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7/27/20247/27/20241 1Business Plan Presentation Format The investor presentation must be clear, concise The investor presentation must be clear, concise and compelling to:and compelling to: Generate investor interest and build confidenceGenerate investor interest and build confidence Lead to additional investor meetingsLead to additional investor meetingsShould be Should be 20-30 20-30 minutes in length minutes in length Charts, graphics, pictures and verbiage should Charts, graphics, pictures and verbiage should be simple and easily read (no “eye tests”)be simple and easily read (no “eye tests”)Each slide should have between 3 and 6 bullets Each slide should have between 3 and 6 bullets that are succinct (no that are succinct (no paragraphs, uncluttered)paragraphs, uncluttered)Presentation format may vary depending on the Presentation format may vary depending on the company but the following format provides a company but the following format provides a reasonable order and reasonable order and flow it is but one flow it is but one approach to making investor presentations. approach to making investor presentations. 7/27/20247/27/20242 2Order of PresentationIntroductionIntroductionProblemProblemSolutionSolutionMarket, CustomersMarket, CustomersCompetitive landscapeCompetitive landscapeBusiness and Revenue ModelsBusiness and Revenue ModelsManagement TeamManagement TeamFinancial Projections Funding Financial Projections Funding TimelineTimelineSummarySummary7/27/20247/27/20243 3IntroductionBriefly introduce yourself and your companyCompany name and company logoCompany name and company logoPresenters names (give titles if pertinent)Presenters names (give titles if pertinent) Slide time: approximately 30 seconds7/27/20247/27/20244 4Introduction-continued this is a very important slide that requires lots of this is a very important slide that requires lots of time to create because it must be succinct, time to create because it must be succinct, comprehensive and COMPELLINGcomprehensive and COMPELLINGBrief overview of company (elevator pitch)What exactly the company does (stated succinctly)What exactly the company does (stated succinctly)What products or services are offeredWhat products or services are offeredWhat problem is being solved, and What problem is being solved, and Why these products or services are compelling, e.g., Why these products or services are compelling, e.g., “the only product that enables solution to the “the only product that enables solution to the problem”problem” Slide time: approximately 1 minute7/27/20247/27/20245 5The Problem/Opportunity/NeedDefine the problem or need in the marketDefine the problem or need in the marketDescribe how significant or prevalent the Describe how significant or prevalent the problem may be problem may be If appropriate, describe why now is the right time If appropriate, describe why now is the right time for a solution for a solution Provide a “problem” scenario that provides a Provide a “problem” scenario that provides a basis for your companys product or service basis for your companys product or service Slide time: 60 to 90 secondsSlide time: 60 to 90 seconds7/27/20247/27/20246 6The Solution(1 to 2 slides)(1 to 2 slides)Clearly and succinctly describe the companys product or Clearly and succinctly describe the companys product or service that will address the problemservice that will address the problemIllustrate the companys solution with graphics, pictures or Illustrate the companys solution with graphics, pictures or videos as necessary (keep this very simple)videos as necessary (keep this very simple)Provide brief list of features, Provide brief list of features, benefitsbenefits and and advantagesadvantages What is the value proposition for the customer (How well will the What is the value proposition for the customer (How well will the product or service solve the problem)?product or service solve the problem)?Cost savings, convenience, reliability, etc. (be specific)Cost savings, convenience, reliability, etc. (be specific)Describe “barriers to entry” created by your product (e.g., Describe “barriers to entry” created by your product (e.g., patents)patents)Slide Time: Approximately 01:30 (May require more than one Slide Time: Approximately 01:30 (May require more than one slide)slide)The SolutionProvide an understandable, practicle example of how your product/service works or what it does.7/27/20247/27/20247 77/27/20247/27/20248 8Sample Feature-Benefits TableFeaturesFeaturesBenefitsBenefitsSlide Time: Approximately 60 secondsSlide Time: Approximately 60 seconds7/27/20247/27/20249 9Company Status/ProgressBuild investor confidence in your companyBuild investor confidence in your company Domain expertise of management and staffDomain expertise of management and staff Customers and contracts established (letters of Customers and contracts established (letters of intent)intent) Strategic partnerships establishedStrategic partnerships established Product development statusdescribe milestones Product development statusdescribe milestones achieved to reduce risk (e.g., alpha or beta testing)achieved to reduce risk (e.g., alpha or beta testing) Other significant information to validate or reduce riskOther significant information to validate or reduce riskSlide Time: Approximately 60 secondsSlide Time: Approximately 60 seconds7/27/20247/27/20241010The Market(2 to 5 slides)(2 to 5 slides)Describe market size, growth, trends and maturityDescribe market size, growth, trends and maturity Industry and market segment data (see sample, next slide)Industry and market segment data (see sample, next slide)Market challengesMarket challengesWhat market segment(s) are served by the company?What market segment(s) are served by the company?What is the companys potential in the market?What is the companys potential in the market? Estimated Revenue Growth in graphic or tabular form (see next Estimated Revenue Growth in graphic or tabular form (see next slides, for examples)slides, for examples) Market share projections are optionalMarket share projections are optionalSlide Time: Approximately 90 secondsSlide Time: Approximately 90 seconds(More than one slide may be required)(More than one slide may be required)7/27/20247/27/20241111Global Market for your productRegionRegionDemand (US $ MM)Demand (US $ MM)% Globe% GlobeAsiaAsia170017003232EuropeEurope150015003030North AmericaNorth America130013002525Latin AmericaLatin America4154158 8AfricaAfrica2002004 4OthersOthers64641 1Slide Time: Approximately 60 secondsSlide Time: Approximately 60 seconds7/27/20247/27/20241212US Market with key segmentsCityCityWorld World RankRankUS $ MMUS $ MM% Country% Country% World% WorldNew YorkNew York1 186586522.822.85.35.3Los AngelesLos Angeles3 33003008. 42852858 81.81.8DallasDallas21211051052.82.80.640.64San JoseSan Jose22221041042.82.80.630.63San San FranciscoFrancisco23231031032.72.70.620.62San DiegoSan Diego26261001002.62.60.610.61Slide Time: Approximately 60 secondsSlide Time: Approximately 60 seconds7/27/20247/27/20241313CustomersDescribe the companys current and potential customersProfile of the optimal customerProfile of the optimal customerValue proposition to customerValue proposition to customerValidation of Customer AcceptanceValidation of Customer AcceptanceCustomer Feedback, Survey Data, TestimonialsCustomer Feedback, Survey Data, TestimonialsPurchases, Letters of IntentPurchases, Letters of IntentPartnersPartnersExample of customerExample of customer7/27/20247/27/20241414Competition and Advantage(2 TO 3 SLIDES)(2 TO 3 SLIDES)CompetitionCompetitionDescribe the direct (competing product or service) and Describe the direct (competing product or service) and indirect competition (alternative solution) for your indirect competition (alternative solution) for your company and its product or service.company and its product or service.Describe specific strengths, weaknesses, and Describe specific strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities related to competition.opportunities related to competition.Describe how your product, technology or service Describe how your product, technology or service differentiates itself from the competition? very importantdifferentiates itself from the competition? very importantCompetitive AdvantageCompetitive AdvantageWhat is the companys competitive advantage?What is the companys competitive advantage? Why will customers buy your product or service over the Why will customers buy your product or service over the competition?competition? Show a competitive matrix to illustrate differentiation (see next Show a competitive matrix to illustrate differentiation (see next slide)slide)Subject Time: Approximately 2 minutes (more than 1 slide)Subject Time: Approximately 2 minutes (more than 1 slide)7/27/20247/27/20241515Competitive Comparison (see next slide for optional approach)(see next slide for optional approach)ProductProductAdvantagesAdvantagesDisadvantagesDisadvantagesProduct AProduct A$12/100 units$12/100 unitsProduct BProduct B$30/100 units$30/100 unitsProduct CProduct C$17/100 units$17/100 unitsMy Company My Company ProductProduct$9/100 units$9/100 units7/27/20247/27/20241616Competitive MatrixProduct Feature AFeature BFeature CFeature DFeature EMYPRODUCTProduct1Product2Product3Product4Product5Product67/27/20247/27/20241717Competitive Positioning Your Company, Inc.GizmoGadget.comYippeeFlexibilityFunctionalityYikesZowieThingamabobEnd First Section 7/27/20247/27/202418187/27/20247/27/20241919Business Model and Marketing Plan(2TO5SLIDES)(2TO5SLIDES)Describe the companys business and revenue modelDescribe the companys business and revenue model What is the overall business strategy?What is the overall business strategy? How will you sell your product or service (distributors, internet)?How will you sell your product or service (distributors, internet)? How will the company generate revenue for its product or service? How will the company generate revenue for its product or service? Describe the sales cycle for the companys product or serviceDescribe the sales cycle for the companys product or serviceDescribe the Marketing Plan (if appropriate)Describe the Marketing Plan (if appropriate) What is the go-to -market strategy?What is the go-to -market strategy? What is the pricing model? Gross margin? What is the pricing model? Gross margin? How will you access customers? (including advert. and promo.)How will you access customers? (including advert. and promo.) How will your product or service be distributed?How will your product or service be distributed? What customer support will be needed?What customer support will be needed?Note any commitments from partners, distributors, Note any commitments from partners, distributors, granting agencies, etc. regarding benefits of your productgranting agencies, etc. regarding benefits of your productSlide Time: Approximately 90 seconds Slide Time: Approximately 90 seconds 7/27/20247/27/20242020Regulatory Issues(not necessarily included in all investor (not necessarily included in all investor presentations)presentations)Include pertinent info regarding FDA, FTC, or other pertinent government agency7/27/20247/27/20242121Management Team, AdvisorsBuild investor confidence with teamCredentials, proven track record, domain Credentials, proven track record, domain experience (do experience (do notnot include weak credentials ) include weak credentials )Describe skill and experience gaps to be filled Describe skill and experience gaps to be filled List the companys leadership teamInclude name, position, experience (abbrev.)Include name, position, experience (abbrev.)These are credentialed expertsThese are credentialed expertsList of company Directors and AdvisorsInclude name, summary of experienceInclude name, summary of experience7/27/20247/27/20242222Financial ProjectionsProvide 3-5 year financial projections for the Provide 3-5 year financial projections for the company (company (abbreviatedabbreviated chart or graphsee next chart or graphsee next slide)slide) Include financial projections to show year-to-year Include financial projections to show year-to-year growth (show a basic income statement tablesee growth (show a basic income statement tablesee next slide for an example)next slide for an example) Is the company overstating or understating market Is the company overstating or understating market share and/or growth? share and/or growth? Can the company scale its operations as it grows?Can the company scale its operations as it grows?List major facts and assumptionsList major facts and assumptions Are the assumptions believable and achievable?Are the assumptions believable and achievable?Slide Time: Approximately 90 secondsSlide Time: Approximately 90 seconds7/27/20247/27/20242323Financial Projections: Income Statement Summary20082009201020112012Revenue5005,20712,20325,56551,894COGS4023,2707,17914,39529,145GrossProfitGrossProfit1021,9375,02411,17022,749Oper Exp4,3183,5724,2298,16516,445Net Income (4,216)(1,635)7953,0056,3047/27/20247/27/20242424Financial Projections:Break Even AnalyisB/E(Quantity) =B/E(Quantity) =Total Fixed CostTotal Fixed CostPrice per Unit Var. Cost per UnitPrice per Unit Var. Cost per UnitBreak-EvenBreak-EvenTR = TCTR = TCUnits SoldRevenueVariable Cost7/27/20247/27/20242525FundingWhat funding has the company received to date?What funding has the company received to date? Amounts and sourcesAmounts and sourcesHow will the company be financed?How will the company be financed?How much money is the company currently seeking from How much money is the company currently seeking from Investors?Investors? How will the funds be used? (use tabular formatsee next slide How will the funds be used? (use tabular formatsee next slide for an example)for an example) What key value-building milestones will be achieved with funds What key value-building milestones will be achieved with funds (market test, market expansion, etc.)(market test, market expansion, etc.)Anticipated future funding needsAnticipated future funding needsWhat are the exit strategies for the company? (when?)What are the exit strategies for the company? (when?)What is the expected ROI for investors What is the expected ROI for investors Slide Time: Approximately 2 minutes (this section is more Slide Time: Approximately 2 minutes (this section is more than one slide)than one slide)7/27/20247/27/20242626Startup Budget/Use of ProceedsFirst year BudgetCostSalaries510,000Repairs&maintenance8,400LocalAdvertising5,000Marketing51,400Accountingandlegal5,000Rent17,798Internet&Telephone5,940Equipment48,000DomainName10Total$651,5487/27/20247/27/20242727Use of Proceeds Breakdown7/27/20247/27/20242828TimelineUse a Gantt Chart for key milestones or use the preferred model shown on the next slide.Timeline of MilestonesJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDECIdeaPrimary ResearchFeasibility AnalysisRelationships SecuredBusiness PlanPrototype Install (Fall Gardens)Funds RaisedNeighborhood Mkt.Initial Contracts7/27/20247/27/2024303020072008Beta TestMilestoneBreak-evenMilestoneJulyDevelopmentMilestone 1December2nd ProductDevelopmentMilestoneSept.Sales MilestoneDecemberValue-Added Milestones Timeline (Sample)Product 1Partnered* Company retains co-dev./co-promotion rightsProduct 1First Sales1st Financing $660K2nd Financing $1Million7/27/20247/27/20243131SummaryWhat do you want your audience to remember What do you want your audience to remember about the company?about the company? Unique and Sizeable OpportunityUnique and Sizeable Opportunity Unique product or serviceUnique product or service Competitive Advantage, StrengthsCompetitive Advantage, Strengths Marketing Approach, Customers, Sales PipelineMarketing Approach, Customers, Sales Pipeline Intellectual propertyIntellectual property Management teamManagement team OtherOther
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