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MARKETING MANAGEMENT8. Creating Positioning& Dealing withCompetition 4-2Lecture QuestionsHow can a firm choose and communicate an effective positioning in the market?How are brands differentiated?How do marketers identify primary competitorsidentify primary competitors?How should we analyze competitors strategies, objectives, strengths, and weaknesses?How do market leaders, challengers, followers and nichers make their competitive strategiesmake their competitive strategies? 4-3What dont we mean by positioning?Which stores or channels youll sell the product inWhere on the shelf you hope to have it placedThe market segment you will targetThese decisions are related to or grow out of the positioning decision, but they are not positioning, as marketers use the term.4-4PositioningAct of designing the companysoffering and image to occupya distinctive place in the mind ofthe target market.The end result of positioning is the successful creation of a customer-focused Value Proposition, a cogent reason why the target market should buy the product4-5Marketing StrategySegmentationTargetingPositioning4-6PositioningAct of designing the companysoffering and image to occupya distinctive place in the mind ofthe target market.4-7Generic Competitive StrategiesLower CostDifferentiationBroad TargetCost Leadership StrategyDifferentiation StrategyNarrow TargetFocus StrategyFocus Strategy (Differentiation Based)Competitive AdvantageCompetitiveScopeSource: Adapted from Michael Porter, Competitive Advantage,New York: The Free Press, 1985, p. 12.4-8Examples of Value PropositionsDemand States and Marketing TasksCompany Company and Productand ProductTarget Target CustomersCustomersBenefitsBenefitsPricePriceValue PropositionValue PropositionPerdue (chicken)Quality-conscious consumers of chickenTenderness10% premiumMore tender golden chicken at a moderate premium priceVolvo(station wagon)Safety-conscious “upscale” familiesDurability and safety20% premiumThe safest, most durable wagon in which your family can rideDominos (pizza)Convenience-minded pizza loversDelivery speed and good quality15% premiumA good hot pizza, delivered to your door within 30 minutes of ordering, at a moderate price4-9PODs and POPs4-10 “义利义利”巧克力的产品定位巧克力的产品定位 口感细腻口感细腻口感粗糙口感粗糙价格低价格低价格高价格高614352瑞士莲瑞士莲吉百利吉百利德芙德芙664-11Perceptual Map4-12Theme parks positioning possibilitiesAttribute positioningBenefit positioningUse or application positioningUser positioningCompetitor positioningProduct category positioningQuality or price positioning4-13Which Positioning to Promote? Method for Competitive-Advantage Selection(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Competitive AdvantageCompany StandingCompetitor StandingImportance of Improving Standing(H-M-L)*Affordability and Speed(H-M-L)Technology88LLCost68HMQuality86LLService43HHH=high, M=medium, L=low4-14Communicating the Companys PositioningPositioning statement is (Our product/Brand)(single most important concept)to (target group and need)that (point-of-difference)4-15More Detailed PositioningTo young, active soft-drink consumers who have little time for sleep, Mountain Dew is the soft drink that gives you more energy than any other brand because it has the highest level of caffeine. With Mountain Dew, you can stay alert and keep going even when you havent been able to get a good nights sleep.4-16Defining AssociationsPoints-of-difference (PODs)Attributes or benefits consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate, and believe they could not find to the same extent with a competitive brandPoints-of-parity (POPs)Associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand but may be shared with other brands4-17Conveying Category MembershipAnnouncing category benefitsComparing to exemplarsRelying on the product descriptor4-184-19PODs and POPs4-20PODs and POPs4-21Consumer Desirability Criteria for PODsRelevanceDistinctivenessBelievability4-22Deliverability Criteria for PODsFeasibilityCommunicabilitySustainability4-23Examples of Negatively Correlated Attributes and BenefitsLow-price vs. High qualityTaste vs. Low caloriesNutritious vs. Good tastingEfficacious vs. MildPowerful vs. SafeStrong vs. RefinedUbiquitous vs. ExclusiveVaried vs. Simple4-24Differentiation StrategiesProductChannelImagePersonnel4-25Differentiation VariablesProductServicesPersonnelChannelImageFormOrdering easeCompetenceCoverageSymbolsFeaturesDeliveryCourtesyExpertiseMediaPerformanceInstallationCredibilityPerformanceAtmosphereConformanceCustomer trainingReliabilityEventsDurabilityCustomer consultingResponsiveness4-2613 Brand Positioning by Paul TemporalFeatures & attributesBenefits Problem solvingProduct applicationCorporate endorsementCompetition Target clientAspiration Causes Value Personality Claiming number one- Paul Temporal, Advanced Brand Management, 20044-27Positioning Statement for VolvoFor upscale families, Volvo is the family automobile that offers maximum safetyGeneric format for positioning statements: For (target market), (brand) is the (product category) that (benefit offered). 4-28Value Proposition for Volvo Target market: Upscale familiesBenefits offered: SafetyRelative price: 20% premium to domestic family carsGeneric format for value propositions:Target marketBenefits offered (and sometimes not offered)Relative priceAffordableSuperiorProfitablePreemptiveDistinctiveImportantCommunicable4-30Some Key Questions Concerning Positioning DecisionsFor whom are they written?In what sort of language?Should they focus on features or benefits?How many differentiating attributes should anchor them?5-31Competition in the Jeans Market5-32Steps in Competition AnalysisIdentifying the companys competitorsAnalyzing competitors objectives, strategies,strengths and weaknesses, and reaction patternsDesigning competitive strategiesDesigning competitive intelligence system5-33 Different Levels of Competitors Companys CompetitorsBrandcompetitorsBroadly-definedcompetitorsProduct-class competitorsService/industry competitors5-34 Avoid “Competitor Myopia” Kodak, in its film business, has been worrying about the growing competition from Fuji. But actually, Kodak faces a much greater threat from the recent advances in “filmless camera” technology. These cameras, already sold by Cannon, Sony and some Korean brands, are called “digital camera”.A company is more likely to be “buried” by A company is more likely to be “buried” by its latent competitors than its current ones.its latent competitors than its current ones.5-35Five competitive forcesProf. Michael PorterProf. Michael Porter5-38A Competitors Expansion Plans5-39Competitor Map5-41Hypothetical Market Structure10%MarketNichers20%MarketFollower30%MarketChallenger40%MarketLeader5-42Competitive Marketing Strategies Firms Competing in a Given Target Market Differ in their Objectives and Resources so May Choose the Following Forms:Case AnalysisBaidus Challenge for GoogleC2 group5-44Firm With the Largest Market ShareExpanding theTotal MarketDefenseStrategiesExpanding Market ShareCompetitive Marketing Strategiesfor Market Leader5-45Expanding the Total MarketNew customersMore usage5-46B&L1987年初入中国市场时致力于市场教育5-472020世纪世纪9090年代初,美国的牛奶消费量连续十五年下滑。年代初,美国的牛奶消费量连续十五年下滑。当时的年轻人普遍认为,牛奶是小孩子喝的东西,牛奶当时的年轻人普遍认为,牛奶是小孩子喝的东西,牛奶的市场份额不断地被软饮料及瓶装水所挤占(据饮料工的市场份额不断地被软饮料及瓶装水所挤占(据饮料工业杂志:仅业杂志:仅19911991年就有年就有18051805种新型饮料面世)。种新型饮料面世)。作为美国最大的牛奶加工组织作为美国最大的牛奶加工组织加州牛奶加工委员会加州牛奶加工委员会(CMPB CMPB The California Milk Processor Board The California Milk Processor Board)终于坐不住了,于是一场浩浩荡荡的广告战役开始孕育。终于坐不住了,于是一场浩浩荡荡的广告战役开始孕育。 5-48这场被冠名为这场被冠名为“Got MilkGot Milk”的广告运动,不惜血本地邀请的广告运动,不惜血本地邀请了美国各界的明星代言牛奶(据称:了美国各界的明星代言牛奶(据称:Got MilkGot Milk推广计划在推广计划在加州每年耗资加州每年耗资25002500万美元,在美国国内每年耗资万美元,在美国国内每年耗资1.81.8亿美亿美元),这些明星的嘴唇上都有一抹牛奶小胡子,成为经典元),这些明星的嘴唇上都有一抹牛奶小胡子,成为经典的标志。从的标志。从19931993年至今,那撇牛奶胡子长盛不衰,让所有年至今,那撇牛奶胡子长盛不衰,让所有的美国人为之尖叫,被认为是有史以来最伟大的广告战役的美国人为之尖叫,被认为是有史以来最伟大的广告战役5-50Factors Relevant to Pursuing Increased Market SharePossibility of provoking antitrust actionEconomic costPursuing the wrong marketing-mix strategyThe effect of increased market share on actual and perceived quality5-51Six Types of Defense Strategies5-52市场领导者的战略选择竞争者竞争者或或潜在竞争者潜在竞争者收缩防御收缩防御收缩防御收缩防御 运动防御运动防御侧翼先发防御侧翼先发防御侧翼先发防御侧翼先发防御侧翼反击防御侧翼反击防御侧翼反击防御侧翼反击防御领导者领导者阵地阵地防御战略防御战略先发制人防御先发制人防御先发制人防御先发制人防御正面反击防御正面反击防御正面反击防御正面反击防御Source: Adapted from P. Kotler and R. Singh Achrol, “Marketing Warfare in the 1980s” Reprinted with permission from Journal of Business Strategy, Winter 1981, pp. 30-41. Copyright 1981 by Warren, Gorham & Lambert, Inc., 210 South Street, Boston MA 02111. All rights reserved. 5-53 英特尔公司是全球最大的半导体芯片制造商,它成立于1968年,具有40多年产品创新和市场领导的历史。1971年,英特尔推出了全球第一个微处理器。这一举措不仅改变了公司的未来,而且对整个工业产生了深远的影响。微处理器所带来的计算机和互联网革命,改变了这个世界。 AMD(NYSE:AMD)于1969年在美国加利福尼亚州的森尼韦尔成立,是个人和网络计算机及通信市场上的全球集成电路供应商,在美国、欧洲、日本和亚洲都设有制造厂。作为一家标准普尔500选定的指标上市公司,AMD为通信和网络应用生产和提供微处理器、闪存和基于硅技术解决方案。 1998Pentium II Xeon 1998以后以后Intel Celeron Intel Celeron Itanium CentrinoViiv 2001200120032006Intel为了区分服务器市场和普通个人电脑市场,为了区分服务器市场和普通个人电脑市场,这个产品线面向中高端企业级服务器、工作站市场;这个产品线面向中高端企业级服务器、工作站市场;是英特尔公司进一步细分市场的重要步骤。是英特尔公司进一步细分市场的重要步骤。随着随着随着随着PCPC市场的日益成熟,英特尔最大的竞争者市场的日益成熟,英特尔最大的竞争者市场的日益成熟,英特尔最大的竞争者市场的日益成熟,英特尔最大的竞争者AMDAMD通过降低价格在市场上站稳脚跟,由此出现了通过降低价格在市场上站稳脚跟,由此出现了通过降低价格在市场上站稳脚跟,由此出现了通过降低价格在市场上站稳脚跟,由此出现了CPUCPU市场的细分。英特尔为了在市场上保持自己的地位,市场的细分。英特尔为了在市场上保持自己的地位,市场的细分。英特尔为了在市场上保持自己的地位,市场的细分。英特尔为了在市场上保持自己的地位,单靠利用单靠利用单靠利用单靠利用PentiumPentium品牌风险是相当大的。品牌风险是相当大的。品牌风险是相当大的。品牌风险是相当大的。2001年在整个芯片构架从年在整个芯片构架从IA32构架过渡到构架过渡到IA64构架构架的时候,英特尔为了区别于的时候,英特尔为了区别于32位的位的 Pentium,推出了新的独立品牌推出了新的独立品牌 Itanium新的技术品牌战略的体现,新的技术品牌战略的体现,Viiv是英特尔新推出的技术品牌面向数字家庭市场是英特尔新推出的技术品牌面向数字家庭市场2003年在笔记本电脑采用的年在笔记本电脑采用的 Centrino5-55新品牌战略:英特尔决定将Intel Inside背书于Celeron为消费者提供信心保证,这正是一般的经济型品牌所缺少的,使得在低端市场Celeron同样可以比AMD价格偏高而不妨碍市场的接受程度。 而而CeleronCeleron与奔腾并无直接的与奔腾并无直接的品牌联系,因而不需要担心品品牌联系,因而不需要担心品牌资产流失,牌资产流失,CeleronCeleron的好处的好处还在于可以低成本营销。还在于可以低成本营销。5-56R Ru un nn ne er r- -U Up p F Fi ir rmms s t th ha at t F Fi ig gh ht tt to o I In nc cr re ea as se e MMa ar rk ke et t S Sh ha ar re eA At tt ta ac ck k t th he eMMa ar rk ke et t L Le ea ad de er rA At tt ta ac ck ki in ng g S St tr ra at te eg gi ie es sA Ac cq qu ui ir re e S Smma al ll le er rF Fi ir rmms sA At tt ta ac ck k OOt th he er rF Fi ir rmms sCompetitive Marketing Strategiesfor Market Challenger5-57成功的挑战者:昔日的挑战者,今日即将成为领导者 9,369,5249,366,4181,3411, 4135-58“A new player thats aggressive and focused will almost always gain ground on an established player. ”- Dean Headley co-author of a national airline quality report5-59R Ru un nn ne er r- -U Up p F Fi ir rmms s t th ha at t F Fi ig gh ht tt to o I In nc cr re ea as se e MMa ar rk ke et t S Sh ha ar re eA At tt ta ac ck k t th he eMMa ar rk ke et t L Le ea ad de er rA At tt ta ac ck ki in ng g S St tr ra at te eg gi ie es sA Ac cq qu ui ir re e S Smma al ll le er rF Fi ir rmms sA At tt ta ac ck k OOt th he er rF Fi ir rmms sCompetitive Marketing Strategiesfor Market Challenger攻击目标攻击目标What攻击策略攻击策略How5-60百事可乐挑战市场领袖百事可乐挑战市场领袖可口可乐可口可乐5-61燕京啤酒对地方啤酒企业的兼并206.98亿亿30.03亿亿 24.36亿亿 12.03亿亿 2007年啤酒产销量年啤酒产销量401.41万千升,万千升,进入世界啤酒产销量前十名、销售进入世界啤酒产销量前十名、销售收入收入103.84亿元。员工亿元。员工33500人,占人,占地地389万平方米,拥有控股子公司万平方米,拥有控股子公司(厂)(厂)29个,其中啤酒生产企业个,其中啤酒生产企业21个,相关和附属产品企业个,相关和附属产品企业8家。家。 5-62How?Attack Strategies凭借实力凭借实力凭借实力凭借实力攻其薄弱攻其薄弱攻其薄弱攻其薄弱全面创新全面创新全面创新全面创新持续骚扰持续骚扰持续骚扰持续骚扰5-63Samsung Attacks Using InnovationSamsung has recently overtaken Sony as the worlds biggest producer of televisions. Its philosophy of bringing people the latest technology at a fair price has quickly made it a firm consumer favorite, while its phones are now second only to Nokia. Looking ahead, the brand realizes the importance of having stronger representation at the point of sale, so it will open more Samsung retail outlets to deliver the full brand experience. $17,689 m$17,689 m5-64Specific Attack StrategiesPrice discountsLower-priced goodsValue-priced goodsPrestige goodsProduct proliferationProduct innovationImproved servicesDistribution innovationManufacturing-cost reductionIntensive advertising promotion5-65Competitive Marketing Strategiesfor Market FollowerR Ru un nn ne er r- -U Up p F Fi ir rmms s t th ha at t WWa an nt tt to o HHo ol ld d T Th he ei ir r S Sh ha ar re e WWi it th ho ou ut tR Ro oc ck ki in ng g t th he e B Bo oa at tC Co ou un nt te er rf fe ei it te er rC Cl lo on ne er rA Ad da ap pt to or rI Immi it ta at to or r在资本密集的同质性产品的行业中,在资本密集的同质性产品的行业中,市场跟随者策略是大多数企业的选市场跟随者策略是大多数企业的选择。这些行业的主要特点是:择。这些行业的主要特点是: (1)产品的同质程度高,产品差异)产品的同质程度高,产品差异化和形象差异化的机会较低;化和形象差异化的机会较低;(2)服务质量和服务标准的趋同;)服务质量和服务标准的趋同;(3)消费者对价格的敏感程度高;)消费者对价格的敏感程度高;(4)行业中任何价格挑衅都可能引)行业中任何价格挑衅都可能引发价格大战;发价格大战; (5)大多数企业准备在此行业中长)大多数企业准备在此行业中长期经营下去。期经营下去。 5-66Market Follower StrategiesCounterfeiterClonerImitatorAdapter剩者为王剩者为王5-67Market Follower Strategies仿效和低调仿效和低调 合适地保持距离合适地保持距离 追随和创新并举追随和创新并举提防挑战者攻击提防挑战者攻击5-68Competitive Marketing Strategiesfor Market NicherS Se er rv vi ic ce eS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tF Fi ir rmms s t th ha at t S Se er rv ve e S Smma al ll l S Se eg gmme en nt ts s NNo ot t P Pu ur rs su ue ed d b by y OOt th he er r F Fi ir rmms sE En nd d- -U Us se er rS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tC Cu us st to omme er r- -S Si iz ze eS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tQQu ua al li it ty y- -P Pr ri ic ce eS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tG Ge eo og gr ra ap ph hi ic cS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tV Ve er rt ti ic ca al lL Le ev ve el lS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tJ Jo ob b- -s sh ho op pS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tP Pr ro od du uc ct t o or rP Pr ro od du uc ct t L Li in ne eS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tC Ch ha an nn ne el lS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tP Pr ro od du uc ct tF Fe ea at tu ur re eS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st tS Sp pe ec ci if fi ic c- -C Cu us st to omme er rS Sp pe ec ci ia al li is st t5-69Balancing OrientationsCompetitor-CenteredCustomer-CenteredVS.5-70Assignment for This Week 1. Read chapter 8, 9 of the textbook and the student menu of the Marketing Game!;2. Get ready for the case study “Huawei”;3. Work on the STP and competition strategy of the marketing plan/audit;4. Finish quiz 9 by 24:00pm, Nov. 17;5. Finish and submit the 1st decision sheet of the Marketing Game, send the file planA1.tmg to 126 e-mail box by 20:00pm, Nov. 15 (Tuesday) with the subject name “A1-1”.4-71Work on market analysis, and STP and competition strategies;Deadline: Dec. 2Team A1, A2, A3, A4
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