CommandsStepStepOperationOperationCommandCommand1. Configure the IP route to CG1. Configure the IP route to CG(1)Configure interface IP of UPIU boardADD IFIP(2)Configure the static routeADD IPRT2. Configure the basic info of CG2. Configure the basic info of CG(1)Configure the basic info of CG (UDP+port and CG protocol version)ADD CHGCG (2)Configure a CG with charging property(S-CDR/M-CDR period)SET CHGCHAR3. Configure the CDR version for GPRS3. Configure the CDR version for GPRS(1)Configure the protocol version used to generate CDRs (CDR version)SET CHGGA 在烬药莆谜聪篮挂傻兼合状辑培猩刀碎号朋句盗顶管划颧序佰鄙涩叔启衰江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训SM/MM ConfMobility Management:Modify 2G MM software parameters:SET GMM: includes security procedure parameters, P-TMSI reallocation parameters and IMEI check procedure parametersSET GMMTMR: RAU timer, MS reachable timer.SET SDBTMR: purge timer.ADD CONNECTPLMN: add for the roaming user access.Session Management:Modify 2G SM software parameters:SET 2GSM: APN OI, QoS parameters.ADD PDPAPN: set the default APN for IPv4 PDP.Return to home:After the APN customization function works, based on the IMSI or MSISDN number segments, the SGSN can flexibly choose different GGSNs for the MSs to access the PDN in one PLMN. When the MSs use the public APN to activate PDP contexts after the APN customization function works, the SGSN adds a label for the APN to differentiate the MSs.An operator can configure the IP addresses of different GGSNs for different APNs, and thus realize choosing GGSN 硬舞盅便热席涛蔑却哦误局幼卡刊浴猿癣奋募削抠封夺芋意割稀殉遗碟继江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训AgendaI.System StructureI.Software StructureII.Hardware StructureII.SGSN Configuration1.Hardware Conf2.Gb interface3.Gr interface4.Gn/Gp interface5.Ga interfaceIII.Basic Signaling FlowBasic Signaling FlowIV.Maintance and troubleshooting刘熊梆足邑泅鉴轴雅叉裙甫惋吻港陡虱攘修甸钵叭艾淬洱颖轩帘髓园池欧江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训GPRS Attach2. Authenticate1. GPRS AttachVLR3. Update Location to SGSN and VLR4. Attach AcceptHLR1234567890MSBSCSGSNMSC瞄貉侍庶烁溜苗砍棱费欢熄款服维讹蛆辞吝比阁胞葵浓羞兹雾逗装达贿刚江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训GPRS AttachGs弛乖牲午疏蝗癸耸猾藩朵碴巷梁懦嫡耸谊听溜远巍逆碑绵疟锚滥潘雾盼竿江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训GPRS Attach膀芒耻邑搐企腺拴弱蜀差慕旺胞希腑辰霹剩撵撕翘暖鹏蔫携龙筒奖滑甚烯江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训PDP ActivationDNSBTSSGSNMSDNSBSC/PCUGGSN (B)BackboneBackboneDNSISP BISP BISP AISP ACorp.Corp.NetworkNetworkGGSN (A) APN-NIAPN-NI APN APN GGSN IP address GGSN IP address APN-NIAPN-NI慑完嘱叹肆拂咋氦霞象墅匙毕购岗皇敖倦赘蹲值卯晕廖蜂备丝朽拾瓮适厂江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训PDP Activation慌迹盐趾帜些愿猾萌交孩兑蜘赌伸课落涪膊英函拯吓磋豫闽溢岛鸽茬甲砂江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训AgendaI.System StructureI.Software StructureII.Hardware StructureII.SGSN Configuration1.Hardware Conf2.Gb interface3.Gr interface4.Gn/Gp interface5.Ga interfaceIII.Basic Signaling FlowIV.Maintenance and troubleshootingMaintenance and troubleshooting亮钩价也航视宏辟庭沟妄龄耸师望宋盆纵遇恳瘁砸货怎探沥娇盟匝捏朱粱江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训System Fault1. The performance measurement data is lost in some periods and that in other periods is normal.Possible Cause:the UOMU is reset.the boards related to measurement items are reset or switched over.the entire SGSN system is reset.Handling:Step1: Check if any of the following alarms is generated during the data loss period.UOMU reset alarmUOMU switchover alarmSGSN reset alarmStep 2: Check if the boards related to the measurement item with data loss have historical alarms. 拙炔惫步趴艾炒驼灼伦纪儒迄泄喘提蔫炙析踢妆驹停发残熙单乙挑醛码非江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训System Fault2-1. DNS connection checkCheck whether DNS resolution works: TST DNSTST DNS: FN=0, SN=12, HOST = “uniwap.1322243.MNC001.MCC460.GPRS, RSVTP=ALL;If failed to resolve, go next.Check the DNS server state: DSP DNSSDSP DNSS: SRN=0, SN=12; (UGTP board)If DNS server no response, check the link.2-2 NTP connection checkQuery the NTP Association status: DSP NTPAS211.136.70.98 Yes V3 1 -19 3000 0.020 0.007 0.002Query the time sync status of NTP client: DSP NTPSTAT Synchronized to NTP server flag = Yes IP address of synchronization clock = Stratum = 2 Time precision = -7 Reference time stamp = 2007-06-07 10:19:19.182 Time sample delay(s) = 0.068篙甩苍反脱芋狭储拐浑熙缎篙猫盔蘑块合遁凉刽凑协必劣裔茅笨贸讶勃许江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Service Fault3. Attach Reject with GPRS service not allowed”Possible Cause:The MS is roaming and the PLMN to which it belongs is not configured as an interconnected PLMN in the SGSN.The subscriber dose not subscribe GPRS service in HLR.Handling:Check the traced signaling to obtain the IMSI of the MS.Execute LST CONNECTPLMN on the LMT to query information on the interconnected PLMN. If incorrect, execute MOD CONNECTPLMN. If not found, execute ADD CONNECTPLMNIf the subscriber dose not subscribe GPRS sever in HLR, contact the HLR to confirm the subscription data.壤瓤够惜穗乾揣籽侮纲眷铺允腕卉复胞掌礼祥提咐骆擂缨监亲表苇狸砌桅江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Service Fault4. After sending out Attach Request, Attach Reject with protocol errorPossible Cause:The global title (GT) code is unavailable for location update because the IMSI-GT table is not configured.Therefore, the attach request is rejected.Handling:Check the traced signaling to obtain the IMSI of the MS.Execute LST IMSIGT on the LMT to query information.If not configured, use ADD IMSIGT to add the GT translation.抚嗡瞒沛柒货椅陶莹栋瑰用棱谨参缉者哲情泊停斩猴泛综掉司舷镀标芹栓江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Service Fault5. Description:After the SGSN sends an Update Location message to the HLR, the SGSN does not receive any Insert Subscriber Data or Update Location Ack from the HLR. SGSN sends an Attach Reject message to the MS, carrying the cause value Protocol error, unspecified.Possible Cause:Gr interface has some problem.Handling:Check the traced signaling of Gr interface.DSP N7LNK to query the Gr link status, and DSP UEPIUTPILNK to check the physical link status.Or contact HSTP supporter to investigate.悄串蒂钓吧俞嵌鞍哀椎家扇垣苫窿疙辕唯然募涨十搪冈倒挝栽挺毋袱逐谩江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Service Fault6. Description:All MSs in one cell cannot access the network or implement the GPRS services in a certain period. The Gb interface tracing or Ns interface tracing shows that the SGSN does not send any message to the MSs after receiving AttachReq messages from MSs. Possible Cause:After the cell is reset, the PCU does not send the cell flow control message. Thus, the SGSN discards the MS message capsule directly.Handling:Execute DSP PTPBVC to check if the cell receives the flow control message.If the cell receives no flow control message, reset the cell to allow the PCU to report the cell flow control message again. RST PTPBVCIf the fault persists, ask the PCU maintenance personnel to check the PCU settings.境执屁脂谤链朽粗磨掌缴累邮鲁图泉金姚引迢刷隅抑讼惶辉嘶往狭棘乳夸江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Service Fault7. Activate PDP Context Reject with Missing or unknown APNPossible Cause:DNS resolution fails and the IP address of the GGSN is unavailable.Handling:Check the DNS resolving: TST DNS: SRN=0, SN=12, HOST=uniwap.1322243.mnc001.mcc460.gprs, RSVTP=SERVER; If no response, check the connection between DNS Server: DSP DNSS: SRN=0, SN=12;And check the Gn interface of the resolved GGSN: TST GTPCPATH嚼寅效萄剑炭泡尉忘院哀困戴阂寿击砂酪体说舞高魄刊恰据椰坦躁氧斜彦江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Service Fault8. The SGSN sends an Activate PDP Context Reject with Activation rejected by GGSN.Possible CausesThe GGSN responds with a failure message.The GGSN response timed out.Fault RemovalTo locate the fault, check the failure cause value in the Create PDP Context Response. If the GGSN does not respond and the activation is rejected 30 seconds later, you can infer that the link from the SGSN to GGSN is blocked.Capture the Gn interface packet with Ethereal and investigate further.完四苟娶烩墓溢免墨锗罐残炉洒娱镭晕贞挞月苛桨仁辣划库贡猫统鸳柔狄江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训MS Configuration9. MS normal configuration for GPRS:APNThe WAP service use the APN of uniwap.The web service use the APN of uninet.WAP browseSet the uniwap APN as the default APN on your mobile Input the wap.sohu.com as the destination linkGo on!MMS configure:Set the MMS URI with the link http:/mmsc-nj1.myuni.com.cn or http:/mmsc.monternet.com Select the correct APN for the MMS.Moto Mobile/Nokia MobileAll the CMCC configuration could also be used under unicom network.焉贤叉磷狂缝功巫垃陇甫谁坡峭团堕孟色晶验级钨矽占棱绦络议袜遭蝶瑶江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训MMS接收方接收方归属归属WAP网关网关归属短信中心归属短信中心(7)接收方归属接收方归属WAP网关网关发送方发送方发送方归属发送方归属WAP网关网关发送方归属发送方归属MMSC1接收方归属接收方归属MMSC2DNS饲肩赁咐秽厅花拒澜播宿煎闰踞董陕块月炔诣媚搁滨眠己伙噪迹池嫡挥动江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训Thanks!泵茄丁岸良平猎啼库眶央邻迈海苯蛮甫娃贱媒害口涪怯尤敦痘几渣埠妄樊江苏联通SGSN培训江苏联通SGSN培训
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