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Abcot版本版本: 1.00日期日期: May 20036西格玛绿带培训教材西格玛绿带培训教材-6-4-20246标准偏差标准偏差标准偏差标准偏差Abcot第一天(定义阶段):- 6西格玛及精简优化与COQ的关系- COQ的脑力风暴- First Pass Yield Exercise IIIPO 和流程flow diagram流程analysis of dropping cards onto targetRepeating the exerciseResults 和discussions- 西格玛培训中的某些质量改进工具- 脑力风暴技术- 第一天wrap up第二天(降低变差):- The power of pareto chart 和the 80/20 rules- Construction of a Pareto Chart using computer- 流程flow diagram 和its associated symbols- Two 实例of 流程flow diagram (using a common scenario)- Barriers that hinder 6西格玛implementation-Break- What is FMEA - Example of FMEA- Group exercise on FMEA of barriers to 6西格玛implementation- FMEA presentations-Lunch-Abcot第二天(Variance Reduction):- Concept of precision 和accuracy- How does it link to the mean 和标准偏差- Precision 和accuracy example (i.e. Selection of fund manager)Statapult exercise I-Break- Introducing concept of variance reduction (i.e. PF/CE/CNX/FMEA/SOP)- Variance reduction 脑力风暴exercise for Statapult- Statapult exercise II- Computation of Statapult exercise result after variance reduction- Discussion of variance contributors- 第二天wrap upDAY 3 (Measure Phase):- Recap of statistical terminology- Histogram 和a normal data- Construction of histogram- Transformation of data- Calculate Cp, Cpk from non-normal data-Break-AbcotDAY 3 (Measure Phase): - The importance of good measurement- Direct 和indirect measurement (i.e. Introduction to scatter diagram)- Risk of wrong interpretation- Underst和variance concept in measurement system- Introduction to Gauge repeatability 和reproducibility (GR&R)-Lunch- GR&R example- Calculation of measurement variance- Rules of thumb in GR&R- Calculation of GR&R with computer-Break- Graphical interpretation of GR&R- Balls circumference measurement exercise- Result 和discussion on measurement exercise- The Anova method of GR&R- Day 3 wrap upAbcotDAY 4 (Measure + Analyze Phase): - Introduction to GR&R analysis on attribute data- Example of attribute data GR&R- Attribute GR&R exercise- Result 和discussion on exercise-Break- Computing attribute data GR&R using the computer- 为什么variable data is better than attribute data- Converting attribute data to variable data- Example of attribute data conversion (i.e. Wu Fans project on reducing bubble defect)- Introduction to probability theory-Lunch- Probability approach (classical, relative frequency)- Probability rules- Probabilities under statistical independence (Marginal, Joint, Conditional)- Exercise-Break- Probability under conditions of statistical dependence- Exercise- Introduction to probability distributions- Day 4 wrap upAbcotDAY 5 (Analyze Phase): - What is a binomial distribution ?- Conditions for the use of the Bernoulli trials (流程)- Graphical illustration of a binomial distribution- Measures of central tendency 和dispersion for binomial distribution- Probability calculation with binomial distribution- Binomial distribution case studies- Characteristics of the Poisson distribution- Probability calculation using Poisson distribution- Poisson distribution as an approximation of binomial distribution-Break- Poisson distribution case studies- Introduction to normal distribution- Characteristics of normal distribution- Areas under the normal curve- The use of normal probability distribution table- Probability calculation using normal distribution- Normal distribution case studies- Using computer to calculate probability of different distribution-Lunch-AbcotDAY 5 (Analyze Phase): - Random sampling: Basis of statistical inference- Introduction to sampling distributions- Concept of standard error 和sampling from normal population- Probability of the sample mean- Central limit theorem- Exercise to demonstrate central limit theorem- Result 和discussion-Break- Confidence interval 和population mean estimation- Continuous data- Discrete data- Determining sample size- Continuous Data- Discrete Data- Finite 和infinite population 和the associated impact to the confidence interval- Exercise on confidence interval- Day 5 和week 1 wrap upAbcotAsia 6Asia 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛VisionVision Our Mission To drive operational excellence through the deployment of 6西格玛initiatives in Optoelectronics Asia sites.目标目标 1) To consolidate Asia effort in 流程改进through 6西格玛initiative.2) To share best practices across Perkinelmer Asia Sites.3) To entrench 6西格玛culture in Optoelectronics Asia sites, 和make it the way of life for our people.AbcotCourse Course 目标目标目标目标Explain 和motivate others in the 6西格玛哲学Underst和和characterize the 6西格玛组织支持结构Describe 和explain the role of 6西格玛黑带, champion 和绿带.Certification 流程in Asia 6西格玛deploymentHow does 6西格玛drive 产品ivity 质量 deployment Perkinelmer 6西格玛implementation strategyUnderst和the importance of motivating others to inculcate 6西格玛cultureAbcotWhat is 6What is 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛Vision 和哲学和哲学:Develop BETTER, FASTER, 和LOWER COST 产品 和services - aggressively attack the cost of 质量 (COQ), leading to higher customer satisfaction 和retentionPrimary Focus:Eliminates variation in all business 流程es to reduce costs 和increase customer satisfaction Definition:A 方法 to identify 和minimize variation in a 流程, resulting in 3.44 PPM defectiveA Vision,A 哲学哲学A Method,A 工具工具for 改进改进工具工具A Metric,A BenchmarkAbcot为什么为什么为什么为什么6 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛? ?Ways to create business, operation 和technology breakthrough in meeting goals associated with doing things better, faster , lower cost in all 产品和services6西格玛develop people towards 世界级别优秀culture in company for competitive advantagesMost powerful breakthrough management 工具Drastically improve bottom lineMinimize waste 和increase resources while increasing customer satisfaction 6西格玛can result in increasing market share, reduce operation costs 和profit growth.Abcot1970sJapanese firm took over Motorola TV factory in USA 和reduced 缺陷by 95%!1981Motorola CEO Bob Galvin challenged company to a 10x 质量改进in 5 years1985Paper on “Defect 和Correct vs. Error Free Assembly” by Smith from Motorola1988 Won Malcolm Baldrige award for Total Customer Satisfaction1988 6西格玛Research Institute formed: Implementation strategy-Guidelines-Advanced 工具s6 6西格玛历史西格玛历史西格玛历史西格玛历史 .AbcotContinuous 改进改进改进Time6西格玛西格玛Breakthrough 方方法法Normal Continuous 改改进进Breakthrough 改进改进改进TimeIncremental 改进改进resulting from a consistent series of many, small 改进改进activities Quantum Leap 改进改进driven from a one-time, 10 times 改进改进 Quantum Leap in Quantum Leap in 改进改进改进改进through 6through 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛Abcot通过通过6西格玛获利的实例西格玛获利的实例交付世界级别优秀质量的产品降低业务活动中的缺陷缺陷和cycle time主打产品和流程知识提供系统的工具和技术Create opportunity for business growth 和increase profitabilityCreating a learning 组织by building teamwork , sharing of success ideas, best practice Improve communication 和teamworkAbcot流程改进流程改进产品和服务改进产品和服务改进投资商关系投资商关系设计方法设计方法供应商改进供应商改进培训和招聘培训和招聘作出决定的流程作出决定的流程6 6西格玛对公司产生的价值西格玛对公司产生的价值西格玛对公司产生的价值西格玛对公司产生的价值Management Leadership in 6Management Leadership in 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛Communicating 6西格玛西格玛visionTake ownership to be a change agent提供支持和提供支持和resourcesRemove barriers to success Visible Visible 和和和和Top Down Commitment in 6Top Down Commitment in 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛DeploymentDeployment Establish a 6Establish a 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛Leadership teamsLeadership teamsAbcot绿带绿带- A part-time person who undertakes projects of lesser scope than a 黑带 project. 黑带黑带 - A full-time person who leads critical projects.Master 黑带黑带 - Mentor to Black/绿带s. Champion - Sponsor of a project.Roles in 6 Sigma DeploymentRoles in 6 Sigma DeploymentAbcot6西格玛西格玛Deployment & 方法方法 ApplyReviewTrain培训is Conducted by Master 黑带sPlanProject Selection 流程is Managed by ChampionsProjectsMEASURE (M)IMPROVE (I)ANALYZE (A)CONTROL (C)Dollars SavedPROBLEMDEFINE (D)AbcotLinking to the Goal Deployment MatrixAbcotManagement Roles in 6Management Roles in 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛Identifying key business areas where breakthrough is neededIdentifying area with the highest saving Identify the right 6西格玛candidates in accordance to selection criteria提供支持of resources to train 和equip people to attain stretch goals Set measurement matrix 和track progressRecognition 和reward successCreate opportunity 和channel to propagate success stories to generate culture change Abcot6 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛Leadership TeamLeadership TeamTrained in 6西格玛Develop a 6西格玛Deployment PlanWork with management to identify right 6西格玛candidatesDevelop a Focused Schedule 培训Serve as mentors for candidatesCertify 6西格玛CandidatesIdentify MentorsMonitor project selection 和progressWork with management sponsors on reward system 和propagating successDevelop a 6西格玛Network to enhance communicationReview 和Improve 6西格玛流程Abcot黑带黑带黑带黑带 Roles Roles Assist Department to identifying operating 和business issue in this area :Set Stretch Goals, Measure, Improve, Document, TransferLead 和managed 6西格玛ProjectsAct as Breakthrough Strategy expertsLead 和direct team in project executionStimulate Champion thinkingReport progress to appropriate leadership levelsInfluence without direct authorityDetermine the most effective 工具to applyBe a Change AgentMotivate others to set 和accomplish stretch goals with 6西格玛philosophies 和methodologies培训of 绿带sAbcot绿带绿带绿带绿带Roles Roles Focus on Projects that tie directly to their daily workTo help deploy the success of 6西格玛Lead 改进projectsGathering 和analyzing dataExecuting experimentsCapture 和Sustain 6西格玛Gain提供leadership in areas of uses 6西格玛methodologiesAbcotOver View of Leaders Roles Over View of Leaders Roles Abcot6西格玛西格玛PROJECT MASTER STRATEGYDEFINE ANALYZE MEASUREIMPROVECONTROL1. What 流程es are you responsible for ? Who is the owner of these 流程es ? Who are the team members ? How well does the team work together ? 2. Which 流程es have the highest priority for 改进? How did you come to this conclusion ? Where is the data that supports this conclusion ? 3. How is the 流程performed ?4. What are your 流程performance measures ? 为什么? How accurate 和precise is your measurement system ?5. What are the customer driven specifications for all your performance measures ? How good or bad is the current performance ? Show me the data. What are the 改进goals for the 流程?6. What are all the sources of variability in the 流程? Show me what they are.7. Which sources of variability do you control ? How do you control them 和is it documented ?8. Are any sources of variability 供应商-dependent ? If so, what are they, whos the 供应商和whats being done ?9. What are key variables that affect the average 和variation of the measures of performance ? How do you know this ? Show me the data.10. What are the 关系hips between the key variables 和流程output ? Do any key variables interact ? How do you know for sure ? Show me the data.11. What setting for the key variables will optimize the measures of performance ? How do you know this ? Show me the data.12. For the optimal setting of the key variables, what kind of variability exists in the performance measures ? How do you know ? Show me the data.13. How much 改进has the 流程shown in the last 3 months ? How do you know this ? Show me the data.14. How much time and/or money have your efforts saved or generated for the company ? How did you document all of your efforts ? Show me the data.AbcotCharacterize 和和OptimizeDMAICworkwork6s缺陷缺陷are easy to see, but are expensive to fixSustain The GainDetermine business measurement needing 改进改进Identify 产品产品 and/or 流程流程es that impact the targeted business measurementCategorize 缺陷缺陷generated by 产品产品 & 流程流程esDetermine largest opportunity for reducing defects, 和和estimate potential impact on businessGain business approval for 改进改进projectABCDEDefineCharacterize the response Y, look at the raw dataIs it Bimodal? Skewed? Other Clues?Is the problem with mean or sigma?Identify gap between current 和和desired stateDevelop cause 和和effect diagram to list potential XsUse graphical analysis, multi-vari, Anova 和和basic statistical 工具工具to screen the likely families of variability1234AnalyzeSelect likely Xs for experimentation; set levels on XsUse 设计设计of experiments to find the critical few Xs 和和equation Y=F(X), SY=G(X)Move the distributionShrink the spreadConfirm the results12345ImproveMistake proof the 产品产品or 流程流程Tolerance the 产品产品or 流程流程, Y=F( X)Measure the final capability for YPlace appropriate controls on the critical XsDocument the effort 和和results12345ControlProject ObjectiveDevelop focused problem statement with project teamIdentify the response variable(s) Ys 和和how to measure themAssess the specification(s) for defectIs one in place? Is it the right one?Analyze measurement system capability & accuracy1234MeasurePractical ProblemStatistical ProblemStatistical SolutionPractical SolutionStatistical ControlAbcotStage of 6Stage of 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛Implementation Implementation RecognizeRecognizeKey business issues from the executive viewpointBaseline major 流程流程: FPY, cycle time, ppm, dpuEvaluate customer perceptionsDetermine the cost of 质量质量 (COQ) Customer requirement Increase market share , profits margin , expansion , stock price , etc VisionVisionSet customer goalsSet goals for stock price , market share , sales, profiles ,etcSet 6西格玛西格玛goals for dpu , FPY, cycle time ,COQ ,etcSet goal that tied to performanceDefine “世界级别优秀世界级别优秀culture“ in PerkinElmer DeployDeployCommunicate vision , plan 和和needTrain all level manager to be champion, 黑带黑带s , 绿带绿带sTrain operator 和和supervisors提供提供resources ,software 和和hardwareApply 方法方法 (DMAIC) Schedule weekly mentor 和和expert meetingsAbcotMonitor Monitor Quarterly briefing to executives 和和financeSchedule monthly meetings to share ideas , group consulting , 脑力风脑力风暴暴, progress reports, etc.Identify 和和removed barriers Stay focused 和和committed提供提供d consulting on 6西格西格玛工具玛工具through masters For each project : define , measure , analysis , improve , control 和和review Evaluate Evaluate Evaluate goals 和和timelinesEvaluate business impactEvaluate problematic projectsEvaluate executive level 和和mentor or sponsor supportFinance link the gain to bottom lineRefocus 和和re-commitSustain Sustain Develop control planCommunicate success - motivate all personnel through executive briefings videos 和和organizational newslettersReward success as plannedMake appraisals reflect performanceSelect new projectsStage of 6Stage of 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛Implementation (cont)Implementation (cont)AbcotGoals of the Certification Goals of the Certification 流程流程流程流程: :Develop associates having the following attributesi. Understanding of 6西格玛工具西格玛工具sii. Appropriate applications of the 工具工具siii. Demonstrate results using the 工具工具sHave consistence certification criteria 和和judgment6 6 Sigma Certification Sigma Certification 流程流程流程流程AbcotDefinition黑带Candidate who are full-time working on 6西格玛projects. Responsible to : Lead the team in effective utilization of 6西格玛方法 Select, teach 和use the most effective 工具s Oversee data collection 和analysis Complete 2 projects a year绿带 Candidate who is doing 6西格玛projects on a part time basis.Responsible to :Assist the 黑带 Complete 1 project a yearAbcot流程流程to 6西格玛西格玛GB/BB certificationPhase 1; Project / Candidate SelectionCandidate SelectionTo fill in ; Characteristics of 6西格玛candidate Score-sheet 和Summary Leadership Values Score-sheet 6西格玛Candidates Leadership Values Summary 6西格玛CandidatesProject SelectionTo fill in ; 6西格玛Project Selection Summary Ease of Implementation Assessment ROI Impact AssessmentCandidates must score greater than 2.5 pts for each to qualifyCandidates must score at least 0.9 pts in the in the 6西西格玛格玛Project Selection Summary to qualify6西格玛西格玛Project SummaryMatching right project to the right peopleAbcotPhase 2; 6西格玛培训和application of 6西格玛工具sCollect Baseline Data on Project yield COQ Cost Cycle Time Inventory levelTo fill in ; 6西格玛R0 Project Review Sheet 6西格玛COQ Template 6西格玛Project Progress Report To get all relevant parties approval signatoriesAttend 6西格西格玛玛GB/BB Academic 培训培训Application of 6西格玛工西格玛工具具to Project(s)PF/CE/CNX/SOPs FMEA MSA PARETO PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION ANOVA DOE STATISTICAL INTERVAL SPCCreate Certification Template Follow DMAIC Presentation Summary Rev A , to complete each phase of the project流程流程to 6西格玛西格玛GB/BB certificationAbcotPhase 3; Certification of CandidateComplete Closure Technical ReportPresentation of 6西格玛西格玛Certification Project(s)Site Assessment of Project(s)Issue Plaque /Certificate Achievement to candidate Update Candidate LOR Career Profile on 培训和Recognition Finance to verify project savings Champions 和MBB to assess candidate understanding 和application of 6西格玛工具s Candidate Certification Evaluation Form流程流程to 6西格玛西格玛GB/BB certification Finance to verify project savings Champions 和MBB to assess candidate understanding 和application of 6西格玛工具s Candidate Certification Evaluation FormAbcotRequirements for Certification Completion of 6西格玛培训西格玛培训course Successful project completion (goal achievement 和和documentation) Demonstration on the understanding of 6西格玛工具西格玛工具s Effective 和和successful completion of steps to “hold the gain” Completion of each project within 1 yr 绿带绿带Certification; completion of 2 projects with minimum saving of US$25,000 per project 黑带黑带 Certification; completion of 2 projects with minimum saving of US$100,000 per project 交付交付ables for Certification Demonstration of six-sigma though 流程流程 Completion of 6西格玛西格玛R0 Project Review Sheet Completion of 6西格玛西格玛 Project Progress Report Completion of 6西格玛西格玛COQ Template Completion of DMAIC Presentation Summary Completion of Closure Technical ReportAbcotCertification 结构结构 Candidate Certification Board Site Leader Champions Master 黑带 Certification Board Review 流程Candidate to distribute the Closure Report Summary to the board at least one week before the review date (may be waived at the discretion of the site leader)MBB to act as the chair of the boardCandidate to present project details using using thought 流程map with emphasis on how each 工具was appliedQuestions, clarifications 和review by the boardAbcotCertification 结构结构(cont)Board members to rate candidate using Certification Evaluation FormPass if ;1.Candidate Technical Assessment is greater than 20 pts for Greenbelt 和greater than 40 pts for Blackbelt2.流程Variation 和Measurable Results Evaluation is at least 4 pts for each categoryInform candidate of the outcome AbcotSample FormsCharacteristics of 6西格玛西格玛CandidatesLeadership Values Score-sheetAbcotSample Forms; Leadership Values SummaryAbcotSample Form; Closure Technical ReportAbcotSample Form; Candidate Certification Evaluation FormAbcotDefinition of a Definition of a 流程流程流程流程A 流程is an activity which utilize inputs from external source 和transform them into desired output(s).Example:Manufacturing 流程es(i.e. wire bonding, injection molding, glass sawing)Financial 流程es(i.e. double book keeping, 产品costing)HR 流程es(i.e. recruiting, ranking 和appraisal, 培训)Daily activity(i.e. parking a car, buying lunch, brushing your teeth)AbcotIPO (Input-IPO (Input-流程流程流程流程-Output) Diagram -Output) Diagram PeoplePeopleMaterialMaterialEquipmentEquipmentPoliciesPoliciesProceduresProceduresMethodsMethodsEnvironmentEnvironmentPerformPerforma servicea serviceProduceProducea a 产品产品产品产品CompleteCompletea taska taskutilizing external utilizing external utilizing external INPUTS INPUTS INPUTS to achieve to achieve to achieve the desired the desired the desired OUTPUT(S)OUTPUT(S)OUTPUT(S)INPUTSINPUTSINPUTS 流程流程流程流程流程流程 OUTPUTSOUTPUTSOUTPUTSA visual representation of a 流程which lists input variables 和output characteristicsAbcotPeoplePeople Kids KidsMaterialMaterial Water Water Detergent DetergentEquipmentEquipment Cleaning Cloth Cleaning Cloth Pail Pail Water hose Water hoseEnvironmentEnvironment raining raining sunny sunnyCleanliness Cleanliness of car of car surfacesurfaceWashing a CarWashing a CarWashing a CarINPUTSINPUTSINPUTS 流程流程流程流程流程流程 OUTPUTSOUTPUTSOUTPUTSWhat is the purpose of IPOWhat is the purpose of IPOA high level interpretation of a 流程, which enable ease of understanding, through outlining the 关系关系hips between input variables 和output response(s).AbcotWhat is a distribution ?It is a pattern form by the collection of data, grouping the outcome horizontally (x-axis), 和indicates the observed frequency of the outcome vertically (y-axis).In statistic, this generate a theoretical pattern whereby information of entire population can be obtained from observing limited samples.A Normal Distribution2527293133353739414345Response MeasurementFrequencyAbcotCharacteristic of a normal distribution- It has a single peak 和a bell shape curve- It is a distribution for continuous data- The mean (average) is is at the center of the curve- The variance describe the spreading of dataWage Distribution of Engineering Fresh Graduate2.252.302.352.402.452.502.552.602.652.702.75Response X ( $K )Frequency ( No. of person )Mean, m mAbcot为什么为什么is distribution important to a 流程流程The output of a 流程can most of the time associates with a statistical distribution, giving opportunity for engineer to analyze the data statistically, hence arriving conclusion with a statistical confidence 和at a lower cost.Distributions differs in locationDistributions differs in spreadDistributions differs in shapeNormal Distribution-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 01 2 3 4 5 6 - 99.9999999998% - 99.73% - 95.45% -68.27%- 3 variation is called natural tolerance Abcot流程流程Capability Study流程流程capability potential, CpBased on the assumptions that :Cp= 流程capability potentialCpk= 流程capability indexIt is a measurement of the capability of a 流程, by indexing the 流程natural tolerance with respect to the device specification (i.e. customer tolerance)1.流程is normalNormal Distribution-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 01 2 3 4 5 6 Lower Spec LimitLSLUpper Spec LimitUSLSpecification Center2.It is a 2-sided specification3.流程mean is centered to the device specificationSpread in specificationNatural toleranceCP =USL - LSL6 8 6 = 1.33Abcot流程流程Capability Index, Cpk1. Based on the assumption that the 流程is normal2. An index that compare the 流程center with specification centerUSL - Y3 Y - LSL3 Cpk = min ,Normal Distribution-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 01 2 3 4 5 6 Lower Spec LimitLSLUpper Spec LimitUSLSpecification CenterTherefore when ,Cpk Cp ; then 流程is not centeredCpk = Cp ; then 流程is centeredAbcotArbitrary sample data of starch content (gram) in 1gram anti-biotic pillWhat is the mean starch content ?What is the variance ?What is the 标准偏差标准偏差 ?What is the 流程流程capability potential, Cp ?What is the 流程流程capability index, Cpk ?What can you do to improve the 流程流程?The above activity is a sigma 流程流程.What can you conclude from the below 流程流程?Given:Nominal content = 0.5 gramTolerance = 0.1 gramAbcot关系关系hip between 流程流程Capability 和和DPPMCp = Cpk = 1Cp = Cpk = 1.33Cp = Cpk = 1.67Cp = Cpk = 2Cp =1Cpk = 0.5Cp =1.33Cpk = 0.83Cp =1.67Cpk = 1.17Cp =2Cpk = 1.5Long Term流程流程CapabilityShort Term流程流程CapabilityFor a 6 Sigma 流程流程Cp = 2.0Cpk = 1.5DPM = 3.4 AbcotFirst Pass Yield Exercise I Break into team of 9 persons. Each team consist of 1 供应商, 1 supervisor, 3 operators, 3 inspectors 和1 customer. The objective is to 交付20 complete 产品 to the customer The task of 供应商is to supply card (i.e. raw material) to the first operator. The task of the operator is to drop the card with edge facing down onto the target area, 和count the number of drop throughout the exercise. The task of the inspector is to verify that the card has drop within the target area If card fall within the target:Pass the card to the next operator (or to the customer for the last inspector)Record down the number of good units that are passed to the next 流程 If card does not fall within the target:Pick up the card 和h和it back to the operator The task of the customer is to receive the 20 cards, 和record the time required (i.e. lead time) At the end of the exercise, the 供应商will count the number of raw material issue to the 流程流程流程1流程流程2流程流程3供应商CustomerInspectorsOperatorsAbcotComputation of 产品产品costAbcotWhat is Cost of 质量质量 (COQ)It is the total cost incur from the result of poor 质量 of materials, 产品, 流程es, 和the cost of not doing things right at the first time.What are 某些某些of the COQ that you can see at your site ? Scrap, Rework, Cycle Time Warranty, Liability, Service Audits, Inspections, Evaluations 培训without ROI, Consultation Lost of sales, Lost of market shareAbcotHow does 6 Sigma 和Lean related to COQ ?2 ways the entire business 流程can be improved 和reduce COQ : To lean up the 流程chain 和reduce chances for error To improve the sigma capability of the 流程LeanThrough 6 SigmaAbcotWhat are the overall yield for your 流程流程?Double click on table to find outGoing back to the dropping cards exerciseHow can we reduce the 产品产品cost ?What is the main problem that associate to the cost factor ?Knowing the problem, what is the root cause to the problem ?Can changing the way we do thing help to improve the situation ?AbcotFirst Pass Yield Exercise II Break into team of 9 persons. Each team consist of 1 供应商, 1 supervisor, 3 operators, 3 inspectors 和1 customer. The objective is to 交付20 complete 产品 to the customer The task of 供应商is to supply card (i.e. raw material) to the first operator. The task of the operator is to drop the card with the surface facing down onto the target area, 和count the number of drop throughout the exercise. The task of the inspector is to verify that the card has drop within the target area If card fall within the target:Pass the card to the next operator (or to the customer for the last inspector)Record down the number of good units that are passed to the next 流程 If card does not fall within the target:Pick up the card 和h和it back to the operator The task of the customer is to receive the 20 cards, 和record the time required (i.e. lead time) At the end of the exercise, the 供应商will count the number of raw material issue to the 流程流程流程1流程流程2流程流程3供应商CustomerInspectorsOperatorsAbcotWhat is the 产品产品cost after the change of 流程流程methodAbcot某些质量改进工具某些质量改进工具in 6西格玛培训西格玛培训Pareto ChartGraphical representation that describe categories in descending occurrence order 80% of a problem is contributed by 20% of the categoriesSeparate the important few factors from the many trivial factorsExtensively use to define areas to focus on for detail analysisInputInputDecisionDecision流程流程流程流程StepStepOutputOutputScrapScrapNONOYesYes流程流程Flow DiagramGraphical representation of the various 流程activities in sequence.A extended vision from IPO diagram to 提供more details about the 流程Use in 流程mapping to identify area where problem surface out.Suggest data collection points for a 流程AbcotCause 和和Effect Diagram (Fishbone diagram)DistanceDistanceManManMaterialsMaterialsMeasurementMeasurementMethodsMethodsEnvironmentEnvironmentMachinesMachinesDistanceDistanceManManMaterialsMaterialsMeasurementMeasurementMethodsMethodsEnvironmentEnvironmentMachinesMachines提供a 结构d approach during a brain storming session for root cause analysis.Identifies components to be 1) ignored (Noise), 2) to held Constant, 和3) for optimization through DOE (eXperimentation)Failure Mode 和和Effect Analysis (FMEA)Identifies potential failure mode, evaluate its effect 和analyze the cause(s).RPN in FMEA help to focus on developing 改进plan for critical causes.Measurement Capability AnalysisEvaluate the variance in the measurement system.In order to achieve 改进, you must first be able to measure with substantial resolution.AbcotRegression Modeling 和和DOEDevelop model that describe how the inputs of a 流程influence its output.Allow optimization of 流程和cost through the modelInformation about the strength of the model is availableHo = Ho = m m m m1 = 1 = m m m m2 2H1 = H1 = m m m m1 1 m m m m2 2Hypothesis Testing提供information about whether there is a significant difference between two activities.Allow statistical justification rather than the traditional “Gut” feeling justification.Control ChartDistinguish special causes in the 流程Allow 流程monitoring over timeHelps in controlling the 流程through early trend detectionAbcot脑力风暴脑力风暴It is the generation of ideas in a group situation, based on the principle of suspending judgement. A principle which is highly 产品产品ive in both individual or group effortEffective 脑力风暴脑力风暴Well defined 和和clearly stated problemAssign a recorder to write down all the ideas as they occurMaintain manageable group size (i.e 5 to 8 persons)Enforce following guide lines: Suspend judgement Every idea is accepted 和和recorded Encourage people to build on the ideas of others Encourage wild or odd ideasAbcot某些脑力风暴某些脑力风暴PracticesRandom method:Everyone in the group will throw in ideas randomly as soon as the ideas are generated- Possibility that idea contributions are dominated by few persons- Good ideas may be suspress through feeling inferior Cycle method:Each one in the group will come out with one idea, 和和the cycle continues after the the last person in the group has given his contribution- Possibility of putting someone in a uncomfortable position- Idea generation is less dynamic, 和people might feel bored easilySilence method:Everyone in the group will be given 某些某些times to write down all their ideas on papers 和和submit to a designated recorder, who will then consolidate all the ideas 和和record on the board for everyone to view- Lack of real time interaction- Might hinder the building of ideas from contributions generated by othersAbcotAbcot为什么为什么为什么为什么do I use it?do I use it? To focus our efforts on the problems that offer the greatest To focus our efforts on the problems that offer the greatest potential for potential for 改进改进改进改进What is it?What is it? A bar chart for non-numerical categories that displays A bar chart for non-numerical categories that displays attribute data from highest to lowest frequency (based on attribute data from highest to lowest frequency (based on “Pareto Principle” which states that “Pareto Principle” which states that 80%80% of the effects are of the effects are due to due to 20%20% of the causes) of the causes)What does it do?What does it do? Identifies the causes that will have the greatest impact on Identifies the causes that will have the greatest impact on solving the problemsolving the problemIntroduction to Pareto ChartIntroduction to Pareto ChartAbcotExample of Pareto ChartExample of Pareto ChartAbcotAbcotPareto AnalysisAbcotAbcot In particular week of the M&M Factory 产品ion have a major 缺陷of Broken M&M 和Rejected Color Now present which is the group of M&M you should look into during 产品ion if the following data is given to you .GroupCost of Manufacturing Broken M&M Rejected Colorper piece(K)(k)Brown $ 0.27.4 3.1 Red$ 0.52.1 1.1Yellow $ 0.31.3 2.1Blue$ 0.36.2 7.4Orange $ 0.28.2 1.3Green$ 0.22.3 6.2 In particular week of the M&M Factory 产品ion have a major 缺陷of Broken M&M 和Rejected Color Now present which is the group of M&M you should look into during 产品ion if the following data is given to you .GroupCost of Manufacturing Broken M&M Rejected Colorper piece(K)(k)Brown $ 0.27.4 3.1 Red$ 0.52.1 1.1Yellow $ 0.31.3 2.1Blue$ 0.36.2 7.4Orange $ 0.28.2 1.3Green$ 0.22.3 6.2作出决定的using Pareto ChartAbcotAbcotAbcotAbcot流程Flow Diagram - SymbolsStartStart流程流程ConnectorConnectorDecisionDecisionFlow/transitionStart/EndStart/EndServices / add valueAbcot流程流程流程流程Flow Diagram - Making my cup of coffee Flow Diagram - Making my cup of coffee StartSip my coffeeNo goodgoodAbcotInspect the Inspect the tubestubesExternal dirty defectExternal dirty defectfound that cannot be found that cannot be removed ?removed ?Submit good tubeSubmit good tubeto OQA for buy offto OQA for buy offExternal dirty defectExternal dirty defectfound that cannot be found that cannot be removed ?removed ?PackingPackingTake out the Take out the defect & scrapdefect & scrapFINAL INSPECTION FINAL INSPECTION 流程流程流程流程FLOW CHARTFLOW CHARTRELATED TO THE EXTERNAL STAINRELATED TO THE EXTERNAL STAINYESYESNONOYESYESNONOAQL AQL Return back theReturn back thelot to lot to 产品产品产品产品ionionFRONTLINEFRONTLINE流程流程流程流程( SGP )( SGP )ADS assemblyADS assemblyRaw GlassRaw GlassAnode Sealing Anode Sealing Glass washing Glass washing Cathode Sealing Cathode Sealing Glass sawingGlass sawingCathode sealing Cathode sealing AssemblyAssemblyPre CVD washingPre CVD washingCVD coatingCVD coatingSandblastingSandblastingWashing Washing Tinning Tinning Thermal shockThermal shockWashing Washing FluorescentFluorescentFinal Final inspectioninspectionTestingTestingEndEndBACK- LINEBACK- LINE流程流程流程流程( BTM )( BTM )流程流程流程流程mapping in term of extrenal stain will be mapping in term of extrenal stain will be performed to identify origin sources of the performed to identify origin sources of the defectdefectNon Value Non Value added added activityactivityCost of Poor Cost of Poor 质量质量质量质量Cost of Poor Cost of Poor 质量质量质量质量流程流程流程流程Flow Example IFlow Example IAbcotEndFail OnceFail twiceMechanical Dimension(FAIR Result)Light Transmission ( 40mV)Insulation Resistance( 10 Gohm)Start Pass Pass Fail流程流程流程流程Flow Example IIFlow Example IIAbcotExercise -: Putting them togetherDevelop 流程flow for your project Construct a 流程flow chart for your projects Mark ( *) next to the 流程or step which is value added 和产品ive Identify the number of decision box Indicate the time require in every step including transport Construct a table to summary the number of 产品ive 和non 产品ive 流程 , decision 和flow Present you Flow chart 和propose changesAbcotFMEA ( Failure Mode Effect Analysis )FMEA , is a attempt to identify possible failure modes 和和effects or consequences that failure modes may have on performance ,提供提供a mean of prevention FMEA 提供提供s an excellent basis for classification of characteristicsIt is a fundamental 工具工具in creating a reliability system Do you have an FMEA in Your 流程流程?When you have a Failure do you know what causes it ? How does FMEA help in Daily work How does FMEA help in Daily work Improves the 质量质量, reliability, 和和safety of 产品产品Increases customer satisfactionReduces 产品产品development timing 和和costDocuments 和和tracks actions taken to reduce risk AbcotTypes of FMEA Types of FMEA System FMEA: Used to analyze systems 和subsystems in the early concept 和设计stages. Focuses on potential failure modes associated with the functions of a system caused by design.设计设计FMEA: Used to analyze 产品 before they are released to 产品ion.流程流程FMEA: Used to analyze manufacturing 和assembly 流程es.Defect FMEA : Used to analyze 和prioritize 缺陷to prevent reoccurrence (in 产品 和流程es)l$305,000 Increased Annual Revenuel3220 Minutes Less Maintenance Downtime/ Machine/Monthl452,000 More Piece Increased Annual 产品ionl28 Less Maintenance Calls/Machine/Month l15 Less Sensor Failures Per Yearl$7,200 Annual Reduction in Maintenance 和Replacement Costs (Source from GE , Motorola ,Bombardier , ABB ,IBM Allied Signal)FMEA Benefits FMEA Benefits 实例实例实例实例From 6From 6西格玛西格玛西格玛西格玛Company Company Abcot FMEA : FMEA : 流程流程流程流程/ / 产品产品产品产品FMEAFMEAAbcotSeveritySeverity is an assessment of the seriousness of effectSeverity is applies to the effect onlyThe following is the evaluation CriteriaAbcotOccurrenceThis means how Frequently the failure mode is projected to occur as a result of a specific causeIt can be thought of as the probability of occurrence of the failure modeUse a scale of 1(very low) to 5( very high) FrequencyAbcotDetection ( DET ) Assume the failure has occurred; then asses the probability that the current control will detect the failure mode before the 产品产品is shipped outUse a scale of 1(very low) to 5( Nil) Detection AbcotPossible Controls item :Fixture fool- proofingSPCinspectionTestinggauge R & RPreventive maintenanceOperator 培训scheduleStandard operating procedurehumidity / pressure / temperature Controlfinite element analysiscalibration etcRisk Priority Number (RPN)RPN = Severity x Occurrence x DetectionNote : In themselves , absolute RPN numbers have no significant . They are use for “ Paretorising ” or ranking failure causes , to decide which require corrective actionsAbcotBuilding an FMEA - Step 2Enter all of the ways that each 流程流程or sub-assembly can failBuilding an FMEA - Step 3What happens when this failure occurs?Building an FMEA - Step 1Enter All of your 流程流程es or sub-assemblies in the first columnAbcotBuilding an FMEA - Step 4What causes this failure?Building an FMEA - Step 5What do you now do to prevent this failure?Building an FMEA - Step 6Assign how severe the failure mode is (1 not severe, 5 catastrophic), how like it is to occur (1 seldom, 5 frequently) 和how likely you will notice the failure mode before it occurs (1 likely, 5 not likely)AbcotSample 流程流程FMEA : Filling Petrol into CarAbcotAbcotWhat is Statistics ?Inferential StatisticsStatistics: The science of collecting, describing & interpreting data The 流程流程of collecting, presenting 和和describing sample data, using graphical 工具和工具和numbersDescriptive StatisticsThe 流程流程of interpreting the sample data to draw conclusions about the population from which the sample was taken Mean=3.2Std dev=2.5AbcotPopulation vs SamplePopulation vs SamplePopulation: The set of all possible objects, individuals or events of interestmean =m m 标准偏差= or sIf we could measure the mileage per gallon for all the cars in the parking lot the mean 和标准偏差和标准偏差 would be, m m =17.3 mpg s= 5.4 mpgAbcotPopulation vs SampleWhat are 某些某些common 实例实例of where we use a sample to make inferences about the population?Instead of taking data for all the cars we take a sample of cars from the parking lot 和和measure the mean 和标准偏差和标准偏差 for their mileage per gallonx = 19.3 mpg s =2.0 mpg From these statistics we can make inferences regarding the PopulationSample: A subset of the populationmean = x 标准偏差标准偏差= sAbcotx971.5”x1x2x3x4x5x6x7x856.5”61.5”62.5”64.0”64.5”64.5”65.5”67.5”Mean HeightMean Center Tendency 和和Measure of LocationThe Mean is obtained by adding all the data 和和dividing by thenumber of observations, the symbol x is used to represent the meanx =56.5 + 61.5 + 62.5 + 64.0 + 64.5 + 64.5 + 65.5 + 67.5 + 71.59= 64.2”x1 + x2 + x3 + xnx =# of observationsSum of Data=nThe mean for this data sample is: AbcotTo find the Median, order the data from shortest to tallestThe Median is the the measurement in the middle, 50% of the data points are above the median 和和50% below Note : If there is an even number of data points then the take the average of the two data points nearest the middle56.5”71.5”61.5”62.5”64.0”64.5”64.5”65.5”67.5”In this case the median = 64.5”Median HeightMedian Center Tendency 和和Measure of LocationAbcot98,000236,00040,00036,00032,00028,000Mean : 46,000 Total Payroll = $1,058,000# on payroll : 23Average Annual Pay :1058000/23 = $ 46,000How Do We Measure LocationAbcotAbcotAbcotAbcotFor sniper 2 help him to reduce variation in during firing Concept of Precision 和和AccuracyHow would you help sniper 1 和和2 ?For sniper 1, we adjust the rifle aiming tip to center on the target Precision 和和AccuracyAbcotLinking Precision 和和Accuracy to 流程流程Capability & ControlAccurateYesNoPreciseYesNoAccurate 和和preciseNot accurate but preciseNot accurate 和和not preciseAccurate but not preciseUCLLCLUCLLCLUCLLCLUCLLCLLSLUSLLSLUSLLSLUSLLSLUSLLSL = Lower Specification LimitUSL = Upper Specification LimitLCL = Lower Control LimitUCL = Upper Control LimitOut LiersAbcot95.45 %69.12 %99.73 %93.32 %99.9999998 %99.9996549 %Short Term YieldLong Term YieldLinking Precision 和和Accuracy to 流程流程Capability & ControlHow can we categorise problems found in a 流程?1.Precision problems2.Accuracy problems3.Out-lier problemsAbcotStatapult Exercise 1Separate into teamsEach person takes one turn at being a shooter, recorder 和和measurerEnsure the Statapult is preset to:Pull back Angle - 177Hook Position - 4Cup Position - 1 Stop Position 3Pin Position - 2Each person will take 3 shotsPractice shots are not allowed 和和there is a 15 seconds time limits between successive shotsRecord the distances in the table 提供提供dCompute the Range, Max, 和和Min of the distanceCup PositionPin PositionPull Back AngleHook PositionStop Position
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