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UNIT 2Turandot in Beijing READ THE PASSAGE QUICKLY AND ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS. 1. What is Turandot? 2. Who wrote Turandot?3. Was the performance (演演出出)indoors or outdoors? What is Turandot? Turandot is an opera that tells the story of a cold hearted Chinese princess, named Turandot, who lives in the Forbidden City. To avoid marriage, she says that any potential husband must answer three riddles correctly or die. Who wrote Turandot? Giacomo Puccini wrote the opera. The final scene was completed by Franco Alfano, one of his students, based on Puccinis notes after he died.Was the performance (演出演出)indoors or outdoors? Outdoors.READ THE REVIEW AGAIN TO FIND THE BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF THE OPERA. Main characters of the story: Settings: Plot: Director: Conductor: Actors and actresses: Main characters of the story: Turandot-a Chinese princess Calaf - a prince Liu- calafs fathers slaveSettings: Beijings Forbidden City Director: Zhang Yimou. Conductor: Zubin Mehta, an internationally famous conductor born in India. Plot: The story takes on the classic love triangle of the three main characters Turandot, Calaf and Liu. Liu loves Calaf, but Calaf has fallen in love with Turandot. Because Turandot does not want to get married, she declares that anyone who wants to marry her must answer her three questions. If the one can not answer the questions, he will be killed. Actors and actresses: Sharon Sweet- Turandot Barbara Hendricks- Liu Kristjan Johannsson - Calaf Other singers and musicians from abroad and china READ CAREFULLY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONSWhat kind of person is Turandot?What happened to the prince who could not answer the princesss riddles?Why does the writer think that the Forbidden City is a good setting for Turandot?What has Turandots father promised her?What does Calaf say will happen if Turandot can guess his name by sunrise?How many times will Turandot be staged in the Forbidden City?Who took part in this performance of Turandot?What were the key ingredients for the production of this opera?What kind of person is Turandot?She is cold-heated.What happened to the prince who could not answer the princesss riddles?He was killed.Why does the writer think that the Forbidden City is a good setting for Turandot?Because she felt that she can feel the history.What has Turandots father promised her?He promised to allow Turandot to choose her own husband.What does Calaf say will happen if Turandot can guess his name by sunrise?She does not have to marry him.How many times will Turandot be staged in the Forbidden City?Eight.Who took part in this performance of Turandot?Turandot was played by Sharon SweetLiu was played by Barbara HendricksCalaf was sung by Kristjan JohannssonWhat were the key ingredients for the production of this opera?The bringing together of the group of people from many countries, the music and setting. Language points of this passageLast night, I witness the first of only eight performances of Giacomo Puccinis world -famous opera, Turando, being performed in the Forbidden City in Beijing, China.Witness v. meaning “ to see with ones own eyes”. We can all witness this amazing scientific development. Did you really witness the car accident that happened near our school.witness n. meaning “ a person who sees with his/ her own eyes what has happened”.My father was asked to act as a witness to the agreement between my two uncles.The witness is a nine-line-year-old boy.It starred some of the worlds greatest opera singers. Many great Chinese musicians, actors and singers were also cast.Here star is a vt. with the meaning “由由担任主角,由担任主角,由主演主演”eg. My favourite film stars Marilyn Monroe.The director wanted to star Michael Caine in his new film.Cast vt. meaning “choose actors to play parts in (a play, film, ect.)挑挑选演演员扮演某角色。扮演某角色。eg. He has cast her as a lawyer in his new film.He was cast as Othello.= He was cast in the role of Othello.The director decided not to cast his new film with famous actors.He liked East Asia very much and also wrote, Madam Butterfly, which is set in Japan.be set in 以以为背景背景 The film was set in World War I .Which is set in Japan 是引是引导的非限制性定的非限制性定语从句修从句修饰先行先行词madam Butterfly, which 不能省略。不能省略。Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden City there could not be a better setting!There could not be a better setting!没有更好的背景了!没有更好的背景了!(1)can/could not be +比比较级名名词“没有没有更更”意思是意思是“最好最好”。否定。否定词与形容与形容词的比的比较级连用表达用表达最高最高级的含的含义。He can not be a better man! 他不可能是更好的人了他不可能是更好的人了(他是最好的人(他是最好的人.)Your story is perfect; Ive never heard _ before.A. the better one B. a better one C. the best one D. a good one.(2)setting n. 环境,背景境,背景 The castle stands in a picturesque setting surrounded by hills.Then , in a moving solo performance, a young slave of Calafs father, Liu ,expressed her love for Calaf.(1) in a moving solo performance 在一在一场令人感令人感动的的单人表演中人表演中 moving 令人感令人感动的的This is a moving story.He was moved by the moving story.(2) express ones love for sb. 表达表达对的的爱慕之情慕之情The students expressed their love for their motherland. The story then takes on a classic love triangle featuring Calaf, Turandot,and Liu, whose love for Calaf, is unconditional. take on meaning “ to have a characteristic or appearance of”. With this meaning, the phrase cannot be used in the passive voice. In the play, my friend Liu Yong takes on the form of an old king.The temples take on a golden colour when the sun sinks in the west. Great changes have taken place in the past few years, and now the city has taken on a completely new look. Take on has some other different meanings: The company is going to take on some new workers. (to employ or hire) She is not in good health these days, and cannot take on more work. (to do work or accept responsibility)She even dares to try and exercise control over her father, the emperor of china, who has promised to allow her to choose her own husband.Here exercise is used as a verb with the meaning “ to use ones power ,right or influence”(运用运用权力和影响力和影响)The young employer simply does not know how to exercise his power over his employees.Since you are a citizen of our country, you should exercise your right to vote.(2) a classic love triangle 经典的典的三角恋三角恋爱(3) featuring Calaf,Tuandot,and Liu 由卡拉夫,由卡拉夫,图兰朵和柳儿主演和柳儿主演的,的,现在分在分词短短语作定作定语修修饰a classic love triangle ,表主表主动关系。关系。Let us see the film featuring Liu Xiaoqing.The emperor finds the deaths of so many men disturbing, and although he would like to, he can not break his promise.(1) find sth. disturbing 感到令人烦恼I found their quarrel disturbing.(2)although he would like to 是一个省略句,意思是although he would like to (prevent the death of so many men).Although I would like to (go there ), I have no time.(3)break ones promise “食言”.Turandot is desperate to learn his name and threatens and terrifies Liu because she knows his name.The phrase be desperate to do something in this sentence means “to be eager or in great need to do something”. We can also use the phrase be desperate for something.The old man was desperate to see his son, who had left home to study abroad.They are desperate to make money, though they are not that poor.The boy is desperate for a new pair of football shoes.desperate can also be used with the meaning “不顾一切的,亡命的,情急拼命的”.The desperate thief shot at the police.make desperate efforts to do something 拼命的努力去做某事Then Calaf says his own name aloud, leaving his future in Turandots hands.The verb leave can be followed by an object and an object complement, which means “to let somebody do something or be in a state” or “ to let something be in a state”.My grandma is over 80 years old, so we do not want to leave her alone at home.The poor farmer died, leaving his wife and three children in poorer conditions.When the couple went on holiday, they left their dog in the care of a friend.(2)leave sth. in ones hands 把某物交给某人。The lady loves his husband very much, leaving all she has in his hands.分词短语做结果状语,表示必然的结果。动词不定式作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。The fish can eat a person in five minutes, leaving only bones.We went to the station, only to find that the train had gone.The opera finishes with a beautifully-sung final duet, which was so moving that the audience fell silent.finish with 以而结束(end with)The party finished with a speech.a beautifully-sung final duet 一首优美的终曲二重唱which 引导的定语从句,修饰名词“duet”.fall silent陷入沉默the audience 做主语时既可以用第三人称单数形式,也可以用第三人称复数形式,如:The audience is/ are quite moved by their performance. Unfortunately, Puccini died before he completed this final scene, but he left notes for the final duet, which was completed by one of his former students, Franco Alfano.final scene 终场,最后一,最后一场。leave notes for sth. 留下留下的注的注释former 以前的,其反以前的,其反义词是:是:latter 以后的。以后的。The production combined the very best of the Western and Chinese talents in music, staging and directing.(1 )combine the best of 将进行最佳结合。If you want to do well in study, you should combine the best of your energy and time.(2) talents in sth. 在某方面的人才。We need talents in planning and designing.However, in this wonderful production, it has been transformed into the location for a beautiful and heartbreaking love story.The word transform means “to make a complete change of the appearance or character of”.使改变(外观,性质,机能等)常用结构“transform + n.+ into/ to+ n.”Plenty of rain might transform the area from a desert into a place full of plants.In only twenty years, what was once a small fishing village has been transformed into a modern city with a population of a million.It is said that the old railway station built about 100 years ago will soon be transformed into a railway museum.OF THE READING PART请根据括号内的提示翻译下列句子。昨天我们看了一部由卓别林主演的电影。(star) Yesterday we saw a film starring Charlie Chaplin. 导演选派我扮演科学家。(cast)The director cast me as a scientist. 约翰对她一见钟情。(fall in love) John fell in love with her at first sight. 丽莎同一位医生莎同一位医生结了婚。了婚。(marry) Lisa married a doctor.她的她的脸上露出激上露出激动的神情。的神情。(take on)Her face took on an excited expression.他沉醉在成功当中。他沉醉在成功当中。(be drunk with)He is drunk with success.他掌控了他爸爸的公司。他掌控了他爸爸的公司。(exercise control over) He exercised control over his fathers company.他答他答应给我我这本本书。(promise)He promised me the book.我不允我不允许发生生这样的事。的事。(allow)I cant allow such a thing.他威他威胁着要着要见警察。警察。(threaten)He threatened to call the police.这件事现在正由我的律师处理。(in the hands of )The matter is now in the hands of my lawyer.他的话不是针对你的。(be directed at)His remarks were not directed at you.不要把窗户开着。(leave)Dont leave the window open.任何严刑拷打都不能使他开口。(torture)No torture would make him speak.
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