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Lead-in Lead-in Skimming and scanning Skimming and scanning Cultural awarenessCultural awarenessReading across culturesMaking the Desert FlourishLead-inReading across cultures Watch the video. Work in pairs and discuss the question. Do you know of anything about “Turfan Karez System” (吐鲁番坎儿井)?clickLead-inReading across culturesa water management system in desert areastraced back to 103 BC, in Iran and Arab countriesmade of vertical wells, underground channels, surface channels and small reservoirsReading across culturesSkimming and scanningWork in pairs and complete the sentences belowto get a global understanding of the text.1. Life is hard in the Sahara because there is so little water and water is _. 2. Running water beneath the surface of the desert can be used for _ and _ . 3. Black Africans, _and Berbers live in oasis towns. 4. The women work in the fields around _. preciousgrowing plants keeping animals ArabsTimimounMoreReading across culturesSkimming and scanningWork in pairs and complete the sentences below.5. Because water is distributed _ so that a wide range of fruit and vegetables can be grown for local people to eat and sell, especially dates. 6. The people of Timimoun contribute to the economy of Algeria in a _ way.fairly and efficiently sustainableCultural awarenessReading across cultures Dujiangyan (都江堰都江堰) Car Free DayInformation relatedReading across culturesDujiangyan (都江堰都江堰)Work in pairs. Look at the picture and talk about it.clickReading across culturesDujiangyan (都江堰都江堰)an irrigation system designed and built in 256 BCstill in use todaywell-built and only slightly cracked during the 2008 earthquakenot only to prevent flooding from the local rivers, but also to channel excess water to an area where water is needed by a Yuzui (fish mouth) leveeCar Free DayWork in groups and discuss the question:What new examples of caring for the environment can you think of?Reading across culturesclickCar Free DayReading across cultures Car Free Day is September 22 each year. September 22, 1998, the French people in 35 cities on this day voluntarily abandoned car. On this day, as the French city car-free day, also destined to be a far-reaching day. It is a way to reduce pollution by not using carsunnecessarily to prevent climate change by reducing global warming.The practice of conversion of farmland to forests is also an effective way in the long run to reduce desertification and to cope with climate change.MoreCar Free DayReading across culturesGreen China Day (1st April) was launched in 2007 to legalize mass participation in environment protection. On the day, people may plant trees or do other things for the environment.More and more energy-efficient household appliances are invented to save energy and resources, like water, gas, electricity etc.Reading across culturesRains bring relief from China drought Listen and fill in the blanks with words you hear to complete the passage. Mild _ has brought some relief to farmers in Chinas drought-hit areas. More precipitation is expected in the coming days, providing relief from a severe drought that _ vital wheat crops in the country. The capital city Beijing, which had not seen rainfall for over 100 days, enjoyed a _ cold rain on Thursday, as did several of the important grain-growing provinces in the _ and eastern parts of the country hit hardest by the worst drought in decades. In Beijing, authorities have shot thousands of shells and rockets packed with _ chemicals in a bid to spark rain across the region. rainfallthreatenedsteadynortherncloud-seedingMoreReading across culturesRains bring relief from China drought Listen and fill in the blanks with words you hear to complete the passage. Liu Fenghui, a meteorological official in Miyun county, northeast of the _, is in charge of artificial rain generation. Our job is to make the rain fall, or increase the _ volume. We need enough water vapour in the air and plenty of clouds as well. The China Meteorological Administration said further moderate rain was _ across northern and eastern China, with it turning to snow in some areas as temperatures dipped due to a moisture-laden cold front. China previously warned of a severe _ on the nations winter wheat crop if no rain fell over the next two weeks. capitalprecipitationexpectedimpactMoreReading across culturesRains bring relief from China drought Listen and fill in the blanks with words you hear to complete the passage. In some provinces, such as Henan, Anhui, Shandong and Shanxi, authorities have _ the highest-level drought _, the first time the alert had ever been raised so high. declaredemergencyReading across cultures
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