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1. Do you like watching TV ?2.What kind of TV program do you like ?the news or a quiz show?a drama?a concert ?sportsweather reportCartoon Educational programgalaIf we want to make a TV program or a gala or a film, what do we need?actors cameramandirectorstudiorecording equipmentcostumeslightingsound effectsmusicmake-up artistsmicrophonesA What do you know about? Look at the pictures below. They show four types of television programmes. Match the words in the box with the pictures, and write the answers in the blanks.1 _ 2 _3 _ 4 _ a drama a quiz show a music programme the newsPlease List some of the things needed to make a TV quiz show in your group. contestants a director cameramen studio recording equipment lighting sound effects microphones make-up artists ReadingB 1 Skim the passage on the next page. Then try to answer these questions.B Look and think 1. What type of programme is being made in the television studio?2. Why did Debbie and Angela go there?3. What surprising things happened in the story?A TV quiz show (called Travel Quiz. They went to watch the show. One of the contestants fainted. Angela took part in the quiz and she won the quiz and got the big prizea trip for two to Paris.B 2 Scan the passage quickly and find the answers to these questions. Give short answers.1. How many contestants were there?2. What happened to one of the contestants?There were three contestants.She stood up and then fell forward across her desk. She was fainted.3. How did the director find another contestant?4. Who helped Angela get ready before the show started?5. What was the name of the show?He asked the audience.A make-up artist.Travel Quiz.6. What was the name of the host?7. Who felt calm and relaxed during the quiz?Lester Li.Angela.C Find the meanings1. If you are glad about something, you feel _. a. happy about it b. angry about it c. sad about itC1 Find the italicized words in the passage. Then read the words around them and choose the right meanings.a2. A nervous person feels _. a. happy and relaxed b. sad and angry c. afraid and worried3. If you raise your hand, you move your hand to a _ position. a. lower b. higher c. closercb4. When the audience started clapping _. a. raise their hands b. hit their hands together c. sit quietly5. she could hardly keep still means she could not stay _. a. moving b. talking c. quietbcC2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences below with the words in the box.1. host 2. director3. cameraman4. make-up artistC3 Find the words and phrases in Column A in the passage and match them with the meanings in Column B.1 surprise a a place where you sing, dance or perform a play2 stage b doing better than 3 unprepared c quiet; not worried 4 ahead of d something that happens suddenly 5 calm e not ready to do somethingD1 Read the passage and complete the answers below.1. How do we know Debbie did not want to be a contestant on the show? We know that because _ _.2. How do we know Angela wanted to be a contestant on the show? We know that because _ _.she would fell really nervouswould love to be a contestantshe said thatshe said that sheD Read and think 3.Why did the director choose Angela?He chose her because she _.4.How do we know Angela was excellent?We know that because _. raised her hand she answered the questions easily and was soon ahead of the other two contestants5. How do we know Debbie was not very calm when Angela took part in the quiz show?We know that because _.6. Why did the audience clap after Angela answered the last question?They clapped because _.she was so excited that she could hardly keep stillShe got the last question right and won the big prizeD2 Who or what do the italicized words refer to in the passage? Look back at the passage, and then choose the right answers.1.shining down on them (Paragraph 4) a. Angela and Debbie b. the three contestants2.combed her hair (Paragraph 7) a. the make-up artists b. Angelas3.she could hardly keep still (Paragraph 12) a. Angela b. Debbie1.calm, still, quiet, silent calm adj. (心情心情,湖面等湖面等)平静平静 quiet adj. (没有扰乱、兴奋活动等没有扰乱、兴奋活动等)平静平静 still adj.(静止的(静止的.没有任何动静没有任何动静)平静平静 silent adj.(没有声音没有声音,不出声不出声)平静平静1) Dont keep silent when the teacher asked to answer questions in class.2)The sea is very calm after the storm.3)Linda stood still ahead of the frightening dog.4)Ten years ago, we lived in a quiet village. 5). We must keep quiet in the library. 1) Dont keep _ when asked to answer questions in class.2) It is vital to keep _ in an emergency.3) Linda stood _ ahead of the frightening snake.4) We must keep _ in the hospital. silentcalmstillquiet raise raised/ raised vt. 提高提高 (life or move sth. to a higher level); 饲养饲养 (breed farm animals) rise rose; risen vi. 上升上升;上涨上涨 (go upward to a higher level)1)Raise your hand if you have any question.=Put up your hand if you have any question.2)The sun rises in the east.3)The price of the goods has risen. 2. raise rise1.win vt. won, won 赢得赢得,获胜获胜 (宾语是宾语是-物物: 比赛项目、战斗、奖品、奖金比赛项目、战斗、奖品、奖金) Which team won the basketball match? Who won the first prize? 2. beat vt. beat, beaten 打打, 击败击败 (宾语是宾语是-人人: 某某某某)Their football team beat ours yesterday. 3. win , beat1.hard adj. =difficult 艰苦的艰苦的 adv. =with great effort 努力地努力地 hard work=a difficult job 艰苦的工作艰苦的工作 We work hard at English .2.hardly adv.几乎不几乎不= almost not hardly work 几乎不工作几乎不工作 You hardly know her, do you? Yes. I do 不不, 我认识我认识. No. I dont. 是的是的, 我不认识我不认识. 4. hard hardlykeep vt. kept kept keep +adj.(形容词形容词)keep +sth. +adj. (形容词形容词)keep +doing (分词分词)Keep quiet in the library, please!Keep our classroom tidy and clean, please!Please keep smiling every day! 5. keep6. Suddenly, one of them stood up and then fell forward across her desk. 【译文译文】 突然,其中一个人站起来,然突然,其中一个人站起来,然后她后她 _。 【要点要点】 动词动词fall之后可接之后可接_,如:,如:fall down 落下落下, fall off _, fall over _, fall into _;fall之后之后也可接也可接_,表示某种状态,如:,表示某种状态,如:越过桌子摔下越过桌子摔下介词介词跌落跌落脸朝下跌倒脸朝下跌倒掉进掉进形容词形容词 fall _ 入睡入睡, fall apart 土崩瓦解。土崩瓦解。【拓展拓展】 副词副词forward 意为意为“_”。我。我们学过的相关词组有们学过的相关词组有look forward to sth. _, go (walk, run, swim, jump, rush, fly, etc.) forward 朝前去(走、跑、朝前去(走、跑、游、跳、冲、飞等)。游、跳、冲、飞等)。asleep向前向前期待某事期待某事【运用运用】 When Sam ran _ to the finish, suddenly he _ the line. 当山姆朝终点冲刺时,突然他越过终点线后摔当山姆朝终点冲刺时,突然他越过终点线后摔倒了。倒了。 forwardfell forward across 7. She answered the questions easily and was soon ahead of the other two contestants. 【要点要点】 此句中此句中ahead of = _, 意为意为“比比更好,超越其他人更好,超越其他人”。 better than【拓展拓展】 此外,此外,ahead of也可表示在空间、也可表示在空间、时间上的时间上的“前面前面”、“提前提前”,分别相,分别相当于当于_和和in advance of。 【运用运用】 There are many people _. 我们前面有许多人。我们前面有许多人。 Tom arrived ahead of me. (翻译:翻译:_)in front ofahead of us汤姆比我提前到。汤姆比我提前到。8. While Angela was calm and relaxed, Debbie was so excited that she could hardly keep still! 【译文译文】 安吉拉镇定放松,而黛比因过安吉拉镇定放松,而黛比因过于兴奋而难以平静下来。于兴奋而难以平静下来。 【要点要点】 1) keep still = _,意,意为为“_”。2)hardly = _, 意为意为“_”。keep calm保持镇静保持镇静almost not几乎不几乎不9.while用法小议用法小议a. 做连词用时,做连词用时,while常常表示常常表示“当当时时候,和候,和同时同时”, 相当于相当于when和和as。但。但while强调的是强调的是“过程过程”;when 强调的是强调的是“一种现象、状态和某个瞬间动作一种现象、状态和某个瞬间动作”;as 除强调除强调“动作的进行时动作的进行时”(与与while可等同可等同),还可表示,还可表示“原因原因”。例如:例如:I went to bed early, _ I was very tired. (A. while B. when C. as)Cb. while做连词还可表示转折,意为做连词还可表示转折,意为“但是但是”,“虽然虽然”。例如:。例如: Some people like coffee, while others like tea.(翻译:(翻译:_) While he loves his students, he is very strict with them.(翻译:(翻译:_)c. while作名词时,表示作名词时,表示“一段时间一段时间”。例如:。例如:Wait _ and Ill be back soon. 等一会儿,我马上回来。等一会儿,我马上回来。 有的人喜欢咖啡,而是有的人喜欢茶。有的人喜欢咖啡,而是有的人喜欢茶。尽管他爱他的学生,但是他对他们也非常严格。尽管他爱他的学生,但是他对他们也非常严格。a while1.a television studio2.a TV quiz show3.feel nervous 4.on the stage 5.sit at the desk6.raise ones hand 电视摄影棚电视摄影棚感觉紧张感觉紧张坐在桌子旁坐在桌子旁举手举手在舞台上在舞台上电视知识竞赛电视知识竞赛7.run onto the stage 8.a make-up artist 9.be ahead of / in front of10.a big prize 11.be on TV跑上舞台跑上舞台化妆师化妆师在在前面前面一项大奖一项大奖上电视上电视12.fall forward13.take part in14.be ready to do 15.keep still16.take steps17.keep doing 向前倾倒向前倾倒准备做准备做采取步骤采取步骤一直做一直做保持平静保持平静参加(活动)参加(活动)18. a series of19. switch off20.attend the meeting一系列一系列出席会议出席会议关掉关掉It is time for something.It is time for lunch.It is time for school.It is time for sb. to do something.It is time for us to have class.It is time for us to do homework.It is time to do something.It is time to go to bed.It is time to do morning exercises.Skimming1.Where are Debbie and Angela now ?2. What are they watching at the studio?3.What surprising things happened there? At a studio.A TV quiz show.Angela won the quiz and got the big prize-a trip to Paris.1.Debbie wanted to be a contestant on the show.2.One of the audiences fell forward across her desk.3.The cameraman helped the woman off the stage.4.A make-up artist powdered Debbies face.5.Lester Li , the director ran onto the stage and began the show.6. Angela won the most points .7. The big prize is a trip for one to the lovely city -Paris.FFTFTFFAngelacontestantsAngelahosttwo peoplenameWhat do they do?director dont knowto make the program contestantsdont know audience in charge of the show dont knowphotographa make-up artistdont knowtake part in the quizDebbie and other peoplewatch the showLester Lihostcameramanto make some one look more beautiful There was a TV quiz at a television 摄影棚摄影棚. Debbie and Angela went there to watch it. When they got there, Debbie was a little 紧张紧张 while Angela was quite confident and hoped to be one of the 参赛者参赛者. At that time one of the contestants fell forward and hurt himself, so Angela 举起了举起了 her hand and made her dream came true. During the quiz show Angela was 很棒很棒 though she was 没有准备没有准备. She answered the questions_. Twenty-five minutes later, Angela had the most points. Debbie was so excited that she couldnt keep still. 最后最后, Angela won the big prize-a trip for two to 巴黎巴黎. All the 观众观众 clapped .studionervouscontestantsraisedexcellentunpreparedeasilyFinallyParisaudience1.Why Angela won the quiz? The main reason?2.Will you want to do it as Angela if you meet such a chance? Why and how to manage it ?She is active, confident.She didnt feel nervous.She was calm and relaxed at the quiz show.She knows a lot about Traveling.She is an all-round good student.Yes. Because chances are very precious. Once you meet it, never let it go! It wont come again! Seize it and have a try ! Nothing is impossible! And try to do it as Angela did!Pair work -What kind of TV programme do you like best?-My favorite TV programme is / I likebest.-Why?-Because【题目题目】My favorite TV programPractise writing【思路思路】 1. What TV program do you like best? Why? 2. What do you learn from the program? 3. Whats the relationship between watching TV and studying?【范文范文】 Im a middle school student. Watching TV is my favorite. I watch TV every day. I like TV Quiz Show best. From the program, I have learned a lot of knowledge that I cant learn from my text books. The knowledge is helpful in my studies. Because I want to watch TV, I always do my homework very fast. Watching TV is not only enjoyable, but also useful to me.【模仿秀模仿秀】 My favorite TV program_1.-Our team _the match. Weve got the first place!2. - Well done! Congratulations!A.hit B. beat C. won D. watchedB.2. Im really _ before the quiz.C. - Take it easy. You are the best.D.cool B. serious C. nervous D. patient 3. English is _ too difficult for me. I cant learn it well. - Dont give up. Nothing is difficult.A. seldom B. never C. always D. hardly ever4. Its the first time for Jenny to travel by plane. She looks_ when she is getting on it. A. excited B. relaxed C. afraid D. frightening5. I can_ see the words on the blackboard. Please pass me my glasses, Linda. A. hardly B. really C. clearly6. We will never forget what happened the people in Sichuan on May 12, 2008. A. in B. by C. at D. to7. he is only 8 years old, he knows more about science than his father.8. A. But B. Though C. So D. Because8. Hi, Ann. How can you improve your English so much? - Oh, nothing difficult. The _ you work at it, the_ progress you will make .A.harder, more B. more hardly, moreC. hardlier, greater D. harder, great9. Why were you so nervous during your English speech? - Because I hadnt _ it. A. got ready B. got ready for C. be ready for D. prepare for10. You must keep your eyes_, touch it. A. close B. closed C. closing D. to close1. What did the teacher say just now? The teacher told us to _ our hands before answering the question. A. rise B. note C. raise D. control 单选解析单选解析 解析:解析:rise上升上升; note记录记录; raise举起举起; control控制。控制。 根据题意,选择根据题意,选择C。2. Do you often play basketball on the playground after school? No. I go _ home. A. near B. straight C. nearly D. straightly 单选解析单选解析 解析:解析:go straight home直接回家。直接回家。 选择选择B。3. The exam is coming. I feel very _. Take it easy. A. nervous B. glad C. noisy D. excited单选解析单选解析 解析:解析:nervous紧张的紧张的; glad高兴的高兴的; noisy喧闹的喧闹的; excited兴奋的。兴奋的。 根据题意,选择根据题意,选择A。4. Your grandfather keeps healthy _ he is ninety. Oh, he always has a walk every evening. A. if B. because C. as D. though单选解析单选解析 解析:考查连词的使用。选择解析:考查连词的使用。选择D。5. Oh! Its such a(n) _ that you are here! Well, I just came to see what was going on with you. A. mistake B. surprise C. suggestion D. interest 单选解析单选解析 解析:解析:mistake错误错误; surprise惊奇惊奇; suggestion建议建议; interest兴趣。兴趣。本题选择本题选择B6. _ Jack had no money, he couldnt buy any food. What a poor boy! A. So B. Since C. If D. Although单选解析单选解析 解析:解析:since引导的原因状语从句。引导的原因状语从句。 选择选择B。7. I am _ and worried about the performance. Keep _, dear. Youll do a good job. A. unprepared; calm B. prepared; silent C. unprepared; calmly D. prepared; silently单选解析单选解析 8. Who is the best student in your class? Tom, he is _ the others in any subject. A. in front B. in the front of C. ahead of D. before 单选解析单选解析 解析:解析:ahead of 在在之前,领先。之前,领先。 选择选择C。9. Yesterday a woman asked me _ the train station, but I didnt know, either. Why not ask the policeman? A. how she could arrive B. how she could get to C. how could she arrive D. how could she get to单选解析单选解析 解析:解析:take turns轮流轮流; take steps采取措施采取措施; go over查看查看; turn up发生。发生。 选择选择B。10. Many school attacks have happened recently. So the government must _ to stop them. A. take turns B. take steps C. go over D. turn up单选解析单选解析 11. What a good job she did! Yes, we should give her a(n) _! A. clap B. appreciation C. go over D. turn up单选解析单选解析 解析:解析:give sb a clap为某人鼓掌。为某人鼓掌。 故选择故选择A。12. Could you tell me _? Of course. Its over there. A. where is the post office B. where the post office was C. the post office is where D. where the post office is 单选解析单选解析 解析:考查间接引语。选择解析:考查间接引语。选择D。13. What happened? One of the contestants _. Lets go over and help. A. was fainting B. had fainted C. fainted D. faints单选解析单选解析 解析:解析:faint 晕倒晕倒,晕厥。晕厥。 注意动词时态的使用。注意动词时态的使用。 本题选择本题选择C。14. Would you mind my opening the window? _; please do it. A. I think so B. Not at all C. All right D. Of course单选解析单选解析 解析:习惯用语。选择解析:习惯用语。选择B。15. Tom said to his younger sister, “You may come with me” What did Tom say? He told his younger sister that _ with him. A. you may come B. you might come C. she might go D. she may come单选解析单选解析 Language直接引语与间接引语直接引语与间接引语direct speech & reported speech 1.引导词的使用引导词的使用间接引接引语一点通一点通句子句子类型型连接接词(引引导词)例句例句陈述句述句That(可省略可省略)He often says, “Shijiazhuang is a beautiful city.”He often says (that Shijiazhuang is a beautiful city.一般疑一般疑问句句if/whetherShe says to me, “Does Ken like Chinese food?”She asks me if / whether Ken likes Chinese food.特殊疑特殊疑问句句what/where / when / whichMark said to me, “What is John doing?” Mark asked me what John was doing.2. 语序的变化语序的变化间接引接引语一点通一点通语序序例句例句陈述句述句语序序Dad asked me, “Are you going to listen to me?”Dad asked me if I was going to listen to music.3. 时态的运用时态的运用间接引接引语一点通一点通引述引述动词时态间接引接引语时态例句例句一般一般现在在时 保持不保持不变“What will Tom do in the future?” Ken asks me.Ken asks me what Tom will do in the future.一般一般过去去时过去的相去的相应的某种的某种时态“What will Tom do in the future?” Ken asked me.Ken asked me what Tom would do in the future.温馨提示:如果温馨提示:如果转述的是述的是客客观真理或者科学事真理或者科学事实,则用一般用一般现在在时The teacher said to us, “Shanghai is bigger than Shenzhen.”The teacher told us (that) Shanghai is bigger than Shenzhen.4.人称代词的变化人称代词的变化间接引接引语一点通一点通人称人称变化化例句例句一随主一随主Tom says, “I will buy a new car.” Tom says that he will buy a new car.二随二随宾Judy says to us, “You can sit here.” Judy told us that we could sit here.三不三不变She asked me, “What is he doing?” She asked me what he was doing.【边学边做边学边做】根据直接引语,将间接引语补充根据直接引语,将间接引语补充完整。完整。间接引接引语一点通一点通1. David said, “I will fly to London next week.” David said that _ _.he would fly to Londonthe next week 2. Jay said, “I have been invited to Johns party on Saturday.” Jay said that _ _.3. Mary said, “My mother works in a big company.” Mary said that _ _.间接引接引语一点通一点通he had been invited toher mother worked inJohns party on Saturday a big company 4. Bill said, “I cant go to the party because I am badly ill.” Bill said that _ _.5. Jane said, “I have to stay at home for the weekend. Jane said that _ _.间接引接引语一点通一点通he couldnt go to the partyshe had to stay at homebecause he was badly ill for the weekend
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