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成才之路成才之路 英语英语路漫漫其修远兮路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索吾将上下而求索外研版外研版 必修必修1 My First Day at Senior DayModule 1.单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格)1v.mentn.enjoy (v.)欣赏_(n.)享受类记agree(v.)同意_( n)同意disappoint(v.)使失望_(n.)失望develop(v.)发展_(n.)发展encourage(v.)鼓励,激励_(n.)鼓励,激励advertise(v.)广告_(n.)广告enjoyment agreementdisappointmentdevelopmentencouragement advertisement 基础知识回顾提升,构建单元知识网络2v.edadj.bore(v.)使厌烦_厌倦的 ,厌烦的类记embarrass(v.)使尴尬_(adj.)尴尬的amaze(v.)使吃惊_(adj.)吃惊的disappoint(v.)使失望_(adj.)失望的move(v.)感动_(adj.)感动的interest(v.)使感兴趣_(v.)感兴趣的boredembarrassedamazeddisappointedmovedinterested3v.ingadj.bore(v.)使厌烦_(adj.)令人讨厌的类记embarrass(v.)使尴尬_(adj.)令人尴尬的amaze(v.)使吃惊_(adj.)令人吃惊的disappoint(v.)使失望_(adj.)令人失望的move(v.)感动_(adj.)令人感动的please(v.)使高兴_(adj.)令人高兴的boringembarrassingamazingdisappointingmovingpleasing4disv.v.(反义词)appear(v.)出现_(v.)消失类记like(v.)喜欢_(v.)不喜欢,厌恶agree(v.)同意_(v.)不同意,争执charge(v.)装载_(v.)卸货place(v.)放置_(v.)转移colour(v.)着色_(v.)(使)变色,褪色disappeardislikedisagreedischargedisplacediscolour5v.tionn.describe(v.)描述_(n.)描述类记act(v.)行动_(n.)动作educate(v.)教育_(n.)教育invent(v.)发明_(n.)发明introduce(v.)介绍_(n.)介绍operate(v.)操作_(n.)操作descriptionactioneducationinventionintroductionoperation.连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子,每空一词)1今天我想向你描述一个关于教育的学术网站。Today I want to _ to you an _ about education.2如果你遇到一些令人困惑的问题,你可以求助于你的助手。If you meet with some _ questions, you can turn to your _.describeacademic websitepuzzlingassistant3在项目开始时,它仅仅包括一点世界大事件的消息。_ the program, it only _ a little _ about the world events.4新的教育系统需要许多热情的老师。The new education _ needs many _ teachers.5新老师改正学生的行为,鼓励他们更加努力地学习。The new teacher _ the students _ and _ them to work harder.At the start ofcoveredinformationsystementhusiasticcorrectsbehaviorencourages.句式点拨1您介意我在这里吸烟吗?(True or False)Would you mind me to smoke here?()Would you mind me smoking here?()思路点拨在Would you mind句型中,可以表达为“Would you mind one (ones) doing sth.?”,但是mind后面不能接to do不定式结构。句式训练你介意我用一会儿您的电脑吗?_2我正盼望着被邀请去舞会。(True or False)I am looking forward to being invited to the ball.()I am looking forward to inviting to the ball.()思路点拨look forward to意为“盼望,期盼”,其中to为介词,后面接名词或动名词,但要注意invite与其逻辑宾语之间是被动关系。句式训练汤姆盼望着被老师表扬。_答案:1. FTWould you mind me(my) using your computer for a while?2TFTom looks/looked forward to being praised by the teacher.词汇串记Dear Li Hua, Hows it going? Its three months since my family moved to Jinan, Shandong Province. Now, Id like to give you a description of my new school.The education system here is the same as ours. Senior High school covers three years. Every school year is divided into two semesters. In other words, students have two big vacations.Students can take the College Entrance Examination after getting a diploma. When students get high enough scores, they can go to college. At the start of thisschool year, I was deeply impressed with its high technology. Every classroom is equipped with a computer, throngh which we can look up the information we need on different websites. At first I didnt know how to use the computer, and I felt very embarrassed. But my new classmates were so enthusiastic that they taught me how to use it. My fear of being lonely disappeared quickly. Im now in Class Eight, Grade One, Jinan No. 1 Senior High school. All my teachers have good attitudes to their work, especially our English teacher, Miss Li. She uses more interesting methods to teach us English than my previous teachers. We never feel bored in her class. Miss Li gives us lots of instructions on how to improve our reading comprehension. Her fluency in English amazes me. When we make mistakes, she makes corrections and gives us encouragement. All of us like her. I often take part in afterschool activities, such as playing football or basketball.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Wang Lin译文:亲爱的李华: 最近好吗?我们家搬到山东省济南市已经有三个月的时间了。现在我想给你描述一下我的新学校。这里的教育制度和我们学校的基本一样。高中包括三年。每一个学年被分为两个学期。换句话说,学生们有两个大假期。在获得高中文凭后,学生可以参加高考。当他们得到足够高的分数时,他们就能上大学了。在本学年初,学校的高科技给我留下了深刻的印象。每个教室都配备了一台电脑,通过它我们可以从不同的网址查阅我们需要的信息。起初,我不知道如何用电脑,感到非常尴尬,但我的新同学很热心,他们教我如何使用。我孤单的恐惧感很快消失了。我现在在济南一中高一八班。我所有的老师都有很好的工作态度,尤其是我的英语老师李老师。她用一种比我以前的老师更有趣的方法教我们学英语。我们在她的课上一点也不感到厌烦。关于如何提高我们的阅读理解能力,李老师给了我们很多的指导。她流利的英语使我感到惊愕。当我们出错时,她给我们纠正的同时也给予我们鼓励。我们都很喜欢她。 我经常参加课外活动,如踢足球、打篮球等。 盼望着能很快收到你的来信。你的,王林科学构建,高效作文朋友之间的电子邮件一、写作指导1确定体裁:电子邮件是信件的一种,属于应用文。2确定主体时态:此类体裁根据具体内容确定时态。例如,向收件人介绍某个地方常用一般现在时态;告诉收件人你的经历等常用一般过去时态。3确定中心人称:电子邮件是信件的一种,其中心人称一般是第一人称。4确定结构:高中英语写作中,电子邮件的称呼、签名等一般都已给出。正文一般采用三段式。第一段问候及引出话题;第二段是写信人要陈述的主要内容;第三段是总结或祝愿。二、常用句式1问候及引出话题:Im writing to.I was so pleased to hear from you.I am very glad to hear/express that.How is everything going?/How time flies!2介绍:All the above are.This/That/The following is.Id like to tell you something about.3结束语:With personal regards,/All the best, /With best wishes,Looking forwards to your reply.I am expecting your reply.三、范例展示题目要求假如你叫李华,是一个刚刚踏入高中的新同学,请你通过在食堂就餐的感受,给校长发一封电子邮件,反映一下食堂服务的情况,然后写出自己的建议。词数:100个左右 要点:1.食堂干净,食物可口,服务态度好; 2.价格高,等候时间长; 3.建议参考词汇:食堂服务canteen service审题谋篇1确定体裁、时态、人称。 (1)体裁:电子邮件形式的建议信 建议信是针对某事向收信人提出建议和忠告的一种文体。建议信要写明写信的原因、建议的内容、提出建议的理由,提出的理由要合情合理,语气一定要和缓。建议信要写得简明扼要、目的明确、具有合理性和说服力。 (2)时态:现在时态 (3)人称:第一人称 2.明确建议信的三步骤: 引出话题;阐述优缺点;提建议。遣词造句1词汇:(食物)可口_价格高 _等候时间 _我认为 _taste deliciousthe high pricewaiting timein my opinion2句式:(一句多译)我想说说我们学校食堂就餐服务的事儿。Id like to _ the canteen service in our school.I want to _the canteen service in our school.然而,还有一些缺点。_ it also has some disadvantages._, there are some disadvantages.say something abouttalk aboutButHowever我认为,我们可以请些学生参与到食堂服务中来。_,we can invite students to take part in the canteen for offering help._ it must be better if we can invite students to take part in the canteen service.In my opinionI think连句成篇Dear Mr. Headmaster,I am a new student of our school. Id like to say something about the canteen service in our school.There are three advantages of canteen service in our school, First, the canteen is very clean. Second, the dishes taste delicious. Third, the attitude of service is good.But it also has some disadvantages, such as the high price of some food, few varieties to choose from, too long waiting time for buying food and so on.In my opinion, we can invite students to take part in the canteen for offering help. We may let the students list the food they like to let the canteen make it. I hope more and more students will like our canteen service.Sincerely yours,Li Hua
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