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Unit 17 LaughterModule 6Part 2 Of 213. resist vt. 反抗, 抵抗,抵制;忍得住resist invasion 抵抗侵略resist temptation 抵制诱惑cant resist / help doing sth. 禁不住干某事resist doing sth. 抵制干某事He is in good health he is able to resist diseases. 他身体很健康,能抵抗疾病。She could hardly resist laughing. 她简直忍不住笑起来。1.巧克力太美味了,我真是无法抵挡。 _2.她只要是在商场,就会忍不住买东西。 _ _Chocolates are so tasty that I cant resist them.As long as she is in the store, she cant resist / help buying things.14. get rid of 摆脱,除掉 The fat boy went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight. 这个胖男孩节制饮食以减轻过量的体重。get down 下来,下车get away 离开get back 取回,回来,返回get hold of 抓住get in 到达,当选get into 进入,陷入get married 结婚get off 从下来;下车get on 上车get out 离开, 出去get to (a place) 到达(某地)get to know 认识get together 相聚,聚集get up 起床,站起来get through 通过,打通(电话)get close to 靠近,接近get / be caught 被捉住get sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事get sth. done 办成某事get along (with) 进展;过日子;(与人)和睦相处get down to (doing) sth. 着手去做某事get used to (doing) sth. 习惯 / 适应做某事get on (well) with sb. 与某人相处(得很好)用get翻译下列各句1. 昨天我收到我兄弟的来信。 _2. 他拼命工作,以致病倒了。 _3. 我正准备去理发。 _I got a letter from my brother yesterday.He worked so hard that he got ill.Im going to get my hair cut.4. 他到家时,天已黑了。 _5. 情况正在好转。 _6. 我是1980年认识他的。 _It has got dark when he got home.Things are getting better. I got to know him in 1980.7. 这种生活我已经习惯了。 _ 8. 今天早上我想打电话给他,但打不通。 _ _Ive got used to this kind of life. This morning I wanted to call him, but couldnt get through.15. from time to time 不时地 I go to see him from time to time. 我时不时会去看他。 同义词:occasionally, often, once in a while, now and then, now and again, at timesas time goes on 随着时间的流逝save time 节省时间 at a time 同时,一次(=at the same time)at any time 随时;在任何时候at one time 过去;曾经for the time being 当前,暂时for a time 一时,一度have a good time 过得很好,玩得开心in no time 很快地all the time 一直,始终,老是at all times 随时,不论什么时候;总是,始终at no time 从不,从来没有at the same time 同时; 然而,但是in time 不太晚;及时; 将来;随着时间的流逝kill time 消磨时间in spare time 业余时间take your time 不要着急;慢慢地做time and time again 经常;一再on time 准时;不早不晚Its about / high time 是时候了;该He carried six boxes at a time.他一次拿6个盒子。You can come at any time.你随时来好啦。At one time Nigeria was a British colony. 过去,尼日利亚是英国的殖民地。She has a cold and is staying in bed for the time being.她感冒了,眼下在床上躺着。He was a teacher of Chinese for a time.他曾一度是语文老师。 Why dont you dance? Its easy. You can learn it in no time.你怎么不跳舞呢?这挺容易。你很快就可以学会。He is a business man all the time.他一直是做生意的。We are ready at all times to wipe out any enemy who dares to come.我们随时准备消灭一切敢于来犯之敌。At no time in his life has he shown more valor than in that case.他一生中从来没有像那一回那样勇敢。Can you watch television and do your homework at the same time?你能同时看电视和做功课吗?She didnt like to spend any more money. At the same time, she wanted to go on the trip.她不喜欢再花钱,但是她想去旅行。If you hurry, youll be in time for the bus.如果你快点,还能赶上公共汽车。Swimming is difficult but youll learn it in time.游泳不好学,但你迟早会学会的。It is about time that the thing should be done.是该做这件事的时候了。The train was on time. 火车很准时。Time is up. 时间到了。1. 她有时来看我。 _2. 不要同时做两件事。 _ _3. 杨先生将暂时负责那项工作。 _ _She calls on me at times / from time to time.Do not attend to two things at a time / at the same time.Mr.Yang will be in charge of that work for the time being.4. 我希望你在中国逗留期间玩得愉快。 _ _5. 我该回家了。 _6. 尼克业余时间玩鼓。 _I hope youll have a good time during your stay in China.It is about time I went home.Nick plays drums in his spare time.7. 我们的老师一再强调英语学习的重要性。 _ _8. 时间到了,我该走了。 _Our teachers have time and time again stressed the importance of English learning.Time is up, and I must go.16. result in(=bring about / lead to) 造成结果,导致 Their quarrel resulted in fight. 他们的争吵终于导致了斗殴。result from因而起as a result=so 因此as a result of=because of / thanks to / owing to 因为He was late for school. As a result, he was scolded by the teacher.他上课迟到,结果被老师批评了一番。As a result of his laziness, he was doing poorly in his study.由于懒惰,他的学习很差。他的粗心使他丢了钱包。1. His carelessness _ the loss of his wallet.2. The loss of his wallet _ his carelessness.3. He was so careless. _, he lost his wallet.resulted inresulted fromAs a result17. run into 跑进;陷入;偶然遇见 I ran into an old friend of mine in the street. 我在街上碰见我的一个老朋友。 (run into=come across) We saw them run into a cinema. 我们看见他们跑进一家电影院。 I ran into trouble on the last problem on the test. 我被最后一道测验题难住了。run可作为名词,意为“跑,奔”。 I take a tenminute run before breakfast every day. 我每天早饭前跑步10分钟。也可作为动词,除了表示“跑步”外,还可表示 “经营,管理”。 My father ran a camera store last year. 我父亲去年经营一家照相器材商店。 Hes running a big business. 他做着大生意。on the run 跑着,逃跑run after 追赶run for 竞选run away 逃跑run out of sth. 用完了某东西sth. run out 某东西用完了1. 我曾经经营过一家书店。 _2. 有条狗正在追赶一只母鸡。 _3. 石油很快就会被用完。 _4. 如果你的钱用完了,你就来找我吧。 _ _I used to run a bookstore.A dog is running after a hen.The petrol will run out soon.If youve run out of money, just come to me. / If your money has run out, just come to me.18. put on 穿,戴;上演;假装 He put on his coat and hat and went out. 他穿上上衣,戴上帽子,就出去了。 We put on a song and dance performance to welcome the guests. 我们载歌载舞,欢迎来宾。 His brother put on an American accent. 他弟弟假操着一口美国腔。19. turn sb. off 让人恶心,让人兴趣全无 The radio program really turned me off, so I just turned it off. 电台的节目实在让我反感,所以我把它关了。20. do sb. good 对某人有好处 在此good是名词,表示“好处,益处”。 do sb. good也可说成“do good to sb.”或“be good for sb.”。 反义词“对某人有害”为do harm to sb.或 do sb. harm。for sb. s good 为了某人好good of the public 公众的利益This medicine does you good. 这药对你有好处。I am telling you this for your good.我告诉你这个是为你好。1. He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations, which greatly amuses audiences regardless of their nationality or culture. 他(憨豆先生)不断陷入尴尬而又荒唐的情景中, 无论观众是什么国籍或文化背景,这都给他们 带来了极大的乐趣。 该句中的which是一个非限制性定语从句,先 行词是前面的句子,which指代“他(憨豆先生) 不断陷入尴尬而又荒唐的情景中”这件事情。2. The humor is always made clear through a series of simple and funny acts that rely purely on body language, which is universal. 他的幽默总是通过一系列简单而又滑稽的动 作清楚地表现出来,纯粹依赖肢体语言这一 通用语言。 该句中that rely purely on body language是一个 定语从句,修饰的先行词是acts。而which is universal是另一个定语从句,修饰的先行词是 body language。 3. In Britain, Mr. Atkinson is quite famous for many other wonderful characters that he has created but internationally, he is best known for the dizzy, awkward, clumsy, but always amusing Mr. Bean. 在英国,阿特金森先生因为他所塑造的许多 其他角色而闻名全国,但在国际上,他还是 以头脑简单、愚蠢而又笨拙但总能引人发笑 的憨豆先生最为著名。be famous/known for 以而闻名该句中that he has created是定语从句,修饰的先行词是characters。4. If you think that Rowan Atkinson is anything like his famous creation, then you are in for a surprise. 如果你认为罗恩阿特金森本人与他所创作的 著名角色雷恩相似的话,你要大吃一惊了。 anything like与相似, be in for a surprise 大吃一惊。5. Rowans career change from an electrical engineer to a famous comedian was partly due to some speaking problems he had in his childhood. 罗恩从一位电器工程师转型为一位喜剧演员, 部分是由于童年时的一些说话障碍。 he had in his childhood 是定语从句修饰先行 词problems。6. It was one of those things which happen very rarely in your life, when you realise you are in the presence of genius. 你意识到你的面前就是个天才,这是你生活 中很少发生的事情。 该句中which happen very rarely in your life是 定语从句,修饰的先行词是things,when you realise you are in the presence of genius是时间 状语从句。低碳生活低碳生活(读写任务读写任务) “低碳生活”已逐渐变成人们生活中的一个热点词汇,也逐渐成为人们追求的一种时尚生活方式。“低碳生活”(lowcarbon life),就是指生活作息时所耗用的能量要尽力减少,从而减低碳,特别是二氧化碳的排放量,进而减少对大气的污染,减缓生态恶化,主要是从节电,节气和回收三个环节来改变生活细节。我们应该积极提倡并去实践低碳生活,要 注意节电、节气、熄灯一小时从这些点滴做起。除了植树,买运输里程很短的商品,坚持爬楼梯等都是lowcarbon life。 以下是这个话题的热点方向: 人们生活中的浪费现象;你对低碳生活的理解;低碳生活的意义;如何做到低碳生活。 实用表达: lowcarbon life 低碳生活 a hot topic 热点话题 environmental protection 环境保护 advocate lowcarbon economy 提倡低碳经济 generate huge benefits for human beings 给人类带来巨大利益 pose a great threat to the existence of human beings 给人类的生存带来威胁 save the planet 挽救地球 cover many aspects of modern life 涉及现代生活的许多方面 care about society 关心社会 influence people around us 影响我们周围的人 Actions change the world. 行动改变世界。 negative effects 负面影响 enhance peoples conscience of energy saving and environmental protection 增强人们的节能意识和环保意识 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 A lowcarbon lifestyle means cutting carbon dioxide emissions and living a life characterized by low energy, low consumption and low spending. At present, this lifestyle is being accepted by many Chinese people who are currently living a lowcarbon life. Pan Huiqiang lives in Hangzhou and is an advocatorof the “lowcarbon lifestyle”. Pan said, “If possible, I avoid taking the elevator, commute to work by bus or bicycle, use both sides of every piece of paper, and save electricity. Many of my colleagues are interested in a lowcarbon lifestyle now.” Many people like to post their lowcarbon diaries or lowcarbon tips on the Internet and call on more people to live a lowcarbon life by turning off electricalappliances when going out, commuting on foot or by bicycle and subway, using emails and MSN instead of printers and fax machines. In Shanghai, there is a “Green Hotel”. Transformed from an old post office, the hotels material all came from its former building. At the reception desk, a computer can calculate carbon emissions during each guests journey. It then turns the amount of emissionsinto the quantity of trees needed to offset them. After paying a given sum to the hotel, trees will be planted in north Chinas Inner Mongolia in the near future. In Beijings Badaling region, a carbon sink forest has been developed. If someone wants to balance out their carbon dioxide emissions, they can buy a part of the carbon sink or plant trees there. 【写作内容写作内容】 1以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2以“lowcarbon life”为主题,写一篇120个词左右的短文。要点包括: (1) 低碳生活方式受到人们的欢迎; (2) 低碳生活的意义; (3) 我们应该 【写作要求写作要求】 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。 本篇读写任务所给文章属于说明文文体,针对这 种文体的文章在概括时我们要先概括文章所说明的对象,之后再增加细节部分,我们可以用下面的 “公式” 来表示 phenomenon/ problem reason solution (cause effect),如果是介绍事物的说明文,通常要从how it is made, how it is used, how it may change, what make it new or significant等方面入手进行概括。 时态大多采用一般现在时。本文的概要必须包含以下要点: A lowcarbon lifestyle is characterized by low energy, low consumption and low spending. 以及This lifestyle is being accepted by many Chinese people who are currently living a lowcarbon life。 纵观写作要点,第二个和第三个写作要点是重点部分,对于第一个要点我们应该用较少的笔墨陈述,在结构上起到过渡的作用。对于第二个要点“低碳生活的意义”,我们可以从“有利于增强人们的节约和环保意识,有利于缓解能源紧张状况,减轻环境压力,促进人与自然和谐相处,有利于贯彻落实科学发展观,有利于建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会”等角度来谈;第三个要点“我们应该”是一个半开放性问题,首先我们要将该问题补全,之后再开始写作。那么,“我们应该”什么呢?低碳生活具有重要的意义(第二点内容),我们要过低碳生活,所以这个问题应该是“我们应该怎样过低碳生活”,即要想过低 碳生活,我们该做些什么。注意日常生活节能、号召身边的人一起过低碳生活等都是我们能够做的。 The passage shows us a new lifestyle called lowcarbon life, which is environmentally friendly. Besides, the author illustrates how this kind of life is conducted in some cities. Indeed, recently, lowcarbon becomes a highfrequency and fashionable word which gets the greatest concern in the world, which means a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It is of vital importance for the whole world to practice the lowcarbon lifestyle. Firstly, our natural resources and energy are limited. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for us to save and protect them. Secondly, in order to protect our environment from serious greenhouse effect, we need a lowcarbon emission. It is lowcarbon life that enables our next generations to live a better and superior life. What we should bear in mind is that the earth is common home. Thus, everyone is well advised to practice this lifestyle and there are several ways for us to do this. Firstly, everyone is expected to cultivate their awareness of saving energy. Then, we are also hoped to help our families and friends to live a lowcarbon life. Only by doing so can we hope to create a world where all humans enjoy a clean and tidy environment. 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 GUANGZHOU, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) Hundreds of people in a south China city went to the streets earlier this week to protest a planned garbage incinerator project. They highlighted a growing problem for Chinas booming cities. The protestors were demanding the local government scrap(取消,废弃) the proposed incinerator plant(垃圾焚烧厂), which, they claimed, would release cancercausing substances into the air. But for city administrators it meant finding other alternatives to overflowing landfills. The government and residents have been sharply divided on whether to build the plant since late September when the plan was first unveiled. “It is really absurd. How can the government come up with such an idea? More than 300,000 people are living around the incinerator plant.”“But our current waste disposal capabilities cannot cope with the increasing amount of household garbage. It is an urgent, practical and inevitable problem, ” a government deputy said. “After years of deliberation, the municipal government has decided to develop trashfired power plants as they do not occupy much land and can utilize resources very efficiently,” said Xu Jianyun, deputy director of the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of Urban Administration. He said the city, with a population of more than 10 million, generates up to 12,000 tons of household garbage each day. “If new waste treatment facilities are not built, Guangzhou will face a huge garbage crisis over the next two years,” he said. 【写作内容写作内容】 1以约30个词概括短文的内容要点; 2以约120个词就“如何处理生活垃圾?”的主题发表看法,内容包括: (1)你对垃圾焚烧发电厂有何看法? (2)你认为应该如何更环保地处理生活垃圾? 【写作要求写作要求】 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子。_ One possible version: People in a south China city protested the governments building the incinerator plant, which the residents thought would release harmful substances. The government and the citizens are divided on this point. Personally, the incinerator plant may contribute to the governments coping with the increasing garbage which will be a big problem in future. However, the plant will of course release substances into the air which do harm to the people around because of its way of dealing with the rubbish. It is difficult to decide on the project. People should dispose the garbage properly. We must recycle the material like paper, glass, clothing and so on. Whats important, the government should take measures to change peoples waste and leftovers into fertilizers for farmers planting crops. Most importantly, some harmful waste like batteries should be treated properly and recycled. It is a good choice to combine biofermentation, chemical treatment, garbage sorting and recycling in a reasonable way. Garbage disposal is a major problem all over the world, so we must try to reduce the garbage in daily life.
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